1- Why me?

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Gwendolyn woke up. Her body, cold and aching.
Her arms were up to her head, stuck in a pair of chains.
Her back leaning against a hardwood wall, with her feet barely touching the ground.
It took her a while to adjust to the darkness.
Eventually, she noticed that she was in one of the cabins at camp Kristal lake.

She had dried blood on her forehead, making her orangy red hair sticky on her face and shoulders.

"Oh god no!" she whimpered.

Flashes of the past events and the massacre that she witnessed flooded her brain.


"Are you sure? isn't that place dangerous?"

Gwen asked shyly, playing nervously with her curled hair.
Her boyfriend Kyle, rolled his eyes at her, frustrated.

"If you don't like it you can stay. I'm gonna have fun with or without you."

He said, as he kept loading the cooler filled with beers on his truck.

"No, sorry, I'll go with you" Gwen said almost in a whisper.

She felt guilty for getting on his nerves again. Her boyfriend was excited for this trip and here she was, spoiling the fun of everyone.

"That's my girl" He purred, kissing her roughly.

"Let's go!" Kyle yelled as he climbed the driver seat on the truck.

Briana, a blond girl with curves and a great personality, ran to the truck along with the two best friends of Kyle. Erwin and Steven.

Gwen helped her put her bags in the truck and then climbed on the truck with them.

Silently, she gave a small prayer as they drove to the infamous Camp Kristal Lake.


Gwen tried to break free. Pushing her hands against the chains without results.

Anxiety was making her nauseous. She struggled as tears started to flow from her eyes again.

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! HELP ME! ....please...I don't want to die.....please..."

Gwen cried until her eyes were completely red and her throat sore.


A wave of fear invaded her body as the door burst open.
Her breathing became short and quick.

Heavy footsteps were coming her way. Inhuman heavy footsteps...

The monster with the hockey mask appeared in her view.
His blue eyes were fixed on her. Approaching her slowly. The blade of his machete glowing in his left hand.

She closed her eyes. 'This is it, I'm going to die'

Her heart was about to jump out of her chest. The footsteps stopped and she could feel his breathing mere centimeters away from her face.

'Just do it already!' She screamed in her mind. Not daring to move or talk.

Instead of a machete breaking her head in half. She felt a warm hand stroking her cheek. Gently taking away the locks of hair from her face and wiping away the tears.

She tried to free her face from his touch.

"You monster! Don't touch me!" She screamed, glaring at him with rage in her green eyes.

The blade of the machete flew inches from Gwen's face. Digging its way in the wood wall next to her head.

"No monster!" He growled.

Don't Go - A Friday 13th Romance [Completed] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt