Student, Teacher Conference;...

By IHeartALad

722K 12.1K 1.1K

"We shouldn't..." "I know, but I can't stop thinking about you" "Alex..." Melissa Butler is your average stud... More

Student, Teacher Conference; Prolouge.
Student, Teacher Conference; Chapter One.
Student, Teacher Conference
Student Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Two
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Three
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
First Date
Date Two
Not So Monday Blues
The Ice RInk Development
Planning The Weekend
Sleep Over
Morning After
Anniversary Plans
Party Plans
Getting To Know Each Other
Topless Tuesday
Trouble In Paradise
Getting There
Parent's night
The Jury Is In
The End Result


14.6K 235 57
By IHeartALad

Alex's POV

I woke in the morning with my head slightly pounding. I groaned and went to move when I felt my arm slide across soft skin and I peeked to see a nest of brown hair under my chin. I exhaled and then inhaled to calm the slight panic and inhaled the scent the Melissa's shampoo. I tried to stretch without waking her and then slowly remove my arm from her. Slowly the events of last night began to play in my mind and I sighed and lay on my back with one arm trapped under Melissa's pillow and my free arm now over my eyes, trying not to think too much of the problems we had to face. I waited a few more moments and just listened to Melissa's deep, steady breaths before taking my other arm and getting out of the bed. I used the bathroom then went to start making something to eat. I made a fry up for myself and fought with myself over making Melissa something to eat. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I near jumped out of my skin.

"Sorry" She whispered.

I moved the frying pan onto another ring and turned off the cooker before turning to face her. Melissa didn't look up at me so I just hugged her back.

"I'm so tired" She whispered.

I gave a soft laugh and I felt her smile against my stomach as she turned and burried her face, exhaling and tickling my stomach. I laughed and jumped back bumping into the cooker. Melissa looked up with pink cheeks and tired eyes that were a little red. I pushed her fringe behind her ear and caressed her cheek as she leaned her face into my hand. I really did love her.

"Morning" I said.

Melissa seemed to know what I was thinking as her face lit up and a pearly white smile broke out and she bid me a good morning before tip-toeing up to kiss me. It was a short, sweet kiss, but those were the best. I tightened my hold on her and made to lift her up off her feet as she squealed and leaned her head onto my chest and blew out, making noises and tickling me. I put her down and she pulled herself from my grasp and ran. I laughed and chased her, she ran around the couch.

"You'll never catch me!" She jeered.

I laughed and stopped at the back of the couch as she kept running, stopping abruptly so that within two strides around the couch and she was once again in my arms.

"No!" She laughed.

We fought for a little bit, her prodding me and me trying to defend against it and then we swapped so I was prodding her, she didn't block as well and so just took up my hands in hers, inspecting my fingers that laced with hers. I watched her and I felt a sudden sense of foreboding, is this what she felt? Is this why it was so sudden? I realised she was looking at me and I stared into her chocolate brown eyes, she was so serious but her eyes reamined soft and calm.

"Alex" She simply said.


I could see a pink tint now appear on her cheeks, getting darker as she leaned back on the arm of the couch and crossed her legs, biting her lip and hiding her face from me. It was adorable and slightly arousing as I watched her bite her lip and then look up at me.

"I-I-I want you..." Our hands turned downwards as she nervously played with her lip and then twiddled our fingers. My heart leapt as I instantly thought of what it was she had meant but I forced it out of my mind.

"Want me to what?" I asked suddenly remembering the bacon, sausages and potato scones I had started to cook that would be cold now.

Melissa opened her mouth to say something when her mouth turned into a grin and she gave a nervous laugh before she looked up at me.

"I want you to...accompany the bedroom" She ended in a wavered whisper.

"Are you sure?" I asked, getting excited but knowing not to be too forward, she may think differently once we're in the room, I didn't want her to think I was being too much for her, though she was the one to suggest it.

"I am" She said and looked me in the eyes with that calm and serious look that I nodded, took her hands to my mouth and kissed them before releasing her left hand and leading her to the bedroom. I closed the bedroom door and she let go of my hand and went to the bed, sitting at the edge with her legs crossed but leaning back on her hands. I gulped and tugged at the top of my shirt and went to the bedside cabinet and took out a condom from the drawer, checked the date and placed it on top of the dresser. Melissa agreed with my actions as she uncrossed her legs and moved back onto the bed a little bit farther and i moved to her, crawling on top of her as she slowly lay down and I straddled her.

We kissed deeply and I culdn't help but get more aroused than usual as her hands ran through my hair and down my back over my top then up my stomach to my chest under my top. Melissa bit my lip and I pulled away from her as a shudder of excitement ran through me.

"What...?" I half asked as I closed my eyes to control myself and look down at her.

