Blue and then purple pink ski...


143 13 12

The change is strange and overwhelming, he soon comes to realise. There's colour in everything. Yuji observes... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

53 7 4

White is the reminiscent feeling in his heart when he looks at Megumi and finally understands what his teacher meant. It's the colour of the baseball that Yuji tries to catch in an attempt to impress Megumi. It's the colour of the clouds in the otherwise perfect sky, and the colour of the new piece of clothing you swear to keep clean but never do.

"You're going to stain that." Megumi says as they make their way towards the sushi place, the same one Nobara begged them to try - only to go with Maki before they could get the chance to all go together. Yuji looks down at his brand-new white sweater then back to Megumi with a frown.

"You know, it hurts my feelings to know you have little to no faith in me." Yuji explains with a pout, and Megumi just clicks his tongue at him.

"It's because I know you, and I know you will not keep it clean." Megumi presses and Yuji extends his arms out to examine the new sweater. So far so good.

"I will, it's such a nice sweater." Yuji states and Megumi agrees, "you can't agree with me after insulting me!" Yuji scolds. Megumi just looks over at him and watches as he kicks the rocks underneath his feet. They continue their trek towards the sushi place, both lost on where to go.

"It should be close now." Yuji says as he looks at the directions on his phone while Megumi reads the signs of the buildings that pass by. They end up walking for twenty minutes before finding the place.

"It's this one." Megumi announces as he spots the sign of the building. Yuji looks at his phone then confirms the address.

The two make way into the building and are immediately greeted by a pretty and very enthusiastic waitress.

"Welcome! First time here?" She asks as she grabs two menus from the desk in front of her. The boys nod and she starts explaining the concept and menu of the restaurant as she brings them to an empty booth by the corner. The two make their way into their seats and begin reading the menu.

"Wow, the menu's so big." Yuji observes as he reads over all the options. Megumi peers at him from his over his own menu and nods. The two decide on what to order and the waitress comes by shortly afterwards and takes their order, coercing them into ordering the specials as well. The two sit and wait with Megumi listening as Yuji details to him a story from before they met, the latter feeling uncharacteristically nervous as Megumi's eyes bore into his as he watches the animated explanation of the one time he and his middle school friends tried to summon the ghost from his friend's basement. I swear it worked! Yuji says as the waitress from earlier comes by and interrupts midstory as she places their food on the table.

The two begin to eat and Megumi watches as Yuji picks up one of the sauce bowls and brings it closer to himself, his eyes falling to the small amount that spills over the side and onto the table in the process.

"Be careful, Itadori." Megumi warns as Yuji now haphazardly dips a piece of sushi into the sauce. Yuji tells him not to worry as he shoves the chunk into his mouth, giving Megumi a big thumbs up at the way he managed to stay clean.

"See?" He brags as he takes another piece of sushi, "that's what you get for not believing in me." Megumi lets out a loud sigh at him as he watches him eat the piece of food.

"Oh my god, are you still hung up on that?" Megumi asks as he too takes a piece of sushi off the plate.

"I can stay clean, Fushiguro."

"How many things do you own that are stained?"

"Just - like - not that many things. But the things that are - they're not my fault!" Yuji defends as he tells Megumi that they're all stained because of missions, it's out of my control!

Megumi just shakes his head and continues to eat his food, everything runs smoothly, that is until Yuji takes another piece of sushi and delicately dips into the soy sauce, not too much - can't be too slippery, Yuji thinks to himself as he guides the piece of sushi to his mouth. He feels the dread wash over as he feels the piece of sushi fall through the chopsticks and onto his sweater, leaving a brown wet spot right on his chest. Yuji stares down at it in an attempt to not make eye-contact with Megumi because he knows the second he does he's going to get an earful.

Yuji lets out a sigh of defeat and finally looks up and catches Megumi look down at his food all too quickly, noticing the way he's fighting with his facial muscles not to smile. "You're so mean." Yuji cries as he grabs a napkin and starts attending to the spot.

"I didn't say a word!" Megumi says in defense as he looks up, the two finally making eye contact.

"You didn't need to!" Yuji says, he watches as the other's eyes shine and nervously looks back down and continues wiping at the mess on his sweater.

"Hey! Hey - stop!" Megumi says as he reaches over to grab Yuji's hand, "you're going to spread it if you wipe it, you have to dab." Megumi explains, quickly catching the face that Yuji makes at the instruction, "do not." He warns as he points a finger at Yuji. Yuji knows that he if did dab as instructed that he would be embarrassed too but knowing Megumi would be ten times more than he would makes it almost worth it, he goes to lift his arms up before Megumi reaches out again and grabs him by the wrists and pulls his arms down under the table.

