The Runaway

By Lokittly

372 18 64

Valerie's content with her life. Content with being locked away from society and treated like an outcast. Thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

8 1 1
By Lokittly

Robyn and Theodore promised that they’d stay and fix up the place even more while they were gone. Robyn went as far as waving her bandana and pretending to cry, making Theodore hold her by the waist. “Our children are growing up, Dale. They’re going to make it in the big ol’ city. Theodore stood there looking mighty uncomfortable and confused as he watched her theatrics.

Mabel and Valerie departed with nothing except Robyn’s knife which was hidden and strapped in Valerie’s boot and a flash light which Mabel swung as they walked. They hadn’t given much thought to what they would do if they were questioned for loitering in the city. It may have risen suspicion in Security to see two unaccompanied teenagers waltzing through the city.  Maybe they could pretend that they were looking for their grandmother Calice and get escorted directly to her house. Or maybe they’d just be arrested on the spot and taken to trial.

Well I dunno but I assume that the second option is the more likely one out of the two.

Valerie had to agree with her voice there.

“Let’s take a detour through the city – we should scope out the area – look for others and maybe bring some flowers for Calice or something. A small gift to persuade her to let us stay for a day or two.”

She was a smart girl, that Mabel. She would go far in life if she had the opportunities laid out for her but knowing her even if that didn’t happen, she’d carve out the opportunities for herself.

Skip forward a few hours and they had gone over the wall, traversed the whole sector and made it through the welcome that Calice had thrown with a shower of tears and hugs. They had spent the night. The next morning Mabel had decided against going out to find more people, instead settling down in the armchair to continue where she had left off from the last book she had read before they had gone. Valerie resented her for making her come all this way just to abandon her for a book. She, on the other hand, went off in search of anyone to bring back with them and Calice promised to go out to the market for her to collect more resources and essential things for their little camp and pack it away in a bag or two.

With no idea where to start looking, Valerie went to the place that she was most confident with: the painted alley. To her alarm she found that Security had upped the ante and established checkpoints here and there where they would stop random citizens and ask them if they’d seen a certain blonde haired silver eyed boy.

Stay calm. If you look suspicious they’ll single you out. Latch onto a group and pretend to walk with them. If that doesn’t work then just run like hell.

She fell into step with an elderly couple, going as far as hovering her hand over the woman’s back as if she was urging her forward. She passed right by Security and they didn’t even bat their eyelids in her direction.

She detached from the crowd and made her way into the alleyway where she found that its inhabitant had gone over all of his previous work and now one wall was dominated by a portrait of an auburn haired mermaid, eyes closed with fish darting in and out of her floating hair around her face. He had also added three dinosaurs at the bottom for some unknown reason. On the opposite wall there was a giant elephant, undecorated. Probably his work in progress. The artwork brought a smile to her face. She’d always wanted to see a real elephant.

“I knew you’d like it.” She whirled around and Axel smiled, eyes shining. He had just walked into the alleyway, seemingly gone to get some more paint.

“I guess. . .” She hugged herself. He’d caught her openly admiring his work. He’d caught her with her barriers down. It was a rare occurrence and one that she wished not to repeat again.

He dumped the metal can next to the wall and pushed himself up onto the lid of the skip that rested against the wall, perching there. He cocked his head to look up at his work. “I agree. It needs a little something else. Want to help me out?”

She shrugged. She could spare a break. He smiled widely and she found that his face looked a lot less hostile when he did. They had something more in common at least. She rolled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt as he offered her a can of yellow paint.

“Where’s the brush?” She asked. He smirked.

Passing on his voice’s message: So depend on technology, girl? Use your goddamn hands. Take note that I made it sound nicer than it actually was.

Valerie had no choice but to dip her hands in the bright paint. She threw herself into the activity, trying to get other things off her mind, namely finding Tanner.

They spoke the bare minimum during their work. The major conversation consisted of Valerie saying: “You should come with us. We’ve got a little collection of houses in the middle of the wild. It could use some sprucing up.”, without taking her eyes off the wall.

You help me carry all of my tools and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

Valerie smiled at the wall trying not to look too happy.


“Nothing. I just remembered something funny.”

An hour, maybe two later they had finished and stepped back to admire their work. They had done quite well, drawing a variety of multicoloured patterns, diamonds, flowers, lopsided smiles – the sloppier ones were obviously Valerie’s.

“Good job for a first timer.” He said, offering his own orange hand to shake. She reluctantly accepted, managing a laugh at the squelch sound they made.

“Can I wash off my hands somewhere? I’ve got to go looking for my friend, Tanner.”

He pointed her towards the tap tucked into the wall at the end of the alleyway and ended up accompanying her.

Axel looked like he was thinking hard. He spoke up just as Valerie had got the last of the paint out from under her nails.

He finally spoke up and his words shook Valerie from her content musings. “He wouldn’t happen to be hanging around with some Hispanic chick, by any chance? I’ve heard the name mentioned.”

Her heart leapt into her throat. “I-I dunno about a girl but tell me what he looked like. Where did you see him?” Her words bordered desperate.

