ONE WAY RIDE | Maze Runner

By Softygrievers24

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Eight months after The Last City fight, the gladers find their home in the safe haven, safe from WCKD. Everyo... More

➭ One way Ride: Introduction
➭ Chapter 1: Dancing with your Ghost
➭ Chapter 2: Silhoutte
➭ Chapter 3: My Tears are Becoming a Sea
➭ Chapter 4: Next to me
➭ Chapter 5: Clarity
➭ Chapter 6: Look After You
➭Chapter 7: Cinnamon
➭Chapter 8: Favorite crime
➭Chapter 9: Got it in you
➭Chapter 10: Where's my love
➭Chapter 11: Someone to stay
➭Chapter 12: Every breaking wave
➭Chapter 13: One last time
➭Chapter 14: Stay
➭Chapter 15: Us
➭Chapter 17: Roslyn
➭Chapter 18: As the world caves in
➭Chapter 19: Falling apart
➭Chapter 20: Epilogue

➭Chapter 16: Youth

57 1 0
By Softygrievers24

"Shadows settle on the place, that you left
Our minds are troubled by the emptiness
Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time
From the perfect start, to the finish line"

Youth – Daughter


The closest they got to the final blow, the most anxious everyone become. Especially Newt, who did not sleep an eye in the last couple of days. It was just too much pressure, nerves, and fear as well.

"How are you holding up?" Ava asked from her spot on the other side of the room, both discussing the last few stuff, "Tomorrow is the big day..."

"Yeah... I don't know. Nervous I guess. Shaky?" He answered doubting, as if somehow suddenly he lost all the ability to express his own feelings.

"Guess everyone is a little bit" She said relating, "But we have to think this is to end it all for good"

"What about you? You'll be ending what you've built in a big part of your life" He asked curiously, they had already talked about it, but now there was a whirlwind of emotions in the middle.

"I've renounced WCKD a long time ago" She said deep in thought. Newt guessed there was still a bit of guilt inside that statement.

Lately the conversations were getting more uncomfortable between the two of them, as if they were becoming strangers again. Newt didn't know what it meant, but he didn't want to think about it too much. It just made it worse to his already racing mind. A lot could happen in the lapse of twenty-four hours and it was terrifying. The only thing he wished right now is for everything to turn up well, without any interruption. It was a difficult thing to ask, because it was obviously that an unexpected bump would appear. They had already think about every mistake that could occur but it still felt as if it wasn't enough.

"Just try to sleep tonight, okay? We need everyone well rested, especially you" Doctor Paige showed a little smile. He smiled back, a little strained but still there.

"Thanks, Doctor Paige" He answered sincerely, "For everything"

He was biting his own tongue and tears, just hoping with all his will this wasn't some kind of goodbye.


The next day he woke up normally, and did his morning routine like any other day. This wasn't like any other day and he knew he was doing it all to calm his nerves.

He walked to the cafeteria, staring at all the guards in the hallways. Today paying attention to them more than ever. They suddenly multiplied by the work of his own imagination. It was all so fucking messed up inside his head.

He ate his breakfast. The bacon and the eggs tasting like old metal in his tongue. He made a huge effort to swallow, knowing he needed the most energy possible. Everyone else inside the building was super calm, without acknowledging the events that were taking place in a couple of hours. He wanted to be that calm now, but it was impossible.

"Mr. Newton" A voice snapped him back to reality and he jolted on his spot. He tried to mask his reaction when he spotted the devil sat in front of him.

"Mr. Spilker" He mimicked the way the man expressed himself, not bothering in raising his head to look at him in the eye.

"Why so lonely today?" Randall asked smirking as usual.

"I don't know. Maybe because you have kidnapped the only person I want to see now" He showed a fake smile. Randall did not look amused.

"What a strong personality you got there"

"Thanks, it was kept just for you" The smirk was erased from the man's face.

"Watch your words you son of a bitch. I'm your superior and the only reason you're still alive now is because I decided to" Now there was an authority on his tone and it sent chills to his spine. "Same with you boyfriend, there"

"When will all this stop, huh? You have your cure, you can cure yourself the times you want. Isn't that enough? You're still punishing him, when all he did was save his friends. After all, you deserve that more than him" Newt let out the words before he could contain himself, immediately regretting when the man's face twitched with fury.

"I think none of you understand the real truth here. Because when what you call so proudly you 'hero' was supposedly saving you, all WCKD was slowly losing its reputation. Ironic, isn't it? The only organization looking for a cure, and all was ruined by one little bastard born with a gift he didn't deserve." There was something reflected on Randall every time he talked about Thomas. Because he seemed to hate him, with all his self. It was a sickening type of hate, almost obsessive. He looked like Janson, or any other person reaching the past gone with the Flare.

"They didn't follow Thomas because he saved his friend. They followed him because he brought us all hope. Because he was the point of the view from a person who live the inside of WCKD more than anyone, and understood what they were really up to. Killing a whole generation just to save yourselves. The whole future of this fucked up world. Selfish"

"Listen to me, piece of shit. What you got there inside of what you know as brain, is all influenced by that boyfriend of yours, the same that let you exposed to the Flare, and almost killed you. So you have no opinion in this, did you understand it?" Randall looked pleased with his speech, but he also looked like a maniac with a lot of power on his hands, and he didn't know how to manage it.

