What? IgotYou 2

By joceany

577 50 2

Alice is a foreigner from Holland whose half Korean, half Dutch. She returns back with her dad to Korea after... More

Chapter 1 'Be mine, You're mine!'
Chapter 2 "You're in, now let's fight"
Chapter 3 'Hugs reserved 4U"
Chapter 4. '14/02'
Chapter 5. 'A second chance'
Chapter 6 "leadership"
Chapter 7 'episode 1'
Chapter 8 'reaction'
Chapter 10 "Drunk me =Wrong me"
Chapter 11 "Alice would you forgive me? NO!"
Chapter 12 "Who are you?"
Chapter 13 "J's pov"
Chapter 14 "His jacket & chicken"
Chapter 15 "me and oppa !Busted!"
Chapter 16 "Debut"
Chapter 17 "half-brother and rooftop guy"
Chapter 18 'I hate this'
chapter 19 "Reconsider"
Chapter 20 'Switch'
Chapter 21 "sly fox"
Chapter 22 "Alice's vacation"

Chapter 9

30 2 0
By joceany

Alice’s pov

I woke up early with oppa still sleeping next to me. I turned and looked at his handsome peaceful face. It was almost 30 day anniversary, but I felt as if I belonged to him from the start. He was what I needed to help me love myself back and as strength. I slowly bended over and kissed his forehead. I stayed a little more in bed since it was still 5 o’clock. I grabbed my phone and went on my Facebook. It’s been ages since I went on this. My relationship status was still ‘In a relationship with Jonathan’. I quickly changed it and deleted his account from my friend list. He was someone I never wanted to see again.

  I suddenly got a message from J

J: ‘Nog steeds boos op me schat? Vergeet dat nou. Ik wil je zien’

(Still mad at me babe? Just put it aside. I want to meet up with you’)

 From Alice: ‘Nee bedankt’ (No thank you).

  J: ‘Agh ik weet well dat je me hebt gemist’  (Agh, I know you’ve missed me).

 Alice: ‘Dat denk je’ (That’s what you think).

 J: ‘Wat kom je nu opeens interresant spelen omdat je daar in Korea bent, denk je dat ik je zomaar los laat. We hadden zelfs een kind samen, dus doe normaal’

 (So now you suddenly want to play interesting all because you moved to Korea, you think I’m letting you go just like that? We even had a child together, so act normal).

 Alice : ‘Kom jij praten, ben je vergeten dat jij het was die hem ook dood heeft gemaakt. Laat me met rust we zijn al maanden uit’

 (Look whose talking, did you forget that you were the one who killed it. Leave me alone  we broke up like months ago’)

 J: ‘Waarom die nare verleden weer naar boven brengen? Ik wil je terug schat’

(Why bring up that dark past? I want you back babe).

 Alice: ‘Uit is uit en ten tweede ik heb al een beter vervanger gevonden’

(Over is over and  I found a much better replacement’)

 J: ‘Niemand kan mij vervangen, ik zal het je bewijzen vanavond wanneer ik langs kom en als je niet geloof dat ik zal komen waar is dit dan? *picture*

(Nobody can replace me, I’ll show you tonight when I visit and if you don’t believe that I’ll come where do you think this is then?) *he had send me a picture of me entering Got7’s dorm*.

 From the shock I had let my phone fall, he’s in Korea. He had been following me or how else could he know I was living with the boys. I moved but I forgot that oppa was sleeping next to me. I fell from the bed. “Jagi, are you okay?” he got up from the bed and helped me up. “Hmm yes, I need to go to practice” I grabbed my jeans and books. “Wait you can ride with us, why are you shaking?” he pulled me in his arms and stroked my hair. “I promised Subin I’ll be on the same bus as her, I need to go” I pushed him out of my room before grabbing an extra bag and packed some clothes, I wasn’t returning home tonight.

                                            Episode 2 “Got help” special guest: Got7


Group B

JB and Jr. just entered the practice room.

 “O hello” Bomi bowed politely while the rest did the same. “Good morning” the boys greeted politely back. “We came to help you with your performance and if there’s anything you need help with please ask feel freely” JB explained. “Agh, I see. Well my name is Bomi I’m the leader of group B these are Minzy, Ji-u , Namjoo, Joy and she’s the new girl” Bomi froze as she couldn’t remember the name of the new girl. “Woojoo” Woojoo reminded her. “It’s nice meeting you guys. I’m JB and he is Jr.” JB introduced himself.

