Beneath it all [h.s]

By ttpwkaliciaa

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when they're together there are like fire and gasoline. airlee Ferguson is the gasoline, the gorgeous thing e... More



103 4 0
By ttpwkaliciaa

"Gather matters of the heart
So we can act a fool
It's incomplete without you"


hey, I've missed you! so I've got a happy chapter for you all!!



I am so in love with him, more than he would ever know. I'm in love with everything about him. I'm in love with the way he smiles, the way he talks, his voice, his face, the way he holds me, the way he makes me feel, the emotions he makes me feel, and oh; his beautiful eyes. I could look into his beautiful green eyes all day and never get tired of them.

It's Sunday afternoon and we've been at Harry's all weekend, tomorrow work starts again. I'm dreading the fact that I have to go hurt another person tomorrow, the misconception everyone always has about me is; because I am good at my job they automatically think I enjoy hurting people and seeing them suffer. It's quite the opposite actually.

I've never enjoyed hurting people, I've always considered myself a kind person whether or not people agree with that or not. I was never the mean girl in school, I was the shy girl who liked to stay cooped up in her room, the girl secretly liked to read, the girl who never talked unless she was talked to. I've changed a lot though.

I used to be scared of people, especially men; but now I just see through the act they all play. I've always said a woman is more powerful than any man, they just have to find the right way to use that power. Power isn't about being in control of people, power is about standing up for the people who have no voice, holding your head high in front of people and don't believe in you and power is ultimately about giving everyone a fair go.

I wonder if people think I'm kind? I try to be kind, although my job is kind of hard to be nice. I mean I kill people for a living. But hey, at least I'm kind in their last moments, unlike harry. He chooses to make peoples last moments a living hell. I wonder if I could convince him to be kinder to them?



She is so beautiful, she looks so peaceful as she sits on my balcony with a book on her lap. I know she is not at peace though. I can see the wheels turning in her head, I've never met a woman that thinks as much as her. It's a blessing and curse for her.

Airlee is so warm, she radiates kindness and joy. She smiles at everyone she meets whether she knows them or not, she doesn't realise but that smile of hers makes peoples day. She never judges people even if they deserve to be judged. 

Oh, and to be as smart as her. Her past has made her smart, the things she went through made her think fast and act straight away. Before she dropped out of high school she carried a 4.7 GPA average. My favourite thing is she uses extensive vocabulary in her sentences and smiles at herself while doing it.

The sight in front of me is beautiful, the sun is starting to set behind airlee as she sits in her white singlet and underwear on my new york apartment style balcony. Her long brown hair blows in the wind as she looks out towards the busy street. 

Finally, I broke the silence, "What are you thinking about?" her head turned towards me, and a small smile crept upon her face. The face blushed as I start to move across the room towards her. Slowly I sit on the windowsill that leads out onto the balcony.

"Do you think I'm kind because I think I'm kind but other people probably look at me and don't think I'm kind?" she asked looking confused as a small laugh escaped my throat. The kindest soul i've ever met is asking me if I think she is a nice person, the irony.

I let out another small laugh, "Airlee, you bring smiles to everyone faces. The smile you give everyone as you walk past them is like magic, it brightens everyone's day and makes them smile as well, you just never notice it." She smiled and turned her head back to the street, "Do you really believe you aren't a kind person?"

"I want to move to France, I want to have a huge bookshelf filled with all the books ever read. I want to have music playing 24/7. I want to have a window that opens up onto an unsafe balcony, just like this one, so I can write my stories and read my books on it." she said changing the topic. 

Still, with her head turned away from me, I don't want to push her, "What music would you have playing" I said in mists to know more about her. Someone's music tastes says so much about them. Her head spins around towards me with a bright smile like she was a child and I was taking her into a candy shop.

'Hmm, it's a hard one but I'd definitely have some Lana del Rey, Beach House, Fleetwood Mac and Taylor Swift playing and then on occasion, depending on my mood, maybe some 70's and 80's music." She answered with such happiness. I loved listening to her soft voice talk, it was better than any music.

Slowly I stood up and extended my hand to her to climb back inside, I had an idea and I only hope it wouldn't backfire. I quickly pulled my phone out and connected it to the speakers in the dining room. I put on 'silver soul' by beach house as she said she liked them. 

I pushed the dining room table to the side so we had room and grabbed her hand as the intro started to play. "Please don't run away this time" I whisper. I loud laugh escaped her lips as last time we danced she had a breakdown and ran out of my old apartment.

"I promise I will not" she whispered back to me, slowly I raised both of our hands high up and spun her around, her infectious laugh sprawled through the dining room as I pulled her back into me, memories of last time came rushing into my mind.

Lifting her hand upwards bring mine along with hers, she spun herself around using my arm to guide her. Her laugh echoed through the lounge room as she fell back into me, god she was gorgeous.

Her lips opened first singing, "They're moving in the dark," I smiled at her as she sang to me. I opened my lips next  "It is so quick to let us in" I sang, it felt like this song was made for us in this moment. "We feel it moving through our skin, It's a sickness, infinite quickness, yeah" both of us sang at the same time singing the lyrics to each other.

"This is our song, Harry." she smiled and I couldn't agree more.


AHH!! love this chapter wholeheartedly <3 

pls, make sure to comment and pretty please VOTE!!!

this is a visual of airlee sitting on harry's balcony;

I love you all, stay safe and stay humble <3

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