"Got it" Newt tried to speak like he didn't care, but deep inside he did. "Can I go?"

"Feel free"


It was already the afternoon when his anxiety reached another whole level. He was currently putting on a simple navy jacket on, trying to ignore the WCKD letters on it, and his hands just couldn't stop trembling. They were only less than an hour before the blow and he was preparing himself for it.

He hid the 9mm. pistol on his hip supported but the waist of his trousers, and tied his trainers. Hopefully this would be the last time he prepared for a mission like this. Not because he wasn't gonna make it, it was because he would find a peaceful life if everything turned up successfully.

"N... New... Newt?" A voice interrupted his thoughts, a voice coming from the two way radio laying on his bed. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I hear you" He answered as soon as he grabbed the device, "Loud and clear"

"Good..." Ava said, "We are twenty minutes away from the distraction, are you ready?"

"I am ready"

"Alright, wait for my signal" She ordered and he heard a muffled noise in the background. He figured she was going somewhere.

"Good luck"

"You too" He said before the communication was cut.

He sat on the edge of his bed with his backpack already on his shoulder and the radio held tightly in the palm of his hand. His legs bouncing up and down erratically. He stared at the floor, and then at his room. He wished this was the last time he'd see this room. And that his next room would be the hut Thomas had told him about.

He stared at the watch on his wrist Ava provided him with.

"Ten minutes"

He mumbled to himself. He rubbed his face in an attempt to calm himself down. He wondered how it would be once they get out of here. How the Safe Haven really is in person. The beach. The people.

He glanced at his watch again.

"Seven minutes"

He mumbled one more time. He wondered how his friends were. If they had changed since the last time he saw them. He checked.

"Five minutes"

He tried to imagine meeting his sister again. If maybe she dreamt about him. He tried to imagine how it felt to hug her. His family.

"Three minutes"

He thought of Tommy. He pictured in his head his possible reactions at the moment when his friends come down the bathroom roof to rescue him. Will he be shocked? Astonished? Happy? Relieved?

"One minute, Newt. Prepare" This time it wasn't his own mumble. Because it came from the radio, it was Ramirez now.

Newt squeezed his eyes shut and with his free hand he gripped the bed sheets tight. He counted the seconds left, one by one, torturing the wait more. Like that until there were only ten, then nine, eight, seven, six, five... four... three... two...

Suddenly WCKD headquarters were shaken by a strong rumble. His room trembled and the lights flickered. The next thing he knew, an alarm went off loudly in the hallways, and a bustle began to build there. He felt and heard people running outside, guards ordering, and scared yelling. He tried to block it all out.

He felt helpless waiting there all alone, but he understood he had to stick with the plan. His heard was beating fast inside his ribcage.

"The outside group is starting to enter. Randall paid attention to the distraction, it is working!" Ramirez exclaimed strained from the radio, as if he was fighting between the crowds.

That was his cue to begin to move. He stood up and adjusted his backpack and radio. He cracked the door open and check for possible threats before stepping outside the room with cautious.

The panorama was safe to proceed. He began to walk towards the meeting destination. It was a couple of meters before the medical wing, so they could grab the serums, wait for the other team to rescue Thomas, and get the hell out of here. He walked and walked, close to the wall, checking every corner before taking a turn.

Far away, he could hear muffled jolts and arguments. Launchers being shot and bolts of electricity. His eyes cleared and he began to run. Only one turn and he would be on his destination.

He tried not to be disappointed when he arrived and there was no one left. He stood there feeling stupid, checking left and right for anything, anyone. His friends please. He was about to grab his radio and check on Ava, when a voice cut his tracks.


The voice breathed out behind him, in something he couldn't quite place. Relief? He turned around completely shocked, and he suckered in a breath with his voice caught tightly in his throat.


His friend let go of the launcher, which landed on the floor with a boom, and charged towards him, surrounding his body in a strong hug. Newt was caught off guard and was unbalanced for a moment, but then wrapped his arms as well, and buried his face in the comforting shoulder. He let his tears escape his eyes.

"We found you, we found you..." Minho kept repeating between relieved sobs, Newt laughed between tears.

He raised his head a little to spot the rest of the group standing there and crying. They were here, Jorge, Harriet, Aris, Frypan and...


Everyone stared at him confused, except the blonde girl, who let in view the moisture staining his slightly rosy cheeks, between his silky white skin and big hazel orbs. Just like he remembered her, but now all grown up, turned into a beautiful woman.

"I- Newt" She sounded like she couldn't find the words but Newt didn't care.

He let go Minho's embrace and went to her. She looked a bit confused, but under all that confusion there was a hint of recognition. She accepted the hug and Newt squeezed tighter, letting her drain her tears on his jacket.

"I've missed you" He mumbled muffled in the hug. Sonya sobbed louder in answer. He broke the hug and cupped her face with his hands, pushing back a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. Blonde hair just like his.

