Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

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Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 11

91 4 1
By DakotaNee

It's been a month, It is December 11, the day mine and Tony's parents died. It's 3 in the morning, I couldn't fall asleep, and I knew Tony would be up too. "Jarvis where is Tony?"

He is in the lab.

I thank him and head down to the lab. When I walk in he doesn't have to look up to know it is me. "Couldn't sleep either?" "How could I?" I say walking over, he was in his chair looking at his desk thinking. "8 years now." He nods and looks at me finally, he holds out his arms so I climb into his lap and curl up to his chest.

"Wanna visit their grave?" He nods, "We will have to go on the jet." "I know. We will leave at 9." He nods. "How come whenever I go over there I don't see you? Before we were together again?" "I didn't have the money number one and number 2 my family wouldn't let me." I look at him, "My adopted family." He nods wrapping his arms tighter around my waist.

I let silent tears fall down my face. I could feel his tears falling on my head. We stayed like this until we fell asleep. When we woke up it was 7:30. We got ready to leave so I threw on some skinny jeans with a long sleeved black shirt with a sweater over it. I put on some combat boots and curled my hair. I was wearing all black, my makeup was a natural look.

When I was done I grabbed my phone and purse then walked out. I went to the kitchen and got something small, Tony was there drinking some coffee. We sat down for a while until we both got on the jet after we were done. Tony drove the jet in silence until he put it on auto piolet. "We have an hour." I nod. I text in the group chat that me and Tony left for a day.

"So do we have someplace to stay?" "I booked a nice hotel." I nod, "My house is in the process of being built." I nod and lay back. "Why don't you get some sleep?" He asks, I shake my head. He comes over to me and picks me up, putting me on a bed in one of the rooms. "Sleep." "Only if you sleep with me." He sighs and gets in the bed with me. "Jarvis make sure this jet stays on point."

Yes sir.

Tony lays down and covers up, I close my eyes and fall asleep. When I wake up it was Tony shaking me. "C'mon we just landed." We got off the jet and went in the airport. Bodyguards surrounded us as reporters and fans tried to get to us, well Tony. He put an arm around my shoulder, "Ignore them." "It's kind of hard." I say back.

I stopped as I heard someone yell, "IS THIS THE LONG LOST TALIA STARK?!!??!" Tony froze in his place next to me. I looked at him. He went over to the reporter with me behind him, "Yes this is my sister, she isn't used to this yet so go away please." He spins around and wraps his arm around my shoulders again. I give Tony a look and he kisses my forehead. We get into the limo and the driver drives us to our hotel.

"We forgot to pack a bag." "I didn't, I threw in some clothes for you." "Thanks." He smiles at me as the limo stops. We get out and there are more reporters now. "ARE YOU HERE TO VIST YOUR PARENT'S GRAVES? IT HAS BEEN 7 YEARS!!" One yelled. I stopped again and went over to the person, "It's been 8, and how is that any of your business?" My voice broke, and I felt hands on my shoulders. "It's not worth it." "Yes it is." He grabs my hand and walks us inside. We get our keys and head to our penthouse we were staying at.

I sat on the couch, Tony joined me. "When do you want to go?" "Now." He nods and grabs a basket. We head out the back avoiding the press and head to the cemetery. When we get there we go to their graves. I uncover them from the moss and wipe It off. "Hey mom and dad. I'm finally here. Sorry I couldn't come any sooner, me and Tony got separated and I went into an orphanage. They wouldn't let me come here." I say.

Tony crouches down besides me. "I found her mom, dad. We are together now and no one will come between us again." He said to them, tears fell down my face as I fell on my butt. I sobbed into Tony has he held me. We stayed for a while, I told them everything that has happened up until now. Tony brought some food so we ate in silence. It was near dark out when we left. "See you both next year mom and dad, we love you both." I say before we turn to leave.

We head back to the penthouse. Tony gets a bottle of whiskey and starts drinking it. "Tony, that isn't the best idea. Please." I begged as he took huge gulps. "Please Tony, I need you sober please." I begged as I cried, "Please Tony." I looked at him as I fell to the ground crying. I hear him set it down and come over, enveloping me in a hug. "I'm sorry I'm not used to having you with me on their death anniversary." I shake my head as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm here Tony and I am not leaving you." He nods as I feel him shake from under me. I then hear him sobbing. I hold him tighter, eventually we stop but not until the early morning do we go to sleep, even then not getting some sleep. When I do wake up it is noon. I walk out of my room and see Tony already up drinking coffee.

