Chapter 30 - An Ugly Truth

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"...What?" y/n said quietly, her face going pale. Her uncle walked over to them, a defeated look on his face.

"You... might want to sit down for this, y/n." he sighed, grabbing a chair from the corner. Y/n put her hand up in a 'stop' gesture, her eyes dead set on her aunt.

"No." she almost hissed. "You need to tell me just what the fuck is up." Y/n glanced over at her other cousin, wide-eyed at her swearing. "Sorry Jun." 

Her aunt slumped into a chair, rubbing her eyes with her hand. 

"It was at the same time as the accident..." her aunt began shakily. "My sister... your mother and I... we were pregnant at the same time. Just before your parents died in that horrible attack... we lost our baby." she looked over at y/n's uncle, a sad tear falling down his cheek. "I was still in the hospital when you were all rushed in. Your parents... it was too late for them, sweetheart. But your mother's unborn baby-"

"Stop." y/n interrupted, clenching her fists in anger. "That's not true. The baby died. They TOLD me the baby died." 

Her aunt stifled a sob.

"Y/n. They saved her! The doctors performed an emergency Caesarean section and managed to save the premature baby." her aunt said, exasperated. "And that baby... was Hana." Y/n stood there, eyes widening in absolute shock.


"No..." she whispered, shaking her head. 

There's no way...

"She was in the ICU for several weeks, and you were all alone in the hospital..." her aunt wept. "The doctors were already talking about how traumatized you were from seeing your parents killed in right in front of you... imagine telling a child your age back then, that they... cut up her dead mother's body and took her little sister out of there? It would have been too much for you, or for anyone."

But... if what you're saying is true...

"You... you..." y/n breathed shakily. "So you just.. pretended that it didn't happen? That my sibling died?" 

Her aunt stared at her, wide-eyed, and grabbed y/n's hands.

Everything... it was all a lie...

"Dear-, sweetheart, it was for your own good-" she pleaded. 

"NO!" y/n shouted, yanking her hands from her aunt's grip, eyes blazing. "You took the ONLY part left my real family... and hid her from me all of these years?? Do you have ANY IDEA what it's like to feel what I feel ALMOST EVERYDAY?!" 

"Y/n, we're your family too-"

"WHAT KIND OF FAMILY DOES THAT??!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face. She began to sob. "And now she's gone. She's FUCKING GONE." y/n leaned onto a table for support. 

Her aunt began to wail even louder on her uncle's shoulder.

"Y/n... that's a little harsh." her uncle chided. 

"Harsh? Harsh is what you did to me. You LIED." y/n scoffed, clenching her fists so tight that her nails dug painfully into her skin. She straightened up and took a deep breath.

"Screw you guys. I'm going to get her back." she whispered underneath her breath, shuffling over to the door.

"Y/n, wait!" her aunt cried out. 

Y/n ignored her and kicked open the door, storming down the hallway in absolute rage, arms crossed. Her head pounded violently, everything feeling like a blur around her. She passed by Todoroki in the hallway, who instantly got up and walked over to catch up with her.

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