everglow: seven

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Camille Cottin as Céline La Fleur aka The Co-Star.

It's been a few days since the doctor suggested Harry gets admitted into a rehabilitation centre for his physical and mental recovery. The answer was a straight up no and mild panic attack from him.

Knowing the type of person he is, Nia instantly understood and supported his reaction. The last thing he ever wants to feel is weak and right now, there are many reasons to feel that way.

Nia is wrapping up a report on her laptop when the older physiotherapy nurse enters with Harry on the wheel chair.

The past few days have seen progress in his physical recovery and he's even starting to randomly walk around his private ward.

The fatigue is still there and of course, his limbs still shake at any given time.

However, little progress is still progress. Nia smiles and closes her laptop just after hitting the send button.

Harry is wearing an oversized fluffy sweater and he looks endearing with his extra curly hair today.

The mild scars on his face are gradually fading but the darkness under his eyes are still present and that brightness that was once in his eyes has slowly faded away.

The man is tired and moody. He tries to smile as he's wheeled into his ward but it doesn't touch his eyes.

Nia understands this and Zayn has also pointed out the same thing about her.

"How was the therapy session?" she speaks up, asking the Nurse.

"Someone's left foot is returning back to life without excessive pains," the woman replies, brightly.

"That's great. Thank you so much," Nia replies, giving her a smile.

"Oh dear, just doing me good job," the nurse chuckles, pushing the chair near Nia.

Harry silently nods in agreement and she looks at him with a supportive smile. He tries to return the smile and he doesn't bother.

The nurse says nothing and calmly walks out of the ward, leaving them alone.

Nia returns her laptop into her handbag and pushes away her hair from her face.

It's been a while since she properly took care of her body and it's starting to tell with how wild her own curls are gradually becoming. He studies her for a hot minute and admires her side profile.

It's a beautiful face.

He has always known every corner of that face and he's in awe of the changes that have come within a year. Nia notices that he's just silently staring at her and she awkwardly clears her throat before turning to stare at him.

"How are you?" she asks, softly.

"P-Pain....not bad," he rasps and clears his throat.

"That's good to hear. Have you spoken to Jeff?" she asks, staring at him.

"No," Harry replies, furrowing his brows.

Nia notices the change in body language. He is a little stiff and annoyed. She will not push this.

"Hungry? Zayn sent us some food, he made veggie Biryani," she stands up.

That's one meal Zayn has always made for them as a couple. Even hearing the name triggers a flood of memories. Mostly good memories. He naturally wants to protest but deep down he knows it's really pointless.

Zayn went out of his way to cook a whole meal for him and the least he can do is be grateful. Their relationship doesn't have to be great for them to be cordial with each other.

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