"You get embarrassed so easily, it's cute." Yuji says as he starts to laugh. Megumi watches as Yuji continues to giggle at him, swallowing deeply he lets the other's wrists go, feeling the soft skin under his fingertips as he retracts his hand. Megumi watches as Yuji continues to laugh over his own childish antics.

"Huh." He says as he holds his gaze on Yuji, the latter's laughter subsiding as the feeling of pressure rises under the other's now unreadable and guarded gaze.

"What is it?" Yuji asks as Megumi continues to hold his eyes on him. A faint smile appears on his face as he shakes his head and assures Yuji it's nothing. Yuji blinks at him in wonder as he shifts in his chair awkwardly.

"Just - be more careful alright." Megumi says as he looks down at his food. Yuji watches as Megumi stares for a beat - then another, then another.

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong with the food?" Yuji asks, as he watches the boy continue to stare and pick around at the plate in front of him.

"Uh, no, nothing. It's - great, actually." Megumi responds as he looks up. The action causing the heat to rise in Yuji's cheeks.

"You're freaking me out." Yuji says, "but it is, isn't it? Kugisaki was right about this place!" he agrees as he places the now dirty napkin on the table in front of him.

The two finish their meals amongst idle chatter. They head out of the restaurant after paying and Yuji crosses his arms over his chest in an attempt to hide the now very noticeable stain on his sweater.

"And you say I get embarrassed easily." Megumi teases as he notices Yuji cross his arms tighter over his chest as a couple walks by.

"I don't want to look like a mess, Fushiguro." Yuji explains, and Megumi feels guilty when he hears the tinge of discomfort in the other's voice. With a sigh, he takes off the jacket he was wearing and hands it to Yuji wordlessly.

"I - why are you giving me this?" Yuji asks as he looks at the jacket before grabbing it with his left hand, Megumi lets go too quickly and Yuji rushes to grab it before it drops to the floor.

"Oh, sorry. It's to cover the stain up." Megumi explains, Yuji feels his heart beat in his chest as he accepts it with gratitude.

"Aw, Fushiguro is so dependable, isn't he?" Yuji asks as he reaches out and squeezes Megumi's cheek. Megumi doesn't respond but watches as Yuji throws on the jacket, it does little to nothing to cover up the stain, but Yuji looks happy regardless so Megumi smiles at him.

The two continue walking around aimlessly after they both decided they didn't want to head back to the dorms yet. Yuji sees tents from the corner of his eyes and his attentions draws towards them.

"Should we crash it?" Yuji asks, and Megumi looks over to what Yuji was referring to and spots an elementary school's festival up the road. Yuji feels the excitement simultaneously grow and deflate when Megumi looks at him and thinks about it.

"Fine. But if we get in trouble, you're taking the blame." Megumi states, Yuji cheers and agrees to the proposal.

The two enter the festival side by side, trying to look inconspicuous amongst the sea of children and their guardians. "Oh, Thank you." Yuji accepts as he grabs the pamphlet a small child offered him, the child beams at Yuji as he thanks him for coming. The two continue walking until Megumi directs them to a bench, the two of them taking a seat as Yuji reads through the very colourful festival pamphlet.

"Oh my god, Fushiguro. There's going to be fireworks in like -" Yuji says as he checks his phone for the time, "less than two hours we have to stay until then." Yuji looks at Megumi with pleading eyes and the other agrees almost all too quickly.

They observe the festival as they make their around and engage in the various activities that it offers. Megumi feeling himself fill with embarrassment as Yuji gets a little too competitive against one of the children in a goldfish catching contest.

"I can't believe you didn't let him win." Megumi groans as he pulls Yuji away, the bag filled with water splashing around in Yuji's hand.

"And we lose him?" Yuji exclaims as he holds up the bag, he watches as Megumi narrows his eyes at the goldfish. "I'll name him after you." Yuji proposes, and Megumi slowly diverts his eyes from the goldish onto Yuji's.

"Please don't do that." Megumi denies, and Yuji laughs as he continues walking.

"C'mon, Megumi, it's time to see the fireworks." Yuji coos and Megumi looks over in shock at being addressed by his first name.

"I wasn't speaking to you, Fushiguro. I was talking to him." Yuji says as he holds up the goldfish bag. Megumi just groans and continues walking towards the fielded area.

"There's a spot over there." Megumi announces as he spots a gap between some families. The two make way through the crowd and claim the spot by the barricade.

"I've never seen fireworks before." Yuji suddenly confesses as he wrings his hands around the cool metal.

"They're nice." Megumi states as he watches Yuji make faces to the goldfish swimming in the bag. "Gojo use to take Tsumiki and me to see them." Megumi confesses as he smiles sadly to himself at the memory.

"Really?" Yuji asks and watches as Megumi nods.

"They'd do them for Christmas, and since my birthday was close Gojo would say they're a belated gift for me."

Yuji laughs at the story, "that's surprisingly sweet." He confesses. "You know, you've always seemed like a cryptid to me."

