The Alpha Female

By kezwroteit

5K 301 46

The "Alpha Female," is a supernatural book that explores the outlawed idea of a female leader in a world of v... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Alpha Female - Book Trailer
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - Meet Queen Aziki
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Xenus Part 1
Chapter 22 - Xenus Part 2
Chapter 23 - Xenus Part 3
Chapter 24 - Xenus Part 4
Chapter 25 - Xenus Finale 1
Chapter 27 - Kingdoms Unite
Closing Remarks

Chapter 26 - Xenus Finale 2

90 8 9
By kezwroteit

Night 4

"Alpha, I tried to warn you," the guard said, resignation in his voice.

We've been walking in circles, tunnel after tunnel, hallway after hallway, and still- no Xavier.

"Where is he!" I shouted at him.

The man turned to me, no emotions being displayed on his face.

"I wish you'd see," he said.

"What!" I shouted, anger dripping into my voice. "I don't have time for this!"

"You should've listened," he said. "I told you, you should've left but now it's too late."

"I can't leave without him." I said.

"Now, you can't leave at all," he said.

Suddenly, his figure disintegrates and disappears into thin air, leaving me alone in the hallway. So that leaves one conclusion; he's their witch! I've been wandering these halls with a witch.

Deciding it's no use I sit around bedazzled at the fact that I was just with an actual witch, I retrace our steps, in hopes of finding the room I was staying in. Instead of finding a way out, or back to where I was before, I just got more lost. This place is a maze and I'm starting to get claustrophobic. The farther I walk, the darker it gets and harder for me to breathe.

"You lost?" an all too familiar voice said behind me. I didn't even turn around. I could tell who it was without looking.

I stood silent, not bothering to acknowledge him. If I look at him, I'll want to hurt him and I'd be dumb to attack him here. Especially since I don't know the place.

"I know the way out," he said. "If that's what you are looking for."

"I bet you do." I whispered snarkily.

"Do you want to leave?" he asked.

The stupid bastard. Of course I want to leave, but I won't tell him that.

"Look at me," he demanded.


"Fine, don't look at me," he said.

In a matter of seconds I feel a presence pressing into my back. My blood boiled with anger at the feel of him thrusting himself into my back, and I threw up a bit in my mouth. No-one should affect me like this. But I can barely control my anger and disgust around him.

"Don't touch me!" I shrieked.

"Look at me." he said against my neck.

My stomach retched at the feel of him so close to me. Scouring my skin will not be enough to get rid of him.

"I need you to know," he began, "it was never about you."

I didn't respond. He didn't back up.

"It never was. It's the company you keep." he continued. "Do you know why you're here?"

I didn't respond.

"Because of the friends you keep. The people you love. I never wanted you, to hurt you at least. But when I saw that you were so beautiful, and you were my enemy's, I couldn't resist. I had to keep you." he said.

"That's why you're here. To keep you safe whilst I tear your mate apart. Such a beauty has no place in bloodshed." he continued.

At the sound of my mate, I tried to turn around, but Xenus held my waist, thrusting me against the wall with his body.

"Do you want to know why I hate him so much?" he asked.

"I don't care. He's your brother, no hate should amount to you murdering your family!" I said.

"He's not my brother." he said, "But you wouldn't know that."

"What?" I asked

"Look at me." he said, removing himself from my back. I refused. I know that seeing his face will anger me all over again. And I just can't. I need to keep my anger at bay. For my mate. For my pack. I must at least attempt to leave here alive.

"So stubborn," he said. "I'd prefer you look at me when I say this, but so be it, I can bend you to my will later."

"I'm going to kill your mate. He's not my brother. He's not my king. He's nothing to me. He's the enemy. Why is he the enemy? Because his brother, whose face I wore, destroyed my family. He defiled my sister. He burned my mother alive with my baby brother. He murdered my father. Your mate helped him do it all. And then, he has the audacity to not remember my face. "

"So guess what I did?" he asked, "I wore a face he knew, and loved. I wore his brother's face"


"Aziki, look at me." he said, finality in his voice.

