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By Star_grlz1

82K 3.5K 3.4K

Tommy is in exile, he is a human, isn't he? -- This is an AU of where c!Tommyinnit gets wings in the DreamSMP... More

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4.7K 215 313
By Star_grlz1

Phil woke up that morning to a little crow filling his vision, pecking his nose lightly, startling him.

The blonde shot up in fright, accidentally knocking Brian off his chest and onto the edge of the bed, falling on his back.

"Shit-" Philza chuckled, putting a hand on his heart, clenching his shirts fabric slightly.

"Brian-!" He lifted the bird gently, setting him on the bedside drawer next to a half filled glass of water.

"You alright?" The avian lifted his legs off the bed, feet touching smooth wood.

"Yes. Hello dadza, smile." The crow stared innocently, Phil scratched Brians head smiling.

"You can't scare me like that mate." The blonde stretched, letting outa light grunt. Wings expanding, reaching the roof.

"Sorry Father"

"It's okay mate," Philza held his finger out in front of the crow, Brian hopping on.

"Now, off you go." Phil said opening the window, letting the bird fly off into the world.


"Gods-- Tommy?" Technoblade shook the young avians shoulder, getting no reaction back. His blonde eyelashes stayed perfectly still and unprovoked. The pinkettes heart sunk with fear.

How the fuck is he going to tell Phil? He'll rip him apart.

Tommy can't be dead. No way. That potion wasn't even out of date.

Was it?

The voices whispered with worry in Technoblades ears. Probably plotting how to give him a brutal, pain filled death if his brother was dead.

How the hell would the voices even be able to hurt him anyway? God's, he doesn't want to know. If it weren't the voices that killed him, it would be Phil, without a doubt.

The piglin set his pointed, and jewelry decorated ear on Tommy's chest, sighing with great relief when he heard breathing, and a relaxed, slow pulse.

He needs to figure out what the hell is happening to Tommy.

Technoblade hurried downstairs, feet clashing against the stairs.

"You alright mate?" Phil raised an eyebrow at Techno.

Ghostbur was looking at a picked flower on the couch, distracted. And Phil was cooking in the kitchen, God's, does he smell pork chops?

"Yeah i'm fine Phil, hey did you see my potion books anywhere?" Technoblade fixed his posture, trying to not look like a stressed mess.

"Yep, they're on your desk over there." Philza pointed to the desk with a wooden spoon, back turned to Techno.

The piglin started walking over to the desk, speed walking.


"Is Tommy awake Techno? Cause I'm cooking breakfast. Wouldn't want the gremlin to go hungry." The pinkette could hear the smile in his voice.

"N--no, no. Not yet." Technoblade fidgeted with the book.

"I'll go wake him up now." Techno headed back up the stairs hearing an 'okay' from the older blonde.



It turns out.

You were only meant to use one spoonful of the sleeping potion.

Not the whole bottle.

Technoblade flipped through the pages in confusion, pushing up his glasses.

'Average time the patient will sleep if entire bottle is consumed, maximum two days.' He reads, eyes widening.

'Patient can be forcefully woken, but will have little to no energy for 3 days maximum. And will easily fall back asleep again.'

Techno slammed the book shut, life flashing before his eyes.

He'll have to tell Phil.

Technoblade put the book down on Tommy's bed slowly, mentally prepping himself for a potential scolding.

He took a deep breath, and walked out of the room.


"So you're telling me," Philza stood in front of his son, smaller, yet more intimidating somehow.

"You basically did the equivalent of overdosing Tommy, on old ass sleeping potions?"

Techno flicked a bundle of stray hairs behind his pointed ear out of nerves.

"Well- not, potion's', per say, there was only one potion."

Phil sighed.

"How long did the book say it would take for him to wake up?"

"Well if we wake him up, he'll just have like zero energy for three days. But if we let him sleep, he'll be asleep around two days."

"Oh, well that's not too bad I guess. I thought it'd be longer" Phil chuckled slightly, but quickly pressing his wooden spoon up against the pinkettes chest.

"But make sure to actually read your fucking books before giving potions to your brother, alright?"

"Will do Phil." Techno shriveled out a nervous laugh.


Two days had passed, and Tommy was sitting up in his bed, wondering why the fuck his back was so stiff, half awake. But he felt more energised and rested than he had in months.

He stretched his bed ridden body and wings, earning a few cracks from his spine in return, yawning.

"Must've slept weird." He mumbled to himself before stretching his arms again, gods, stretching feels amazing.

The blonde sluggishly stumbled out of his bed sheets, then slowly headed down stairs, rubbing his right eye, making the world more clear.

"Good morning Tommy!" Ghostbur said cheerfully, giving the teen a hug in the middle of the stairs.

"Mornin' Ghostbur." Tommy said pulling away from the hug slowly. Only to see Ghostburs face smiling at him like always, he couldn't help but smile back.