“I dunno- tall? Longish brown hair, tanned-ish. Like he was a white guy with a tan, I mean -  if that makes sense. Er- Green eyes? He was laughing. What? I don’t know what else you want me to say.  Ruggedly handsome, I guess.” Axel blushed under her intent gaze and rubbed his neck.

Valerie cried in out joy, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him. “Are you sure? Are you really, really sure?” She asked, eyes shining.

“Well I would classify him as rugged so yeah I guess-“

“Where? Where was he? Take me there, now.” She pushed him in front of her, giddy with excitement.

Slow down hon. Now don’t be too excited, okay? Just don’t get your hopes up too high.

What aren’t you telling me? Valerie thought but the voice chose not to reply.

“Tell me!” She whispered, a little too loudly.

“What? I told you everything I know!” Axel protested as she pushed him along.

“Never mind.” She still didn’t get an answer, much to her dismay.


 He took her to the centre of the sector. On the wide cement platform in the centre was the market, flooded with people.

“In there? Really? The whole time-?”

Axel nodded solemnly. “They have little stall set up. If I didn’t know any better I would have thought that they were married.

Valerie glared at him and he fell into silence.

“Take me.”

They wound through the crowds, enduring a lot of pressing up against strangers and breathing in smells that they’d rather forget.

“That one. They pick up scraps of metal and machines and whatnot and tinker and sell them. Do you want me to come with you?”

Valerie shook her head; eyes locked on the pretty but disgruntled looking girl manning the booth. Her partner was bent over at the back, fishing for something underneath the table.

“I’ll be over at that stall.” Axel pointed it out but Valerie didn’t bother looking.

Like I said. Low expectations. Thank me later.

She breathed in deeply and balled her hands into fists as she marched over.

The girl looked up, smiling and pushing her dark hair over one shoulder. Valerie caught a glimpse of a nasty dark scar that started at her elbow and travelled up her arm, disappearing into her sleeve. Very noticeable. Showed that the girl knew how to fight at least.

“Can I help you?” She asked.

“I’m looking for Tanner.” Her voice broke on his name. She was so close.

A look of surprise passed over the girl’s sharp features as she turned back to call for her partner but she found that he had already stood up and was staring at the customer.

“Tanner?” Valerie tried again, lip trembling.

He leapt over the table and threw himself at her, crushing Valerie to his chest.

“Valerie? Is it really you? Shit. Shit!” He pressed a long kiss to her forehead.

She had found her Tanner. He had come home.

She closed her eyes, a few tears rolling down her face. Her arms went around his waist.

“I thought I’d never find you again.” She whimpered.

“I- I. Where are the others? Are they okay?” Tanner asked. He pulled away and held her face in his hands, eyes wide and alert.

“Mabel and Robyn are fine. Cole is dead and Rosetta is missing.” She shook her head and closed her eyes. “I thought you were one of the two. We all did. Where have you been?”

The girl cleared her throat, making them turn around.

“You guys are attracting a bit of attention. . . Maybe you want to take this out back? I’ll mind the stall, Tanner.” She rubbed the arm with the scar.

She’s pretty in a weird way. Different.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

Outside he let go of her, much to Valerie’s disappointment.

“Tell me everything.” He said. And so she did. He was struck dumb by her story but did unfreeze to run his hands through his hair, looking shocked.

“Tanner there’s an end for all this. We’ve got a settlement now. Come with me. You can leave all of this. Will you come?”

There was a greater pause that she expected as she waited for his answer.

“Huh? You want me to drop everything? But I’m already settled in – I’ve got an income and everything!” He said.

She stared at him. She had expected him to agree straight away and pull her along as he rushed away with her into the sunset.

“You can bring the girl if that’s what stopping you.” There was a little more malice in her voice than necessary.

“It’s not that- It’s not like that – I just-“

He sighed and pulled on his hair in frustration.

“Okay, okay. I’ll come. But if it doesn’t work out or something then I’m coming back here.” He muttered something about always being persuaded under his breath as she hugged him.

“I’m glad you have you back, Tanner.” She whispered.

“I missed you too.”

“Would you really let me come with?” The girl spoke up from the doorway and spooked them both.

Nasty habit of sneaking up on people, that one has.

Valerie managed a smile, eyes bright.. “Sure.” Nothing else could faze her now that she was reunited with her friend.

Tanner cleared his throat, hugging Valerie to his side.

“Val, this is Monica. She was a maid in Sin City. Was laid off a few weeks back.” He said, gesturing to her.

Not a threat now. Think of her as a valuable ally.

Valerie offered her a hand.

“Welcome to the family.”


Val found Axel inside, a peach halfway to his mouth. “This is Tanner and Monica. They’ll be coming with us.” She whispered.

He smoothly took a bite and swept up to them, introducing himself with a crooked smile.

Monica hovered around nervously as introductions were made.  “Do you mind if we pack up first?”

Valerie waved the question off. “Sure. Axel here would be pleasured to accompany you two to our meeting place.”

He nodded then shot her a look behind her back. “I don’t even know them” he mouthed.

