Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

3.1K 147 61

Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

116 7 2
By DakotaNee

The next morning I wake up with a groan. I could barely move my right arm, along with my legs. I was so sore. "Jarvis Get Tony!" I yell.

He's on his way, ma'am.

"Thank you." I say. There was a knock on my door, "Come in!" In came Tony, he came over after shutting the door. "I can barely move." I say to him as I wince. He bent down and helped me sit up, which was really painful. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I say as I stand up. "Easy my ass." He chuckles and puts his arm around my waist making me wince.

"Sorry." I hum as he helps me into the elevator. "I can have one of the others cook?" I shake my head. "Water." I say he understands as the elevator doors open. He helps me onto the couch that's when I see everyone apart from Thor. "How bad?" Nat says with a guilty smile, "UH, 1 is worse 10 is great, I'd say a negative 10." "I'm sorry." She says I shrug which makes me wince. "All I need is water."

"Eating helps too." Steve says looking at me. "Trust me water is better." "How?" Bruce says, Tony leaves and comes back with a cold water bottle. "Just watch." I say. I take a sip of the water, then a few more, that's when I feel the familiar sense. I knew what was happening, I have a blue mist around me, my hands were blue too.

I then feel all the pain slowly subdue. Then it disappears. "See all better." I smile at everyone's shocked face besides Tony's. I smile at them. I pour water above my hand and watch it float in the air a few inches above my hand. I then made it into a lion who roared. Then a giraffe eating from a tree. "Isn't it beautiful?" I ask as I look up. They all were mesmerized by it.

Then I made it soak up into my hand. "So how bad was your arm?" "I couldn't even move it." He chuckles at me. "So more training today?" Nat says I look at her, "How about movie day?" "Awesome idea I got the popcorn!" Clint says yelling and running into the kitchen. I laugh at his actions. "Anyone else up?" I ask, Steve raises his hand so does Nat and Bruce. "Tony?" I ask, "I don't know I have this thing in the lab...."

I squeal, "Great!" I grab his hand and sit him down putting my legs on his lap. He huffs at me. "C'mon hang out with your family." I say to him, "Please? For me?" I make my best puppy dog eyes. "Fiiiine!" I hug him as Clint comes back, Bruce, Nat and Steve were laughing. "What's so funny?" He asks handing every other person some popcorn. "Talia pulled Tony on the couch and forced him to sit down while also begging him to watch the movie with us."

Clint chuckles and sits next to Nat. "What are we going to watch?" Steve asks, "Fast and Furious series?" I say, "YES!!" They all holler, I smile and put the first one in.

It was mid night when everyone went to bed. I was still up in my room. I was having trouble sleeping. I also had tears down my eyes as I was looking at a picture of my family. My real mother and father. "Jarvis is anyone up?"

No Ms. Talia.

"Jarvis do you think Tony would be mad if I went in his room?"

If anyone else besides you then yes, but you, no.

"Ok, thanks Jarvis." I grabbed the picture and walked to the elevator with a soft blanket around me. I walked in the elevator the floor below me already pressed. "Thank you." I whisper as the doors closed. When they opened again I went down to his room, should I knock, shouldn't I knock. I didn't know. I decided on knocking.

I heard a grumble, but no movement. I knocked again, there was a groan and I heard Tony tell Jarvis who it was,

It is your sister sir.

I heard a light switch on then movement towards the door. I was hugging the picture to my chest wrapped in my blanket. The door opened and Tony came into my blurry vision as more tears fell down my face. "Talia why are you crying?" He asks, I just walk into his chest. He was wearing a tank top and some shorts.

His arms immediately enveloped me into his chest. "Whats wrong?" He asks, he shut the door and rested his head on mine. I just cried for a few minutes before I pulled away and handed him the picture. He was confused since he couldn't see it because of my blanket. I moved my hands away, tears formed in his eyes as he hugged me again. This was one of my bad nights. I wouldn't be able to sleep since I was feeling guilty that I was alive and they weren't.

It was survivors guilt. I'm sure Tony had it too, bad nights, and good nights. I felt him move back, then he sat down on the edge of his bed. He pulled me down with him. I felt him cover my back up since I was facing him now, my head was in his neck as I cried silently. Even if I was crying I was happy that I had someone with me, but it was even better when that person was my long lost brother.