"What? What's that's supposed to mean?"

"Kugisaki and I know like - nothing about you." Yuji states, and Megumi nods. Yuji felt guilty for bringing it up but is comforted at the fact that Megumi didn't seem to mind, and also by the fact that he felt comfortable enough to share that tiny tidbit about his past with him.

Before Megumi can respond, the fireworks' abrupt loud popping sound rings through the air, shocking Yuji in the process. The sound causing him to jump instinctively as a reflex, making him knock into Megumi in the process, Yuji moves back to his prior position as he sends the other an apologetic and embarrassed smile.

"They're so bright!" Yuji says as he leans against the barricade. The two of them look at the sky above them and watch as the fireworks fly up and explode into a bunch of light.

"Yeah, they really are." Megumi agrees, and Yuji looks to him as he tries to decipher the off-putting tone of his voice. Megumi mimics the movement, his eyes immediately shifting to Yuji's hair, the latter feeling vulnerable under the other's focused gaze.

"Is - is there something in my hair?" Yuji asks as he begins to wipe at it insecurely.

"No. It looks good." Megumi compliments and Yuji smiles sheepishly at him.

"Hey, what's with you being nice all of a sudden?" Yuji asks as shifts his body to face Megumi.

"I'm always nice." Megumi asserts, and Yuji scoffs at him.

"You're never nice." Yuji snaps back, the boy trying to not laugh as Megumi pulls a face at him. "Always snappy, always mean." he jokes.

"How can you say that?" Megumi asks, Yuji watches as his eyes trail off and focus on something behind him and notes the way confusion fills his eyes. He decides not to press on it.

"I only tell the truth, Fushiguro." Yuji says as he turns back to face the fireworks, he can feel Megumi's eye trail up to his hair again before he also turns his body back to face the lights in the sky.

"Are you forgetting when I bought you that crepe?"

"From when we went grocery shopping? That was like - weeks ago!" Yuji declares as he recalls the memory.

"So? It still counts!" Megumi protests, but Yuji doesn't relent on his argument, instead turns his head dramatically away from Megumi to let him know he's being ignored. "I even bought you Takoyaki today!" Megumi continues, but Yuji doesn't let up. "Let's go get another then." Megumi offers as he grabs Yuji by the hand and starts pulling him towards the food area, the other laughing and protesting in response.

They head towards the food area with Megumi's hands wrapped around Yuji's. The latter doing his best to pretend that his heart isn't beating rapidly against his chest.

"So, which one would you like?" Megumi asks, and Yuji looks at him wide-eyed.

"You were being serious about that?"

"Of course, pick one." Megumi responds, Yuji's eyes light up as he wraps his arms around Megumi in excitement.

"If you're trying to buy my love, Fushiguro, it's working." He confesses, as he pulls away and looks at Megumi, he turns to hide the colour that's now dusting his cheeks and points to the fruit crepe on the sign.

They wait as the crepe gets made and watch the fireworks from their spot in line. Upon receiving their treat they find the same bench from earlier and are surprised to find it empty again, they head over and claim their spot as they watch the fireworks together. Yuji offering Megumi a part of his crepe only to be rejected, Yuji feels himself fill with guilt upon finishing the food as Megumi just sat there empty-handed, so he promises to buy Megumi something from any stand he wanted. After much convincing and forceful dragging off the bench, Megumi agrees.

Yuji pulls out and reads the pamphlet for instructions on where to find a taiyaki stand.

"It's over -" Yuji starts as he turns the map around, "there?" he says as he points to the left. Megumi follows the direction with his eyes and sees crowds of people surrounding various kiosks.

"You don't have to get me anything, Itadori." Megumi says as Yuji continues to read the pamphlet on where to go, "we have snacks at home."

Yuji opens his mouth to speak only to be thrown forward when he feels something - someone crash against his legs. Megumi reaches out and places his hands on Yuji's chest to prevent him from colliding into himself and falling over.

"I'm so sorry, mister!" The source of the push says, Yuji assures her it was fine as she bows and runs away, the stringed yellow balloon in her hands following behind her.

"Sorry, Fushiguro. Are you alright?" Yuji apologises as he sets himself back to a steady position. He looks for Megumi's eyes for assurance, only to notice they're transfixed on the balloon that's getting smaller in the now far distance. "I can get you one." Yuji offers with a smile, "don't go stealing things from kids, you'll make me an accomplice."

The comment pulls Megumi from his thoughts and he diverts his attention back to his friend, a small smile forming on his face when their eyes meet.

"Are you alright?" Yuji repeats and Megumi just unconvincingly nods at him. "If you're tired, we can head back." Yuji suggests after he notices his friends shift in behaviour.

"Don't you want to see the rest of the fireworks?" Megumi asks.

