The Crow Of Death (DSMP AU)

By Jedi_Raptor

10.3K 567 509

BOOK 2 OF THE CURSED AU SERIES The second part to the new AU that Casserole :D created with their animatic o... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Finale Chapter

Chapter 1

1.2K 41 36
By Jedi_Raptor

First of all, thank you all so much! I got so much positive feedback through votes and comments on the first book. I'm glad you all enjoy my little story so much.

So here is the second part. Again, please check out Casserole :D on YouTube who is the original creator of this AU and animations that inspire the story.

So the original idea credits for this AU in generla go to them, but the detailed story and different plots are my own creation.

Now, I wasted enough of your time, you're here for the story after all.

Let's get started!

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This is platonic. I am not shipping Techno and Phil in any way. Not the Characters on the SMP and most definitely not the real people.

Please be respectful of people's boundaries and not push anything on them that they are uncomfortable with.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It had been two days since Techno turned back into a human. The shock of discovering that his friend was the giant hoglin the entire time was still there, but Phil had gotten over it pretty quick. Honestly, he had seen weirder shit during his already long lifespan. This shouldn't suprise him as much as it did. Especially considering how the hoglin protected him this whole time and how it seemed to like him almost instantly after seeing him for the first time. It's more of a suprise that Phil didn't make the connection a lot earlier than that.

The real suprise came when he heard that Kristin had actually send him a message over Techno, even if it was just a simple hello. She can't really make him say any private stuff after all, that would be embarrassing. The subject hadn't come up again and honestly, he wasn't sure how to explain their relationship to his friend anyways. How do you explain that you are married to the goddess of Death herself? Or that Wilbur and Tommy are their children? Yes, Techno knows that they are his kids, but not her's as well. It's not that he's embarrassed of their relationship. He loves her with all his heart and would scream it out into the world every day if he could. It's just... difficult to explain how it works for them, considering she is literal death. And a small part of him was just a tiny bit worried of what Techno might think about his wife or their relationship in general.

Speaking of the hybrid, Techno had been resting for the full two days, only getting up to use the bathroom. Phil made absolutely sure of that. Even when his friend kept complaining that he was fine and that the pain he felt was minimal in comparison to what he had been through in the past, the immortal made sure to keep him tugged in for the full 48 hours that have passed so far. Blame his parental instincts for that, especially after raising little trouble maker Tommy. Honestly it's a suprise he lived to see his 17th birthday with all the shit he had gotten himself into, both as a little kid and as a teenager.

As to right now, Phil was making himself and Techno some breakfast. While the potatoes were baking in the oven (don't question their choice of food, he's living with Techno after all) he went outside to feed Steve, Blitz and Carl as well as all of the dogs. Someone has to take care of Techno's animals after all... and the polar bear is adorable. Even the crows like him, tho they do show some respect for the much larger animal. You never know when they might snap and actually consider the crows food and not friends.

When the blonde reentered his home, Techno was just walking down the stairs, yawning. His right arm was in a makeshift cast and secured with a cloth-sling. For some reason the healing potions and the golden apple refused to heal the broken bones, so they have to heal naturally for now. "Mornin'..." "Hey mate. How are you feeling? Still hurting? I don't think you should be put of bed yet anyways. Let's get you back upstairs and-" "Phil... I'm fine. Really. You don't have to worry about me so much." "But you're in pain." "Only my arm... and shoulder. The rest is fine." "So you are in pain!"

Techno groaned and sat down at the kitchen table. "Get back to bed." "No." "What do you mean no?!" "I don't want to stay in bed anymore. You didn't allow me to move for two days. My legs are fine. It's only my shoulder that's still aching from the explosion and my broken arm. I can walk around without a problem."

Phil sighed, his feathers puffing up in annoyance. Why does he feel like he's talking to 15 year old Tommy again? "Okay. Okay fine. How about you can eat breakfast down here, but then at least lay down on the couch? We can talk and maybe I'll get Steve in here to cuddle with you. I will definitely not let you do chores in your condition. Not that you would be able to do much with your arm anyways." "Fine. It's at least something."

