Unconditional Love

By Mithran_Ganesh0702

168K 12.6K 4.9K

Ashwin falls in love with Sivaangi due to her cuteness, boldness and naughtiness. He wants his rowdy don to b... More

Characters and Introduction
Chapter 1 - Bonding
Chapter 2 - Understanding
Chapter 3 - Breaking News
Chapter 4 - Unexpected First Meet
Chapter 5 - Careness
Chapter 6 - Police and Rowdy
Chapter 7 - Cute Moments
Chapter 8 - Lifesaver
Chapter 9 - She Touches My Heat
Chapter 10 - Feelings
Chapter 11 - Kadavul Setting
Chapter 12 - The Hug
Chapter 13 - The Ride
Chapter 14 - Happier Times
Chapter 15 - Mother's Love
Chapter 16 - Rain of Love
Chapter 17 - The Confession
Chapter 18 - The Past
Chapter 19 - Real KD Fellow
Chapter 20 - A Sweet Punishment
Chapter 21 - Together
Chapter 22 - Coimbatore
Chapter 23 - The Truth
Chapter 24 - The Cure
Chapter 25 - Coming Back To You
Chapter 26 - The Beach
Chapter 27 - Love Has Started
Chapter 28 - The Beginning
Chapter 29 - Cook with Comali
Chapter 30 - Hang Out
Chapter 32 - Kerala
Chapter 33 - Fun
Chapter 34 - Surprise Celebration
Chapter 35 - The Angel of Lion
An Annoucement For You All
Chapter 36 - Angel's Bestie
I'm Sorry Guys
Chapter 37 - Musical Love
Chapter 38 - Their Home
Chapter 39 - Beautiful Souls
Chapter 40 - Follow Your Heart
Chapter 41 - Something Is Here
Chapter 42 - It's Coming For You
Chapter 43 - The Mystery
Chapter 44 - Connecting Dots
Chapter 45 - Related?
Reached to 100K views
SPM ( Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia )
Chapter 46 - Biggest Danger
Cover Photo Of Chapter 47
Chapter 47 - Divine VS Evil
It's My Birthday
Starting of Season 2
Chapter 48 - New Journey
Chapter 49 - No Limits
Chapter 50 - Precious Time
Chapter 51 - Sun and Moon
Happy Diwali Folks!!!
Chapter 52 - No Mercy
Chapter 53 - Pyscho Killer
Voting Session
Chapter 54 - An Unknown Story?
Chapter 55 - The Final Battle
Chapter 56 - Spiced Up
Chapter 57 - Deadlier?
Announcement for this story
Chapter 58 - Check up?
Last Storylines
10000 Words Marathon

Chapter 31 - Planned

2.3K 257 57
By Mithran_Ganesh0702

9.00 pm

After some romantic moments, Sivaangi had already packed her things and was at the living room waiting for Ashwin to come down, she was excited to experience such fun moments that they are going to have in Kerala, she was waiting patiently until a phone call came by, she looked up at her phone and it displayed unknown number.

Sivaangi: Unknown number? Who could it be? Let's just answer the call and ask.

Without thinking further though, she attended the call and spoke to the caller.

Sivaangi: Hello? Who is this?

Meera: Dear, it's me. Meera, Ashwin's mother.

Sivaangi: Oh, sorry ma sorry ma. I didn't save your contact number as I just gave my number to you.

Lakshmikanthan: Hi dear, how are you doing?

Sivaangi: I'm fine pa, how are you all?

Lakshmikanthan: We're also fine dear.

Meera: Dear, did we disturb you or something?

Sivaangi: No ma, nothing like that. Tell me why did you call me?

Meera: Dear, we are so excited to see our long lost son after 25 years of pain, and we're also happy to accept you as our daughter-in-law.

Sivaangi: Yes ma, I'm also happy that you had accepted our love.

Lakshmikanthan: Dear, take care of our son, don't leave him alone no matter what happens, ok?

Sivaangi: Ok pa, I will take care of him forever in my life.

Meera: And dear, do you remember our plan with your parents?

Sivaangi: Of course ma, the plan is going on well, now that we had to execute after we arrived there, make sure you also arrive there in time, because we are going to give him the best surprise ever.

Meera: Sure dear, we will arrive and talk to your parents about your marriage, is it clear?

Sivaangi: Ok ma, when are you coming to Kerala?

Lakshmikanthan: Tomorrow dear, as we had a little bit of work, we had decided to come to Kerala tomorrow.

Sivaangi: Ok pa, and make sure you arrive in time, ok?

Lakshmikanthan: Ok dear.