"No, it's okay, we can go." Yuji denies, and Megumi wants to protest, but when he sees the way Yuji looks at him with slight worry, he accepts the offer to leave.

"We'll just have to crash another festival I guess." Megumi suggests, Yuji agrees as he feels a smile form on his face. They begin to head out only to have Yuji stop his tracks after a short distance.

"But what about the taiyaki?" Yuji asks, and Megumi tells him to forget about it. Yuji shakes his head in disapproval, "Okay, the convenience store it is!" Yuji announces.

"You know, you're surprisingly very stubborn."

"I would say determined." Yuji suggests as he moves to avoid a crowd of people coming his way.

"Determined to make me eat junk food?" Megumi asks, and Yuji nods enthusiastically. You're a growing boy, Fushiguro!

The two leave the festival with bright 'thank you for comings' by the families working the entrance. They say their goodbyes and head towards the convenience store, Yuji complaining about how they should've given him two fish instead of one, Megumi's going to be lonely! They split up upon entering the convenience store, Megumi telling Yuji I know what I want, I'll be quick, Yuji resorts to walking around mindlessly until he finds himself at the cosmetics section. Yuji quietly looks over the shelves of makeup and various beauty supplies before stopping when he gets to the hairdye. I should fix my hair up. He thinks to himself as he grabs a box of pink dye.

"Are you redoing your hair?" Megumi asks as he appears with a handful of food and drinks.

"I was going to. I don't know which one to do."

"How did you decide last time?" Megumi asks and Yuji peers to look at him. How did I choose last time? Yuji wonders, I just did.

Megumi diverts his attention to the box in Yuji's hand, shifting all the product to one of his hands, he reaches out and grabs the box with his free hand. "Are you getting this one again?" Megumi asks, and Yuji narrows his eyes at the comment.

"Again?" Yuji asks, and he watches at the Megumi sends him a guarded look.

"Isn't this the one you said you got last time?" Megumi states and Yuji just sighs at him.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, you're right." He agrees, Megumi nods at him as they make their way to the counter, they greet the tired-looking cashier before placing their items on the counter. Megumi watches as Yuji continues to carefully play with the fish in the bag, the boy's attention-getting pulled back when he hears the cashier tell him the total, after paying he gives his thanks before grabbing the shopping bag and leaving. Walking home Yuji holds the fish bag in both of his hand delicately while he keeps his eyes trained on the ground underneath him.

"You don't have to be so careful." Megumi says as he watches Yuji's focused gaze and careful steps.

"The sidewalk is bumpy here, I don't wanna fall and hurt Megumi." Yuji says as he continues to hold the bag gently.

"He'll be fine, we're almost home." Megumi announces as he spots their dorm in the distance.

"We're gonna get you home." Yuji says to the pet in his hand, and Megumi can't help but smile at Yuji's endearing actions.

The two end up getting to the dorm shortly after, Yuji making his way to the kitchen in a rush to get a home for his new friend. Megumi follows and runs the tap for him, making sure the water is as accurate as it can be for a fish.

"Thanks, Fushiguro." Yuji says as he fills the clear bowl up, the boy in question just nods as he watches Yuji fill the container and delicately place the goldfish inside. The boy cooing as he crouches down to get on eye level.

"He's cute, isn't he?" Yuji asks from his position on the floor as he watches the fish swim around the bowl. Megumi lets out a breath as he pushes his body weight off the counter he was leaning on and mimics the same position as his friend, joining in mindlessly watching the fish swim.

"What do we feed him?" Yuji asks, and Megumi ponders it for a minute.

"Fish food?" He responds, Yuji looks at Megumi to continue the conversation and realises how close he is. He feels the nerves settle in his heart when he sees Megumi blink, his long lashes batting against his face as he makes no attempt to make distance between the two of them.

"Yeah, let's go buy fish food." Yuji stammers as he moves to his feet, a nervous hand coming to scratch the back of his neck. He watches as Megumi also steps to his feet.

"It's like - 11pm. I don't think a pet store is going to be open this late." Megumi states as he looks at his phone for the time.

"Tomorrow?" Yuji asks, and Megumi nods as he accepts the plans. "Hold in there, Megumi. We'll get you some food." Yuji coos as Megumi - the human - just pretends to ignore him. Yuji looks away when the two end up making eye-contact, but he watches from his peripheral vision as Megumi shifts his body and shifts it towards the end of the hall.

"I'm going to bed, don't forget to water your plants." Megumi reminds him as he starts making his way to his bedroom, Yuji gasps in response as he realises he would've forgotten to do it again.

"Thanks for reminding me, Fushiguro." Yuji thanks, and Megumi looks back at him from his spot in the hall. Yuji feels a sense of longing when he sees the distance between him and Megumi, he knows it's late, but he doesn't want the day with him to end, "And for today." he adds, feeling himself blush at the comment. "I had a lot of fun today, thanks for staying with me." he can see Megumi's cheeks turn a faint pink and part of him wants to tease him, but he decides to drop it.