"It's ok Talia." I just nod as I cry more. He rubs my back until I stop crying, I didn't know how long I was crying but I knew it was a long time since my back was starting to hurt from being bent over a little bit without moving. "Is this a bad night?" I nod as he hugs me closer. "Wanna lay down?" I nod again, he shifts and lays down, I lay my head on his chest and curl up next to him. He moves my blanket onto me more then puts his blankets on us both.

"Bad night, I'm sorry, I know I could of dealt it by myself but I didn't want to. It was selfish." "Don't be, I would have done the same thing. "It's not selfish its being human." I just nod as my eyes close and soon I am asleep. When I wake up I felt Tony next to me, I could also hear his soft snoring. I looked at the time and saw it was 8.

I slowly got up and walked out with my picture and blanket. I went to my room and took a shower then dressed in some clothes. I quickly put my hair up and ran to the elevator with my purse and phone. I saw everyone besides Tony in the kitchen. "Where are you off too?" Brice said, "I have work today I totally forgot. I couldn't even put makeup on." I grabbed a water bottle and a breakfast bar, but I jumped when Nat was in front of me.

She smiled at me, "Close your eyes." I do as I said, then I felt brushes on my eyelids. Then I felt some blush being applied then some lip gloss. "Open." She puts on some mascara. "Under 5 minutes, man I'm awesome!" I laughed and hugged her. "Thank you so much." I grabbed my things and ran out, "TELL TONY I AM SORRY!!!!" I got into the elevators and went to the garage. I picked the truck that me and Steve got my things in and drove to the restaurant.

When I got there I quickly went in and put my things in my locker. I then did my apron and walked out. We all talked and waited for costumers. Around noon I heard the bell which means someone walked in. I looked and saw 5 people, all in disguises. I chuckled as they were sat at the only table left. I smiled to myself as I waited a few minutes then went over.

"Hello my name is Talia I will be your waitress for today. What can I start you all off with?" I say giving them all a knowing smile. I looked at Tony, "Whiskey." I looked at him, "Beer actually." I nod with a smile, I then look at Clint, "Coke please." I nod and look at Nat, "Water please." I look at Bruce, "Beer." I nod and look at Steve, "Uhm, just a Pepsi." "Ok I will be back." I walk away and make the drinks putting them on a platter and walk over setting them in front of everyone.

"Ok and do we need another minute to order or are we good?" "We need-" Nat tried to say, but was cut of, "Hey!" A man said I spun around and looked at the middle aged man with a woman. "Yes sir?" I ask him, "My burger has mustard on it, I specifically said NO mustard, I won't eat this, I want a whole other burger, for free." He shoves the plate at me, I catch it before it falls but drop my notebook and pen.

"Ok sir it will be I just need you to calm down." I say, "Sorry my husband is on new meds and it makes him grumpy." The woman says and hands me the notebook and pen. "Ok, thank you ma'am excuse me sir, I am sorry." He just huffs at me, I quickly turn around to face my friends, "Sorry excuse me I'll be back in a second."

I walk away quickly and tell the cook. Then I get back to my friends. "Ok I'm back sorry about that what would we like to order?" I look at my notebook and see


Written in the middle. I glance back and see the man on his phone texting furiously as the woman looks at me. "Uhm...." "What?" Tony says quietly, I show them the notebook. "I'll be right back." I jog away and head to the manager, I show her and she calls the cops. She tells me they will be 10 minutes. I nod and jog to the woman and her husband. "Ok that will be 10 minutes sir." He looks at me and nods. I turn around and walk to my friends.

"It's dealt with, just watch him." I say lowly as I turn the page. "Ok and to order?" They tell me all their orders. "Ok that will be around 45 minutes." I walk away and pin the order on the line so the cooks can see it. Then I see the cops walk in. I head over to the 2 cops and show them the table. "We just have cleared a table you can sit and pretend to be on lunch. That's the best idea I have to not raise suspicion."

"Ok, and what is your name Ma'am?" "Talia, I am their waiter." They nod I sit them down next to my friends and so they have a good view of the husband. He looked a little worried. "So what can I get you 2 to drink?" "Just 2 waters please. And can you rush our orders we only have an hour." "Of course. I will be back with your waters."

I walk away and get a water, I take a different way so the woman could see me. I motioned to the water in my hands, I saw her remove her purse and phone from her and set it on the table next to her. When I got close enough I pretend to trip, spilling all the water on her, she gasps and stands up. "Ma'am I am so sorry come on I will help you dry off." "No she is ok, it's just water right babe?" He asks with a glint in his eyes, a dangerous one.