Sivaangi was talking with Ashwin's parents happily for a while when suddenly she saw him coming down from the stairs with his packed things, she immediately informed his parents about it.

Sivaangi: ( whispers ) Ma pa, Ashwin is coming now, I will call you later then.

Meera: Dear wait wait, can you put the call on? We want to hear our son's voice for a minute.

Lakshmikanthan: Yes dear, please.

Sivaangi: ( whispers ) Ok, I will put the phone in loudspeaker mode, listen it quietly, ok?

Meera: Ok dear.

Sivaangi then hold her phone in her hand when Ashwin came toward her with his things.

Ashwin: Sivaangi ma, all things are packed, right?

Sivaangi: Yes Ashwineyyy, can we go now?

Ashwin: Wait ma, let me check one last time.

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy, check properly as we don't want to suffer there without our necessities.

Ashwin: Well, I will suffer completely without you darling. ( winks at her )

Sivaangi: ( blushes ) Ashwineyyy........

Ashwin: ( chuckles ) Seri ma, you wait here. I will look for more necessary things in the kitchen, ok?

Sivaangi: Ok Ashwineyyy, but make it quick.

Ashwin: Ok ma, I will be back soon.

Ashwin went to the kitchen quickly, as soon as he was gone out from the sight, Sivaangi quickly put her phone at her ear and speak.

Sivaangi: Ma pa, did you guys hear his voice?

In call: ( crying sounds )

Sivaangi: Ma pa, why are you crying?

Meera: Our son's voice......after 25 years.......we are so happy dear.........

Lakshmikanthan: Yes dear........we are very eager to meet him...........I don't know how he's going to react..........

Sivaangi: Ma pa, don't cry. You will meet your son in no time, I promise.

Meera: Sorry dear, we are just in happy tears to hear his voice, is he really fine now dear?

Sivaangi: Yes ma, he's totally fine now, he will be so happy to meet you two after so many years.

Lakshmikanthan: We are totally happy dear, as our lives is coming back to happy place. But we will be more happy if our first son also alive right now..........

Sivaangi in mind voice: Don't worry pa, your first son is also alive, I had already found him, I will also bring him there and will make him meet you.

Lakshmikanthan: Dear, are you still there?

Sivaangi: Oh, sorry pa. I was thinking about something else. Anyway, I have to leave to Kerala now, I will call you later.

Meera: Ok dear, take care of yourself and our son, we will be there as soon as possible.

Lakshmikanthan: Bye dear, we will meet you there.

Sivaangi: Ok ma pa, I will meet you there too, byeeee......

Both: Bye dear.

Sivaangi disconnected the call and felt happy as she's going to meet Ashwin's parents in Kerala, just as she turned around to found Ashwin was standing there staring at her.

Ashwin: Who are you talking to your phone ma? ( raises his eyebrows )

Sivaangi: Oh, that was my parents Ashwineyyy, they called me to inform that my relatives had arrived there earlier, so I'm very happy to meet them after a long time.

Ashwin: Oh.......ok ma.......( in a sad voice )

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy, what's with that face?

Ashwin: I'm missing my parents, Sivaangi ma. ( tears flow down )

Sivaangi: Ashiwineyyy, don't cry. ( goes to him and wipes his tears )

Ashwin: ( holds her hand ) No ma, I don't know if I'm going to meet them till my last breath, I don't even know whether they are alive or not, just a thought about them makes me want to......... ( cries hardly and hugs her tightly )

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy, please don't say like that, I hope they are still alive, they will come back to you for sure.

Ashwin: ( looks at her ) How can you say that for sure ma?

Sivaangi in mind voice: Because you are going to meet your parents in a few hours, Ashwineyyy. Trust me, that moment is going to be the best moment in your whole life, I promise.

Ashwin: Sivaangi ma, why aren't you saying anything?

Sivaangi: Ah, umm.....it's that......I had a feeling that they will come to you, be positive Ashwineyyy.

Ashwin: ( smiles ) Let your words be come true ma.

Sivaangi: ( wipes his tears ) Now now don't cry anymore, my baby.

Ashwin: ( chuckles ) Me? Your baby?

Sivaangi: Of course you are, you really are my Valarndha Kolandha. ( carrases his hair )

Ashwin: ( chuckles ) Ok mother, then I will do as you say. ( puts a baby face )

Sivaangi: Hahahahaha......Anyway, are everything ready to go now?

Ashwin: Yes ma, we just have to wait for the cab.

Sivaangi: Ok.........

Suddenly there was a car sound from outside, they looked out and saw a taxi waiting, they took their things and went out from the house locking the doors, they put their things behind the car and took their seat and took off to the airport.