"Uh, anytime, Itadori. I always have a good time with you." Megumi replies as he turns down the hallway again to make his descent into his room. Yuji attempts to steady the rapid pace his heart is now going as he watches Megumi disappear out of his line of sight, he lets out a defeated sigh as he turns his attention back to his fish friend.

"What am I going to do?" He asks as he moves to the same position on the floor as earlier, he sits and stares as he watches the fish swim around in the bowl. His mind working to replay the interaction from before and Yuji feels himself fill with the same nerves again. Why didn't he move away? Yuji wonders. Getting back up off the floor he shakes it off and fills a cup with water as he makes his way downstairs to attend to his almost forgotten flowers.


Orange is the colour of, well, oranges. It's the colour of the goldfish Yuji endearingly named after his best friend specifically to annoy him. And the colour of the sunset on a summer day where bonding about the gross heat is a key point of the day.

"What is this?" Yuji hears, he looks up from his breakfast to see Nobara entering the kitchen as she tries to wipes the sleep out of her eyes.

"Megumi." Yuji answers as he takes a drink from his cup. Nobara narrows her eyes at the bowl then diverts them to Yuji.

"Right." She says, taking a seat at the table. "Speaking of, where is he? Fushiguro?" She asks as she steals a piece of food off Yuji's plate. The boy offers her more, but she rejects it.

"Sleeping." She nods as Yuji answers her questions, she sits there in silence as she watches Yuji eat, her fingers tapping across the table as her mind tries to formulate a way to ask the question she's been dying to get an answer for.

"So, how are you and that whole - colour thing going?"

Yuji stiffens as she asks, "fine, I guess."

"Fully adjusted?"

"Yeah, I think I'm used to it now, it's still kind of weird sometimes though." Yuji admits. He looks past Nobara when he hears a noise coming from the hallway, unable to hold back the way his heart skips a beat when he sees Megumi. "Fushiguro!" Yuji exclaims as he sees the half-asleep boy come into his view. Megumi gives him a small wave as he makes his way towards them, finding a seat beside Nobara in the process. Yuji pushes a plate of food towards Megumi and he accepts it gratefully.

"So, what are you guys doing today?" Nobara asks as she begins scrolling through her phone.

"We're getting food for Megumi." Yuji says, prompting Nobara to look at her friend.

"The fish, not me." Megumi says, and she nods in understanding. "You have to change the name, it's way too confusing." Megumi states, and Yuji shakes his head.

"I can't. He's already used to it, if I change it now, he'll only get confused." Yuji explains, Megumi just rolls his eyes as he continues eating the breakfast that Yuji prepared for him.

"Where did you even get that?" Nobara asks, and Yuji tells the story of how they went to the festival last night.

"Ooh, how do fireworks look with -" she asks, stopping herself when she realises she's almost spilled the secret she promised to keep. "night? How do they look at night? I've only seen them like, once. So I always forget what they're like." She finishes as she sends Yuji an apologetic smile.

"They're pretty. They're very bright." Yuji explains as he details the fireworks to the best of his ability without exposing the way they're huge bursts of colours. Megumi pipes in to agree, they're beautiful, you're never see anything like it.

"Well invite me next time, you guys. I can't believe you just abandoned me like this." Nobara whines as she clicks her nails against the table.

"You ditched us first for Maki," Megumi states, recalling the whole sushi debacle. Nobara sends him an incredulous look before waving him off.

"That doesn't count." Nobara argues back.

"How does it not?"

"It just doesn't." Nobara says as she pushes off from the table. "Anyway, you two have fun. I have to get ready, I'm going downtown."

"With who?" Megumi teases, Yuji raises an eyebrow when she stands there and doesn't answer. She groans as she makes her way back out of the kitchen. Yuji laughing at the way she just got caught.

"Well, if anyone is going to see colour anytime soon it's going to be her." Yuji half-jokes and notes the way Megumi's body language changes at the comment.

"Yeah, right?" He agrees, his voice so even it creeps Yuji out. Yuji stands there in silence as he watches Megumi fiddle with his hands.

"We should go to the store now, Megumi's probably hungry." Yuji suggests firsts, as he makes his way to leave the kitchen. Megumi agrees and throws his plate in the sink before following Yuji towards the door.

The two leave the dorm and make their way to the pet store that was surprisingly close, upon entering the store Yuji immediately falls to the floor in delight when he sees a group of dogs playing with each other. Megumi stands and watches as they all surround Yuji, his friend cooing and attempting to pet all of the dogs in the group.

"Here to adopt?" The man in uniform asks, Yuji looks up in excitement.

