'A Good Girl's Revenge' (On H...

By wishingc

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Can Millie keep from strangling the sarcastic hot jerk James? Maybe, but i doubt it Can Millie keep a secret... More

Chapter Two. Threats are my thing lady.
Chapter Three. My Mum the Pyromaniac
Chapter Four. Friends, but just for the night.
Chapter Five. Shut up and Kiss me
Chapter Six. I hate you...do you want to share the bed?
Chapter Seven. You don't anger a 'Rice' woman
Chapter Eight. Hate is all about the Kissing
Chapter 10. Quitting Addiction.
Chapter Eleven. You're the definition of MY goddess.
Chapter Tweleve. Your so infuriating, but I like that.
Author's Note: Freak out big time
Chapter thirteen. Worlds greatest pleasure.

Chapter Nine. The big seductive ball of revenge

43.3K 738 103
By wishingc

James's P.O.V


Look at her squirm. I thought with satisfaction as we sat in English on Monday morning. My revenge was going just as I had hoped. See I didn't like feeling like I was the one with no control, being the one who needs help from others to get what I want...well is just not me. Millie has done nothing but change my life for the better and I have to admit, it's a hit to my ego to know the amazing changes happening in my life are the cause of a little girl, which I do not see her as at all. Honestly I just call her that because I like the way her eyes light up in irritation.

I stretched my arms behind my head and I caught Millie's eyes trail down my chest. I had to suppress the grin and let my hands drop back to the table. I was sitting next to Millie at our desk with Dan and Sami sitting opposite us. Ever since I swore my revenge, not the kind your thinking of, I have done nothing but try to do to Millie what she did to me. I accidently let my hands brush over her skin, I say things with double meanings leaving her confused and frustrated and I refuse to argue with her because I know that she likes to argue with me, hell I like to argue with her to, but I just have to wait for the right moment then I'll pounce.

"I think Blanch is wrongly accused of being spoiled and whore-ish, she was the one with all the hardships" stated Millie looking directly at me, she didn't think that at all, the book 'A street Car Named Desire' was nothing but the evil power of the human condition and I knew Blanch was her least favorite character in the story, blanch was to reliant on others for Millie to like the fictional character. She just wanted me to argue with her. Normally I would, but my plan for revenge doesn't work that way. Instead I smiled and lazily pushed back a strand of hair that had fallen into her eyes as if it was the most normal thing in the world for me to do and then I spoke.

"I never thought of it that way Millie. That's an interesting outlook on Blanch's character" I said with a interested tone. Millie's jaw clenched and I think she may have been about to hit me but before the outburst the bell rung. Everyone scurried out of the room, even the teacher in a hurry, I to made a bee-line for my next class before Millie could confront me about my behavior over the last week. A full week of living with Millie and her family.

My next class was music with Millie and Dan, I continued my revenge actions, slight touches here nice words there, Millie was getting angry and slightly more confused every second. It was fun watching her so unsure of what was happening, I never seen her like it before. I was quick to avoid her questioning about my behavior in music and rushed off to my last class before lunch. I spent the whole time answering text from Dan and Elliott about my attitude lately, I just told the I was just playing a little game of revenge. They didn't seem to get it, but it didn't matter I was having too much fun.

By the time lunch rolled around I was very happy to be getting out of my A.P calculus class. I had my food and I was headed for our tree thinking about what I would do next in my little revenge plan when I was pulled by the arm and forced to the side of the building. My shock was forgotten as I smirked down to the fuming Millie in front of me. I don't think I have seen her this mad...like ever. She glared at me as I smiled down to her and waved.

"Hi Millie how was your last class?" I asked with a nice tone. Millie's eyes bulged and she pushed me so my back hit the wall of the building behind me. She took a step back so she could glare openly at me.

"What the hell James! Why are you acting like this?" she hissed stomping her foot. My smile turned into a smirk

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said in an overly innocent voice. Millie froze and shock took over her features, then came the rage.

"Your doing it to get me mad aren't you! Here I was thinking you where playing nice because of what I did for you and I was ready to give you a long speech about how you shouldn't treat me differently and all this time you where trying to get me angry!" she muttered pacing in front of me, using her hand as she spoke. I looked over the simple white button up summer dress she wore today with her long brown hair out. The look of anger on her face didn't match her good girl fashion she wore.

"I was surprised how long it took you to catch on, honestly I thought your meant to be smart" I said leaning back onto the wall. Millie's pacing stopped and she turned to me with a flash of anger her fist snapping out to hit me in the stomach but I saw it coming and grabbed her fist pulling her forward and wrapping my arms around her to restrain and more forms of physical violence she was going to use on me.

"Your such a idiot! You think you're so tuff! But your acting like a moody pre teen!" she stated as she thrashed around in my arms. Trying to break my hold on her, I could see the blush on her cheeks from being so flustered and angry, I have to admit she looked cute as she huffed and puffed trying to be all big and scary.

"I thought we were passed the whole 'I hate you' thing James! Sure we argue but you didn't need to go playing stupid games I was actually worried that you where being nice to me because you felt you had to! I was worried that you thought just because of the few little things I did you owed something to me! Yours so dam evil James!" she hissed as she pounded on my chest, she had realized she wouldn't get away so she settled for hitting my chest and shoulders as her arms couldn't reach anywhere else.