Her eyes searched mine and I saw a small amount of saddness in them, it made me balance on my left hand as I caressed her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Alex, I just...I can't stop thinking of last night and I know nothing good can come from it. So I want to be able to be with you, in every sense, before the bad things happen"

My heart thudded painfully as I started to think of all the bad things that could happen and I felt my heart lurch at the thought of not having Melissa in my life the way she is now. Her hand caressed my cheek and I replaced mine by her head.

"Alex, I'm sure this is what I want. Last night might of been the first time I said I loved you, but I've been wanting to say it for such a long time. It might seem a bit...well...strange, considering how we met and how you're my teacher, but I do love you and I want you to be..." She blushed and I knew what she meant.

I kissed her gently before pulling away and looking her deep in the eyes.

"I love you too Melissa, I really do" I said.

I waited for her to give the signal, I wanted to sleep with her, but I was perfectly fine with not going through with it at all. I loved her, I really did and I couldn't belive that I loved her and felt as strongly as I did for someone who was my student, but none of that mattered. Melissa Butler was, something surreal and she loved me to, I'd give her everything she ever wanted.

As I thought that Melissa tugged at my pajamma bottoms and bit her lip, her eyes flickering up to me and I took that as her sign. I felt as though a burst of pure white light was errupting from us, this was different to all the other times I'd had sex, this felt right.

Her deep breaths on my bare chest made me smile; she was so peaceful when she slept. I held her naked body to mine and pulled the covers up to her shoulders which were half way up my stomach. I was roasting from our activities and couldn't help but re-live them in my head. It was amazing and better than anything I could of imagined. I hoped it was the same for her and hoped she was still happy with her decision; though the slight smile that lingered at her lips gave me a confidence boost. I kissed her head and closed my eyes to go to sleep, suddenly feeling tired and at peace. I had dozed in and out of sleep for god knows how long, but I heard my phone vibrate and I glanced around for it and took it from mybedside cabinet and answered Blair's call.

"Hey, what's up?" I half whispered, trying not to wake Melissa.

"What's going on?" He asked in a very serious, dangerous tone.

I froze and felt my heart leap, this wasn't it surely?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You ditched me at the party and didn't even leave drunkWhat is that all about?!"

I laughed and felt Melissa stir.

"Dude I kinda can't talk now" I said.

"Why - Oh!" He said suddenly brightly again.

"Getting lucky?" He asked.

"Don't kiss and tell mate" I grinned.

"Sorry mate, I'll leave you to it, give Melissa my best...make it second best otherwise I'll ruin her for you"

I hung up on him and laughed. Melissa stirred and peeked up at me through tired eyes and smiled, kissing my chest and turned the other way falling back to sleep. It was around one in the afternoon and I knew we should get up, especially since Melissa had a night out tonight, I would wake her around two if she didn't wake before then. Though I couldn't help but roll over and hug her, seperating us by the sheets but feeling her bare back against my chest and her fingers entwine with mine as I wrapped my arm around her.

Melissa and I spent the day in bed, she left the house round about four. We had something to eat and talked and cuddled, savouring what she thougt was our last day together, I told her not to worry, Kodie was drunk and hadn't seen us together. After I had dropped her off at the usual bit, I headed home for a shower, then checked my phone which was bombarded by text messages from my sister. She was asking me to babysit which I decided to do. I bought a DVD and sweets for my niece and nephew before heading over and letting my sister go out on a date. I teased her about it and she punched my arm. Then she brought up Melissa and how I should bring her over for dinner, I blushed and agreed that I would soon, this made her happy though she eyed me suspiciously with an evil looking smirk. I brushed it off and went into the living room where the kids were sitting and watching TV. I had already been greeted with hugs and been mugged of the sweets and DVD which they already had. They had had their dinner and would soon be falling asleep, I was offered drink but I thought of last night and my stomach turned a little. I cursed myself for not binging some marking with me and decided to write down some ideas for my second year class, how to make it more interesting for them. I changed  my first years and then third and fourth, leaving my higher class alone as Melissa was all I could think about there. Though I remembered what Kodie had said about Ashley, how she had a crush on me. I laughed but felt a little puff of pride in myself for getting some admiration from my students, even if it wasn't cause I was a good teacher.

"Uncle Ally?" My niece called, turning form the TV.

"Yeah?" I looked up from my paper.

"Can we play a game?"

I rolled my eyes but smiled and covered my face.

"One" I started to count.

I heard them both giggle and run from the room, listening to where they went. I could see how my night would play out and I couldn't help but think of Melissa and what she was up to, how drunk she'd get, where she'd go or who she would meet. I felt a little pang of jealousy and wanted to go out and stop another man coming onto her, but I trusted Melissa and I knew she wouldn't do anything so, I pushed all the thoguhts from my mind and focussed on playing hide and seek with my niece and nephew.


