Chapter 2 - Chance

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Y/n's Quirk: Sandstorm

Y/n can make sand grains out of dead skins cells on her body. Each dead skin cell can make about a full fist's worth of sand grains. Projected at a high speed, these sand grains can be used almost like body-wide jetpacks, giving y/n the ability to propel herself with 'sand air-force."

She can also make sandstorms using this 'wind force'. Additionally, she cause cactuses and roots to erupt from soft ground or dirt that she has her hands on. 

However, if she makes too much sand from dead skin cells at once, the sand will start to be sourced from her healthy skin cells, causing her skin to painfully peel off.


Before y/n realised, there were 30 seconds left on the clock. Panting and huffing, she scanned the area she was in; exactly the middle of the grounds. By now, almost all of the bots had been eliminated. 

Y/n had managed to defeat a few bots herself near the start of the exam by propelling herself forward using the wind force generated bursts of sand from the skin on her ankles, exposed by her rolled-up tracksuit pants. 

She had gone through an an alleyway on the right that ended up leading to a big bot, then another, and a couple more after that. She'd eliminated them by blasting them with strong, air pressurized sandstorms, making the bots topple and smash their own machinery to bits. 

However, she knew that she needed to eliminate the biggest amount of enemies possible in order to have the best chances of entering U.A. Y/n heard yells from students all around her, fighting over who was going for which bots. 

"Hey! This one's mine!"

"I got here first! It's mine!!"

It's now or never.

Y/n heard what sounded like metal moving behind her. She sprinted in the direction of the noise, a couple of alleyways back. Beads of sweat ran down her forehead. She needed points, and she needed them now.

There were seven seconds left on the clock when y/n saw the last bot right in front of her. Was that a big 3 pointer?! If she could get to it fast enough, she could reach and blast it just in time. Y/n propelled herself forward, Present Mic screeching a number countdown as she got closer.

Closer..., Closer..., Almost there...!

Suddenly, there was an explosion in front of her. The figure of someone appeared as y/n watched the bot be absolutely smashed in the face with incredible force of the person's fist. 

The heap of metal started to collapse backwards as the figure in the sky started to rapidly fall, to the horror of y/n and a number of other examinees watching.

"I have to do something!...Why can't I move?" y/n thought desperately, petrified on the spot. She then noticed that the person had green hair... the boy... from before..! He's the one who punched the robot like that?!

No...! Not like last time... I can't let anybody else be hurt while I watch... I have to do something-

All of a sudden, just before the bot-puncher hit the ground, a brown-haired person in the distance, who seemed to be lying on a floating hunk of metal, slapped the green-haired boy a few meters off the ground, causing him to suddenly stop mid air. 

The browned-haired person then slowly lowered the metal hunk and the green-haired boy down to the ground, before the floating stopped all of a sudden.

"TIME IS UUUPPPPPP!!!!!" screamed Present Mic's voice, after which the brown-haired person proceeded to vomit...rainbows?

By this time a small crowd of examinees had gathered where y/n was, as stunned as she was while they whispered to one another, trying to figure out what happened. 

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