Sunrise (Todoroki x Reader)

By storytimewithleo

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After an unexpected opportunity, y/n begins her exciting new life in the prestigious hero course at U.A High... More

Chapter 1 - Sunrise
Chapter 2 - Chance
Chapter 3 - New Beginnings
Chapter 4 - Hero Training
Chapter 5 - One on One
Chapter 6 - Dorms
Chapter 7 - Elevator
Chapter 8 - A Question
Chapter 9 - Freshly Baked
Chapter 10 - Sleepover
Chapter 11 - A Stroll
Chapter 12 - Invitation
Chapter 13 - Combat
Chapter 14 - A Strange Sickness
Chapter 15 - Plan
Chapter 16 - Core
Chapter 17 - Wait For Me
Chapter 18 - Heartstrings
Chapter 19 - Sparks
Chapter 20 - Suspicious
Chapter 21 - Assumptions
Chapter 22 - Apologies
Chapter 23 - Premonition
Chapter 24 - Snug
Chapter 25 - Sunday
Chapter 26 - Preparations
Chapter 27 - Sports Festival
Chapter 28 - Showdown
Chapter 30 - An Ugly Truth
Chapter 31 - Mission
Chapter 32 - Confrontation
Chapter 33 - The Fight
Chapter 34 - Family
Thank You!

Chapter 29 - Bombshell

172 2 57
By storytimewithleo

"Did you get a slice yet? What about Todoroki? Did he get one too?" Uraraka asked y/n, holding a plate with a cake slice. 

"Oh! No, not yet." y/n replied to all three questions, shaking her head. Uraraka gasped and promptly grabbed another plate from the busy kitchen counter. She floated them over to y/n's hands.

"Then here you go!" the brown-haired girl cheered. 

"Aww, thank you!" y/n grinned. "And thank you, Sato!" she called out to the tall boy cutting up cake in the corner, who grinned and gave her a thumbs up. He'd made a big celebration cake for the Sports Festival after-gathering in the 1-A dorm. The rest of y/n's classmates were gathered around the kitchen and living space on the common floor, chattering excitedly about today's events and feasting on cake and snacks.

She walked over to Todoroki, who sat on one of the couches. He got up from his seat when he saw her and made his way over. 

"Hey, sunshine." he greeted calmly.

"Hey~" y/n greeted back, giving him a peck on the cheek. She offered a plate out to him theatrically. "For you, Mr. Silver Medal." He rolled his eyes slightly but chuckled.

"Thanks." he said. 

They walked over to the sofa where he sat before and plopped down. Y/n kicked her slippers off and sat on the couch, stretching out her right leg. By now she had showered and changed into some loose, billowy black pants, paired with a soft white wrap top. Todoroki wore a black t-shirt and some grey jeans, which he looked great in, of course.

"Mmm!" Y/n took a bite of the cake and swooned with delight. It was delicious!

"Wow. It's really good." remarked Todoroki, taking a bite out of his own slice. 

They sat together and enjoyed the cake for a while. She then noticed him rubbing his eyes and frowned in concern. She felt a pang in her chest, remembering how she blasted his eyes with sand in their match some hours ago.

"I'm sorry about what I did to your eyes before..." y/n sighed sadly, feeling bad. He shook his head.

"No, it's fine, y/n, really. I'm just tired." he assured calmly, rubbing his eyes more. He raised an eyebrow at her. "I definitely wasn't expecting that, though." he admitted. Y/n chuckled slightly.

"More importantly," he said, moving over closer to her, putting his plate on the side table. He delicately put his hand below her right knee, careful not to touch her ankle as he looked up at her with a warm, caring expression. 

"How's your ankle?" he asked softly. 

She smiled, feeling butterflies in her stomach from his gentleness.

"Oh! It's great!" y/n grinned, stretching over and pulling her pant leg up slightly to reveal some gauze wrapped around her ankle. "Recovery Girl healed most of it, I just have to wear this bandage for a day or two!" 