I waited eagarly for my higher class, just to see Melissa's face, the drunken phone call from her and her friends on Saturday night played in my mind and I couldn't help but break out in a large grin. The door opened and the boys walked in, pushing and shoving. I clapped my hands together and bade them sit down, a few of the girls came in, including Ashley who smiled serenly at me and I smiled back, feeling slightly awkward now that I thought about it. I began talking about today's lesson when the door opened and in walked Samantha looking stone faced and slightly grey, while Melissa walked in behind her with red eyes and tear streaks down her face. My heart leapt and I almost ran to her but I composed myself and cleared my throat.

"Everything alright girls?" The class was quiet and watching as Samantha removed her coat and bag, nodded at me, hooked her coat but took her bag to her seat. Melissa's eyes watered and I could see her trying not to cry in front of the class. I excused myself from the class and put my hand on Melissa's shoulder in a gentle, worried sort of way that was appropriate for school. I lead her out of the classroom and closed the door behind me, glancing around the corridor I pulled her to me in a hug and she cried to let the worst of the tears out. I then pushed her off me and rubbed her arms looking down at the top of her head as she refused to look up at me.

"What's happened?" I asked.

She sniffed and sobbed a few more times before clearing her throat after a failed attempt to speak then said in a low whisper, as if afraid to get caught speaking.

"Samantha knows"

My heart ached as I pictured what they must have said to each other, how Samantha found out, what she thought, what she would do. Samantha flickered into my mind as I remembered how she had simply nodded at me and how impassive her face was when she walked in, she clearly didn't approve of what she had learned. I looked down at Melissa and kissed her head before pulling her to me and hugging her tight.

"It's alright, we will get through this" I told her.

I felt her nod against my stomach . I left her for a moment and signed a toilet slip and sent her to the bathroom to clean herself up, I told her to take as lng as she needed and even wrote it on the back of the toilet slip. It took me a few moments to compose myself and a few glances at the Samantha before I was able to continue with the lesson, everyone solemn faced as they had more than likely tried to get information out of Samantha who, I guessed and hoped, hadn't said anything. Everyone knew Melissa and Samantha to be best of friends, so to see how cold Samantha was being to Melissa, they knew something was up. Melissa returned half way through the class and took her normal seat between her friends, though Sam did not look at her. Melissa wasn't paying much attention in class, but I knew she would be alright with the topic thought.

After the double period and interval had begun, I asked Melissa and Samantha to stay behind. Everyone murmured as they left, glancing behind to see Melissa's eyes start to water and Samantha huff. Once the classroom was empty I closed the door and went to sit in front of them, Melissa wiping her eyes, I wanted  to comfort her so badly, but I knew that wouldn't go down well.

"What happened?"

Samantha glared at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why don't you two tell me? I can't believe this has happened! I can't believe you lied to me!" She turned on Melissa.

"I'm sorry" She whispered and closed her eyes.

My heart ached.

"Are you serious though? This isn't some sick joke Kodie's playing on me and roped you two into being part of?" She asked, anger in her voice.

I looked at Melissa and waited to see her response, but the look I guessed, was enough for Samantha. Growling she stood and began to pace.

"So you two are actually together?" She asked.

"For three months?! Three months you told me his name was Andrew, a bit older and too shy to meet me?!" She started to shout.

"Please keep your voice down!" I barked at her, getting angry at her for shouting at Melissa.

Melissa looked between us both, panic in her eyes, Samantha as angry as ever though a little more compliant and she remembered I was her teacher. I took a deep breath and looked at Samantha, who seemed to be biting her tongue.

"What did Kodie tell you?" I asked.

"She told me you two where at her big cousin's birthday party, told me you two were in the same company and that someone pointed Mel out as your girlfriend, though she thought she was seeing things cause she was drunk but then her cousin said; 'Nah Alex and Mel will be fine' and that's when she knew for sure it was you two together. Then she came up to me asking how long you two had been dating!" Samantha turned on Melissa again.

"I can't believe you kept this from me!" She hissed.

Melissa turned to her, no more tears but a shining stripe down each cheek as she spoke;

"I didn't keep it from you! I told you I had a boyfriend and I told you things we had done and said! I just didn't tell you exactly who it was!" She fought.

"That makes it OK does it?!"

"No! Though it shows I wasn't completely a let down as a friend! Don't you see why I couldn't tel you?" Melissa pleaded.

"What were you going to do when you left school? Do your parents know?"

"Of course they don't!" Melissa floundered, throwing her arms in the air.

Sam shook her head.

