Love Untold

By Redflag7

78 48 3

Aurora Xander a romanist is from a wealthy family who got whatever she requested for but couldn't be more sat... More



3 3 0
By Redflag7

Juliet pov

Hi Alex. I said immediately he picked up

Hey baby. Alex replied
What are you up to today?. He asked

Well I don't know yet

But am sure
Am not staying in this place for long
My roomie is dating someone
Am all alone here. I explained

What about you?. I asked

Come to my place then. He said ignoring my question

Didn't you go to work?. I asked

My boss birthday is coming up
So we get a two days holiday

I thought i told you this already
Or didn't I ?. He said

You didn't. I replied

It must have skipped my mind
Are you coming?. He asked

Do I have a choice
I miss you already though
I will be there in a hour. I said

I love you. See you later
I heard his voice from the other side before he hanged up

Cherry pov

I was walking out of my last class for the day
When my phone rang
I had butterflies in my tummy
When I saw the caller

Hi beautiful?. I heard from the other side

Hi hardin? I replied
Smiling to how sweet his voice sounded

Where are you?. He asked

At the Wilson hall. I replied

Wait there
Am coming to pick you. He said nd hanged up

I smiled recalling how mom begged me
To at least have a bodyguard

And how she faked fainting
When I told dad that I don't need the car

Even dad didn't agree to that
I always have a car parked outside
Anywhere I go to
With a driver

I still have bodyguard
I knew all about it

But choose to ignore
And spare mom the heart attack

I can see
You just can't stop thinking about me. Hardin voice brought me back from my thought

How did you know I was thinking about you?. I asked
That smile is only meant for me right?. He asked

Which was more of a statement than a question

Come here beautiful. He said
As he drew me closer for a kiss

I kissed him back

Where are you going?. I asked as we approach his car

You will see. He said
Closing the door for me
Walk back to the driver seat

Started the engine and drove away

Juliet pov

Hey Alex. I said staring down at
The handsome
Bare chested man working on his laptop

If i knew
This sight was what am gonna see,owe and adore
I could have made the first move
Trust me

Hi babe. He replied smiling as
He stood up for kiss

Have missed you so much. I said
When he pulled away
I thought it was a day off. I asked

Well I really didn't explain well on the phone call
It is more of working at home
Than a day off. He replied

Ohh fuck. I thought I will be able to spent some quality time with you. I said

Cherry is always busy
And my boyfriends is always working

Cherry has always said my life is boring
Now am starting to believe it. I complained

Hey babe
Am almost done. You don't have to say that. He said still looking at his laptop

Really?. I asked

Yea. All done. He replied as
He closed the laptop
Placing it back into the bag

Have missed you more
And you know that. He said
When he was done

Come here. He said
Patting his lap

He pulled me for a kiss
Immediately I sat down

So tell me about this roomie of your. He said
After the kiss that seem
Like forever

Well she is really gorgeous
That is for sure. I said

Not as gorgeous as you my love
Am sure. He said as he peeked my cheek

ne of the things I love about him

I don't have a stand when it comes to
How beautiful she look
You know she is so perfect
Long strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, curvy body, pouty lips. I said trying to explain how beautiful Cherry looked. Those body that only model posses. The best models for that. I continue

Wow. I see
You really worship those beauty of hers. Alex said

Yea. A lot
Just the beauty though. I continue

Why?. He asked

She is those type of people who live
Mostly on fantasy. She read romances a lot

And believe that love is everything

She  thinks any handsome,
Flawless asshole is made for her. I continued

Waoh. Hey. Take that easy. Alex said
Raising his eye brows

Am sorry for the outburst
It's so annoying
Am sure she is out there dating
One fool that is after her body. I said

How sure are you about that. He asked

Have you met Cherry before?. I asked

Well I can't wait to meet her. Alex replied

Sure you will
Some day
I haven't even told her about you. I said

And why is that? He asked

She is always busy with her mister perfect. I answered

Mister perfect?
That is amazing

Is that what you she calls her?. He asked smiling.
You need to get to know meet her first. She is everything there is to know about snow white waiting for her prince to come give her a kiss. I joked

You Can't be serious. Well when will I get my owe name?.

You want a nickname?. I asked

He nod
Well maybe when you start
Spending enough time with me
You will get a nickname as a reward. I said

Really Juliet?.
Won't that take a while. He asked

That is for you to  decide. I said
Why is it that whenever I come here. It is like everything is always replaced or moved?. I asked studying the beautiful interior design that was what i saw the last time i visited

Ohh, sorry about that. That was something my mom usually do. She was an interior designer because she died. When I was little she usually made me watch every of her decoration. He said

Am so sorry for asking. I said walking toward to comfort him. I didnt mean to make you talk about it. I said

You don't have to apologize. I like talking about her. It makes me feel she is still around.

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