"No I insist in return I will make your whole meal free." "Fine." He grumbles, I move the woman behind me backing up slowly. Then the cops grab him, he looks around and sees me blocking her. "Hey!" He yells he tries and breaks free but the cops cuff him and take him out. I turn around and the woman hugs me tightly.

"Oh my god! Thank you!" I smile and hug her back, I didn't care that she was wet I was happy and felt good that I saved a life. "I'm sorry that I got you all wet." I shake my head with a smile, "It's fine I don't care, I'm just glad that you got out of there." She smiles and hugs me again. "Do you have someplace to go?" She nods and walks out. I smile as I go to the kitchen and grab the food my friends ordered. I balance them on 2 platters. I set one down on the table. I then give them all their orders. "Refills on those beers?" I ask, "Yes please." I smile and grab all of the glasses.

I come back with them refilled. I grab the platters and stuff them under my arm. I turn around and walk away when the woman from earlier came back. I jumped back almost dropping the platters but I catch them in time. "This is for saving my life." She hands me a piece of paper, I open it and see a check of 100,000 dollars. "Oh my god! I-I can't take this. Please put this to charity for the kids." "You can if you want." "N-No I don't want to take this please. I insist." "I can't. He was about to kill me. And I want to. Please." "I didn't want to get an award I was just doing what other people would." She shake sher head. "I don't believe that." Then she leaves.

I sigh as I stuff it in my pocket. I go do my other business. I see a new family sat down across my friends so I went over there and got the drinks came back they told me their order. They had a 3 year old son, who looked spoiled and such. When I came back I took some plates from Steve, Clint and Tony.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a platter putting the food on for the family with the spoiled son. I balanced that along with one for more drinks for my friends. I sat the drinks down on their table and turned to give the others their food. I grabbed the platter off of their table and turned back around grabbing the platter of empty glasses. "Thank you. And would you all like some dessert this after noon. Today our special is a cookie cake type with chocolate chips in it. Topped with caramel syrup, chocolate syrup some vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and you can't forget the cherries either."

"We would love that. We will have 3." "Ok." I write it down and leave with a smile. I put the dishes in the sink and walked through when the family with the son stopped me. "My son doesn't like his food. Can we get something else?" "Sure I can add whatever you want to your bill just tell me-" "No, no, no I mean like how you can get free refills and we get refunds here?" "No ma'am I'm sorry about that. What doesn't he like I can ask the cook to make it differently to fit your son's style of food." I say with a smile. "Style of food?" The father's asks, "What I meant is what he has for lunch on a daily basis I can ask the cooks to change what it is."

They look at each other. "He has what a regular 3 year old has." "Do you have kids ma'am?" "Uhm, no I don't." I look down at my notebook a little sad, I clear my voice. "Then you wouldn't understand." She looks at her husband. "What if I give you money?" "Sir you can't bribe me into getting your son different food." "I want to speak to your manager." He says, "I-" "Now!" The father yells. I flinch slightly, A waiter comes by and I grab his arm. "Johnny will you show this kind man where our manager is. I can handle this just tell me what table and who's is who's." He gives me a knowing look and tells me so he sets off to the manager.

I turn to leave, "You can't leave." The woman says, I look at her then my friends who looked pretty pissed off. "I'm sorry ma'am but the world doesn't revolve around you and your son, or your husband I have other tables to serve so excuse me." I give her a sickly sweet smile and leave. "Hi sorry Johnny isn't here to serve you all, there has been a slight misunderstanding. My name is Talia. Who's is who's again? Sorry it's been a long day." "No it's fine we get it. I got the pasta, my daughter got the salad with a side of sushi and my husband got the spicy tuna." I nod handing out the foods.

"Anything else?" "No thank you." The woman said, "Ok well enjoy." I walk away and see my manager with the family. I go over to her. "Ah, just the person I wanted to see. How are you doing Talia?" "I've been better." "Ok sit down please we will sort this out." He asks the mother and father. I look behind me, Tony gave me and thumbs up while Steve gave me a small smile.

