Everglow | on hiatus.

By cheriecherieboo

28.9K 2.7K 1.3K

Before you read - This Story is on Hiatus. No active updates right now. Nia and Harry are exes reunited by a... More

everglow: one
everglow: two
everglow: three
everglow: four
everglow: five
everglow: six
everglow: seven
everglow: eight
everglow: ten
everglow: eleven
everglow: twelve
everglow: thirteen
everglow: fourteen
everglow: fifteen
everglow: sixteen
everglow: seventeen
everglow: eighteen
everglow: nineteen
everglow: twenty
everglow: twenty one
everglow: twenty two
everglow : twenty three
everglow: twenty four

everglow: nine

1.2K 108 88
By cheriecherieboo

Harry's Flat

Harry softly groans as the nurse gently moves his left leg. He's at the end of a physical therapy session and she's gently massaging his knee with an essential oil.

It smells sweet and has a relaxing effect on him. Zayn calmly stands and watches as she gestures at him to flex his toes. He obeys and groans again in pain.

"There, there. You're doing alright," she commends him.

This makes Harry smile in response and she wears the brace around his knee. He looks around the flat and squints in mild confusion.

Zayn catches as he's clearly searching for something or someone. He has been filled in on the last conversation and he doesn't know if it's any of his business at this rate.

Once the nurse is done, she calmly stands up and gestures at Harry to stand up. He slowly reaches for his walking stick and she helps him up on his feet.

The mild pain makes him groan again and he leans into her like an overgrown child.

"P-Pain," he scowls and pouts.

"Aw, look at yer pouting like a bab," she chuckles.

"No," he replies.

"Of course, you're not a bab. You're a rockstar and we can't wait to have you back on stage," she reminds him.

"We really can't," Zayn smiles along with her.

Harry flushes as they manage to give him a little confidence boost and he drags his eyebrows again.

His eyes are curious and searching. It's been basically most of the day and there has been no sign of Nia.

Yes, they have been texting and all. It just feels nicer to have her around him. There's something about her that makes him feel safer and grounded.

"Where...Nia?" he blurts out.

"She's currently working at home, missing her?" Zayn smirks.

"Why...why ask that?" Harry nearly panics.

Zayn chuckles, knowing that he rightfully touched a nerve.

"It's just a question, chill," he replies.

"Okay...okay, bad an-answer," Harry clears his throat.

"So, you're not missing her?" Zayn folds his arms, curious.

Harry accidentally blushes and his pink cheeks make them smile at him. He isn't ready to properly banter with his words.

The words are all there but it's hard to get them out. He wants to cuss at Zayn and get him back, but right now he's just sounding like an angry child.

"S-Stop it," he manages to say, calmly.

"Love the banter, he needs it," the nurse adds.

"Thank you, I intend to frustrate him with more," Zayn wiggles his eyebrows.

"Okay now, don't push it. We still need him to recover in harmony," she smiles.

"Hear...it," Harry reminds Zayn.

"When's his next session?" Zayn smiles, walking over to them.

"The management will let me know. Remember to walk around Harry and stay active, okay?" the nurse gesticulates as she speaks, hoping to help him understand more.

"Okay...w-walking now," Harry nods in agreement.

"Good. You're doing so well," she smiles as she gets her bag.

"Thanks," Harry manages to smile, fighting his emotions.

With that, the nurse walks out of the flat and gently shuts the door behind her. Harry slowly tries to move around and he walks to the sofa.

Zayn calmly follows behind, just in case he'll need any support.

Harry exhales as he settles down on the sofa and stretches out his leg, releasing a much needed groan. Zayn sits down next to him and stays silent, not sure how to go about this hanging out thing.

They haven't hung out in ages and he's still not sure where they're at as friends. He knows that Harry still sees him as the friend that's on Nia's side but with the new information that's been handed over to him, he doesn't know what to feel.

"Feeling better?" Zayn speaks up.

"Yes," Harry replies with a nod.

"Great. Just tell me whatever you need, here for that," Zayn says, awkwardly.

"Why?" Harry frowns.

"Filling in for Nia, she doesn't want you to be alone with your thoughts," Zayn replies.

"Okay...okay," Harry clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair.

"She told me that you guys spoke about everything, yeah?" Zayn isn't sure how to go about this.

"Well...not...," Harry pauses as he cannot continue his sentence.

"Not everything?" Zayn asks, supporting him.

Harry nods in agreement. "Not...telling...all."

"So, you didn't cheat, right?" Zayn asks.