9.45 pm

After half an hour above, Ashwin and Sivaangi had reached to the airport earlier, Ashwin took out their things from the car and paid the bill to the driver, then the taxi had gone from their sight. They were waiting for Pavithra, Rakshan and Pugazh to arrive there, as they had 45 minutes for their flight.

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy, why aren't they arrive yet?

Ashwin: Ma, we have a lot of time now, I'm sure they will come soon, we will wait patiently.

Sivaangi: Ok Ashwineyyy........

After a while, the trio had also arrived there together, they went off from the car with their things and came toward the couple.

Sivaangi: Hi Pugazh Anna, Hi Rakshan Anna, Hi Pavithra.

Pugazh: Hi papa.

Rakshan: Hi Thangam.

Pavithra: Hi Sivu.

Ashwin: Hi machas.

Pugazh: Dei mapilla........

Rakshan: Macha.......

They hugged each other and talked for a while, they went to the receiption to get their ticket. Once it's all done, they just have to wait for the flight time, they sat down on their chairs and wait for it.

Ashwin: Sivaangi ma, how long will it take to reach Kerala?

Sivaangi: Ummm........Like two hours or something.

Pavithra: Thank god we had arrived here just in time, or else we would have missed the flight.

Pugazh: Ya, it's all because of these idiot Rakshan.

Rakshan: What? Why did I do wrong?

Pavithra: Rakshan......Don't lie to us, I know what you did back in your house.

Rakshan: That's......ummm.......... ( smiles sheepisly )

Sivaangi: Anna, your smile is not right. What happened there?

Pavithra: I will tell you, Sivu.

Rakshan: No Pavi, don't tell to.....

Ashwin: Dei, you shut up. Tell us what happened Pavithra.

Pavithra: Pugazh and I went to his house as we were going in a taxi together, as we reached to his room, it was full of mess with his clothes and belongings, he was searching for something good to wear in the Onam day so he thought that the girls will sight at him for his handsome and cool face, he even took 5 different perfumes to make him more fresh, he even took out some glasses to make himself cool. What a sense of humor he has, am I right Rakshan?

Sivaangi: Thangammmm, did you really want to have a girl?

Rakshan: Thangam..............I just want to show to the girls that I'm also handsome......( rubs his nape )

Ashwin: Dei, yen da? Just let them be peace, they also have a life too.

Rakshan: Dei macha, you are talking like this because you have Sivaangi now, you will never know the pain of being single.

Pugazh: Dei Raksha, I will accompany you for this, we will make any beautiful girls to fall for us, ok?

Rakshan: Ok da macha, let's show them our best. ( gives a hi fi to him )

Pavithra: Hmmmm, I don't know when is this going to end.

Sivaangi: Pavithra, don't you want to have a boy as well?

Pavithra: Me? Ummm........ ( looks at Pugazh )

Rakshan: What is it Pavithra? Do you want it or not?

Pavithra: Actually, I'm in love with a man too.

Sivaangi: What?!!!! ( wides her eyes )

Pugazh: Hey Pavi, who is it? I want to know. ( gets possessive )

Pavithra: Ummm......that will be secret, I won't tell.

Sivaangi: Hmmm.....I will find that out soon.

Pugazh: Ok Pavi, you carry on with your love. ( puts a sad face and turns away )

Pavithra in mind voice: Dei Pugazh, it was you da, I'm in love with you, I love you Pugazh, but I won't tell that now as you had made me go crazy, so suffer for this.

Ashwin: Dei macha, pocha? ( asks in a teasing tone )

Pugazh: Dei mappila, don't irritate me, I'm already in an angry mood. ( looks at Pavithra )

Sivaangi: Anna, pathukalam na. ( pats his shoulder )

Pugazh: Papa, find me a nice girl for your Anna.

Sivaangi: Sure na, anything for my pasamana Anna.

Rakshan: Dei, I will also find a nice girl for you da, don't worry.

Pugazh: Thanks to both of you, I'm lucky to have you in my life.

Pavithra: What about me? ( looks somewhere else )

Pugazh: ( glares at her )

Ashwin: Dei macha, why don't you just being a single forever?

Pugazh: No, I will find the most beautiful girl and will marry her one day.

Sivaangi: Kudiya seekiram adhu nadakum na, nadakum.

Pugazh in mind voice: Nadakum papa, because that most beautiful girl was Pavithra, I'm in love with her, I want to marry her and live with her in my whole life, but I don't know who is the guy that she loves, I will find out that guy as soon as possible. ( looks at Pavithra )

Rakshan: Dei macha, what are you thinking da?

