Steve Rogers Love and Tony St...

By DakotaNee

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Talia Stark used to love her life when she was younger. she had loving parents, an I've protective big brothe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 7

137 5 1
By DakotaNee

I was now dressed in a sports bra and some running shorts. Me and Steve were gonna do that race. The team was here wanting to watch and putting down bets. I wasn't paying attention to those bets either. I was stretching, I had this. All I had to do was 5 minutes at his pace of running. No body was at the park which was good, I could see perfectly fine too. It wasn't that dark but it was cool out.

"Ok is everyone ready?" Tony said, me and Steve went over and got into position. We both would start off slow and he would speed up before we have gotten one circle back around we would be running at his pace. So we would be getting faster and faster. "GOOO!!!" Tony yelled. Me and Steve started in a fast jog and he kept getting faster but I kept pace with him.

By the time we did one lap, I could feel my legs burning, Steve looked perfectly fine while I was breathing slightly heavier. I could hear my friends cheering me on. Before we did a second lap he was faster, he made it 2 feet in front of me, but I was next to him within 30 seconds. "Good job." He said looking down at me, he was now slightly out of breath.

"Can you go faster?" "Be my guest." I said as we did our 3rd lap. He sped up and I was right next to him. "3 minutes!" Clint yelled. I was now out of breath but I wasn't slowing down. He looked down at me with a smirk, "Wanna stop?" I shake my head. He smiles and speeds up again. It took me a few seconds to catch up. He was now going faster and faster as we ran along. Soon before I knew it we only had a minute.

I felt like I was about to pass up, my legs were hurting so bad that if I thought about it, it would make me tear up. But I wanted to prove to myself, and me that I was strong, I was a strong woman. I was independent and I was stubborn. I sped up ahead of him which made him surprised but he caught up easily.

I was ahead of him by 4 inches. He was sweating and so was I, I was soaked in sweat. "30 seconds!" Tony yelled. I smirked at Steve, I could do a lap in 30 seconds. I sped up as fast as I could, I looked behind me and saw Steve a few feet back, but he was catching up, knowing I was racing him. I ran as fast as I could. I passed Tony right when he said It was over. I collapsed on the cold, cool grass. Natasha ran over and handed me an opened water bottle.

I rolled onto my back holding my head up. She got the gist and brought the bottles to my lips, I finished it in seconds. I then laid back down as my legs went limp. "I can't feel my legs." I said so everyone looked at me. "Hey Steve?" I asked, I moved my head up and saw he was leaning on a tree a few feet from where I was. I crawled to the tree next to him, "Where's that 20 bucks?" He laughs at me taking a sip of his water.

"In my room." "It better be." He chuckles again. Tony came over with another cold water bottle. "Your stubborn." He puts the water bottle to my mouth and I drink half of that. "We're Starks, that's our job." He laughs at me. "You did great." "Yeah you beat Steve, I have always wanted to see the day. Now I can die knowing someone is faster then him." Clint falls on the ground next to me being dramatic.

I burst out laughing, to the point where tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't breath. "Your a drama queen." He looks at me, "King." "Queen." "Hey the only king here is me." Thor said. I shake my head. "Dammit Steve I lost 100 bucks." Bruce said. I laughed at him as I looked at Steve, he was already looking at me, then he glances at Bruce with a shrug and smile. "I'm tired, someone help me up." I say.

Clint gets up and holds out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. When I stood up I almost fall, he catches me. "I don't think I can walk." I say stating the obvious. "It's ok, you weigh like 80 pounds." I scoff offended, "100." He looks at me and scoops me up in his arms making me squeal and hang on. He laughs at me. "Hey, that's my sister." Tony said, Clint rolled his eyes. I saw Thor helping Steve up, then helping him walk.

"So tell me again why we walked this late?" I asked, "Hey your not carrying anybody, so shush and no complaining." "I'm not. In your words I'm 80 pounds." He rolls his eyes at me. "So do you guys just get calls about going on a mission, or do you just head there whenever?" "We get calls." Natasha said. I nod laying my head on Clint's shoulder.

"Ah, I think you've worn out Talia Steve." I hear Clint say making everyone laugh. We get to the tower soon so Clint sets me on my bed. "Hey Natasha can you stay for a minute?" She turns around and nods, closing the door behind the boys. She comes over and sits down next to me. "I'm sorry to ask but can you help me get a bath?" I was blushing, "Sure. I have oils, candles, bubbles and scents in my room." "Really?" She nods and heads out, a minute later she comes back and sets the bathroom up.

Then she helps me in the bathroom. "So how long have you been on the team?" "About a year and a half." I nod, "What do you do being surrounded by men all the time?" "I have a room that gets locked and some books with a nice bath." I laugh. "I could never survive in this tower being the only girl for a year and a half." "I'm not the only girl, there is Pepper." "Who's Pepper?" Her eyes widen, "Tony never told you?" "Told me what?" "That the CEO of the Stark's company and Tony's I don't know what to call it." I nod, "I'll bring it up with him later."

