Broken Luna

By CheyenneNeal

3.4K 157 11

"Look, I can't have a mate who killed my only love. I can't be with you." "It's not my fault she died. I tri... More

4| She Left
8|Trouble At school


385 19 0
By CheyenneNeal

Waking up in my mate's arms is one of the best feelings I have ever felt. I buried my face in Jenn's neck, inhaling her scent. I felt her wrap her arms around my waist, sighing in content.

"Good morning, Princess."


"You ready to get up."

"No, too sore you guys wore me out."

She chuckled, kissing my forehead. "Love, we have things to do today; we can't sleep all day."

"I'm so tired."

"Alright, you can stay, but we won't be here."

"Where you going."

"We have a meeting, then I can come back, but Ace has to greet the new people."

I nodded my head as I relaxed against her this is where I always wanted to be. It's weird I barely know them, yet I love them already; I hope they feel the same way as I do; we didn't mark each other yet cause I wasn't ready, but now I regret saying that maybe I can convince them to mark me tonight.

"Well, hello, my lovies."



Ace took me in her arms, smiling. I didn't think I would have two mates, let alone they both would be intersex but feeling them both inside of me at once makes me want them more and more each day

"Well, since you're staying here can you do me a favor" Ace asked as she stroked my cheek.

"sure," I said, smiling.

"We have a new girl in the orphanage; her name is lily, and she's four; she's having trouble communicating with other kids, so I thought maybe you could take her out."

"I-I don't know about that."



"Thank you, princess."

They both pecked my lips before getting up so they could get ready as I rolled over covered myself up once again; I closed my smiling as I smelled my mate's scents. I know when I wake up, they won't be there.


Waking up without my mates was quite depressing, but I know they'll be here later. I decided to get up and meet lily finally, so I needed to get ready first. I stood up and made the bed first; I then walked into the closet, looking through their clothes, trying to find something decent to wear, which wasn't very hard since they both have a good sense of style. Once I figured out what I wanted to wear, I walked into the bathroom, stripping out of my dirty clothes, and stepped into the warm shower.

Once I finished my shower, I got dressed in some of my mate's clothes; having their scent on me made me feel safe; after I finished getting dressed, I decided to put my hair in a cute messy bun. I remember my mom always doing my hair; we look just like the same hair, and all while my sister looks exactly like my dad; anyway, after putting on my shoes, I'm finally ready to meet lily.


Walking in the kitchen, I was greeted by the cook, who immediately smiled when he saw me "good afternoon, luna; my name is Conner. Would you like some lunch"

"Yes, that would be great."

"Any allergies, luna."

"Just hazelnut and strawberries"

"Very well, I'll keep that noted for future use."

"What did you make."

"Well, I already made burgers, but if it's not up to your standards, I can make something else for you."

"No burgers are just fine."

He handed me my food, bowing before going back to cooking as I sat down eating my food in complete silence, wondering when Jenn would be home. I miss her. I miss both of them, but I know as Alpha's, they can't just stay with me; they have duties and a pack to worry about. As I finished my food, I asked Conner to show me the way to the orphanage, which wasn't very far.

Walking in the orphanage, I was greeted by their caretaker, Jenny; she's too smiley for me, but that's just my opinion "Good afternoon Luna, can I help you with anything."

"I'm here to pick up lily."

"of course, the Alpha's already informed me to wait right here."

I nodded as she walked away; hopefully, it didn't take her long to get lily. I walked over to the couch in the waiting area and sat down, reading a magazine sitting there as I waited.

I close my magazine and look up to see Jenny walking this way with lily; only she was pulling her pretty hard and yelling at her, causing lily to cry. I rush over toward them, taking lily from Jenny.

"What do you think you're doing" Jenny asked

"What right do you have pulling and yelling at her like that."

"I-I uh"

"do you do that to all the kids"


"Don't lie to me," I growled out

"I-I-I'm sorry, Luna."

I could feel myself about to lose control before I could say anything else. I felt arms wrap around my waist, feeling sparks everywhere. Jenn kissed my forehead, calming me down almost instantly.

"calm down love"

"I-I can't," I said feeling my eyes change colors

"My love look at me, if you lose control you're going to scare lily" She grabbed my face in her hands making me look her in the eyes

I breathed in and out slowly calming myself down "Your right I'm sorry"

"What's happened, love."

I close my eyes and lay my head on her shoulder. "Jenny's abusing the kids; she was hurting lily when I stepped in and took her away from her."

"She's what!"

She let go of me, grabbing Jenny's arms, trying to calm herself down so she wouldn't scare any of the kids. "Explain now"

"I didn't want this job."

"So fucking quit"

"I couldn't."

"Well, as of now, you harmed our next generation, and you know how we feel about our pups. You're sentenced to 5 years in the cells."

A warrior walked in and took her away. I looked down to see lily still clinging to me as if her life depended on it. I gently sat her on the couch and looked up at Jenn just in time to see Jenny about to stab me; what was terrible is Jenn stood in front of me; she got stabbed instead of me, making me scream.

I looked at the warrior in shock when he snapped Jenny's neck, killing her instantly. I grab Jenn's hand, crying, "Get her to the pack doctor now!"

"Yes, luna, but what about the body."

"Send someone to get rid of it."

He bowed before leaving. I lifted Lily; luckily, this still other people to watch the kids; I walked out, letting Landon know I was going with Lily. If anyone asks, I need to find Ace fast before she freaks out.

Walking back to the house, I made Lily sit on the couch as I walked into our room to find Ace seated on the bed reading a book; she looked up smiling when she saw me. I sat next to her, frowning when I got a mindlink from the warrior. 'I'm sorry, Luna, but she died.'

"Hey, love, where's Jenn."

"In the hospital."

"Why what happened."

I explained everything that happened while she was gone, and she was angry. I don't think she's mad at me but at what Jenny did, but boy, was I wrong.

"How could you let this happen."

"Me?, It's not my fault." I scoffed at her

"If we didn't accept you, none of this would have; you're you're a murder," she yelled in my face

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I cried out

"But it did."

"Look, I can't have a mate who killed my only love. I can't be with you."

"It's not my fault she died. I tried telling her to stop, but it didn't work."

"I'm sorry, but every time I see you, I see her."

"Please don't do this."

"I Ace Knight Reject you, Cecilia Smith as my mate."


"I have to do what's best for me."

"If you do this, I will never forgive you."

"I can live with that."

with that said, she walked away. I packed my stuff to see Lily still here, but Ace has gone. I'm taking her with me; at least I have something left of Jenn. I called Olivia to pick me up since my car was still at my house.

I placed Lily in the car, buckling her up before closing the door. I got in the car, smiling slightly at Olivia. "What happened" she sighed.

"I found my mates."

"You have two mates like me."

"I did"

"What happened"

I explained everything that happened. I even told her how Jenn was in the hospital; she looked scared but said to me that Lauren was going to check on her, but I couldn't stay here anymore, which is why I asked her to take us to the airport. The car came to a stop. I hugged Olivia one last time before taking lily and my bags and getting on the airplane; luckily, Oliva had a private jet to take me to my hometown.


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