"I can't believe all these weeks I've covered for you to stay with Andrew" She glared at me.

"And it's really been Mr Jackmen, our teacer!" Sam squealed.

"Stop squealing!" I glared back at her.

Sam fumed but quietened down.

"We kept it quiet because we weren't sure how it would go between us, we weren't sure if it was a one off thing or if it was something more" I tried to explain.

I wanted to hold Melissa's hand but I knew it was not the time for this. Sam shook her head and held it in her hands.

"Wha am I going to do?" She whined.

"Sam, please, don't tell anyone" Melissa said in a quiet but desperate voice.

"Don't tell anyone?!" Sam's muffled but loud voice sounded from her hands.

"I should be telling the headmistress!" She yelled.

Melissa and I looked at each other and I could see the panic and fear in her eyes that I also felt. I'd loose everything, including Melissa.

"Sam please, it's just for a few more months! Just until we finish school"

"Parents night!" Sam looked up at us both, her eyes wide and her face pale.

"Parents night!" She repeated and I watched her play the scenes in her mind.

I felt my stomach start to squirm as I realised that that would be the first time I'd meet Melissa's parents. Melissa looked at me with the same thought in her mind. Sam shook her head, looking traumatised.

"No. I'm sorry I can't...I can't do this" Sam said before looking at us both in turn.

Melissa's eyes watered and her lips quivered, Sam shook her head as everything around me seemed to be a dream rather than real life. How did this all happen to me? I wouldn't change it for the world, I loved Melissa, I would do this for her.

"I want it finished" Sam said.

"Who do you think you are to demand such a thing?!" I bellowed.

The bell went to signal third period and I grew more excited picturing my first years walking into this horrific scene. Sam's eyes flared in panic as she kept reminding herself I was a teacher, she shook her head.

"I want it finished" She repeated.

"But we love each other" Melissa whispered and closed her eyes, hand on her heart.

Sam's mouth dropped open and she stepped away from us.


"We aren't just fooling around" I added.

Sam shook her head and closed her mouth.

"I don't care. I want it finished, until school's over. If you really love each other then you'll last a few months without each other" Sam said.

I stood up as the door opened and I went to usher the kids to stand in a line outside against the wall. I glared at Sam.

"How dare you"

"No, how dare you!" Sam hissed and glared.

"If I find out it's not finished between you two, I'll be going to the headmistress and your parents Mel" Sam said solemnly.

Melissa sniffed but steeled herself, standing and glaring at Sam.

"I can't believe you're doing this to us. A true friend wouldn'tdo that, they'd help"

"He's a teacher! Yeah we all fantasise about it but for it to actually happen?" Sam asked exasperated.

Melissa shook her head looking angryily at Sam.

"I'm sorry Sam but, I can't...I can't be your friend if you're serious about this. Alex makes me happy, I love him, and you're intent on ripping him away from me"

"He's a teacher!"

That seemed to be Sam's only defence. The kids outside were getting roudy; I wished this happened at lunch time.

"Doesn't matter. It doesn't make him any less of the man I fell in love with"

It was quiet for a few seconds as they glared at each other, Sam stiffened.

"I'll tell" Was all she said.

Melissa nodded and walked up to me, hugging me and kissed me softly on the lips, looking up into my eyes before leaving. I didn't know what to do, what to say, I was numb. Sam looked appauled by Melissa's actions but took her bag, picked up her coat and left. The kids filed in after them and took their places loudly. It took me a few moments to compose myself but all I could think of to do, was  put on a video for the kids to watch as I sat at my desk behind the TV on the trolley and think about everything that had just happened. My phone vibrated and I jumped for it, causing a few of the pupils to laugh and look at me curiously.

"Not supposed to have your phone on in class Sir!" One tutted.

I ignored them as they laughed and murmured, I shushed them and read the text message.

I'm sorry Alex, I'm really, truely sorry. Sam won't back down, she's not bluffing, she'll tell and I can't let that happen. I can't let you loose your job. We''re going to have to end it I'm sorry. I'm going home just now cause I can't stop crying and I can't concentrate in class. I'll be back in tomorrow, but Sam says if I don't stop going to see you for private tutoring then she'll tell also, so I'll only be up on Wednesday's for supported study. Basically if she sees us alone then we're screwed. I'm sorry Alex, I love you xx

My heart lurched and I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders that semed to suffocate me. My eyes stung but I shook my head. I couldn't force her but I wouldn't let her do this without fighting for a chance to keep it secret once again, this time with no blunders. I knew though there was no hope, she wouldn't want me to loose my job and my actions would only endanger us both, I couldn't believe it, Melissa had been right from the start bad things were about to happen and the worst that we both had feared; we had been forced apart.

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