By jiiddaahh

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As the end came out beautifully, My start was beautiful, Indeed my name AMAANI is a whole meaning My life,exp... More



326 46 0
By jiiddaahh

(Not edited)

As you experience new things in life, the essential lesson that you will learn is the fact that change is the only permanent thing you will experience in life. As we move from one chapter to another in life, we go through changes that are wanted and unwanted. We can choose to keep certain things the way they are; we can choose to remain with the same group of family and friends and wish that all the good things in life remain the same for the longest period of time. What we need to understand is the idea that no matter how much we wish for things to remain the same and how much we try to resist change, some things will change and will not remain the same, irrespective of what we do to resist the change.

The most important thing we need to keep

in mind while we are talking about change is the idea that anything that is out of our comfort zone and is new to us becomes uncomfortable. Change is uncomfortable and thus is despised by most people. It requires us to adapt our self to new things and accept the things that we are not familiar with. The entire process is very demanding and is for sure an added issue to deal with.

You should smile and laugh as often as possible, no matter what! If you think there is nothing funny about your life, think again. Did you ever see Orange is the New Black? I know it's fiction but it's based on truth. And if people in jail for years can find things to laugh at, so can you! Go to a comedy show with a friend and let loose! Laugh until you can feel it in your bones. You are not the only person in the nation who is facing serious and hard to manage issues of everyday life....So, as long as you don't have cancer, so long as you are not a quadriplegic, so long as you can see people on the streets who have it a lot worse than grateful to God, and have faith that you can be your own best friend, your own life coach, and your own healer. Guess what? It's true!

Well life is something good and I'm loving it right now,just the feeling of discomfort when ever I remember the new beginning and turn I took in my life,the new AMAANI AMIN NASIR GALADANCI.well just one thing I forgot to say and make clear which was no MALES OR FREINDSHIP wareva,but when I say that or mean that it actually going to imply .beginning!so I'm ready for this,for the new things life have store ahead for me.

Well after the call with Aymaan I decided to see him in person with a good and calm heart of wasn't so hard I was going to go have some air with the girls and then he called so why not meet him there,right now I'm ready and about to stomp out of the mansion to go have a good day and a memorable one too.i hope someone's not gonna spoil my mood though!

"Mama I'm going out already see you later"i shouted from the main living room seeing I was late and the girls wont stop calling me nonstop.

I was about to step out when abbas voice made me still in my position

"And where do you think you're going by this time?"chill dad I was just gonna go have some fun not that I'm gonna run faraway and kill myself besides why do you care?!

I Wanted saying this but huh what would  it be  like after that?death I guess.

"I have an outing with my friends"i hate how my voice came out like a whisper.

"Does it have to be by this time?"

"Yeah cx it's a dinner"

"Don't take long and take the driver with you"

"Okay"i said and left in a hurry living  no room for arguement even though I had no intention of going out with a driver.

"Hello girls"i said  wiggling my brows knowing I was in a big lot of trouble for coming late.

"Your late with 30 minutes"Maryam said checking her time.

"I'm so sorry girls abba stopped me by the way"whoaaaa!watch out the new change in their,the old me would just apologise and get through it but I just blurted that out.easy girl!

"You safe right?"halima asked

"More than safe"i said with a smile and right their Aymaan gave me a call,yeah dont be surprised cx this new me saved his number whoa!

"Hello"i said while sitting next to Halima.

"Uhm...I'm here actually whe....."I cut him off saying he should meet me at VIP....then I hung on.

"Is farouq here? Cx looks like I've seen his car"

"Yeah we got a score to settle,for the past week I've not been giving him much needed attention and he needs a good explanation for that,he's mad at me"she said a little upset.

"I know it's my fault and I'm so sorry Halima,if not for my stupidness everything would have been good but I'll make it up to you,come with me please"we excuse ourself from the table and I lead us to where farouq was waiting.

"Hello there"i said seeking his attention from his phone.

"Ooh Hi"he said with a small smile and Halima stood their rooted in her spot.

"Well I'm here to apologise for keeping your love away from you for the past week,it isn't her fault actually I was sick and she needs to baby sit me you know,I'm so sorry just don't be mad at

her I'm right here you know"i said in a breath the duo giving me a confuse look which is making me feel uncomfortable.

After minutes of silent they both kept mute and was looking at me with horror eyes"then I guess that's a yes,have a good time,bye!"I said and left to find this Aymaan guy.

"Assalamu alaikum" someone said jolting me out of my trance.

"Waalaikumu Salam"i answered and looked up.

"Can we have a sit please"Aymaan said with a smile displaying on his face.I went ahead without giving an answer.

The place was quiet not as I saw people their a while a go and the lights are off I can see right through where i am this is strange I thought.

"A minute milady"i was about to open the door when Aymaans hand reach out for the handle and his words made me thinking since when I became his lady!I shrugged that off.

As I entered and approached the centre of the room the lights became on,the place was beautifully decorated,it shouts red and white(my best colour)+luxury,cake,drinks and alot of snacks where arranged on the tables and the next thing I saw was something unbelievable. Out of all my imaginations.

In a second Aymaan was kneeling down on one leg with a small gift box on one hand and all my girls where their including farouq each with a medium card which has a letter that spells "WILL YOU BE MY CORÁZON?" And all the people in the room where shouting "YES" and maryam being Maryam was the one holding a card which says 'Yes' while Fatiti has the one which says 'NO'.what on earth is this?I thought.

"You're the sun in my shine,

The spark in my plug,

The heart to my beat,

The day to my night,

The twinkle in my eye,

The hot to my spicy,

The yin to my yang,

The soul to my mate.

Need I say more?

Now all I want to hear from you,

Is to say, "yes".

People say I'd be lost without you,

And you know what? It's true.

I don't know how I ever got by

Until the day I met you.

As I look down the road of my future,

I know that one thing is true.

I need the perfect partner beside me,

And my Corázon,it has to be you.

So  what do you say; are you ready?

Will you make a commitment to me?

Say yes, and I promise you from my heart,

You'll never regret this,

Cx I'm awed with your beauty

Your all I see and want

Your all I crave for and right now I know I'm.not good with words but if I don't have you I think I'll lose all screws in my body,you are the one

The one my hearts race for like a gazillion time in a sec

You are the one that makes me lose it

You make me not so confident

You make me love you more for the feelings i fell for you more with each passing seconds

You make me want to do things

Your love has taken a turn in my life to a better person

I want you to be mine

For you've stole my heart and left with on the 20th of september....

You are my dream

My craving bed

You are home to me.

You are everything and more

Give me a chance to explore my love for you

To love you more every day every time.

Will you be my CORÁZON?

Will you?"

I stood still seeing all eyes on me,I'm confused and right now I want all this to be a dream,yh a fucking dream!but no it's real this is reality,Aymaan proposing to Amaani?what on earth is wrong with everyone?his words are of pure love and I can't believe he said all those in a breath.


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