I went over, he slid a cup my way, I drank it slowly as we watched the news about us. How we were here to visit our mothers grave and everyone gets to know my name, lot's of questions went around on who I was but now it was all cleared up, I was back, the long lost sister of Tony Stark. Huge story! I roll my eyes at my thoughts. "Biggest story ever." I say sarcastically. He chuckles. "Sorry about last night." "It's ok Tony. Come on so we can head back to New York." He nods, I get up and take a shower getting dressed in some black skinny jeans with a dark navy blue shirt and a denim jacket over it.

I put on my converse then brushed my hair and left it down. I walked out with my stuff to see Tony dressed and ready on the couch. "I gotta say you have some style." He looks back and chuckles. We get up and walk out. We get in the limo and to the airport, passed the press and on the jet. Tony sets the jet to go home then he joins me in the back. "What are you going to do when we get home?" "Probably train." He nods.

The times goes slowly until we arrive at the Tower. We get out, I head to my room and change into training clothes. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and head down to the training room. There I see Clint, Nat and Steve. They hear me walk in and smile. They all jog over, Steve arrived first and hugged me then Nat and Clint. "Saw the news yet?" "Yeah." Nat said, I hum and walk over to the punching bag bandaging up my hands and started.

I did a little bit of everything. I trained with everyone and practiced on everything. I was getting good on controlling my powers better. Steve helped me a lot, we've been getting closer and closer every day. We have become best friends and I think I might like him more then a friend. I've been thinking about my feelings for him for a while. I've watched how he acts around everyone, he seems closer to me then anyone but he's been with them for quiet some time.

I've been trying not to get my hopes up but it's been hard. He only sees me as a best friend, a sister at best. I've told him most of my secrets then the others, besides Tony. Every little thing he does like opening a door for me, it makes me blush, I try and control them but sometimes it's hard. And when I wake up with nightmares and wake him up also doesn't help my feelings at all when he stays with me until I fall asleep, sometimes he falls asleep to.

I come out of my head to someone calling my name. I look and see Steve crouched in front of me. "Are you ok?" I nod with a little blush, "Yeah I'm tired." He nods. "Have you gotten anyone Christmas presents yet?" I nod, "What did you get me?" He asks, "No telling." He chuckles, "Who does the decorations?" "We all do, we are a little behind though. Why don't we ask the others?" I nod with a smile. We head to the boxing ring where Clint and Nat were. "Hey wanna decorate the house?" I ask, they both stop, "YES!" I laugh and we all run to the elevator.

"Jarvis ask the others if they want to decorate the house."

Right on it Ms. Talia.

We get up to the living room and see boxes already there. Tony was there wearing a Christmas Santa hat. I laugh at him and run over stealing it from him. "Ok let's get this done!" Tony yelled. We all cheered and blared music, Clint and Natasha went to get the tree. They came back with a huge tree 10 feet tall.

We sat it up and got it ready. We then put some garland on, when it got to the top Steve put me on his shoulders making me squeal. Natasha got on Clint's shoulders and we decorated the top half. "Ok who is putting on the star?" Thor asked, "I vote Talia since it's her first year." Bruce said, everyone agreed so Tony passed the star to Steve who gave It to me. I was having trouble putting it on.

"I am like 3 inches away and I can't get it." I say. "Here grab my hands." Steve said. I did as he said, "Now stand up." "What?!" "Trust me." I stood up and he grabbed the back of my legs. I smiled and put on the star. "Say Cheese!!!" I heard Tony yell. "CHEESE!!!!" Me and Steve said. He snapped the picture with a smile. "How do I get down?" I asked, Steve puts his hands up, I grabbed then and he lowered me down and then wrapped his arms around my waist setting me down.

I stepped back and smiled at it. "It looks awesome!" The whole tower was decorated now. It looked great, I cooked dinner with Steve then we watched a movie. Around 1 in the morning we all went to bed. Before I knew it, it was Christmas morning. It was 7 in the morning. "Merry Christmas Jarvis. Is anyone up?"

No Ms. Talia. And Merry Christmas to you.