Please don't get angry. Please don't lash out. I chanted to myself as I finally decided to turn around and look the monster in his eyes. I've never hated anyone so much in my life. He murdered innocent babies. He murdered and raped women. He attacked my pack for reasons beyond me. How could I not? Ever since I got inducted, I barely got to breathe easily. Because his lousy ass kept wasting my time on something as trivial as his revenge.

Revenge only consumes the vessel it possesses.

And I'm sure as hell going to be possessed, because I'm going rip every limb-

A gasp left my lips as I completed my turn.

It wasn't a monster.

It wasn't the man I hated.

It wasn't an enemy.

It wasn't the man I planned to kill in more than one ways.

It was someone else.

My best friend.

My only friend.

Since day one.

My Xavier.

"X-xavier?" I whispered, my voice falling from surprise.

"Wrong." he said, his eyes void of the tender undertone I'm so used to. "I'm not him. Never was."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I'm not your Xavier and I'm not Xenus." he said.

"Then who are you?" I asked, tears filling my eyes.

"You wouldn't know me. Neither would your mate. But I know him. And I'm coming for him."

"Where is my friend?" I asked

"It was me all along." he said in a sinister voice. "Sparring the night before your induction. Being manhandled by Adrian. Pretending to be your lead warrior. Telling you I have a mate. Pretending to be hurt and captured by your enemy Xenus. It was all me. I did it all for revenge, Aziki,"he said.

A broken sob escaped my lips. This cannot be true. Xavier is my best friend. The only person whom I love with all my soul. The person that means more to me than my own mate. My best friend. The term means so much more to me than it would a regular person.

"So Xavier is not real?" I asked, tears sliding down my face.

"He's real alright, real to you. But to me, he was all a ploy. So much years I've been planning my revenge. I attacked his pack, his vampire kingdom, all long before I even met you. In fact, the only reason you were involved in this whole scheme is because you were located so close to his pack, I couldn't give up the opportunity. You were just a chess piece my dear, a pawn really." he said.

"Until I realised you were his mate. And just like that, you became queen. Call it envy, jealousy or just wickedness, but I knew I had to have you. You were his mate, so that meant you had to be mine. The ultimate revenge."

I couldn't even focus on his words. My heart broke at every sound that left his mouth. It seems like all along, my life has been a lie. I don't have a best friend. I can't seem to comprehend that the person I loved so much wasn't... real. It's all too surreal.

"I killed Xenus."

My head snapped up at that statement.

"Yes." he said, dragging out the yes. "I slaughtered him. And his mate. And his unborn child. Then, I tore his face off and wore it."

He seems to get off on this stuff because looking into his eyes, I could only sense pure satisfaction.

"The same way I watched my mother burn alive, hidden beneath her bed like the scared coward I was, was the same way I watched his mate die. Hidden beneath his bed. Except, I wasn't a coward then."

He suddenly gazed at me, a dark smile gracing his face.

"Aziki, don't make this about you," he said.

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asked, a tinge in his eyes.

"Why are you doing this?"I asked.

"It was never about you. Please don't make it about you." he said.

I sobbed louder. "Don't make it about me? You were my best friend!"

"I wasn-"

"Whether you like it or not, you were my best friend! You used me! You made me believe in something that wasn't real! I loved you." I shouted at his face.

He winced, turning away from me.

"It was never about you."

"Xavier, please. If you say that once more!" I shouted, anger creeping up on me.

He turned around, anger burning in his eyes. With two short strides, he has me pressed up against the wall, hands holding my face.

"I accommodate you, but if you ever raise your voice at me again." he hashed out.

My heart broke into a million pieces as I gaze into his eyes, no longer recognizing my friend. He truly isn't here. He's gone. At that a sob racked through my whole body and I fell limp against him. Tears streaming rapidly down my cheek.

I let one person in. And all it took was that one person to tear me apart.

"Now, it seems I should claim you before I go to war." he said, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.

"I'm going to put a baby in you tonight." he said, "If you can just follow me."

He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, my body too weak with emotions to respond. I knew he was going to rape and murder me, but as I lay over his shoulder, body bobbing with every step he took, all I could focus on, is the fact that it was all a lie.

My best friend.

Not anymore.

He walked over to a door I hadn't seen in the hallway and busted it open, then slammed it shut once we were on the inside. He threw me on the bed, and stalked over to bolt the door. The room was just like the one I was in, the only difference is the side the door was on.

