Don't Go - A Friday 13th Roma...

By VikyToryA

897 28 3

My name is Gwen. I'm 25 just out of college as a Designer. Everything was going perfect until my boyfriend... More

2- Names
3 - Plan
4- Sorry
5- Time
6 - Stop
7 - Friend?
8 - Truth
9- Sunflower
10 - Tea cup
11 - Blanket
12 - Winter
13 - Date
14 - Date pt 2
15 - Birds
16 - Mask
17 - Choices
18 - Love
19 - Monster
20 - Goodbye

1- Why me?

130 3 1
By VikyToryA

Gwendolyn woke up. Her body, cold and aching.
Her arms were up to her head, stuck in a pair of chains.
Her back leaning against a hardwood wall, with her feet barely touching the ground.
It took her a while to adjust to the darkness.
Eventually, she noticed that she was in one of the cabins at camp Kristal lake.

She had dried blood on her forehead, making her orangy red hair sticky on her face and shoulders.

"Oh god no!" she whimpered.

Flashes of the past events and the massacre that she witnessed flooded her brain.


"Are you sure? isn't that place dangerous?"

Gwen asked shyly, playing nervously with her curled hair.
Her boyfriend Kyle, rolled his eyes at her, frustrated.

"If you don't like it you can stay. I'm gonna have fun with or without you."

He said, as he kept loading the cooler filled with beers on his truck.

"No, sorry, I'll go with you" Gwen said almost in a whisper.

She felt guilty for getting on his nerves again. Her boyfriend was excited for this trip and here she was, spoiling the fun of everyone.

"That's my girl" He purred, kissing her roughly.

"Let's go!" Kyle yelled as he climbed the driver seat on the truck.

Briana, a blond girl with curves and a great personality, ran to the truck along with the two best friends of Kyle. Erwin and Steven.

Gwen helped her put her bags in the truck and then climbed on the truck with them.

Silently, she gave a small prayer as they drove to the infamous Camp Kristal Lake.


Gwen tried to break free. Pushing her hands against the chains without results.

Anxiety was making her nauseous. She struggled as tears started to flow from her eyes again.

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP ME! ....please...I don't want to die.....please..."

Gwen cried until her eyes were completely red and her throat sore.


A wave of fear invaded her body as the door burst open.
Her breathing became short and quick.

Heavy footsteps were coming her way. Inhuman heavy footsteps...

The monster with the hockey mask appeared in her view.
His blue eyes were fixed on her. Approaching her slowly. The blade of his machete glowing in his left hand.

She closed her eyes. 'This is it, I'm going to die'

Her heart was about to jump out of her chest. The footsteps stopped and she could feel his breathing mere centimeters away from her face.

'Just do it already!' She screamed in her mind. Not daring to move or talk.

Instead of a machete breaking her head in half. She felt a warm hand stroking her cheek. Gently taking away the locks of hair from her face and wiping away the tears.

She tried to free her face from his touch.

"You monster! Don't touch me!" She screamed, glaring at him with rage in her green eyes.

The blade of the machete flew inches from Gwen's face. Digging its way in the wood wall next to her head.

"No monster!" He growled.

Leaning even closer to her face. With one finger he caressed her puffy lips. They were dry and stained with blood and dirt.
She didn't dare move or say anything else. After seconds that felt like hours he stepped away.
He walked away from the cabin, leaving her alone again.


It was around 4 pm when they arrived to the abandoned cabins at the lake.
Kyle and his friends had already emptied several cans of beer.

Gwen tried to persuade Kyle against drinking and driving but he brushed her off.

When they parked the truck, Gwen quickly step out of the vehicle. Glad they arrived safe and sound.

The view in front of her was beautiful. Pine trees surrounded the area. The waves of the blue lake shimmered with the rays of the sun. She quickly understood why it was called Kristal lake.

But what impressed her the most was the fauna. Birds of every color where flying, bugs, reptiles, she even spotted some deers in the distance.
She was amazed by how a place with such a bad reputation could be as beautiful.

"Darling, wake up, you are gonna help with the bags or what?"

She turned to see his boyfriend with a new beer on his hand and ready to toss a bag to her.


A few minutes later, the man came back with something in his hand.

Gwen was whimpering, trying to hold her tears as he approached her again.

He reached for her face. With one hand, he gently held her chin up.
With his other hand he placed a glass of water on her lips.

Instead of trying to free her face again, Gwen welcomed the water and drank it with desperation.
When the glass was almost empty he took it away from her.
Gwen looked with begging eyes.

He threw the glass to the floor, braking it in pieces. The sound of the glass made her flinch and her body started shaking again. He kept himself un-bothered with his attention only on her.

With a quick pull he took out his machete from the wall. Rising it above his head.


The chains fell to the floor and so did Gwen. Falling on her knees to the hard cold floor.
Her arms hurt like hell and her hands were numb. She moved them slowly, making sure they were not broken. Thankfully all her fingers were in their place.