 Group A

 “Why are you even here if you won’t do anything?” Subin asked Wendy. “I don’t like the song and the dance, change it!” she shouted. “Are you crazy? While you were having your beauty sleep, we trained our butts off!” Alice yelled at her.

 Ooooh, a tense situation that’s going to turn awkward, Mark and Youngjae walked in

 “You’re supposed to help me, not yell at me” Wendy suddenly said shyly when she noticed the boys walking in. “O please why would I waste my time on you?!” Alice shouted at her. Subin tapped on Alice’s shoulder. Alice turned and saw the boys. She quickly bowed at them “I’m sorry that you needed to hear that” she apologized. “It’s okay, good morning” Youngjae greeted. “Morning oppa, why are you here?” Wendy asked happily while getting up and stood up in front of Subin and Alice. “We came to help you guys today, I see we have a lot to do” Mark rubbed his neck. “Not at all, the serious ones have their parts already” Subin bumped Wendy aside. “Great show us than”.

 Group B

 JB and Jr. applauded their hands. “It looks good” Jr remarked. The girls bowed and thanked them. “I don’t see any flaws” JB smiled at them. Bomi became completely red. “Any question?” Jr. asked. Woojoo raised her hand, everyone chuckled. “Yes?” he said to her. “Uhm, can you please sing a song for us?” she asked them. The boys looked at each other. “Why not?” JB stood up and they changed places.

 Group A

“I see, you’re right. You and Alice have all the parts spotless. Then we should help Wendy so she can get to your level” Mark said and Youngjea nodded in agreement. Subin scoffed before grabbing a bottle of water. “Shall we start?” Mark asked Wendy who came a little too close to him. Alice whispered something to Subin who nodded in return. They sat next to the Youngjae. Youngjae was talking to Alice about the song while Subin was staring at Wendy. “Alice how should this move go again?” Mark asked her. “Uhm, like this” she demonstrated the move. Wendy tried and got it right. Subin stood up and left the room quietly. “Why did she leave?” Mark asked. “Who? Oh. Where’s Subin? She was there a few minutes” Youngjae asked. “She left the room” Mark said while starting to walk towards the door. Wendy danced again but made the same mistake again. “I’ll go seek for her, help out with Wendy” Youngjea left the room.

 “WHAT don’t you get about it?! You need to move this way, SEE!” Alice was getting a little annoyed of her. Wendy tried it again but failed. “Are you doing this on purpose?” Alice was angry at her right now. “Wow Alice, I know it’s a bit stressful and all but don’t get upset like that” Mark held her by the shoulders and tried to calm her down. Youngjae came back in worried “I can’t find her anywhere” he said. “I’ll help search, you do whatever you please” Alice walked out of the room. Mark followed her but Wendy grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at her with a confused expression. “Oppa help me out” Mark turned and started to help her but Wendy kept on touching Mark uncomfortably. “Stop doing that” he asked her politely. “Stop what?” Wendy acted dumb. She walked over to Mark and warped her arms around his neck. “I know you like me too” she leaned forward when Mark held her back. Wendy looked at him with a weird expression. “What are you doing?” he asked her taking her hands off of him. “Shouldn’t you be worried about Subin?” he walked away. Wendy looked with an annoyed expression while she went to grab something out of Subin’s bag and smashed it in pieces before grabbing her own bag and left, but before she left she ripped all the music sheets of Alice and left them on the ground.

 This one went crazy already, will they be able to perform tomorrow?


 Alice’s pov

Where is she? I searched everywhere but couldn’t find her. “Jagi” oppa hugged me from behind almost giving me a heart attack. “You scarred me” I hit his arm. “That hurts” he acted as if he was in pain. “Oppa not now, Subin’s more important” I continued to search for her. “She’s still lost?” he asked me while intertwining our fingers. “Yes, what if she went and did something crazy?” I could feel tears forming in my eyes. He squeezed my hand “Don’t worry she’ll be alright” he tried to comfort me. I sat on the ground and leaned my back against the wall, he sat next to me. “Oppa there’s something else” I leaned my head on his shoulder he wrapped his arm around my neck. “I’m listening” he said. “I’m sleeping at B.I.’s today” I said slowly. “Why so suddenly? Maybe tonight will be your last night at the house and you didn’t even started to pack yet” he reminded me. “O yeah, forget it. I was just joking” I forcedly started laugh. He sighed deeply and sat in front of me.