Harry sighs and gives a little sad smile. When he had the chance to properly explain what happened at the yacht party, he didn't want to get into it.

It cost him his most cherished relationship. Now, he wants to explain it all. He doesn't know why he bothers talking about it.

It's not like it's going to change things between them.

According to what Nia had explained to Zayn, Harry and Celine were made to carry out a PR stunt for the film because the executive producers believed their chemistry was going to sell the film better than the storyline.

They felt the need to take advantage of Harry's past as a playboy and build a storyline of possible cheating.

Hence, why they waited for the film to wrap up before releasing the images and manipulate timelines.

The idea was to make it look like the filming was so great that Harry fell in love with his colleague. It has worked in the past for other celebrities and well, it worked for the film.

"N-Never," he manages to say.

"Okay, but you messed up by not communicating and being honest," Zayn sighs, annoyed that things had to happen like this.

"I know," Harry chuckles, nervously.

"Do you know how much hurting you two didn't deserve to go through? Gosh," Zayn frowns, annoyed.

"Yes...bad," Harry doesn't know what more to say.

Zayn moves closer to him and has curious eyes.

"What happens now? I mean you two have shared the truth, what now?" he asks.

"What...happens?" Harry is a little confused.

"Yes, with you two. What happens to Harry and Nia now?" Zayn tries to explain.

"Okay...okay, I....'ave dinner,'' Harry starts explaining. "Nia...not here."

Zayn pauses and calmly massages his forehead.

"Oh mate, that's not what I mean," he sighs.

"What....you mean?" Harry frowns, still confused.

"You had a relationship that ended because of a misunderstanding, right?" Zayn starts, slowly.

Harry nervously giggles. "Big...big words,"

"Wait, do you understand me?" Zayn asks, to be sure.

"Yes...slowly," Harry replies.

"Great. Now, you two understand what really happened, what happens next?" Zayn continues.

"Yes...okay," Harry tries to mimic Zayn's serious face.

"Oh bloody hell, will you two get back together or not?" Zayn gives up beating around the bush.

This makes Harry instantly flush pink around his cheeks and he tries hard to fight it but it's too late.

Zayn has picked up on that reaction and he smiles in return. It took quite a few minutes to land the point but he properly understands what it means.

It's not a strange question because he has thought of that since the moment he opened his eyes and found Nia staring right back at him in that private ward.

He turns to Zayn and shakily giggles as he's about to speak. It's an annoying habit but at least it's reducing with each passing day.

"Want...to speak," he says through his mild giggle.

"It's fine. Take your time," Zayn cannot help but smile at this.

"Being...so nice," Harry points out.

"Now that I know that you didn't intentionally hurt Nia, yes," Zayn stands by his stance on the whole thing.

"I...know," he replies.

"So, do you guys want to get back together?" Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"B-Big question," Harry mumbles.

"I guess it depends on if you still have feelings for her," Zayn sighs.

Harry pauses and bites on his lips. Is Zayn saying something without actually saying something? Why does it matter if he still has feelings for Nia?

Does Nia even have feelings for him? After all the pain he unintentionally put her through because of his pride and arrogance.

"Okay...'ave dinner, yes," Harry recoils from the chat and looks away.

"It's hardly evening and you're dying to have dinner? Come on," Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Okay...okay," Harry replies, still looking away.

"I hate how I can't bully you because you're acting like a bloody special child," Zayn frowns a little.

"Yes...no bully," Harry nods in agreement.

Zayn exhales. "So, you want to have your dinner right now?"

"Okay...tea...no drinking yet," Harry tries to complain.

"I don't want to experience this version of you in a drunken state" Zayn chuckles and stands up.

"Me...me too," Harry is finally able to look up.

"You know, the two of you can't run away from your feelings forever. I hope you know that, right?"

Harry is silent for a moment and he nods in agreement. "I know."

Nia's Flat

Nia is far from working and she's stopped checking her messages. Zayn enters the living space and stares at how she's cuddled up.

She has been silent for most of the evening and he doesn't know what else to do to bring her out of her shell. Even Harry has become more chatty and that's saying a lot.

Saying nothing, he calmly settles down next to her and wraps his arms around her.

"You smell like lavender oil," she whispers.

"I technically smell like Harry," he replies.

"Why are you saying that?" she tears away from him.

"Why are you two so easily triggered by each other?" Zayn widens his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Nia asks, frowning a little.

"Nothing, anyway, how are you doing?" He asks, relaxing on the sofa.

