Mechanical Error

By HannahBuckman19

9.9K 274 14

Born from a Mother who died at childbirth and a Father that thought the world of his daughter. Odette was t... More

Thomas Sharpe
The Family (18+)
America (18+)
Skibo Castle (A/N)
Heaven and Hell
Coffee and Porridge
No More
Piano Keys
Happy After
The End


480 16 1
By HannahBuckman19

       My coughing stopped as Thomas took me into the living room to sit in front of the fireplace. Lucille then walked in with a tea tray. How many times do I have to say I hate tea?

"This isn't tea, I had coffee delivered here." She placed the tray down on the table and poured a cup. "This will help you warm up." She hands me the cup.

"Thank you." I take a sip. "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened."

"It's alright." Thomas glared at Lucille. "Just rest for now." I took a sip of the coffee and it is just as bad as the porridge, but at least it warms me up.

"You guys should get hot chocolate. That stuff is good." I chuckle and cough. "Sorry." Thomas sits next to me.

"I can send for some. For now drink your coffee and get some rest." Lucille said then went to walk out.

"Lucille." She turns around. "Do you think you could play something for me? I like the piano and I have only heard you play a lullaby." She smiles.

"Of course." She smiles and goes over to the piano.

"Is the coffee helping?" Thomas puts an arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

"Yes. Thank you." I lean my head on his shoulder as Lucille begins to play the piece I payed for her, Clair De Lone.

        I woke up feeling weak, somehow I ended up in my bed. Must have been Thomas, since I didn't remember walking. I pulled my tired body up against the headboard and closed my eyes again. I feel so weak, and tired. Maybe I got a cold while playing outside, but this didn't really seem like a cold. My nose wasn't runny, I just felt weak.

"You're awake." I opened my eyes and Lucille walked over to my bedside with a bowl. "I made you some porridge." Ugh, cardboard...

"Thank you." I sat up more and saw I was no longer in my pants in shirt. "Wh-who changed me?" Lucille sat on the bed.

"I did." She took the spoon and scooped a spoonful of porridge.

"Good, thank you." I smiled and took a bite. It actually didn't taste like cardboard, maybe some honey was added, sugar? "It's delicious." I went to take it from her since I thought it was strange to have someone feed me but my arms were to heavy. "I feel so weak Lucille. I don't know why." She frowns and looks to the porridge which she spoons again.

"Maybe the weather is getting to you." She feeds me again. "You were right." She smiled. "It was fun. I don't think I have ever felt like that before, it scared me a little."

"I'm happy that you are happy. We all need a little fun in our lives. You have just forgotten." I cough. I close my eyes and lean my head back. "Looks like my happy tune went back down." I laugh.

"Don't worry. I will have you out of this bed in no time." She smiles and gives me the last spoonful of porridge.

"Thank you. I'm fine. I'm just weak. It's nothing. I just need some rest then I'll be up. Sickness has never stopped me." Lucille helped me lower myself into the blankets.

"You aren't to leave this bed until you are well." She pulled the blankets up.

"Thank you Lucille." I turned onto my side. "I had fun today." I felt her rub my shoulder like a mother would.

"Get some rest." She then left the room.

      I laid there, restless. As soon as I fell asleep I would wake back up coughing. I sat back up onto the headboard, staring at the wall. I guess in that little restless sleep my body started to heal. I now longer felt like a dead weight, still weak but not as much.

     Maybe it was a cold, but colds take time to heal. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and placed them on the ground. I grip the bed post as I slowly stood on my legs. At first it was wobbly but I caught my balance.

      I walked to the door using the various furniture as a emergency stabilizer in case my weakness comes back. Down the hall, and to the stairs, slowly. I gripped both hands on the stair railing kept me balanced as I went down the flight of steps.

     With the elevator just across the room I careful walked across without support. Into the elevator and up to the attic I teetered.

"Claudia?!" Thomas said as I walked into his workshop. "What are you doing out of bed?" He left his desk and walked to me.

"I was bored. And I can't sit still when I am bored." He helps me over to his chair. "And you said I would get the whole day with you. I barely know you and we are married." I pout.

"Alright. I did promise." He smiled. "Are you strong enough to go back down?" He helped me as I stood back up.

"I'm not a child Thomas." I chuckle. "Im not going to let some sickness stop me." We walk out of his study and into the elevator.

"You are a very progressive woman aren't you." He smiled at me. Do woman in this time period not get out of bed when sick? How is this progressive?

"Right. I don't need no man." I chuckle. "But I will allow you to help."

"Oh thank you so much for your consent to help you in your weak state." He chuckled and we stepped out of the elevator.

"You better thank me." I chuckled. "Where's Lucille?" We walked into the living room.

"She must be in her room." Thomas set me down on the couch. "Do you need anything?"

"Yes, Lucille. Can you go get her?" I take the thin blanket from the couch and pull it over my shoulders. "Please." I said in a pouty voice. He chuckled.

"Yes, just wait here and don't go anywhere." He kissed my forehead. "I'll be right back." He smiled and left the room.

"Ok, if I was a card deck where would I be?" I stood up and checked the tall dresser to my right and found no cards. The dresser to the left of the piano had the same results.

I walked to the back of the room where there was a table and to the left a dresser. After a search the table was only holding a couple books and candle sticks. I went to the dresser and opened the drawers, nothing. I bent down and opened the bottom part, nothing. I huffed and stood up.

"Where else?" I looked around the room more. No other cabinets or drawers were unexplored.

"Claudia, what are you doing standing up?" Thomas walked in and over to me. I sighed.

"Lucille tell your brother I am not a child and I can take care of myself." I crossed my arms. "I am an adult and have dealt with sickness before, by myself might I add."

"Well you don't have to deal with it alone anymore." Lucille walked to me and held my arm. "Let's just get you seated." I groaned. She smiled.

"I don't wanna." I pointed as we walked back to the couch. "Do you have any card decks in the house. I looked in the dressers her but couldn't find any." I sat down. Lucille went to a small chest and took out a key to unlock it. "Don't tell me it's in there." I chuckled.

"Our Mother kept it here and it has always stayed." Lucile took out a deck of cards and walked back over. "Here." She handed them to me.

"Thank you. I opened them up. "Lord, when did you buy them? They seem like they were made yesterday, barley used." I looked at Lucille then Thomas. "I'm starting to think you guys never has a childhood." I said roughly. Thomas looked down.

"You could say that." Lucille took a seat in a chair.

"Well that is changing. From today till we are in the grave there will never be a dreary day." I beamed. "This set up won't work." I stood up.

"Darling, sit down." I did t listen to Thomas and went behind the couch and grabbed a small table from next to the fireplace. "You are an irritating woman." He smiled.

"Why thank you. It's the reason I live." I laugh and set the table down. "Ok, Lucille, up." I waved my hand and she stood up. "Thank you." I picked up the chair.

"Lord Claudia!" Thomas stood up and helped me. We set it closer to the table. "Sit down now." Thomas ordered.

"Thomas I am fine. I promise. If I feel bad I will tell you." I sat back down and opened the cards. "Ok. This is a game called War." I dealt the cards in three separate piles. "Each of you take one pile, but keep them face down." They did. I grabbed mine as well. "Each of us will place down the top card and whoever has the highest card gets all three. If two or three of the same number card gets placed down we go to war. I will explain what to do when that happens."

"Is this an American game?" Thomas asked.

"Um... Sort of. It's not popular, it hasn't gotten its traction in the entertainment yet." He nods. "Ok, let's start." I smile.

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