"Okay. That's good." he nodded. Todoroki sighed sadly, looking down to the side. "I'm sorry that it happened in the first place. If I hadn't flipped you so hard..."

"What? No no no, it's okay!" y/n reassured, putting her hand on his that rested on her leg. "You couldn't even see me after you flipped me. And you had no control over how I tried to land. How could you predict my random movements in the air?" she laughed. His expression softened slightly.

"I guess." he noted.

"Besides. I didn't even have to walk afterwards because you carried me." y/n smiled, squeezing his hand. 

"Heh." Todoroki chuckled lightly, gazing into y/n's eyes, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Yeah."

She giggled slightly and put her plate to the side. He scooted over closer to her. Y/n swung her legs around, placing her feet on the side table. She glanced at him playfully at him and patted her lap with a small grin. 

He smiled and took the hint, laying down on his back, his head in her lap. She stroked his hair back, twirling it around in his fingers. He sighed peacefully. 

"I would have done it sooner, but... I didn't really want the old man to see that we're dating." Todoroki sighed, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"...Oh?" she said quietly, raising an eyebrow as her smile dropped slightly. He then looked up at y/n with slight alarm, as if realising what she was thinking.

"It's not out of embarrassment, y/n, you know that. You know how I feel about you." he assured, staring deeply at her with his alluring eyes as he gave her a princely kiss on her hand. She smiled slightly and looked down, her cheeks pinkening. 

"I know." she nodded.

"I don't want you to have to deal with my scumbag father. Endeavour is... great as a hero, but as a person... well, you remember what I told you, right?" Todoroki said seriously, his head on y/n's lap as he played around with her hand, tracing circles in her palm. She nodded, a shiver going down her spine.

Now that I've seen Endeavour up close... I can only imagine what Shoto went through...

He laced his fingers in her hand and squeezed it tightly, locking an intense stare into her eyes, making her heart race. 

"I will never let him hurt someone I care about again." he said firmly. 

Y/n felt her heart begin to melt, touched by his protectiveness. She smiled heart-warmingly at his determined face. He got up and sat next to her, still grabbing her hand. She cupped his face lovingly and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed back, his hand on the back of her head and around her back. 

"OoOOOoOoOoOO OMG THEY'RE KISSING!!!" squealed a loud voice. 

Y/n turned her head to see Mina and Jirou, gawking at the couple behind the couch. She playfully rolled her eyes and grinned back at Todoroki.

"Woah-ho! You guys are really going at it!" exclaimed Sero, sliding in. 

"Yeah, damn!" nodded Denki, walking up next to Jirou. Y/n noticed Jirou tense up a little and blush. Denki nudged the purple-haired girl shyly. "Looks, ah, fun, huh?" he grinned nervously, making finger guns. Jirou smiled back ever so slightly before looking down, red-faced. 

"Y-yeah." she nodded in agreement. 

Y/n wiggled an eyebrow at Jirou, who twirled her earphone jacks anxiously around her finger. Todoroki narrowed his gaze at Jirou, then Denki, and then y/n. He suddenly tapped y/n on the shoulder.

"Hey." he said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yeah, Sho?" y/n answered, turning around.

"Does this" he motioned his head towards Denki and Jirou, "have to do with the frozen food situation from the other day?" he asked genuinely. Y/n stared back at him, wide-eyed with surprise. She tried her best to hold back her laughter as he continued to look at her, completely serious.

He kind of missed the social cues... but I guess he has his own way of seeing things?

"Um... technically?" y/n answered. She giggled at him, finding his theorising adorable. 

Suddenly, y/n's phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket with surprise.

"Huh. That's weird." she muttered to herself. Todoroki looked at her with curiosity.

"What's weird?" he asked.

"I have a lot of missed phone calls from my aunt?" she replied, frowning at her phone. "And she's calling me right now, just a minute." She got up from the sofa and put her phone to her ear.