He began to unbuckle his pants, all the while keeping his eyes focused on me.

"Xavier..." I said in a dejected tone.

"Don't" he said maliciously. "I'm not him. Never was."

"Adrian will have your head for th-"

Suddenly a loud sound came from the hall and the building rattled viciously. Xavier ducked quickly, his eyes flashing with surprise. There was another explosion, and the ceiling of the room started falling in. Xavier lunged after me pushing me further into the bed and covering my body with his.

"You don't leave. You don't die. No-one is taking you away from me." he said, covering my head with his hands.

The door rattled, and loud growls could be heard from the outside. Xavier hissed above me, his eyes turning red.

"The time has come. Your mate is dying today." he said angrily. "And you're coming to watch."

He grabbed me out of the bed and pulled me to his front, caging me with his hands.

"Run and you die. Do something rash and you die. Try to escape and you die. And death doesn't come until after I torture you, take your cunt and give myself a child." he whispered harshly in my ears.

"Out you go!"

"Forward!" I shouted to my warriors lined up at the entrance of Xenus' hut. "Push!"

The force of the third impact finally broke down the door and my men rushed inside of the house to find their queen.

After Xenus had captured my mate, I felt almost as if I was going crazy. I started searching for him and where he could've taken her like a mad man. Of course, the fact that it wasn't Xenus and actually, Xavier drove me a different kind of crazy. I was incapable of protecting my mate. I failed to keep her safe because the murderer was living under the same roof as her. How could it be? I'd ask myself and I couldn't conjure a response. How could a murderer trick me so perfectly, wearing a face I was familiar with?

I wasn't thinking clearly and I was giving out irrational orders to my men. I know they were sick of me. But I had hoped they'd understand. She's their Luna and Queen. She is the most important thing to me, and she was somewhere with her murdering, lying bestfriend.

After my hundreds of crazy orders, Zach pulled me up and spoke to me as a friend. He counselled me, and brought me to a place of understanding that I'm being crazy. After that, we set up meetings with my dad, and in no time, I was back in Romania discussing ways to get my mate back.

The issue got out to the moroi-s and morolve-s who live in Romania, and their allegiance to their queen was displayed as many of them jumped up to help fight. Before I knew it, I was on my way back home, an army of hundreds of moroi-s, morolve-s, and a few strigoi-s , all who agreed to help fight for their queen.

When I got back, Micah located Xenus's whereabouts and had anticipated that he was going to strike us soon. But I decided then that this has to end now, and once and for all.

Zach told me that Aziki's pack warriors wanted to come search for her as well, and so, all of us met and discussed one final time before we attacked.

So, here we are now, knocking down Xenus' headquarters and taking my mate back to where she belongs.

"Find your queen!" I shouted to the men behind me. The vampires, hybrids and werewolves all ran in cheering, weapons in their hands, and vengeance in their eyes. We're all here to avenge our queen.

I ran in through the crowd, tearing through my men, to go find my mate. Inside were many hybrids, some dead from the attack, some fighting. I tore through them all, tearing the heads of the ones who hoped to challenge me.

I ran to the first room I could find, busting the door down. It was empty and dark, and no smell of my mate.

I did that with multiple rooms, coming up with nothing. They were all identical. The same decoration and set up.

A growl of frustration tore from my throat as I couldn't find my mate. And the hut wasn't so big for me to be searching a million rooms. I must be going in circles. That was the only conclusion.

Suddenly, a whimper sounded round the corner. I turned quickly, running towards the sound. When I reached, I saw Xavier with my mate in a chokehold, a man beside him, and a sinister look in his eyes.

Anger boiled beneath my skin and came up with my sweat. If anger had a smell, everyone would be suffocating. I was on the brink of losing my cool. How dare he?

"Look around you," I said to him, "you're a dead man."

"And it would all be for nothing if your queen dies." he said, a wicked smile on his face.

I growled at that, lunging after him hoping to rip his head off. But I couldn't reach him as a barrier stood between us.

"I want you watch as I take her." he said

"If you dare-" I shouted.

"What can you do about it?"he whispered, tearing at her clothes.