My smirk grew and as I watched the anger bubble through Millie's eyes, she was so vivid and alive and...well all that was beautiful, not like I would ever admit to thinking that. Millie cussed and yelled and I argued right back at her, but then it stopped.

Millie stopped still in my arms, I loosened my grip and pulled her back slightly...her sudden quietness concerned me, her head was down and I thought maybe I had angered her so much she was planning on how to kill me later on, well that's what I thought until she looked up into my eyes, and shit, how I hated what I saw. Millie anger was gone and in its place was guilt and something else, she looked upset.

"James...are you trying to get at me for interfering with your live...I mean I never...I never meant to interfere with your life, but I thought I was doing the right thing...I'm sorry if I did something you didn't want me to... I just don't really catch onto what I should and shouldn't do sometimes" she was babbling and  I wanted to scream in frustration...she thinks I got her mad because I was angry with what she did for me and Sami? Hell I will owe her for the rest of my life for what she has done for us. Why are girls always so judgmental on themselves?

"no actually I did it for purely entertainment" I said in a matter of fact tone. Millie's upset face vanished to be replaced by anger...I smiled.

 "Your angry" I said in a cheerful voice. Mille growled and hit me again

"Why the hell do you sound so dam Happy that you got me angry? Are you-" but I cut her off as I leant down with a smirk and pressed my lips to her neck before brushing her hair away from her ear and whispering in her ear with the most seductive voice I could manage.

"You had me so confused and angry with you all the time, then you kiss me. I see you as the invisible force then I save your life, you give me and my sister the option and strength to get away from our father then you act like we did you a favor, I take a ride in a car with you and to get your revenge and get me to keep the god dam car you kiss me...I just wanted you to see what it's like " I leant down a little to press a kiss to her neck again, her skin was just that tasty and addictive. I moved over to her other ear and trailed my hand up and down her arm softly.

"I was just getting my revenge" I stated. then before I could even think about my next actions her hands gripped my arms and my pulled me around so her face was directly in front of hers. Her eyes narrowed and staring straight into mine.

" I hate how your almost as evil and cunning at me" She said with pursed lips, with that she pulled her angry lips to mine. I smiled against her lips as her hands gripped onto my shirt. I flipped us around so her back was to the wall. My hands were on her waist, Millie moaned as I pushed her against the wall. Getting her body as close as possible and the feeling was like a explosive. I pulled lightly at Millie's hips and then as I just couldn't seem to get her close enough I pulled her up further on the wall and her legs wrapped around my waist, her hands wrapped in my hair and my lips just couldn't seemed to get enough of hers. It was like an instant heat that warmed my whole body, god this girl was amazing.

"Holly mother of God!" as much as I wish that was something Millie had spoken as I kissed down her neck the statement was made by a certain twin sister of mine that at this moment I didn't like to much. Millie and I stopped with the kissing but our bodies stayed twisted around each other. I looked to Millie to see what she would do, but instead of the blushing and instant jumping away from me that I expected Millie did something utterly unexpected...

"Dam Sami you have horrible timing" said Millie legs still wrapped around my waist and hands still around my shoulders. I didn't move either because the position was surly nothing to complain about. Millie's dress was a little messed with the hem line rising up to leave her bare legs embracing me. Her hair was messy and her lips where slightly redder. She looked a little more wild and fun, it seemed more like her than the perfect-good-girl outfit did.

"I...Umm...I have no idea what to say" Sami stuttered as she stood just at the corner of the building not 4 meters away from us lunch in one hand and her bag over the arm of the other. She looked as lost as a goldfish in the desert, after a rather awkward pause Millie let out a sigh and pulled her legs off of me and shimmied to the ground. Fixing her hair and dress as soon as her feet touched the floor. she walked toward Sami but paused just as she was at her side and turned over her shoulder sending me a look that screamed devious

"We will finish our argument up later James...oh and I do believe it's my turn" she stated casually and grabbing my sisters arm and walking toward the tree I walked after them slowly and asked loudly so she could hear my question.

"Your turn for what Millie?" I asked with a smirk, my mind in the gutter from our not-minutes-ago-make-out-session. Millie stopped with a still stunned Sami and sat against the tree with her back leaning against it while resting her head back with closed eyes.

"Revenge James...my turn for revenge" she stated only opening one eye slightly to seek my reaction. I smirked widely and sat down in front of her and sprawled out with my hands behind me.

"It won't work Millie, I think I have become immune to you now" I lied, Millie just chuckled and closed her eyes

"You can never become immune to me James. Remember I'm a Everson and Rice, a force to be reckoned with" she said I snorted and watched as Elliott and Dan approached us.

"More like a force to be fantasized about" I thought as I watched Millie, eyes closed and peacefully leaning back against the tree, completely tempting. I let out a small sigh and saw my sister sill looking like she is in shock, but my eyes couldn't seem to stray from Millie for long, her eyes snapped shut as I caught her staring at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.  

Well I guess the balls in her court now, the big seductive ball of revenge.



sorry about the long time between updates but i'm really busy and i'm doing the best i can so thanks for waiting hope you liked it : )

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