The avian grinned and placed a cup with coffee and a plate with fresh breakfast in front of him almost instantly. "Here. Get your strength back. I can get you extra potatoes if you want more." Techno just hummed and started eating. He has to admit, living together with Phil had spoiled him in terms of food. That man knew how to cook. Guess that's just a skill that you pick up over time if you have been alive for as long as the blonde has.

When Techno tried to reach for the small salt shaker, Phil quickly grabbed it and placed it in his hand. "Here, you shouldn't move so much." "You're acting like I'm dying or something. It's just a hurting shoulder." "You did die!" Techno flinched at the sudden change of volume, which was already rare enough for him as it is. Phil barely ever yells, even less when he's angry. He's more of a calm and quiet anger, which is honestly more scary than the loud type. If there is one thing that even Techno is scared of, it's a silently glaring Phil. That man is terrifying if he wants to be.

"I... I just don't want to lose you. Tommy his off on his own with Ranboo and Tubbo, Wilbur is constantly in a fight with Quackity and has plans to make a new van. Most of the people on the SMP grounds don't even want to look at me after doomsday and shit... You're everything I have. Everyone else left and rarely comes to visit, if they do at all. I don't even know if Tommy still likes me... he was quite mad when I offered Wil a place to stay. I get they are my kids and all... but just because I'm their father doesn't mean they have to like me... or want to be around me." Alright. That was a drastic mood change. It's like the situation in the Nether all over again... and Techno was not about to let his friend be sad over something so small.

"Phil. You're a good father. You raised them the best you could, but they are grown men now. Tommy is almost 18 and Wil is 24. They're not little kids anymore. They want to go off do their own thing and be free. For Prime's sake, they've been through multiple wars and made their own nation! They can handle themselves... most of the time. But that's just how it is. Sure, they make mistakes and get in trouble, but who doesn't? You said it yourself. Mistakes are a way for us to learn and grow as people." He got up to place his good hand on his friends shoulder, trying his best to comfort him. He may not be good at it, but at least he tries. And that already meant to world to Phil.

"I know... but... I still want to protect them. They are not like me... they're mortal... I will lose them eventually, either to old age or to something else..." "I know... but you can't keep them around you forever. Every bird has to leave the nest at some point. That's just nature, even for us humans... or hybrids or whatever." Phil looked over to Techno and smiled, trying to hold back a giggle. "Did you just make a bird pun?" "Hey I'm trying my best here! I can just stop trying to comfort you if all you do is laugh at me!" That just broke the blonde as he started laughing. Techno grumbled something in Piglin and sat back down, finishing his food.

"I heard that. You know I can understand Piglin." "Don't care. Give me more potatoes." Phil just shook his head and quickly made a second batch of potatoes for his friend. It feels good to be so at ease again. The last few weeks had been stressful with working on the Syndicate, searching for Techno and getting involved in an argument between Ranboo and Quackity. The duck hybrid was starting to get on his nerves with his constant threatening and arguing with all of his sons and close friends. Not to mention that he was still pissed at him for trying to murder Techno multiple times.

"Here you go mate. Three more potatoes." Techno just huffed and kept eating. Guess he's still a little grumpy. He's not a morning person anyways. "Okay okay. I get it. No more making fun of you." Again, he just received a huff from the Piglin. "Alright. Have it your way."

The avian got up from the table and put on his cloak and hat. That got his friend's attention. "Where are you going?" "To the village. Getting some supplies. You better be resting on the couch when I get back." Techno was about to replay, but Phil was already out the door.

Did he feel bad for leaving just like that? Yes. Does he care right now? Not really. And it's not like he made it up. They really do need some things from the village, like enchantments, tools and food.

He hopes that Techno will actually listen and stay in bed or on the couch.

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