Aziki whimpered, looking at me with tears in her eyes. I lunged forward once more, anger clouding my vision and my judgement but was pushed back from the force.

I growled loudly out of frustration as he smirked at me. He kisses trails down her neck, his hands trailing her sides and he moans at the sounds of my mate's whimpers.

Sick bastard!

A murderous growl tore from my throat as he grabs my mate's bare breast in his hands. I ran towards the barrier and pushed as hard as I could. This time it didn't repel me, and the man beside Xavier looked surprised. He turned towards Xavier, whose smirk fell.

I pushed as hard as I could, yet it felt like I was making no advance. I didn't stop though because I need to get my mate in my arms and away from this tyrant. The man beside Xavier fell to his knees, blood pouring from his nose.

Two strigoi-s emerge from behind the bend, chanting some words. The force of the barrier begins to weaken and the man beside Xavier falls on his face. Xavier, seeing all this dashes off with Aziki, forcing me to tear the barrier and run after him. I'd be damned if I let him get away.

It was easier now to find my way, as the size of the house seemed to decrease. I hear his heavy grunt and the sound of my mate's whimpers in the hallway in front of me.

"Xavier!" I roared, "You're a dead man! You hear me!"

I ran after him and spotted him standing towards me, on the edge of what seemed to be a cliff. As I approach Aziki shouts at me to stay where I am.

"Come closer, and I fall off with her," he said.

"Xavier, stop treating my mate like she's a toy." I said in an angered voice.

"Take one more step and she's dead." he says menacingly.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, taking one step towards them.

He growls at me and takes a step back. A few pebbles at the edge of the cliff started falling and the sound triggered a scream from my mate. She started sobbing, her body shaking vigorously as she scratched at Xavier's hand around her neck.

"Adrian." Xavier said in a warning tone. He turns to look behind him at the fall and gulps when he turns back. "It's a long drop. And it will hurt like a bitch."

"Why are you doing this?" I repeated.

"Because your brother destroyed my family." he said with hatred in his voice. "He forced himself onto my sister and when things got out and my parents confronted him, he murdered then. And then murdered my brother too."

"What?" I asked, actually shocked.

"Don't pretend like you didn't know. He called you that night and asked for you to help him. What did he say exactly? Oh let me tell you, 'Adrian I messed up.'"

Realisation dawned on me as I remembered what he was talking about. Except I didn't know my brother did all those things.

"Xavier." I pleaded, "I didn't know I swear. He didn't tell me what happened. He didn't tell me what he did. I didn't know. I'd never condone what he did."

"You don't get to be sorry!" he shouted, "He already paid. I murdered him, and his mate and your little niece or nephew. The same way he murdered my family."

"I didn't do anything to you." I said, "Please leave my mate out of this. Hurt me, but leave her alone. She's innocent."

"No. I want her and I'll take her." he said, wrapping his free hand around her waist.

I took a step towards him and he took one more backwards. I'd never get to my mate in time if I do this slowly.

Aziki trembled as her face began to pale. The breeze from the cliff edge blows her shirt up, flickering over her exposed nipple. Tears streamed down her face and I saw her shaking her head.

What for? I don't know because I'm not going to let him have her. And if he falls off that cliff with her I'm going too.

"One more step and you'll be sharing your last words," he said.

"Xavier, please," I said in a pleading voice, falling to my knees, "I'm begging. Let her go and I'll never harm you."

"I don't believe you."

"Please, I promise." I said


F this. I sprung to my feet and with my moroi speed, I dashed after him. As I reached to grab my mate from him, it appeared I was too because as I was a second away from her, he clutched and fell backwards off the cliff.

I didn't let that stop me. I ran over the cliff and tore Aziki from his hands. I was seconds away from hitting the ground, so I turned on my back and prepared for the most painful landing of my life. I wrapped my hands tightly around my mate's waist so she'd stay at my front and never touch the ground and looked up in her eyes.

She looked pained.

I reached up to touch her cheek and-



3603 words.

The end of the Xenus bs.

Extremely long chapter, I know but I had to finish the Xenus Chapters. I just couldn't keep writing about him any more.

On a different note, guys please look at the book cover below and tell me if you like it pretty please. I need your constructive criticism. 

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