"Right, move yourself, I'm starvin'."

"Sorry!" Ghostbur said, hovering back over to the couch to sit with Techno.

"Oh! Tommy, you're awake!" Philza said walking over to him.


"You were asleep for two days mate. Do you feel okay?"

"What the fuck do you mean I slept for two days? Is that why my back was so stiff?" Tommy rambled, confused.

"Yeah, you know that milk that Techno gave you? He put a sleeping potion in it. But that dumbass didn't know you were only meant to use one spoon full, and used the whole potion instead."

Techno looked up from his book briefly at Tommy.

"Mornin' " Technoblade said with no emotion while drinking his coffee, steam slightly fogging up his glasses.

Tommy scoffed. "Yeah good fuckin' mornin' to you too dickhead. I told you I didn't want that milk."

"Well, at least you actually slept Tommy. Don't think we don't know about you not sleepin' and all."


Tommy stormed into the kitchen to make himself breakfast, only for Phil to stop him.

His hands were filled with a plate that had his fathers nostalgic eggs and bacon that he ate when he was so young. It could honestly bring tears to the teens eyes.

"Thanks Phil" Tommy suppressed his smile.

"No problem mate, come sit at the table." Phil said with warmth as he ushered his son over to eat with him at the nearby table.

As they dived into their meals, Phil spoke up.


"Mmf?" The teen glared up, mouth filled with eggs.

"How do you feel about going out today to learn how to fly with me?"

Tommy quickly swallowed his eggs, probably not even properly chewed.

"Holy shit," he swallowed again "I forgot these things could actually do what you do. In the skies and shit." Tommy looked over his shoulder, flexing his wings back and forward a couple times.

"Yeah well 'those things' can take you hundreds of feet in the air if you wanted to."

"You're honestly lucky to have me, because when I was your age I had to study birds flight patterns and wings in order to-"

Phil cut himself off as Tommy was eating his bacon like a literal pig, no offence to Wilbur or Techno of course. And then he shot up the stairs telling the older avian he'll be ready in a minute.

Phil chuckled as he gathered Tommy's dishes.

"Child." He muttered, chuckling again.

"HEY! I AM NOT A FUCKIN' CHILD!" The teen yelled from his room, how on earth did he even hear Phil?


"Where the fuck even are we." Tommy said with disappointment in his voice.

He really overestimated this. He thought Philza's old training grounds for his wings would be cool and with machines or support items or something, but this? It's just an empty, old, and grassy field with a weird cliff that lead to the sea.

"This, is where I would try to fly everyday until it eventually worked, might not be the traditional way for us Avians but it did the trick for me." Phil crossed his arms, thinking back to his teenage years.

"What was the original way?" Tommy focused his gaze on the older.

"Well, not sure how accurate that old as fuck book was that I found a few years ago," Phil pulled out a hair tie to put back his blonde locks, away from the wind, and he started to walk to the edge of the cliff and Tommy followed.

"But there used to be temples, filled to the brim with our kind. And there were certain rooms there that had certain equipment to help you learn. Though, the book was ripped to shreds and it didn't say what equipment."

"Well that's a bit shit."

"Yeah, anyways."

Tommy and Phil reached the edge of the cliff. Philzas hand on Tommys shoulder.

But there was one part of the book that Phil didn't tell Tommy, there were no temples, and the book wasn't ripped to shreds at all. The book said, the one way that Avians learnt to fly, was first hand experience in air.

"Tommy?" The older turned to his son.


"Do you trust me?"

"What? Of course I do. You're my Dad." Tommy smiled.

"Good." Phil smiled warmly back.

Gods, Philza hopes Tommy won't be too upset about this. He grabbed his sons back, and pushed.

Before Tommy knew it, he was falling face first into possible death. Fear creeped up his body like a firework going off in his chest. Screaming.

New found reflexes in his body went off in seconds. His broad wings expanding and then gliding in the air just like his father.

Once Tommy realised he was okay, he started to fly around on his own. His screams now being filled with joy instead of fear, and laughing.

He eventually went to the edge of the cliff again, having quite the landing. Face first into the grass, getting a good mouth full of the nearby nature.

While Tommy was gagging and scrubbing the grass off his tongue, an excited Phil came behind him.

"Well??" Phil bent down clapping his hands quickly in excitement with the biggest grin on his face, laughing slightly.

Tommy turned around grabbing his fathers shirt collar, Phil braced himself for Tommy's wrath of anger about to be released.

"THAT WAS FUCKING POGGERS PHIL!! HOLY SHIT-" Tommy fell to the grassy floor in a laughing fit, heart pounding.


longer-ish chapter just for you my lovelies :D

See y'all next time ;) ily and ty for reading <3

Word count: 1786 words

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