"No!" Megumi answers all too quickly, as he helps Yuji to his feet. "We're here for goldfish food." He explains, the man instructs them where to go and the pair thank him as they make way towards the area. Yuji begrudgingly leaving the dogs behind.

Comments of that's cute, that's so cute! from Yuji fill the space between them as they make their way to the fish section, upon arriving they see various foods, and fish home supplies. The two look over the shelves and attempt to find the cheapest, but also the best food.

"We should probably get him this too." Megumi as he picks up a fishbowl. Yuji smiling widely at the suggestion.

"Aw, so you care about him now?" He asks.

"Only because you do." Megumi confesses, Yuji feels himself blush at the comment but doesn't say anything in response. They end up grabbing some food, a new home, and some decorative rocks for him. Making their way to the counter Megumi struggles to grab the wallet from his pocket with all the things in his hands.

"I'll pay." Megumi offers after successfully getting it out.

"No, you don't have to." Yuji protests as he makes his way to grab his own wallet, only to tense when he feels Megumi's hand touch his in disagreement.

"I want to." Megumi says softly, and Yuji retracts his hand from Megumi's, instantly missing the feeling of it as he puts his wallet back into his pocket.

Megumi finishes paying for the things and they make their way back to the dorm after Yuji stops to pet every dog goodbye.

"I hope he loves this." Yuji asks, referring to the bowl sitting in the bag in his hands. Megumi closes the door of the petshop behind him and agrees.

"I hope so too, it wasn't cheap." Megumi says, and Yuji feels guilty. He's right, it wasn't cheap, and even after much protesting, Megumi still wouldn't Yuji pay for his own supplies.

"I told you I would you pay, Fushiguro." Yuji whines, but Megumi just shuts him down politely.

"I wanted to pay, Itadori." Megumi tells him, but the guilt still lingers in Yuji. The latter watches as his dark-haired friend sighs, "besides, I can't be the one to deny Megumi a good home, can I? He obviously deserves the best." Megumi jokes as he tries to comfort his friend, and Yuji finally feels himself laughing and agreeing.

Arriving at the dorm, Yuji kicks his shoes off before making his way to the kitchen, Megumi following suit behind him. The latter places the bag on the table before finding the same seat from earlier and watches as Yuji digs through the bag to grab the food.

"You still haven't dyed your hair?" Megumi asks as he sees the box of hairdye from the night before on the table. Yuji looks at his friend as he picks on the wrapper of the food bottle and shakes his head.

"No, I didn't have time yesterday." Yuji explains as he reads the instructions on the food bottle. "I'll do it later." Yuji states as he watches as the pebbles of food fall from the shaker and into the fishbowl. Megumi nods as he watches the boy shake the food into the new bowl. "Eat up, gumi." Yuji coos and Megumi cringes.

"Don't call him that." Megumi states.

"It's way less confusing this way." Yuji explains, "unless you want the name to yourself?" Yuji asks, and Megumi shakes his head.

"Absolutely not." He disagrees, Yuji clicks his tongue at him.

"Aw, is Fushiguro jealous he doesn't have a cute nickname?" Yuji teases. Megumi shakes his head again. "It's okay, Fushi. We'll get you a cute name, too." Yuji says and laughs at the look Megumi gives him.

"I'd really rather you didn't." Megumi responds as he watches Yuji walk over and sit beside him.

"How long do they live, you think?" Yuji suddenly asks as he wonders about the life span of their new found friend. Megumi furrows his eyebrows as he thinks.

"Like a week?" He says as he pulls out his phone to confirm, "It says they can last ten to fifteen years in proper care." Megumi restates as he reads the fact.

"Only fifteen years? Well, it's over for you." Yuji says as he looks at his friend. Megumi scoffing when he realises what Yuji was implying.

"I'm not the one that died." Megumi fires back, and Yuji gasps at the rebuttal.

"Wow, die once and no one lets you live it down." Yuji complains, and Megumi laughs.

"It's not like it's easy to let it go, Itadori." Megumi explains and Yuji sighs.

"It's not like I did it on purpose!"

"Well, just don't do it again." Megumi warns, and Yuji removes his head from his hands to look at the boy.

"I promise I won't." He swears as he throws a pinky up and watches the way Megumi's face softens at the response. He holds eye contact with him before his eyes move to his hair, mocking the same interaction from the festival.

"Can you tell I need to dye it that bad?" Yuji asks, feeling the same sense of insecurity from before.

"It's - " Megumi starts before cutting himself off, "fine." Yuji narrows his eyes at Megumi as he waits for him to speak again, but he watches as the look of 'I have something on the tip of my tongue' dissipates.

"What were you going to say?" Yuji asks, curiosity getting the best of him.

"What? It was nothing, don't worry." Megumi says, and Yuji can't help but notice that he sounds nervous.