Gwen looked up in confusion at the masked man.
His silent stare was killing her psychologically.
Without any warning he pulled her up by the shoulders. Putting Gwen on her bare feet.

Stumbling at first she managed to balance her body on her legs.

Being on the floor level with him. She felt intimidated and amazed by the height of this monster. Her head barely reaching his chest.
His was wearing a big coat that made him look even bigger and dangerous.

He pulled Gwen by the arm. The pain took her out of her thoughts.

Following his lead, Gwen flinched when the pieces of glass that were on the floor pierced her bare feet.

"Ouch! It hurts! where are you taking me?!"

She cried out loud. However he continued to pull her out of the caving. Lost in his own thoughts.

The suffering did not stop with the small pieces of glass under her feet.
Outside the cabin she had to walk through stones, sticks, and pieces of garbage around the place.

Gwen stepped on a big branch, scratching her foot from the toes to her ankle. She felt backward, stopping his march.

"I...I can't walk, my hurts"

He grunted, turning to look at her.
Gwen muffled her whimpers with her free hand. She didn't want to get on his nerves.

He softened his grip on her arm. Crouching in front of her.

Pulling her in his arms. Making her flinch. He pressed her against his body and started to jog again.

Being so close to him, she noticed his neck was muscular and covered with lots of scars.
His skin had a weird coloring, between gray and blue. At first she thought it was dirt and maybe an effect of the moon light but soon she realized his skin was indeed of a gray blueish tone.

It really scared Gwen. 'Is he even human?'

She prayed as he kept going deep in the woods.

Gwen was shivering but by now she wasn't sure if it was fear or the cold weather.
She was only wearing a pair of black shorts and a white shirt.
Her fingers and toes were red and numb.

Suddenly, he stopped. His breathing was heavy. They were in front of another cabin.
This one is smaller than the others at the camp and very deep in the forest.

He released his greep on Gwen's legs and pulled a key from his pocket, opening the door.

Gwen's heart beat was going crazy as he pulled her inside the cabin. Holding her tightly against him.

There were some candles illuminating the place.
Gwen took the opportunity to observe the new surroundings.
Everything looked worn-out and dirty. There were few furniture. A couch, a pair of chairs...

The inside was not especially warm but it felt less cold than outside.
Gwen could feel her fingers thanking for the change in temperature.

She gasped when she noticed she was being carried to a bedroom.
The door had a little wooden kid sign that read "Jason's Room".

Her eyes widened "Jason..." she repeated in a whisper.
The man holding her looked down at her, reacting to his name.
Her heart skipped a bit at the realization.

He laid her down in an old dusty bed.

Gwen curled into a ball trying to protect herself, not taking her eyes out of him.

She could hear her heart beating on her head.
He approached the bed, kneeling in front of her.
Jason extended his hand, taking one of her hands into his.
Gwen gasped, trying to be as still as possible.
He pulled her hand into his mask. Inspecting her red fingers. The tips were already turning blue.

Gwen closed her eyes, the touch of his inhuman gray hands disgusted her and scared her to death.
She tried to control the tears that were starting to flow down her cheeks.

He pulled her hand farther. Placing her delicate fingers on the side of his face. His breathing was slowing and his eyes closed.

Gwen felt his skin on her finger tips. It felt warm but also bumpy with all the scars.
It gave her goosebumps, all she wanted was to get away from this damn forest.

Eventually, he got up. Releasing her hand. He stared at her deeply.
Gwen did not dare to even blink.

The panic returned to her face when he started to take off his long brown coat in front of her.

"No! please! don't do this!" She screamed.

Afraid that he would try to do something to her.
She backed away on the bed until she felt the cold wall behind her.

"Stay away, don't touch me!" She begged.

Jason tilted his head in confusion.
He took off his coat. His arms were thick and strong, with broad shoulders. His skin was the same gray blueish color.
He was wearing a dirty white shirt stained with blood.

She hugged her knees, sobbing and crying like a little kid.
Something heavy and warm fell on her head, covering her entire body.

"Sleep" In a slow deep voice, Jason commanded her.

Without anything else, he left the room. Closing the door behind him and locking it.

She pulled away the piece of fabric from her head.
It was his big brown coat. It smelled like him, to death and blood.

She fell repulsed by it, however Gwen covered herself with it again. It was better than freezing to death.
She could feel her cheeks having again its pinkish tone of warmth. The pain on her cold fingers dessapearing slowly.

Sitting on the bed, Gwen started to take the little glass pieces and splinters out of her feet. Trying to keep quiet and not think much about the pain or the blood dripping on her ankle.

'What am I going to do? I need to escape but how? he...I can't do anything'. She questioned herself.

Back in the camp she saw his skills, strength, and agility. The most terrible thing she saw was his joy in hunting.

'I... I don't want to die'

Was her last thought before tiredness over powered her and she fell into a restless sleep.



Here is a concept illustration of how Jason looks like

Art by Syllabunny

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