Partner in Crime // Captain B...

By okaydixon

3.9K 143 12

Riley Tucker had spent her young life bouncing through foster homes and getting in trouble for running away a... More

1. Prison Blues
2. The Suicide Squad
3. They're Doing It
4. A Fighter at Heart
5. Unspoken Feelings
7. Lightning Bolts
8. The Truth

6. Power Shortage

380 14 0
By okaydixon

"Digger!" Riley screamed as she watched her best friend and the love of her life fall to the ground with a knife sticking out of his chest.

Riley let out a growl of anger as she held her hands up and forced of ball of electricity to shoot from her hands and take the monsters out. She didn't even have time to admire her powerful skills as she ran to Boomerang.

"Dig." Riley whimpered out as she knelt next to her best friend.

Diggers eyes shot open as he left out a groan. He quickly grabbed the knife and yanked it out, causing Riley's eyes to widen and her jaw to hit the floor. He chuckled at the knife which had impaled a stack of money.

"You idiot! I thought you were really hurt!" She yelled, going to smack his chest but it came out much weaker than she expected. Digger watched her as her eyes suddenly began to droop as if she was on the verge of passing out. He immediately knew what was happening.

"Here we are." Digger led Riley out to a large empty field off the side of the road. They were basically in the middle of nowhere. Except for a lone gas station sitting a little ways down.

Riley had begged Digger to take her somewhere off the grid where she could play around with her powers. All she knew how to do was grab something and fry it with her touch. She wanted to learn if she could do more.

"Don't rush it, love. Okay?" Boomer encouraged the girl. He was trying to remind her that it may not come that easily to her just yet.

She had practiced for hours. Digger had been trying to talk her into leaving for over an hour because it was now dark outside. Not to mention he could see her blood was beginning to boil by her inability.

"Darling, I know ya don't wanna hear it. But I think it's time we should go." Digger tried once again.

"No! No! No! I can do this! I have to do this!" Riley screamed, angrily. She slammed her fists down at her sides and electricity shot down and burnt two holes into the ground.

She stopped as she realized what she had done. And that's when she felt it. The power surging from her arms and down to her hands. She held her hand up and watched as she held up a ball of electricity.

An excited laugh erupted beside of her. "Look at that! Ya doin' it!" Digger grinned like an idiot.

Riley's eyes focused on a lone tree in the middle of the field. Her eyes flicked from the ball in her hands to the tree. Diggers eyes widened as he caught on and he took a giant step back. With all her might she leaned back and threw the ball of electricity at the tree. The pair were filled with amazement as the ball hit the tree, lighting it up with purple bolts, and leaving it dead and covered in ashes.

Digger was full of excitement as he couldn't contain his laughter. He looked over to the girl next to him and watched as her face fell. She grabbed her head and fell to her knees.

"Hey, hey, hey. Ya okay? What's wrong?" Digger was quick to rush over to her and scoop her up into his arms.

"I'm drained, Dig." She spoke, eyes falling shut as her head fell onto his chest.

"What ya mean? What do I do?" Digger was panicking as his mind was racing.

"I need more electricity."

With that Digger rushed her over to the gas station down the road. Without being seen, he snuck them to the back of the building, thankfully finding an electrical panel back there. He yanked the door open and found all the wires in tact.

"Here ya are, love. Open your eyes." Digger spoke softly to the girl.

She opened her eyes and Digger gently sat her on the ground. She quickly reached in and latched her hand onto the wires. What should have been her getting electrocuted, was her being recharged with power. Digger felt chills run down his body as she looked over at him and smiled, her hazel eyes now turned a bright, light shade of purple.

"C,mon, Shorty. Don't give out on me now." Digger crouched down, helping Riley to crawl onto his back for a piggyback ride.

Captain Boomerang was getting ready to try and fight another monster with Riley on his back when Croc took notice of the situation and jumped into front of the two, tearing the monsters to shreds.

"Thanks, mate." Boomer nodded gratefully at his teammate. All of the creatures in the room were now dead.

"What happened?" Rick Flag stepped up, noticing Riley slumped onto Boomers back with her eyes shut.

"She's outta power. Needs a recharge. Ya know anywhere I can get her hands on some wires?" Digger questioned, turning his head to see Riley knocked out on his shoulder. A deep frown appeared on his face when he saw his best friends unconscious state.

"Yeah, on the next floor. C'mon." Flag led them out into the hallway, only to notice a ton of monsters running at them.

"C'mon man! It's your turn!" Deadshot suddenly turned to El Diablo and got in his face. "Do something! If you don't do something, Riley's gonna die! So c'mon, do something!" Deadshot began shoving El Diablo, knowing he was their only way out. "You want her to end up like your girl?" Deadshot yelled, knowing it was wrong to say, but also knowing it would work.

"Fine! You wanna see something!" He yelled before shooting flames out and burning the monsters up. Everyone looked on with amazement as they were quickly clear of all monsters.

"Aye, I was just tryna get you there." Deadshot started as El Diablo turned to face him. "Phil Jackson, we good?" Diablo just let out a sigh before Digger interrupted them.

"Enough of that. I got a beautiful gal on my back I'd rather not have die." Digger caught Flags attention and he led them on.

The team ran to the next floor and Flag directed Digger to a spot where Riley could recharge before he snuck off into another room.

"Shit." Digger muttered as he noticed Riley's unconscious state. She wasn't awake to grab the wire herself. Someone had to help her and get electrocuted in the process.

"I'll do it." Croc stated as he noticed Boomerangs predicament. "Thick skin." He nodded as Boomerang went to argue with him.

Croc wasted no time in grabbing her hand and wrapping her fingers around the exposed wires. Croc let out a loud growl as he began to feel the electricity but he quickly let go of Riley when he felt her fist tighten on the wires.

"There ya are, sweetness." Digger smiled as she let go of the wires and opened her eyes.

"Thanks, Dig." She spoke softly, stretching her muscles out.

"As much as I'd love to get all the credit and all the rewards..." Digger started, dirty grin on his face as he sent Riley a wink. "Don't thank me, thank him." Digger nodded towards Croc.

She smiled at Diggers honesty before turning and giving Croc a thank you and slinging her arms around his giant shoulders in a hug. Croc hesitantly looked at Digger, before letting out a growl? Croc lightly hugged Riley back before sending Digger a toothy grin. One Digger suddenly didn't like too much.

As Riley let go of Croc to turn to Digger she saw him looking the other way, his jaw clenched rather tight.

"Don't be jealous, you big goof." Riley laughed before slinging her arms around Digger, planting a big kiss on his cheek. She grinned as she watched the smile return back to his face and a light shade of red dust his dirty cheeks.

Everyone's attention turned to the door opening and Deadshot first coming through, followed by Rick Flag and Amanda Waller.

"No way..." Harley mumbled, the entire group suddenly angry and on edge as they began to circle the pair.

"Let's go home." Rick Flag spoke, looking somewhat relieved.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Ya guys wanna go home? Or ya wanna go back to prison?" Digger looked around at the suicide squad.

"I'm not going back to prison." Harley Quinn shook her head.

"What I'm saying is, we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us." The criminals listened to Boomerangs words and began closing in on Rick Flag and Amanda Waller.

Waller looked at the bunch unfazed as she held up her phone showing each member of the team.

"You all made it this far. Don't get high spirited on me and ruin a good thing."

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