She nods and turns the water off. "I am going to get you some clothes." I nod as she leaves. I make my way into the bath tub. The hot water making my sore muscles better. "There was a knock. "It's me Talia." Natasha says, "Come in." She opens the door and steps in. She sets down the clothes, "Thank you Natasha." "Your welcome and it's Nat to family and friends." I smile at her as she leaves. I sigh and close my eyes.

The candles were lit and the light was off. "Hey Jarvis, can we play some music in here?"

Sure Ms. Talia. What kind of music?

"Top music, like Taylor Swift, Blake Shelton, Kane Brown, Mumford and Sons, Daughtry, Imagine Dragons, Lady A, Florida Georgia Line."

There you go Ms. Talia.

The music starts to play in the back ground, "Thank you."

No problem.

I close my eyes and relax for a while, my muscles loosening and relaxing. Once the water was getting cold I drained it and put the shower on washing my body and hair. Then I dried off and put on the clothes Nat got me. It was a pare of leggings with a tie dye cropped shirt that showed a sliver of my stomach. I then put on some socks.

When that was done I blow dried my hair and threw it up. "Jarvis where is everyone?"

In the living room waiting for some Chinese

I smiled and walked out heading to the elevator. When I got out and it dinged everyone looked at me. I went over and sat down. "I got you some chicken teriyaki with Mexican rice." Tony said, "That is my second favorite thing." I say "What is your first?" "Sweet and sour chicken." They all nod. "Where is the remote?" I ask Thor tosses it at me so I turn the tv on, the news came on the screen.

Who is this girl that has been hanging out with the Avengers the past day? She has been seen with Captain America and Hawkeye. Just a few minutes ago she was racing with Captain America, here is some footage-

It shows us of me and Steve racing just a few minutes ago. Clint yelled that we had 3 minutes, me and Steve were talking and we both sped up then we were down to 1 minute, I was racing Steve now and then you saw us both collapse to the ground talk and Clint picks me up and we walk away. And after that it showed me and Steve in a car at the stop light.

We don't know her name yet but I bet we will be seeing her with the other Avengers, especially our very own Captain America and Hawkeye.

I groan as I switch it to Netflix. "At least they haven't figured out your Tony Starks sister, that would be the story of the year." Nat said I nod.

Mr. Stark the Chinese delivery guy is here.

"Thank you Jarvis." Tony says. Clint and Bruce go down to get it, "So how good are you at fighting?" Nat said, I smirk, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She scoffs, "Ok tomorrow 10 am sharp, training room." "I'll be there." She laughs and I join her. Bruce and Clint come back so I play a movie and we eat.

When it was over I headed to bed. When my head hit the pillow id didn't take long for me to fall asleep. When I woke up the next day I saw it was almost 9. I got changed into a sports bra, leggings and a tank top. I threw my hair up on a bun, put my converse on and walked out. I ate some eggs and drank some coffee.

When I was almost done Tony came in. "Clint, Thor and Steve are on a mission they should be back later around noon. They left around 4 in the morning." He said, "Ok." I make him a cup of coffee, "Thanks." "Your welcome." "So did you finish my suit?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "That's been done Peanut." I nod, "What are you working on now?" "Now that is a surprise." I pout and roll my eyes. Nat comes in all ready, she grabs a breakfast bar and some coffee.

"Morning Nat." "Morning Tony, Talia. Be in the training room in 5." I hummed as she walked out. When Tony got up I did to and grabbed a cold water bottle. I then went to the elevator, "Jarvis what floor is-"

Already on it Ms. Talia.

I thanked him as I saw the number 3 light up. When the elevator doors opened I walked out and into the training room. I haven't been down here at all. It was huge, there was a boxing mat, a mat that had bandages next to them so you could practice fighting, then there was another mat with a bag hung over it. Then in one space of the room was a bow and arrow along with dummy's.

There were a few doors so I wondered where they lead to. Nat looked at me and checked her watch, "Right on time." I scoff and set my water bottle down. "No powers, to make it fair." "Try not to kill me to make it fair." I said back, she laughs. "How about we start with doing 5 laps around the room?" I look at her, she shrugs, "There is a lot of running on the job." "I'm not an Avenger." "Yet." My eyes widen, "Your training me to be an Avenger?" She shrugs with a smile.

I hug her, "Does anyone know?" She nods, "We all had a meeting when you went to bed, Fury called us in, he is our boss, he wants you on the job when your ready." I smile and squeal, "Wait how did Tony take it?" "Uh, lets just say that he is lucky Fury didn't kill him." I laugh. "Ok let's do 5." She nods, we do a regular jog around the training room. By the 4th lap I was out of breath. After the 5th I was bent over breathing heavily.

"That was good." "I raced Captain America, I'm great." She laughs at me. "Lets see you punch the punching bag." I nod. She puts bandages around my hands. Then she explains the stance to be in so I get ready. "Ok punch." I give a hard punch. "Good." I punched the bag with my other one. "Ok let me explain how your hand should be when you throw a punch." She helps me for half an hour when I get the hang of it.

I give a few punches then I kick. She was holding the bag to make it easier. We did this for 3 hours then we took a break. It was around lunch time now. "Lets get some food and come back down?" I nod. We head upstairs. I cook some mac n' cheese, we eat with Bruce and Tony. They do the dishes so me and Nat head down to the training room. We both had 2 cold water bottles, we sat them on the bench.

"How about we use some pads and you throw try and throw punches, as hard as you can." I nod. We go up to an empty mat she put the pads on I put the boxing gloves on. "Ok ready?" "Yup cause I know you can't kill me." She laughs at me, I smile. "Ok on the count of 3. 1, 2, 3." I throw a punch and she dodges.

I then throw another one right after. I hit the pad, I do a kick and she blocks it. I throw a few punches hitting the pads 3 times. I don't stop until I am breathing heavily. I only take a few seconds to recover then I am going again. She throws a few punches and kicks, I dodge most of them. We go for a while until she is out of breath. "Good job." She says to me, "Thanks." I breath out. We get some water, I only take a few sips at a time.

"What now?" "Hand to hand?" I look at her like she grew 3 heads. "I will go easy." "No you won't." I say with a smile. "On your first time I will." "Promise?" "Yes." She puts her hand out so I take it, she pulls me up. We both put bandages on our hands. "Remember no powers." I nod. "And in return you go easy and not kill me." She laughs as we get into position.

"Ok on the count of 3. 1, 2, 3." She goes fast and in a second she throws a punch my way. I barely have time to dodge it before she throws another one. I don't dodge this one so she hits me in the cheek. I look at her and throw a couple of my own. I don't manage to hit her though, but I throw in a few kicks. When she threw another punch I spun and kicked the back of her knee, she barely manages to stand up before I was behind her.

I put my arm around her shoulder and the other one on the back of her head. She manages to kick my ribs. I double over but I do throw an unexpected punch in the stomach which gives me a few seconds to recover. I use those seconds so when she stands up I throw punches and kicks so fast I was shocked she blocked most of them. Then before I knew it I was in a head lock. That's when I saw the whole team watching.

I ignored them, I used my feet to jump and twist, I escaped from her grasp, throwing a punch at her face while I was in the air. She took a couple steps back but I was fast and threw more at her. "Neat trick where'd you learn that?" She asks as we both throw punches at each other. "Self taught." I spin around and go for a kick but she catches my ankle.

Then she twists and pushes me back. I land on my back, the breath getting knocked out of me, I see her coming so I spin around and kick her back. "Nice trick where'd you learn it?" I asked again, "Long story." I chuckle as we go at it again, sweat was pouring down my face, my breathing was fast and quick. She puts me into a headlock.

Her leg in front of my knees so I couldn't do what I did last time. I tapped on her shoulder as she let go. I bent over trying to catch my breath. "I thought you were going easy?" "That is my normal." "Great." She laughs, we head over to the team, when we get over there we both pick. "Your good." Bruce says, "Thank you."

"Wanna learn how to use the bow and arrow?" My eyes widen, "Wait really?" "Sure just let me go change." He says then leaves. "So where'd you learn that?" Tony said "I took a defense class a few years back." "Where did Thor go?" I ask, "He had to go back to Asgard." Steve said. I nod. "What else can you do?" Nat said, "Throw knives, shoot guns, defend myself, uhm I think that's about it." She nods.

Clint came back in some shorts with a tank top. "C'mon." I follow him to the corner with a few bow and arrows. He clips the sheath on my back. "Woah that's heavy." He chuckles and nods handing me a bow. He shows me the stance so I go side ways, then he helps put my arms in the correct way, then he grabs an arrow and puts it on. He puts the thing on my fingers so the string doesn't hurt my hand.

He helps me pull the string back since I was having difficulties with it. "Ok I'm going to release slowly so you get the feel of it. When your ready you let go." I nod slowly. I feel him loosen his grip on the string, it was getting hard to hold it back. "Ok when your ready." He let completely go now. I looked at the dummy and let go of the string, it hit his arm. I look at Clint, "It was good for the first time." He says making me smile widely.

"Ok go again, and since you are holding the string with your right arm you'll have to keep the other one in check by lifting weights so you don't have more muscle on one arm then the other." I nod, "Again!?" He laughs and comes over helping me. I get back into stance he comes behind me and helps me with the string again, then slowly lets go. When I am ready I shoot and this time completely miss. I huff which makes him laugh.

"Go again!"

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