"Okay." Yuji says, they sit there for a beat before Yuji fills the silence again. He looks around, bored, as he tries to think of something to do. "Well, what do you want to do today?" He asks, and Megumi sits there in silence as to thinks about it.

"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Megumi responds, leaving Yuji to think about it. Yuji taps a finger on the table as he watches the fish move around in the bowl.

"I was going to suggest the park, but it's raining." He whines as they both divert their attention to the rain-stained window.

"Why don't you show me one of those movies you're always talking about?" Megumi suggests, and Yuji feels his heart fill with joy at the suggestion.

"Really? You never want to watch them!" Yuji recalls all the times Megumi's told him he's just not a movie guy.

"I have the perfect one, you like superheroes, right?" Yuji asks as he hops off the chair and makes his way to the basement, Megumi just half-heartedly agrees as he follows Yuji's footsteps.

They make their way to the basement and Megumi finds a spot on the couch as Yuji rummages through a box of DVDs, the boy looks around the basement he rarely descents into and finds his attention locking on the flowers.

"Okay, so, this one is really good. It's about superheroes and - " Yuji starts, his explanation stopping when he follows Megumi's line of vision to the row of flowers on the mantel.

"I remembered to water them! They're doing great." Yuji says proudly, and Megumi smiles at his friend's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, they look - alive." Megumi agrees, Yuji makes his way to the couch and finds a spot by Megumi, the nerves instantly pricking his skin when he feels their shoulder touch. Yuji looks at Megumi from the corner of his eye, and sees the boy has a dead set look on the television in front of him. With shaky hands, Yuji clicks play on the remote and the two sit and watch as the opening credits play.

As the movie goes on Yuji long forgets about the contact his and Megumi's body has, the sensation only felt natural at this point. The two continue to sit in silence as they watch the movie, bar the comments Yuji makes about the film and the laughter from the comedic tones.

The ending roles near and Megumi blinks himself out of the focus he had on the television when he feels Yuji's shoulders rock against his. "Are - are you okay?" he asks when he notices the other is attempting to hold back tears.

"It's just - this part always gets me." Yuji cries, as the sad part of the movies plays in the background. Megumi nods because if he was honest, he didn't really know what was going on in the movie as Yuji put on one of the various sequels of the series and not the first installment. He decided against bringing it up when he saw how excited Yuji was to finally watch the movie with him.

"It's okay, Itadori." Megumi comforts as he places one of his hands over Yuji's. Yuji feels his breath hitch when the cold hand rests on top of his, the pace of his heart growing when the feeling of the thumb rubs against his hand in comfort.

"Th - thanks, Fushiguro." Yuji sniffles as he makes eye contact with Megumi. The latter nods as he continues to draw comforting circles on Yuji's hand. They maintain eye contact and Yuji tries his best to stay calm under the otherwise heart attacking situation.

"Are you alright?" Megumi wonders aloud as he breaks the silence and Yuji just nods, not trusting himself to open his mouth. "He comes back, doesn't he?" Megumi asks and Yuji finds himself laughing in response to Megumi's attempt at comforting him over the movie.

"No spoilers." Yuji says as he puts a finger to his lips with his free hand.

"You're not going to make me watch another one to find out, are you?" Megumi asks as he rubs his head with his free hand. Yuji nods in response to the question.

"Of course, there's like, twenty of these." Yuji answers as he laughs over the face that Megumi makes. "We'll start the marathon tomorrow." Yuji states as he uses his free hand to wipe the leftover tears on his face.

"I think I'm busy tomorrow."

"It's okay, we'll find time."

"No, I think I'm busy for life, actually." Megumi says as he pulls a thinking face.

"Hey! They're amazing movies," Yuji rebuttals, to which Megumi gives him a look. "okay, they're good movies."

"Oh, no, I believe you." Megumi says unconvincingly as he squeezes Yuji's hand. The action reminding the two that they were both still touching. The air around them gets thick again as Yuji smiles shyly at Megumi.

"Uh, thanks." Yuji rubs the fingers of his free hand together nervously as he tries to find the next words to say, "for - watching with me, I know you didn't want to. And - then for comforting me." He says as he lets out a small laugh, "it's actually kind of embarrassing to cry like this over a movie." He feels his face feel red with awkwardness as he still feels the comforting touch of Megumi's thumb brush against his hand.

"It's fine, Itadori." Megumi assures him, and part of Yuji hates how sincere Megumi always is when he needs to be. Yuji takes a deep breath before taking his free hand and placing it on Megumi's, mirroring his comforting squeeze from earlier. Yuji watches as Megumi lets out a shaky breath, his eyes widening in the process. The two sit there for a beat before Megumi's eyes drift away and over the area of the room.

"I - sensei needed my help with something, I should go, I'm sorry." Megumi explains as rubs his eyes and scrambles to get up to his feet, Yuji nods and tells him it's fine as he watches as Megumi rushes up the stairs.