"Hello-" she began.

"Y/N!! OH GOD, Y/N!!!!" cried out her aunt's voice on the phone. Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief. 

"THEY HAVE HER!! THEY HAVE HER!!" her aunt sobbed. 

She looked back at Todoroki, shocked and confused. The smile dropped from his face.


"Woah, auntie, slow down, you're not making any sense-" y/n tried to say.

"TURN ON THE TELEVISION!! TURN IT ON NOW!! OH GOD, THEY HAVE HER!!" her aunt screamed incoherently on the phone. 

Y/n's heart began to race with worry as she fumbled for the remote control to the television. Todoroki watched her in confusion, getting up from his seat. She switched on the television onto the news channel.

"IN AN ATTACK TODAY IN A SUBURBAN DISTRICT, 8 YEAR OLD GIRL, HANA L/N, REPORTED KIDNAPPED BY LEAGUE OF VILLAINS." boomed the journalist, as images of destroyed buildings appeared on screen, along with a photo of y/n's cousin on the side.

Y/n felt her heart stop. She stared blankly at the screen, eyes filled with absolute horror. Her aunt continued to sob loudly on the phone.

No... This can't be happening... this can't be real...

"L/n...? Wait a second..." Kirishima said, walking up to the television along with several other people.

"Isn't that... y/n's last name?" Tsuyu finished his sentence. 

Uraraka cried out loudly. 

Y/n felt the blood drain from her face as her breathing became shallower.

"Y/n? Are you oka-" Todoroki came up behind her as y/n dropped her phone in complete shock. She fell to her knees, tears of absolute rage and horror filling up her eyes. 

No... Hana... Oh my god... oh my god... 

"Wait... a-are this girl and y/n related?" Midoriya gasped.

"Oh no. Y/n-" Todoroki grabbed her gently around the shoulders, focusing his eyes on her with a stunned expression. 

He shook her as she stared silently ahead at the screen, her whole body shaking from the shock. "Hey, y/n, stay with me." he gripped her shoulders a little tighter, trying to make sure she was responsive. She suddenly looked up at him, eyes wild, inhaling sharply as if she'd been underwater.


"NOOO!! NOOOOO!!" y/n screamed out angrily at the television, getting up suddenly and running towards the television. Kirishima appeared in front of her, trying to calm her down, but she pushed him roughly.

"NOOO! HANA!" she continued, tears streaming down her face. 

Two arms suddenly came up from behind her and pulled her back. She recognized Todoroki's peppermint scent and yelled out. She fought against him, lashing out wildly as she tried to squirm and kick out of his grip as he pulled her back from breaking the television. He grunted, straining from her struggle. 

Several people surrounded y/n at once, alarmed looks on their faces as she wailed loudly, endless tears cascading down her cheeks.

Villains... you already took my parents... what more do you fucking want from me?? YOU CAN'T TAKE HER!!

"Oh my god... y/n, i-is that your little sister?" Mina whispered with a terrified expression.

"No. Hana is her younger cousin." Todoroki answered for y/n, still holding her back. "But... she's very much like a younger sister to y/n." 

Mina gasped in shock, tears welling up in her eyes. Y/n slowly stopped struggling against him, her whole body going back to shaking.

"Hana..." she sobbed, covering her mouth with her hand in shock. 

Please let this be a nightmare. 

Don't let this be real.

She squatted down on the ground, trying to process the fact that her cousin had just been kidnapped by possibly one of the most powerful gang of criminals in current history. Todoroki squatted down next to her, rubbing her back to make sure she didn't go into shock again.

"Y/n." suddenly called out a low voice. 

She looked up to find Aizawa rushing into the living area. The students gasped and murmured among themselves. The normally sleepy teacher looked fully awake and completely serious as he walked over to y/n, who stood up, Todoroki's hand protectively around her back. Aizawa glanced at the television screen and then back at her.

"I see you know what's happened." he said seriously. "Now, y/n, please listen closely to what I'm about to say. An emergency meeting of the pro heroes has been called. We are going to get your cousin out of there." Y/n widened her eyes in alarm, inhaling sharply. 

Oh my god. I need to go and get her out. Now

"I NEED TO BE THERE." y/n yelled, marching up right up close to Aizawa, Todoroki trying to hold her back from jumping on top of their teacher. "Please, I need to help. I HAVE to get her back!"

"I understand how you are feeling, y/n." Aizawa said, putting his arm on her shoulder, reassuringly. "But this is a very delicate situation. Us pros need to discuss this first. I will give you news as soon as possible. Okay?"

She took some shaky breaths and nodded, clenching her fists. 

"In the meantime, we have evacuated the rest of your family members. They are waiting in the police station for you." Aizawa sighed, extending his arm out to the door. 

Y/n started to walk forward slowly as if hypnotized, feeling the horrified eyes of her classmates watch her. She turned around at looked at Todoroki, a grief-stricken look on her face. 

He came up to her, asking her a question with his eyes. She nodded yes. He grabbed his jacket the lay on the couch, and both of them walked up to the door where Aizawa was waiting. 

"Todoroki, you can't-" Aizawa begun. Y/n looked up the the teacher, a tear streaming down her cheek.

"...Fine. I'll allow it this time." the teacher sighed. "But you can't come into the interview room."


The drive to the police station was probably the second-worst car trip of y/n's life. 

She anxiously tapped her foot, staring bleakly out of the window. The street lights all seemed a blur in the pouring rain. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her nerves. Her head pounded as memories of the day her life was changed flashed in her mind.

...Mom? ... Dad? 

Y/n! Stay down! Don't make a sound!


My my, can't have any witnesses now, can we~?


Why is there so much red stuff on my hands? 


But this isn't my blood...



"Hey." Todoroki said, bringing her back to the present. She whipped her head around, wide-eyed, to find him staring at her. He took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 

"Look at me. Look at me." he instructed, trying to calm her rapid breathing. "We're going to get her back. We're going to get Hana back. It's going to be okay." 

She nodded, and lay her head back on her seat. Aizawa, seated in the passenger seat, leaned over to check on them in the backseat. He looked like he was about to say something, but then noticed them holding hands. He promptly turned back around with a small 'huh'.

They arrived at the station. Y/n practically sprinted into the station behind Aizawa, heart pounding at a million miles and hour, Todoroki jogging to keep up with her. 

They finally got to the door of the interview room. Aizawa gave Todoroki a serious look, telling him that this is where he stopped. The two-toned haired boy nodded and took both of y/n's hands, staring deep into her eyes.

"I'll wait out here, okay? Go to your family." he said in a low voice. 

Y/n took a deep breath and nodded at him. She gulped and pushed open the door.

As soon as she stepped inside, she was embraced by her aunt in a suffocating hug. Y/n saw her other cousin, Jun, seated in a corner, crying as he held one of Hana's toys, while her uncle paced around anxiously, clenching his fists. Her dishevelled aunt had tears streaming down her face as she grabbed onto y/n, as if trying to confirm that she was real. 

Oh my god... they all look like they were just dragged out of an accident.

Something clicked in y/n's brain when she saw her family panicking. 

It's like a switch was flipped on, and suddenly she was the one calming everyone down.

"Auntie. AUNTIE. I will get her back. I WILL get her back." y/n affirmed, grabbing her aunt's shoulders. Her aunt only wailed out more.

"OH MY GOD!! Y/N,... HANA..." her aunt screamed out, taking gulps of air in between. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!" Y/n clenched her teeth in frustration.

"WHAT??! WHAT IS IT?!? What don't I understand?!" y/n yelled back, trying to shake her aunt into sense. Y/n's aunt sobbed loudly and ripped y/n's arms from her shoulders.


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