"Ok Talia please tell me what is going on." I nod, "I brought them their food that they ordered." I show him and he nods. "I came back to serve the family behind us when she told me if she can get something else for her son since she didn't like that. And I told them I could get them anything they wanted but I had to add it to the bill. But she meant a refund and we don't do refunds." She nods again. "I asked what kinds of foods her son liked so I can maybe change something for them in his food. Then she said that he ate what normal 3 year olds eat. She asked if I had any kids and I said no, so she said I wouldn't understand. Then the kind man said what if I pay money. I responded with sir you can't bribe me into it. Then he asked for you."

I look down as she thinks. "I am sorry your son isn't happy with his food, but we did everything we could, if your son doesn't like it or won't eat it that still doesn't mean you can try and bribe my client into doing so. Now if you want to make a bigger scene then I suggest you leave, after you pay your bill." My manager says. "She is the worst waitress ever." The mother says picking her son up. I clear my voice and take a small step backwards with my head down. I heard Nat and Clint tryin to calm Tony and Steve down while Bruce held in Hulk.

"I will report you to the police if you do not leave. We will send you the bill. Now she is one of the best clients I have ever hired. If you want to talk like that about my best clients then I highly suggest you leave before I call the police." "Whatever." The mother says and leaves.

The father looks at my manager and takes a step towards me. I move back quickly. This is when Tony and Steve come up and stand in front of me, surprising him. "She said leave." Steve said motioning towards my manager. The guy gets his things and leaves. They sit back down. Carlie my manager turns towards me. "I'm sorry that happened." I say. "Its not your fault. Why don't you have the day off. You'll still get paid until your normal shift would be over. You've had an eventful day." I chuckle. "Yeah just me me finish this table and I'll get out of your hair." She laughs and walks away.

I sigh and sit down next to Tony. I shoot back up and leave. I come back with the dessert. "I'll see you guys at home." I turn around and leave. I go to my locker and grab my things then heading out. I get in the truck and drive to the tower. I go into the garage and park the car. I went to the elevator and pressed my floor number. Then I walked into my room and jumped on my bed with a groan.

Taking the heels off, I go into the bathroom and take off my makeup. I put my hair in a messy bun, while putting on converse. I grabbed my phone and earbuds, before walking out, going to the training room. I grabbed a cold water bottle from the mini fridge that Tony had down here, and drank some. I felt better and more energetic. I put my earbuds in and blasted music in my ears before I ran a few laps around the room first.

After that I stretched and little bit and put bandages on my hand before walking over to the punching bag. I did a few tricks while punching and kicking the bag. It was a while before I stopped. My breath was ragged, but I didn't stop from there. I went to the weights and lifted 20 pounds each, doin squats and working every muscle I could.

I heard something loud but I didn't check. I just closed my eyes listening to my music. After a while with that I went to the treadmill. I ran as fast as I could. This one was different the faster you ran the treadmill sped up if you wanted to go slower it would slow down. You didn't need any buttons. I thought it was pretty cool.

I didn't know how long I was on there but I stopped when I started to get light headed. I went to my water bottle and drank the whole thing. When I was done I felt a lot better. I took out my earbuds and closed my eyes leaning my head back. "About time you stopped for a minute." I heard I jumped and punched whoever it was. My eyes widen when I see Steve on the ground and laughter behind me. I look and saw the whole team, even Thor now.

I ran to Steve and helped him up. "One hec of a right hook." "I'm sorry. Here sit down." "I'm good Talia." "No because I made you bleed." I forced him to sit down and grabbed another water bottle. I poured some in my hand forming a small ball of water. I didn't hear the laughter anymore. "What are you doing?" "Just shut up." He scoffed with a smile.

I bent down and made the water go to his cheek where his cut it. He winced lightly, I closed my eyes and when I opened then a few seconds later there was no bruise or a small cut. I smile as I step back. "All better " "Thank you Talia." I nod. "How did you do that? Where did you learn it?" Bruce said I shrug. "So wanna train together?" I ask him, "Sure." Clint and Nat come over too. "We all can train just let us go change Talia." I smile at them as they leave. Tony cams over and hugged me. "Rough day?" I chuckle. "How did it feel saving that woman?" He asks as we sit down. "The best feeling ever." He nods with a smile.

"I don't want you to join us because you might get hurt or worse, but at least I know with you with me or with any of the others I am almost certain you will be ok." "I will be Tony. I'm not the small, scared and trust worthy person I once was." He nods, "I know that and it scares the hell out of me." I laugh, "Isn't that what a little sister is supposed to do?" He just laughs as the others come back. "Ready?" They all say, "Sure am."

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