Yuji lets his head fall back against the couch and curses himself for holding Megumi's hand like that.


Yuji finds himself in the kitchen days later feeding Gumi, how many times was he supposed to do this, anyway? He wondered. With a sigh, he finds a spot on the chair and absentmindedly plays with the food container in his hands. Yuji spins it around as he zones out, eventually losing control of the bottle he scrambles to grab it as it spins out of his hands and goes across the table, Yuji reaches out for it when it stops and notices that the box of dye from nights prior was still on the table, grabbing the box he heads towards the bathroom.

Yuji enters the bathroom after stopping in his room and changing into old clothes, after turning on one of his playlists he sets his phone on the sink and begins opening and emptying the contents of the box and starts his hair-dying routine, one he prays he's become accustomed to after doing it once before. As he waits for the dye to settle in he rocks back and forth on his feet, trying to will away the thoughts of Megumi that were surfacing. Yuji shifts on his feet as he waits for the timer to go off, him not hearing the sound of bathroom door clicking open over the too-loud music.

"I would've helped." Megumi says as he steps into the bathroom, the sudden noise coming from the previously empty room shocks Yuji, causing the boy to lose his footing amongst the wet floor and sends him almost falling to the ground as he spins around to see the source of the noise, Megumi responds by instinctively reaching out and grabbing him by the arm to steady him.

"Thanks," Yuji offers as he grabs hold of the sink to hold himself up, Megumi smiles softly to him as he lets go of his arm, the touch leaving a lingering feeling in its wake.

"You know," Megumi starts as he looks up at Yuji's hair, "it was a good choice, pink suits you." Megumi compliments as he reaches out and brushes the wet hair from Yuji's face. The gentle action making Yuji's heart swell.

"Thanks, Fushiguro." Yuji says shyly as he accepts the compliment. He wipes droplets of water from his face and - "P- pink?" He asks as he feels himself freeze when his brain catches up with the compliment.

"Yeah, that is pink, right?" Megumi asks nonchalantly. Yuji gapes at him as he watches the apples of his cheeks fill with said colour.

"You can see it?" He asks, he watches as Megumi nods at him. "You can see it?" Yuji repeats, and Megumi repeats the same action from before as he lets out a laugh.

"How -" Yuji starts, too shocked to finish the sentence.

"Ever since the festival." Megumi admits as he nervously wrings his hands together, "I - everything just started looking different? It was all just - off. I didn't really see the full range of colour until you held my hand that night on the couch." Yuji smiles as he remembers the memory. "I never realised how bright your hair was, or how bright fireworks were for that matter."

"You didn't seem too shocked." Yuji states as he recalls Megumi's lack of reaction to the change in colours because even with someone as stoic as Megumi tends to be, Yuji would have expected him to have some sort of reaction to the world suddenly bursting with colour.

"I never thought I'd ever be able to see colour, so I just never expected to see it." Megumi admits, he lets out a nervous breath before continuing, "and if any of this was real, I just assumed it would be you."

"Me?" Yuji questions, to which Megumi wordlessly agrees. Yuji tries to hide his face as he feels the heat burn his cheeks. "So you're happy you can?"

"Of course, I am, Itadori. But I never needed the concept of 'soulmates' to know that I want to be with you." Megumi admits, his face immediately turning red. Yuji feels his heart stammer in his chest at the confession from the other.

"Fushiguro." Yuji smiles, he opens his mouth again only to have the moment stopped by the sound of the alarm telling him it's time to wash the dye out. Yuji groans at the impeccable timing.

"Go sit in the tub, I'll help you wash it out." Megumi offers as Yuji turns off the alarm. Yuji walks over and awkwardly sits with his head under the tap, Megumi moving to sit beside and does his best in assisting Yuji with washing the dye out.

"Is this going to stain the tub?" Megumi suddenly asks as he cards his hands through Yuji's wet hair. The boy inwardly cringes when he remembers how long it took last time to get the dye off the porcelain.

"Don't ask questions you don't want honest answers to." Yuji responds and Megumi just sighs. Yuji laughs before letting his eyes flutter shut again when he feels Megumi's finger continue to run through his hair. When the tap turns off Yuji climbs back to his feet with the help of Megumi, the former grabbing one of the towels from the hook and drying his hair with it.

"So, how does it look?" Yuji asks as he looks for Megumi's approval. Megumi observes his hair and smiles at it.

"It looks great, like always." Megumi compliments and Yuji smiles wholeheartedly at him.

The two stand in the small bathroom with comfortable silence between them before Yuji breaks it, "so do you have a favourite colour yet?" He asks.

Megumi stands there as he thinks about it, "I'll go with pink." he answers, and Yuji groans at the corny sentiment before smiling and intertwining his fingers with Megumi's.


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