Whisper of The Cat

By Booklovergal27

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Fan fiction of The Cat Returns and Whisper of The Heart Written by moviefan-92 in fanfiction.net Disclaimer:... More

Back to the Bureau
Haru's Offer
Obsessions and Explanations
Making New Friends
Shizuku's Big News
New York, New York
The Baroness
Love Lost Again
Return to the Cat Kingdom
Catnapped Again
A New Destination
The Land of the Giant Cats
The Uncivilized
The Challenge
The Claw of Blades
Everyone Is Happy
The Way Back Home

Decisions Made and Decisions to Make

399 18 0
By Booklovergal27

Seiji paced back and forth as he impatiently waited for Shizuku to come back. The Uncivilized had been concerned about the presence of humans with the cats from the Cat Kingdom, so they were speaking to them each individually to see if they had similar stories. Seiji and Haru had already been interrogated and now they were now waiting for Shizuku to be finished with her meeting.

"How long has it been now?" Seiji asked worriedly.

Haru sighed and checked her watch for what felt like the thousandth time. "It's been 42 seconds since the last time you asked."

Seiji groaned and continued pacing even faster.

"Cut it out!" Muta snapped. "You're making me dizzy."

Seiji glared at the overweight cat. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried. I know that these guys aren't as bad as we thought they were, but still, these are lions, and tigers, and cheetahs."

"Oh my." Haru joked, trying to lighten the mood. Seiji didn't buy it as he began pacing again. Haru gave him a knowing smile. "You really love her, don't you?"

He nodded. "With all my heart and soul."

Muta snickered. "So why don't you ask her to marry you already?"

Seiji blushed. "I've been planning to."

Haru's eyes widened. "What?" she cried, her gossiping instincts kicking in. "When did you decide this? Do you have a ring? Why didn't you tell me? Do you need help setting the mood? Tell me!"

Seiji was surprised by her excitement. Not seeing any harm in it, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. "Yeah, I have the ring. I've been carrying it around for a while now, waiting for the perfect moment. I've been meaning to ask her for some time now. But then she got that letter saying that her story was going to be published, and I didn't want to do anything to interfere with that. Then she came back and we had to come here and... well I haven't had the chance to ask yet."

Haru eyed the box hungrily. "Let me see it! Now!"

Seiji opened the box and Haru's eyes widened even more. "Wow, that's a nice rock. She'll love it!"

Muta snorted. "What is it with women and jewelry?"

Haru cut her eyes at him. "Well, for me, I see it as the guy saying that I'm worthy of such a precious object and they're willing to buy it for me."

Muta muttered something that sounded a lot like, "Greedy."

"Oh, what do you know?" She turned back to Seiji. "So, do you need help setting things up for the occasion? I'll do anything you want. Oh, I hope I find someone to love me like you love Shizuku."

Seiji closed the box and safely put it away. "I'm sure you will, Haru. There's someone for everyone."

Baron sighed. "Indeed there is. And when you find them, don't ever let anything come between your love, because you never know if something will come happen to them."

He frowned and looked longingly up at the sky, thinking of Louise. Seiji gave him a sympathetic look. "We'll get her back, Baron. I promise. Once Shizuku comes back. I hope they hurry up. What is taking so long?"

Haru rolled her eyes as Seiji went back into 'worry mode' and began pacing again. She understood that he was worried, but she thought he was getting a little paranoid. Shizuku hadn't even been gone all that long.

"Too much time has gone by!" Seiji declared.

"You and Haru were gone longer." Muta snapped. "Geez, chill out already."

But Seiji didn't 'chill out'. He paced around for 7 more minutes before Shizuku finally returned to them. Seiji quickly rushed over to her and hugged her tightly.

"I was so worried about you." he said, kissing her forehead.

"I'm fine." She assured him. "They just asked me a bunch of questions." She then noticed that someone was missing. "Where's Lune?"

The head guard sighed. "He's still with the chief, negotiating. I don't know about his majesty, but I still don't trust these Uncivilized."

Baron cleared his throat to gain the guard's attention. "Well, they haven't eaten us, so that already proves that they're not the cannibalistic savages you've been making them out to be."

The guard reluctantly nodded. "True, true. But I still don't trust them."

"Well you better start." Came a proud voice. King Lune had returned, accompanied by the chief and elder. "Because you are looking at our new friends."

"Friends?" all the guards chorused.

Lune nodded. "Yes, we have negotiated, and I have agreed to the terms."

"What terms, your highness?" a guard asked.

Lune cleared his throat. "Well first I am to make a public apology to both the Cat Kingdom and those of the forest for our treatment of them and for starting the war."

"You mean you believe their story?" another cat cried.

Lune nodded. "I do. I have my reasons for believing them, which I will not go into right now. We are also no longer allowed to address them as 'The Uncivilized'. From now on that shall be considered prejudice. They are now officially our cat brothers and our neighbors, and shall be treated as such. Both of our kinds may come and go into the others' territory as we please. And also, the chief and I are to be considered as equals, both of us handling royal issues together. We are now considered one culture. Does everyone understand this?"

"Yes, your majesty!" they all cried. Everyone except Muta until Haru elbowed him in the side before he muttered in agreement.

"Then is everything settled?" Baron asked, anxious to get back to his search for Louise.

Lune looked at the chief who nodded. "It is."

Baron stood up. "Then may we be on our way? My fiancée cannot wait any longer and we still must get through the forest.

The chief nodded in understanding. "Yes, I shall provide a guide for you who shall take you through the forest to the castle."

Baron nodded. "Thank you."


"Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married!" the Ex-Cat King sung, way off key. "Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get maaaaaa-rried! Gee, I really love ya, and we're gonna get maaaaaa-rried!"


The Ex-Cat King turned to Kai. "Yo, wassup?"

The cat narrowed his eyes. "I am concerned about your fiancée." He said.


"Yes, she seems to actually be against this wedding."

The former ruler just waved it off. "Nah, I told you, she's just really nervous."

"This is more than just nervousness!" Kai snapped. "She claims to be being held here against her will. That she was stolen from her true fiancé."

Natori approached the gold armor clad cat. "Kai, it is true that she did have another fiancé, but she did say that she wished to marry his highness."

Kai glared at him. "Not according to what I've heard."

The Ex-Cat King started getting angry. "I don't care what you've heard or what you think! You forget your place! Lets not forget who's royalty here!"

For a moment it looked like Kai was going to argue, but instead he just nodded. "As you wish, my lord." He said, turning around to leave.

Once outside, he stood on the balcony, looking out into the forest. After a few minutes, Natori came out to join him.

"Kai, I know that you are concerned for Miss Louise, but even if you do believe that she does not wish to marry his former highness, there is nothing you can do. Only King Lune and Queen Yuki may order him."

Kai sighed. "Yes, Natori, I know. But something is still not right. The way you, he, and Miss Louise show up unexpectedly, Miss Louise constantly trying to get out of this wedding, something just doesn't add up. I know I must obey his majesty, but I am still reluctant to force Miss Louise into an unwanted marriage."

Natori shrugged. "Like I said, you have no say in the matter."

As he turned to leave, Kai continued staring out into the forest, wondering what he should do.

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