 “Alice look at me” he slowly pulled my chin up with his finger. “Don’t be scarred of him, you have me by your side and 6 others. Don’t let him get to you”  I looked shocked at him, how could he know? “I was awake when you two seemed to have a texting war” he explained as if he could read my mind. I nodded afterwards. He smiled and stood up and helped me up. “Let’s go find Subin” he said and I held his arm. He pecked my cheek before we heard a mini squeal. We looked shocked towards the person who was in front of us. “Damn man, why did I forgot my phone? You two are just too damn cute” Subin was standing in front of us fangirling. “I mean you and shtsrsefj” I held my hand in front of her mouth. “It’s a secret” I said to her in a tone so she can understand that it needed to stay a secret. She nodded while I let go of her mouth. “You know me already, I bet you don’t want to break me and jagi up right?” oppa bowed to Subin. “I’m Subin aka her other jagi” we chuckled a little. “I won’t tell, believe me secrets are always safe with me” she bowed back towards oppa. “Where were you?” I hugged her. I was glad to see her. “I just went to the bathroom because I didn’t want to see that girl keep on forcing herself on Mark. I bet she thought she had a chance” we were walking on our way back.

 Break is over for the groups



We won’t be airing group A this episode anymore. In terms of legal perception that are happening right now. She will be punished for her for her vandalism and destroying property. We wish group A strength for tomorrow and fighting.

 Group B

 “Do you think we’ll pass, all six of us?” Minzy asked the boys. “To tell you the truth we can get your hopes up by saying yes, but the truth is we don’t know what Mr. Park is seeking for in this girl group” JB explained. The girls nodded. “Looking at the time, I think you guys need to go home and rest. No more training, or tomorrow you’ll be too nervous” Jr. warned them. “Let’s do one last exercise for motivation, we’ll all go sit in a circle and you should tell the other an encouraging message, got it?” he asked and everyone nodded. “I’ll start, Jr. stay calm and mature like this in the future, arraso? Fighting” the girls chuckled. Jr nodded and then turned to Minzy “Fighting arraso?” everyone started to laugh.

 Minzy turned to Woojoo “You really have talent beside your aegyo and props for you for learning the song and dance in less than 2 days, fighting” Woojoo smiled while turning to Ji-u “Unnie, thank you for helping me out and you really have a gift, fighting” Ji-u turned to Joy “Don’t worry if we are going to make it or not, I’m glad to have known you, fighting” Joy turned to Namjoo “Unnie, always keep on cheering us on and giving us the positive energy we need, fighting” Namjoo turned to Bomi. “I think we couldn’t get a better leader than you, thank you for helping and guiding us. We’ll work hard to make you proud. Fighting” Bomi started to tear up. JB slowly rubbed her shoulder.

 “Mianhe JB, I would like to say something to the group” she said to him while wiping away a tear that had escaped. Jr handed her a tissue. “Thank you” she whispered. “Uhm, what I would like to say is thank you, I’m glad that even if we had our differences we had put that aside and worked hard together. I’d like to apologize for my behavior that I had in the beginning and I’m glad you stood up and defended yourselves. I don’t care about the results tomorrow, just make the best of it. Arraso?” she putted her hand in the middle while the other girls followed and did the same. 1,2,3,FIGHTING they yelled.

 Encouraging words good luck to both groups tomorrow.

The end??

 Top comments^


I found the real queen of 2 faces bitch => congrats Wendy.


What really had happened afterwards with group A:. Wendy came back and Subin and Alice beat the living hell out of her while Mark and Youngjae were cheering with popcorn in their hands for team Binice. Lol XD.


This girl Alice thinking she’s better than Zico oppa, she needs to remind herself that she’s just a trainee while Zico oppa is an idol.


These Block B overprotective fans need to chill, she’s not obligated to love everyone and second this show is an hidden camera, they don’t know they’re being filmed. Stop staying that. Wendy deserved it because it’s their groups work that had been lost. I mean Alice and Subin at least had practiced from what I saw.


Plot twist Alice and Zico are dating……….(*O*)


Sometimes it seems as if group B is too perfect, I mean their teamwork. But when Bomi had said that only in the practice room they helped each other I was shocked and now I’m curious as well. I’m glad the new girl didn’t end up in drama.


Isn’t that Yongce the ex-choreographer of Got7 & Jabbawockeez? Or am I confused, weren’t her eyes blue or something?

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