I walked out dressed in my Christmas pajamas and went to the kitchen cooking a huge breakfast. Around 9 the food was done and everyone was up. We all ate and talked then we went to the living room and sat on the couch. Tony was handing out presents from everyone. There was to many to say but I got new combat boots from Natasha, my very own bow and arrow from Clint, a whole box of pop tarts from Thor, A locket necklace from Tony that had a picture of us and our parents. Steve got me a charm bracelet with his shield on it along with a bow to represent Clint, a mini hulk to represent Bruce, a gun to represent Natasha, Thor's hammer to represent him and a mini iron man suit to represent Tony.

"Wow it's beautiful." I got Bruce some more things for the lab, Nat a new pistol and gun holster, Thor a huge thing of pop tarts, Clint a new bow and arrow, Tony got new sunglasses and an Iron Man hoodie. Steve got the movie he has been looking for. Christmas in Connecticut. "No way! You found it?" I nod with a smile. He hugs me tightly which makes me laugh. "We can watch it later?" He nods with a huge smile.

The rest of the day we watch Christmas movies until everyone went to bed. Me and Steve went to my room and he put the movie in. It was in black and white but non the less it was a great movie. "So?" He asks with a huge smile, "Awesome movie I see why you like it." He nods looking at me with a huge smile.

It makes my stomach have butterflies as he stares into my eyes. My eyes look at his lips for a second until I look back at Steve. He was looking at my lips now. His eyes looked back up into mine. I felt the urge to kiss him the longer I stared into his eyes. He slowly leaned in looking me in the eyes the whole time. His head dipped down barely a centimeter apart.

"Its ok Steve." I barely whisper. That's all he needed. His hand went to the back of my head as his lips connected with mine. My arms wrapped around his neck as he deepened the kiss pressing harder, making me fall back onto the bed. He hovers over me, our bodies pressed against each other's. I arch my back as his hand travels down my arm, to my waist down my thigh and to the back of my knee as he lifts it so my leg was on his torso. He did the same thing to my other one.

He pulled away and we opened our eyes. We were breathing heavily as we looked into each other's eyes. "What now?" I ask with a small smile. He chuckled and pecks my lips, Rollin off of me. "Will you go on a date with me?" "I'd love to." He smiles at me. "Do you want to go to sleep?" I nod, he covers us up, I cuddle up next to him and fall asleep.

When I wake up Steve was gone. I frown and get up, I take a shower and change into some leggings and a shirt, I put on some shoes and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I walk out and see everyone in the kitchen. Steve was cooking, "Morning." I say I grab a plate of food from Steve. "Thanks." He smiles at me, I sit at the table and start eating. Steve joins us as we all eat and talk.

"It is Natasha and Talia's turn to do the dishes." Tony said. I sigh and we get up, heading to the sink. "I wash and rinse you dry and put away?" I ask, "Sure." We get into it as we talk when we were done I sat on the counter with her next to me. "I have to tell you something." She hums and looks at me. "Me and Steve kinda made out yesterday and he asked me out and I said yes." She looks at me for a second then squeals hugging me.

"Really?!" I nod with a smile on my face. "Oh my god!" She hugs me tightly as I laugh at her. We get off of the counter, I head to the training room and throw punches and kicks at the punching bag. "Your getting pretty good." I hear behind me, I look and see Clint. I smile at him, "Thanks." He smiles. He holds up my bow he got me, "Wanna try it out?" "Sure." I go over and take it from him.

I train for a while until Nat runs in and grabs my hand. "Thanks Clint bye!" Nat said and runs me out of the training room, in the elevator then in my room. "Ok Steve told me how to help you get dressed." She looks through my closet throwing things on my bed. She then hands me a bundle of clothes and rushes me into the bathroom.

I dress in a pink sweater with some black leather pants with brown heeled combat boots. I tucked the front of my sweater in and took my hair out, curling it then brushing it out making beach waves. I then did casual makeup with some natural colors.

I walked out with a smile in my face. "Perfect!" She said I laughed she grabbed a bag and stuffs my phone in it. I walked to the elevators and saw Steve in some jeans with a blue shirt with a long sleeved jacket on and some sneakers.