"Why do I feel like - did you have a conversation with Harry?" she asks, a little worried.

"No. We're not friends, remember?" Zayn smiles.

Nia chuckles and gets out her phone. She scrolls a little and shows him the text message from Harry.

"Read it," she utters.

"Zayn is talking a lot," He reads before groaning in frustration.

"He was updating me about your silly little chat," she raises an eyebrow.

"I really don't like that white boy," Zayn smiles and shrugs. "Also, it's so good to see you lot chatting like proper mates."

"We're not proper mates, we're just cordial," she mumbles.

"That's something. It's better than going a whole year without communication," he replies.

Hearing that makes her feel some type of way. It makes her chest tighten and she controls her emotions.

It's been a troubling year and this reunion with Harry is extremely confusing.

"I feel like an awful person. I feel like I didn't give him a chance to tell me the truth before the break up," she blinks at him.

"To be fair, he also wasn't ready to get honest with you," Zayn replies.

"He was ashamed. Intentionally faking a relationship is worse than cheating for someone like Harry, it was like losing his dignity and it was technically cheating," she explains.

"But the kissing and all was for the film?" he asks.

"Not that yacht one. That was an event and they told them it was an additional scene, so they were able to get him to cosy up and get so intimate with her," she manages to explain.

"Mate, those were extremely intimate images," Zayn shudders in memory.

"I know." Nia grows cold in remembrance.

"At least, you know the truth. He technically never lied to you, he was just horrible with communication," he ushers in an excuse.

"Typical Harry," she replies.

There's obviously more that she wants to say but she lets it go for now. Zayn stares at her and notices the tightness around her. She sighs and looks at him, a lot is weighing on her mind.

"What do you want to say?" he urges her.

"I felt a little scared to learn the truth. I guess I wanted the cheating to be true," she confesses.

"Why?" he asks.

"Zayn, it makes it easy for me to handle these feelings around me," Nia breathes out.

"Feelings you have for him?" Zayn asks, calmly.

Nia is literally saved by the bell when someone buzzes in the flat. She instantly stands up and leaves him on the sofa.

Zayn chuckles at how the two of them are actively deflecting from the conversation.

Nia rushes to open the door and is shocked to see who's waiting for her on the other side.

"Jeff?" Nia breathes out, in shock.

"I literally just arrived. I was finally cleared to travel," Jeff replies.

"And, you're here?" she asks.

"Yes. Can I please come in?" he asks in return.

"Sure, of course," Nia recovers and gestures at him to enter.

Jeff enters and she calmly shuts the door behind him. Zayn slowly stands up and there's an awkward air between the three of them.

Nia manages a smile as she walks over to Jeff and they awkwardly hug. It's a quick hug and she immediately pulls away.

"I should have called but I panicked," Jeff explains.

"Is Harry okay?" Nia asks, worried.

"Yes. We had a quick chat and he fell asleep, typical," Jeff chuckles.

"Oh...okay, I was worried. Are you okay? Why are you here?" She stays curious.

"I've been updated on all you've done and I cannot deny your impact on his rapid recovery. He's recovering faster than expected," Jeff explains.

"That's so good to know. We need him to go back to his old self," she nods in agreement.

"I come with a heavy request but with Harry's consent," Jeff quickly says.

"What's this request?" Nia bites her lip.

"Right now, Harry is alone in his flat and being there is going to do a lot of bad things for his mental health -"

"Are you about to ask me to move in with him?"

"Yes and -"

"Do I look like a fucking nurse to you?"

Nia spits out the acidic words and Zayn widens his eyes before walking over to her.

She looks pissed off and irritated at the same time. Jeff looks like he has said the wrong things at the worst possible time.

"Not as a nurse - I just thought that since you two are now friends and he really has no other friends," Jeff starts to explain.

"I get your point," Zayn speaks up, understanding.

Jeff moves closer to her and looks like he wants to go on his knees.

"Nia, you have no idea how bad things have been. Do you guys honestly buy the whole bullshit of him needing time away from the media? He has had such a messy and painfully lonely year. The effect of your presence has been so helpful and I know it's selfish but please just consider this." Jeff gives a hearty explanation.

"Why's nobody thinking about my own well being?" Nia blurts out.

"All you have to do is be his friend. We're hiring a house manager and everything necessary. You can work from there and also take a breather," he replies.

"I hear you but have you even discussed this with Harry?" she frowns again.

"Harry asked for this." Jeff seals the deal with that line.

What do you think about Nia and Harry living together?

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