Obey Me: Unexpected Too Part 2

By CandleQueenEleven88

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This is the book 2, of the book Obey Me: Unexpected. This book takes place at the birth of the twins, here... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 8

2 0 0
By CandleQueenEleven88


   After shopping with Asmodeus, everyone decided to grab a bite to eat at Hell's Kitchen.  "Hello Lord Diavolo, I didn't see you arrive."  Said Asmodeus.  "Coming to shop too?"  He looks over at Brianna and smiled.  "Actually no, I was bored at home and wanted a snack.  I may have a butler, but sometimes it's nice to get a quick bite to eat somewhere else.  Don't tell Barbatos, I said that please."  Brianna laughed and Diavolo smiled.  "Alright I'm headed to Hell's Kitchen, to get some burgers anyone want to join, my treat?"  Everyone all agreed and everyone started walking towards the establishment.  "Brianna, may I talk to you, please?"  Brianna stopped, and turned to Diavolo.  "Yes, how may I help you?"  Diavolo looked remorseful and sad.  "Please except my apologies for earlier today, I am so sorry for saying that comment about us having sex.  We clearly haven't, not that I'm rushing to do so.  Only if you wanted to.  Wait, that's not what I meant."  Brianna started laughing at him stumbling over his words.  "Oh my gosh, that's so cute.  I'm going to stop you, Lord Diavolo.  Apology accepted.  Let's forget about all that, okay."  Diavolo looked into her eyes.  "Absolutely."  And they walked to Hell's Kitchen together.

   And once they arrived there, it was chaos.  The brothers got into an argument about who ordered what, Beelzebub was eating a little bit of everything.  Diavolo turned to Brianna.  "Would you like to go to Ristorante Six, it's a quieter establishment, with me?"  Brianna looked at Diavolo.  "Yes, this is crazy even for someone from the human world and been to a Waffle House, but this is a hot mess."  And they turned around and walked to Ristorante Six.  Diavolo and Brianna walked slowly to their destination.  "It's a wonderful night?  What do you think?"  Diavolo tried to get Brianna talking.  "I am shocked on how many stars their are.  I guess being up in the human world, it has to be pretty dark in order to see them.  Are these stars the same as the ones in the human world?"  Brianna asked, looking at Diavolo who was looking up at the stars too.  "Uh, maybe I haven't looked up at the stars in the human world often. But I do know that our stars and your stars have the same meaning, but called something else, and our galaxy runs completely different."  Brianna wondered.  "How so?  I look up and see slightly similar constellations, and it looks like a painting too, so what's the differences?"  Diavolo looked at her.  "Here I'll show you."  And he stood behind Brianna, with on hand on her waist, and the other moving her arm towards the sky.  "Now the human world the earth rotate in this direction so placing your axis towards the North Star from this angle, in this realm our axis is over in that direction moving our North Star there."  And Diavolo was close to Brianna's face.  As they looked into each other's eyes, a spark of something twinkled in their eyes.  "Your eyes, are beautiful." Brianna whispered. "So are yours." Diavolo whispered back. They move in closer to each other, their lips almost touched, until they were interrupted by some people running around.  "How about we head to the Ristorante Six."  Brianna nodded, and they both fanned themselves off.  "After you?"  He opened the door as the walked in.

   Sitting at a table just themselves, they talked about everything.  "Brianna, what do you do for a living?"  Diavolo asked as the waiter pours him a Demonus.  "I'm a school teacher.  Well, I was a school teacher, now I work as a substitute teacher.  My school closed, and a lot of teachers had to find work elsewhere."  The waiter wanted to ask Brianna if she wanted some Demonus, but Brianna got water instead.  "Water?  Please it's my treat."  Brianna smiled.  "Thank you, but I can't drink any alcohol."  Diavolo looked at her.  "Why not?"  She smiled and said.  "I am pregnant, but, I'm a little down about it.  Before I arrived in Devildom, my husband cheated on me.  Then he said this wasn't a one time, it's been a three year affair and we've only been married for three years."  Brianna sat their starting to tear up.  Diavolo moved closer to Brianna.  "Hey, okay come here, lay your head on me.  That sucks, I had no idea.  Why would anybody cheat on such a beautiful woman.  He's a jerk!"  Diavolo said as he rubbed her back.  "I'm fine, I just needed to get that off my chest and I thought I was a catch, I mean I like things men like, like sports, I can cook, I keep a tidy house.  And when it comes to sex, I, let's just say, I make sure you are very satisfied, but sometimes that doesn't matter, he said I didn't come to his games, and I was too 'into school', so he cheated on me with some trainer."  Brianna buried her head into Diavolo's chest.  He wrapped his arms around her, to comfort her.  She took a deep breathe in. "Mmm! You smell wonderful.  What is that?  It's like I smelled it before."  He smiled.  "Thank you.  I got this as a gift." 