He grabbed my hand and we went in the elevators and down to the garage. He opened the truck door for me and got in himself. "Where are we going?" "That's a surprise." I huff as he starts driving. He drives out of the city and onto a dirt road. "Put this on." He says giving me a blind fold. I gave him a look, "Please?" "Fine." I put it on and in a few minutes I feel the car stop.

Then I hear him getting out of the car and grabbing something in the back. Then my door opens. He grabs my hand and helps me out. He wraps and arm around my waist as we walk for a few minutes. "Ok. Take it off." I could hear the smile in his voice. I took the blind fold off and gasped as I saw the view of the city and the sun setting. He laid a blanket out and helps me sit down.

"It's beautiful." I say looking at Steve. "Yes it is." I look at him and see he was already looking at me. I blush as I look out to the sky again. We watch as it sets and the stars come out. We lay down on the blanket with one over us to keep us warm. I was plenty warm with his huge body and body heat. Once it was dark you could see the stars better. "Oh look a shooting star." I point to it, "Better make a wish." Be says to me.
I wish to have a happy life with the Avengers, and especially Tony and Steve.

"Done." I say, "Me to." "So did you have any friends in the 1940's?" I look at him, "Yeah his name was Bucky Barnes. He was a woman's man. Before I took that super serum I was this small, tiny weak little person with a lot of health issues, but all my life I have wanted to join in on the war. Bucky understood that and helped me join. We were best friends since grade school." I nod with a smile.

"What happened to him?" "He fell off a plane as we were fighting some Hydra base." "I'm sorry Steve." He shakes his head with a small smile. "Past is the past." I just nod as I lay my head back down on his chest. "Hey Talia?" I look at him and hum, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile, "I'd love to Steve." He smiles at me and kisses me. We went back home not to long later. We were at my door, I turned around and looked at him, "Goodnight Steve sleep well." "You too Talia." He kissed me softly making my heart jump, and backs away.

He goes to his room and I go into mine. I turn on the light and turn around with a huge smile. I jump back when I see Nat on my bed with a smirk. "God!" I shout I slid down the door trying to slow my heart. Nat just laughed and came over helping me up. "What are you doing in my room?" "I had Jarvis inform me the second you came in the garage. Clint is in Steve's. So details woman!" She grabs my hands and pulls me to the bed.

I laugh as I tell her everything, where we went, what we did, the sunset, the shooting stars, everything. "Wow it sounds amazing." "It was. It really was." She smiles and hugs me tightly. "Ok well it's late that's the only reason why I am still up." I chuckle as she leaves. "Hey Jarvis where is Tony?"

In the lab Ms. Talia.

"Thank you Jarvis."

I walk out of my room and down to the lab. I went over to Tony who was doing something. "Where have you been?" He asks not looking at me. "I'll tell you if you stop building yourself another suit." He looks at me again. "How did you know?" I shrug. "Ok I'm listening." "No your not." I grab his hand and walk in the elevator. We go up to the kitchen and I make ourselves some tea. "I don't like tea." "You haven't even tried it yet." He glares at me and takes a sip.

"I don't like it." I give him a glare. "Yeah I like it." I nod "So where have you been for the past 4 hours?" "With Steve, out on a date." I say getting lower and lower. I look at him as he stares at me. Then he gets up, I get up and grab his hand. "Tony please stop." He glares at me, "I'm not a little girl any more Tony. I can go out on a date. Steve is nice, he's a good man and treats every woman as a queen, you know that." I look him in the eyes as he glares into mine. "I know you want to be the big brother but you've known him longer then me, be realistic you can be the big brother when he disrespects a woman, which will be never."

He looks at me, "You know it is complicated to have a relationship on our job. Your not even an Avenger yet. Fury is going to be pissed and will want to talk to you and him when you finally become one." I nod, "I know." "Who else knows?" "Nat and Clint. But that's only because I almost had a heart attack when I turned my light on and saw her on my bed waiting for me." He chuckles. "Your lucky I'm not beating the shit out of him." "I know but you can't resist your amazing little sister." He chuckled and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm gonna kill him if he hurts you." "He's not going to." "I don't mean physically. I mean verbally and mentally." "I know." I pull away. "I'm tired goodnight Tony. Love you." "Good night love you too." I walk to the elevators and up to my floor. I go in my room and change into a baggy t shirt and sleeping shorts.

I lay down and soon I am fast asleep.

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