“Tell a few jokes. Loosen them up.” Was her reply.

She headed back to Calice’s apartment, giddy. Calice had refused their offers for giving her a house in their settlement, protesting that Billy was too attached to their tiny apartment and that there was no possible way to carry all of her books.

She found Mabel where she had left her but the pile of books perched on the armrest had increased. Poor Calice had done all the arranging of supplies herself.

“Here, Girl.” She placed two heavy packs on the kitchen counter. “That should be enough for a few weeks. If you start running low then just send for Mabel to come collect some, she enjoys the company of the books.” Calice spared a wistful smile in her direction but Mabel was oblivious.

“Mabel, are you ready? We’re going in a few minutes.” Valerie asked. Mabel made a noise of protest and said “Just a few more minutes. Leave me in peace.” Valerie rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to tap her foot. Mabel hated impatient people and foot tapping was at the top of her pet peeves.

"Calice for the last time, are you sure you don't want to come?" Valerie asked, tying her shoe. Calice sighed and shuffled over to where she was bent over. She put a hand under her chin and lifted it so that she was looking her in the eye.

"Child, also for the last time. I'm sure. Someone needs to stay behind, just in case. I'm not made for adventures anymore. Enjoy yourselves though." She smiled kindly and went on with her work.

Valerie triple checked the packs and impatiently forced herself to wait an extra few minutes. Once she was at wits end she stood up from her seat by the door.

"Okay, now we've got to go." She said.

Mabel groaned and gingerly put the book down, giving it a look of longing. "Until next time, John Green. Look after that Augustus for me."

Calice noticed and wrung her hands. "Child, take the book.  It's wonderful. You can bring it back when you finish." Mabel shrieked with joy and hugged the bashful woman.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I'll look after it, I promise." She cried, squeezing Calice a bit too hard and making her yelp and laugh nervously.

"Mabel we've got to get going now." Valerie sat, flatly.

Desperate to get back to Tanner, are we? Oh you.

They did make it out finally, taking a few minutes longer that Valerie would have wanted. They practically flew down the steps, poor Mabel being dragged along and protesting for fear of creases to the pages.

The other three were awaiting them, Axel slightly more impatient that Tanner and Monica.

"Finally. We've been having such a fun time together." Axel said through a false smile.

Val made a frustrated noise, breathing heavy from travelling with the pack on her back.

"Here, switch." He made her dump the pack and instead gave her the two of the billy cans he carried along with a little messenger bag.

She uttered an mumbled if embarrassed thanks but ended up giving the stuff to Mabel and carrying her pack instead. Axel didn't look too pleased and Tanner tried hide to his smirk.

"That's my Val."

Mabel giggled and Monica smiled nervously, probably feeling left out.

Tanner shouldered his backpack. "Let's get going then."

They nearly got caught twice- the first was when they rounded a corner too quickly and bumped straight into an officer.

The man seemingly didn't realise who they were and didn't find a group of teenagers with an assortment of luggage suspicious. Maybe he was on their side- one of the rogues like Tanner.

The second time was when they were near the wall and they heard the thrumming roar of a patrol car. Luckily they managed to run into the shelter of an industrial block of buildings.

They got over smoother than when Val and Mabel had for over with Theo - their new companions were adept enough to scale the barrier with ease- Monica better than expected.

 The hike also proved not to be a problem. Axel loosened up enough to start making smart-arse comments. Robyn was shocked to see so many people and she hugged Tanner with a rare affectionate laugh while introductions were made. Robyn greeted them with a cold meal of beans but that was abandoned when Mabel presented her with a secret container of pasta that Calice had made as a surprise.

The biggest shock was the thing that happened between Theodore and Monica. She was speechless upon seeing him and kept curtsying and staring at him.

"You're with them? Really, Theo? The house is in chaos because of you. Thank god you're alright!" She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him while he looked a bit unsure to what he should do.

"Well now we're just one big happy family!" Cried Robyn, slinging an arm around Mabel. Tanner hugged Valerie from behind and feeling his breath on her neck as he laughed, she blushed deeply.

Throw your arms around him, girl. Take advantage of the situation.

She would have but then he let go, moving away to inspect the rest of the mansion that they had chosen. Valerie was beyond disappointed and took to sulking on the couch next to Mabel while the celebrations  continued on around them. Her friend was lost in her book so she had nothing else to do until Robyn served.

Axel dropped messily onto the adjacent sofa and offered her an apple slice which she took grudgingly.

"What's the deal with you and fawning over Tanner?" He asked. "Completely obvious if you ask me. You should try to be more inconspicuous."

See? I told you.

She ground her teeth together. He smirked and cocked his head. "Your helper in your head says exactly the same thing apparently." He said calmly as he chewed.

She panicked and checked to see if Mabel had heard him. Luckily she still had her nose stuck in the book. 

"Don't say that." She whispered, gesturing carefully at Mabel.

He shrugged, looking innocent.

"If you accept it life gets a lot easier."

She stood up to go help Robyn with the food, trying to ignore the gloating voice in her head.

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