"I- I know you, you are-" She stuttered. He could relate the feeling, too much emotions keeping the sentences from coming out.

"I know, I am" He cracked before hugging her again.

He raised his head from her shoulder a little bit, letting his eyes spot the rest of the people there. He put out one of his arms, inviting them to the embrace. They all joined and hugged tight. This was his people, his home, his family.

"Come on we gotta keep moving" He sadly had to break everyone's daze. "We need to get to the vault."

The rest nodded and Minho grabbed his launcher from the floor.

"Alright let's go"

They jogged through the corridors before reaching the entrance of the medical wing. Newt took out the keycard from his pocket and passed it through the scanner, thanked he had Ava's people on his side.

He unlocked the door and they began to walk. There were people still there, looking as terrified as ever. He just hoped they would be evacuated soon. They were just doctors, and scientists. Most of them probably helped saving his life, and Thomas'. There were no guards thankfully, just these people.

"We have to wait here" He stated once they reached one of the huge rooms, he glanced at his surroundings. "Take the supplies you need, people won't be living here after tonight, so you are not stealing"

The rest began to empty the cupboards with the medicine they found, pills, fluids, needles. Sonya seemed the one leading Aris and Harriet in what to grab and what was useless. Newt was proud of her, he stared with a lovingly expression from the door.

"What was that?" Minho asked, making him divers his look to him.

Newt turned around to stare at his friend fondly, with a spark on his eyes he had never supported in those old days in the Glade.

"I've found my sister" He smiled proudly, Minho's eye widened and he suckered in a deep breath. He took a look at the girl one more time before turning back at him.

"She said she had dreamt about his brother" He stated understanding, putting all the pieces together once and for all, "But she didn't dare to talk to anyone about it. Not even Harriet"

"Wow..." Newt sighed and checked outside the room one again before going back a Minho with an eyebrow raised, "So... You and Harriet?"

"Oh shut up" Minho rolled his eyes at Newt's smirk. Even though Newt spotted the hint of amusement in his face.

"So bad I couldn't see you trying to get the girl" Newt made fun of his previous attempts of flirting in that inside joke.

"Oh come on. I bet you're just jealous"

"I'm not, mate. Gay here. Totally into boys"

"I- You what?" Minho looked startled, and Newt felt kind of nervous. He was coming out in front of his friend after all. Then, Minho's eyes widened when he realized he wasn't joking, "No way... You and"

"Yup" Newt made emphasis in the 'p'.

"So is he... too?"

"I don't know. I don't think so, I think he still likes girls. But he has never told me" He explained. The truth was that Thomas had never talked about his sexuality, he just knew they were in sort of a relationship currently. He finally admitted their status.

"I hate to say it to you, but I had seen it coming" Now it was Minho's turn to smirk and mock him.

"Because you bloody know everything, right?" Newt asked sarcastically, letting out a chuckle and looking at the floor. His thoughts going back to Thomas. He turned serious and checked his watch worried. "Come on, where are these people?"

"Shouldn't they have been here by now?"

"...Newt?" A breathy voice filled the silence. Newt immediately grabbed his radio and answered.

"Ramirez, do you copy? Where the hell are you?"

"We are at the vault. There's nothing. They had already put it all safe" He spoke concerned, Newt breathed in and closed his eyes, squeezing the devise on his hand completely stressed by the situation.

"Alright so we have to advice the other group" He said once he could speak without snapping at someone. He turned to Minho, "Who came asides from you guys? Who is in the other group?" He asked.

"Um, Brenda, Gally and Vince, who decided to join before leaving" Minho enumerated softly, they weren't too much the ones who entered the building. "Vince has people outside the walls to evacuate civilians and us"

"Alright, Aris alarm the others that they are responsible for the serums" Newt ordered the blue-eyed boy, who nodded obeying. He took out his own radio.


"Yeah?" A feminine voice spoke on the other side. Brenda.


"Wait, Newt" Someone cut them from the other radio. Doctor Paige's worried voice appeared. "They aren't taking it to Thomas' floor. Five minutes ago, an order was sent for a Berg to take off"

Newt's eyes widened one more time, in sync with Minho's and probably the rest of the people listening.

"It hasn't taken off yet, but it will soon. I think they are waiting"

"Thomas. They are taking him with them" Newt breathed out and he wished his guessing wasn't right. "Shit, they are escaping"

"Hey, guys. How is everything down there? Any movement yet?" Aris came forward and asked through his own radio.

"Uh, no. We are currently about to enter the ventilation. We took down a couple of soldiers, but none of them seemed into that mission. Corridors are empty" Brenda explained their position.

"It could be too late. They could've already taken him" Newt ran a hand through his hair, pulling a few strings frustrated.

"Now, they haven't. Calm down Newt" Ava tried to calm the situation with the most professionalism possible, "There's no register of Thomas' door being unlocked recently, so he is still in his room. Whoever is on the other group in charge, needs to hurry"

"You heard her" Aris stated without needing to repeat her orders.

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