Pugazh: Nothing da, just some other thoughts.

Ashwin: Ahmmmm, I'm so excited for the Onam day, guys. I'm waiting for the fun ahead.

Sivaangi: Yes Ashwineyyy, we will dress up beautifully and have a lot of dances and musics, everything will have a blast at there.

Rakshan: This is my first time going to Kerala, as it's my wish to go there for a long time.

Pugazh: Me too da, Kerala is like my second home, because I used to have seen their cultures here, but now I'm going to see it clearly when we reach there.

Pavithra: Guys, we should make this Onam day an unforgettable moment that no one even can imagine, are you guys ready for the fun?

Sivaangi: As always, Pavithra. We will have fun and only fun.

Ashwin: Having fun with our loved ones, is also good. Right, Sivaangi ma? ( puts his hand on her shoulder )

Sivaangi: It does, Ashwineyyy. It was so much fun.

Rakshan: It's just that.........I don't have parents too. ( gets sad )

Sivaangi: Anna, don't be sad. We are here to fill your parents's place, don't be emotional.

Ashwin: Yes da macha, even though I also don't have parents, I also know that pain, just be strong, we will always there for you.

Rakshan: ( goes to Ashwin and hugs him ) Thanks da macha, you are my always my best supporter.

Ashwin: You too da macha.

Sivaangi felt happy to see them as their bond was beautiful just like her with Ashwin, unknowingly tears started to fall down from her face for her own reason.

Sivaangi in mind voice: Finally, the day is coming near.

10.25 pm

It's been announced that the flight to Kerala had ready, the gang took their things and went to the plane to settle their seat. Ashwin and Sivaangi sat in a three straight seat while Rakshan, Pugazh and Pavithra sat behind them, they had settled themselves in their seat and waited for the plane to take off. While Ashwin was looking around, he saw Sivaangi closed her eyes and prayed something, he smiled and asked her about it.

Ashwin: Sivaangi ma, what are you praying for?

Sivaangi: I'm praying that everyone in this plane should be landed safely after the plane arrive to Kerala, Ashwiney. Hehe.......

Ashwin: ( smiles ) You have a pure soul ma, thinking everyone to be good even if they hurt you.

Sivaangi: That's what I'm, Sivaangi Krish, the pombala queen.

Ashwin: Hahahahaha........Pombala queen, nice name for you.

Sivaangi: Thank you Ashwineyyy.

Pugazh: ( Came between them from the seat behind ) What are you guys talking about? I will also listen to you.

Ashwin: ( glares at him and hit his nose ) Dei Pugazh, don't disturb our moment, you got it?

Pugazh: ( rubs his nose ) sothulayum adivangiyachu setulayum adivangiyachu, poda.....

Ashwin: Poda poda dei.....

Sivaangi: Yen Ashwineyyy, avaru pavam le?

Ashwin: Anna mela paasam?

Sivaangi: Avaruyachum jollyla irukka vidunga, he.......

Ashwin: Oh, appo Anna va vitha kudika mathe?

Sivaangi: No!!

Ashwin: Hey!!

Sivaangi: Yarairundhalum Annan dhan mukkiyam

Ashwin: Appidiya? Seri ok. ( looks away )

Sivaangi: Oh, inga yarukom kovom varudu

Ashwin: Chi chi.......

Sivaangi: Ashwineyyy......

Ashwin: Amma kovom dha, ippo enna panu......

Sivaangi: ( kisses his cheek ) Ippo pocha?

Ashwin: Podi, ippudi oru umma kuduthi enna off ayikuru. ( holds her hand )

Sivaangi: Hehehehehehehe..........

After their cute moment, the plane had ready to take off, it moved slowly and gone up slowly, just to fly in the air about 30 feets tall. Sivaangi had already slept on Ashwin's shoulder, he carrased her hair and kissed her forehead, he went to her ear and whispered.

Ashwin: I Love You Sivaangi Ma.

Sivaangi: ( in sleep ) I Love You Too, Ashwineyyy, hehehehe.......( snores )

Ashwin smiled and rested his head on her, he then drifted to sleep and soon the plane had filled with silence and the beauty of night.

To be continued.......

Hi, guys. Thanks for reading. As I know, you guys might have guess who is the first son of Ashwin's parents, I had already given you all a clue in a chapter and you can read it back to find out. Anyway, let's look forward to see the fun and excitement that about to take place in Kerala, and it's going to be Kerala chapters for a few weeks. Until then, I see you guys in the next chapter. Bye, guys.💜💜💜💜💜

With Love,

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