Brianna kept nuzzling her face into him, until she tilted up towards his face a slowly grazed his neck with her nose.  Diavolo growled a little, which made Brianna giggle.  "Hehehe, that was adorable. Like I heard that before." Then another flash image popped in her head. It was much clearer this time, it was Brianna having sex with a red haired gentleman. Her moaning, him on top of her, pumping slowly. ("Mmm, mmm, Brianna". He said) ("Oh! Yes!  Mmm!"). Then it ended. Brianna pushed away from Diavolo. "Is everything okay?" He asked, eyebrows raised, arms still on her. "Uh, yeah. Our foods arrived, let's eat." Diavolo moved back over across from her, to enjoy their meal. "While we are apologizing, I would like to apologize for my opinions, and criticisms when we met. I didn't mean to offend you, or call your ideas dumb. I think it's great that you want change, but being on the outside looking in, I don't get it. I mean walking around down here, it's wonderful. Why did you want to leave and join the humans?" Brianna asked, as she took a sip of her water. "I find humans fascinating, I'm intrigued by all the things you guys do, and also I realized the flaws you guys have too. Same as us, honestly. You were right, though, the most in common thing we both share is our superiority complex, but also we've never experienced all the wonders humans have too." Brianna looked slightly sad as she rimmed her glass. "Well if we could trade, I would. I feel like I'm just a magnet for disappointment, you pour your heart out for different things, people, jobs, you're happiness, and one by one, everything falls apart. I know it's just one heartbreak, but not if it's someone you planned to spend the rest of your life with, have children with, grow old and die with. But I guess that's life, right? Excuse me." Brianna gets up, and walk towards the bathrooms. Diavolo watched as she walked towards the bathrooms and then followed behind her.

While in the bathroom, Brianna started crying. She was sitting on the toilet but not using the toilet, which ultimately made her need to use the toilet. "Why am I crying in front of him. I'm so stupid. Crying over some jerk, why? He didn't even give our relationship time." And she cried more. Someone walked in, and she tried to wipe her face off. But that someone stopped in front of her stall, they started knocking and Brianna got upset. "Someone's in here. Occupied!" The person laughed. "I'll wait right here until you're ready to come out, okay?" Brianna got confused. "Lord Diavolo, are these bathrooms for both genders?" He laughed again. "Yes, this is what you call a family bathroom, like the ones you have in the human world. Will you be coming out soon, I would like to give you a hug, if that's alright with you?" Brianna smiled, because he asked for a hug. She flushed the toilet, pulled up her pants, and walked out the stall. They locked eyes, until she walked past him to wash her hands. "Give me a second, I need to wash my hands." He nods. As Brianna washed, some tear still streamed down her face, Diavolo noticed it and grabbed a tissue. He slowly walked up behind her, and through the reflection of the mirror, blotted her face to soak up her tears. "Let it out, let all of it out, and when you're done with this one, I'll get another one." Brianna started crying more, and Diavolo wrapped his arms around her, which made Brianna feel safe in his arms. She turned around and cried into his chest, they stood their holding each other, not saying a word. Brianna started to cry less and less, the more he just held her, to the point that she moved her arms from around his waist to his neck. She was reaching up to hold him pressing herself onto him, which made her feel something inside her. They began to sway side to side, as Brianna smelled is neck. Diavolo head was in Brianna neck, and shivers rolled down her spine, and he slowly exhaled. "Mmm".  Brianna moaned as she started moving her head in his neck. "Mm".  Diavolo moans as he grazed his nose up her neck to her ears gave a gentle kiss on her lobe. "Oo!" Brianna moaned. Brianna moved up his neck, mimicking his movement but instead she bit his ear lobe. "Mm, Bri!" Diavolo arms squeezed her tighter, as he caresses down to her butt, and squeezed it. "Oo, Diavolo!" They stood their feeling on each other until someone knocked on the door. They slowly backed away from each other, calmly catching their breath, and exited the bathroom. Once they were back at the table, they took it to go, and left. On their way back, they didn't say anything, but they walked slowly.

Brianna and Diavolo walked all the way to the House of Lamentation in silence, and once they reached the steps, they said their good nights. "Good night Lord Diavolo, I enjoyed myself tonight. I judged a book before opening it, and it's really beautiful down here. Thank you for inviting me."  She smiled at him, causing him to smile back. "You're welcome, Brianna. I heard you stayed in your room for a week or two, I'm glad you came out too, I greatly enjoyed myself." They continued to linger a while longer, until someone opened the door. "Lord Diavolo? Brianna? I'm glad you've arrived, we were worried about you, you couldn't call to let anyone know where you've been?" Brianna was confused. "I don't have a phone, or your phone number to call you, so no." Diavolo smack himself. "That's what I forgot." Diavolo handed her a red phone. "This is a D.D.D, it's just like the human phones, it just work down here. We have our own cell company too." Brianna smiled as she took the phone. "Tell me again why you want to go to the human world, you guys are technologically savvy too." He smiled and showed her the features. "It just like the human phone, here we have a Akuzon button, Deviltube, and also I added our phone numbers in here too, so you can call if you need help with anything." Brianna thanked him, and headed inside. "Goodnight and thank you again. Bye!" He nodded. "Goodnight to you too Brianna." While he was still at the door he watched as she walked to her room. "Lord Diavolo, I've never seen you lovestruck before, it's adorable. Could I interest you in a night cap?" He laughed, and turned to leave. "Goodnight, Asmodeus!"

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