I Will Protect You (Josuke x...

By FreeFlyer68

148K 5.7K 4.9K

Y/n was close friends with Josuke Higashikata in the town of Morioh. Without having a stand she was left defe... More

A Turtle
It's Called a Stand
Angelo the Rock
Death by an Arrow
Waking up Differently
The Nijimura Brothers
Dating Josuke Higashikata
A Lock of Guilt
Hazamada's Surface
Meeting Koichi's Girlfriend
A Love Letter
True Love
Delicious and Authentic Italian Food
Death and Resurrection
Akira Otoishi
It's Today
A Baby Stand
A Visitor to Morioh
Heaven's Door
A Blinded Rage
A Normal Day in Morioh
Another Meeting
A New Stand User
Morning Tea
A Fight For Love
Shigekiyo Yangu: Harvest
Yoshikage Kira
A Vow of Silence
Casper: The Not So Friendly Ghost
Leaving the Murderers House
Three Words
A Friendly Alien
A Cheated Game
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 1
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 2
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 3
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 4
The Aftermath
The Killer Known as Yoshikage Kira
The Summer of 1999

A Father's Love

5.1K 179 117
By FreeFlyer68

I started to stand up, and my stand stood with me. The shield that once touched the floor was now in the air, being held by my stand.

   " Fire at will! "

More bullets started coming our way, and Josuke stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. His eyes were focused on the stand in front of me instead of Okuyasu's brother. 

   " The shield doesn't even look damaged at all! How strong is your stand? "

   " Are you really asking me that now? I don't know anything about what I'm doing right now. "

   " You still think you can beat us!? "Josuke yelled to the man in front of my stand.

   " Josuke, don't tease him! We're not out of the woods yet! "

   " Your friend is right, Josuke Higashikata. Watch your words and where you step! "

   ' Where we step? '

I looked down at the ground, and I looked around the wood floor to spot what he was talking about. I couldn't see what he was talking about, but I defiantly heard something click when we both took a step further.

   " A-A land mine? "

I felt Josuke push on my shoulders, and I went forward as he went backward, and a small explosion happened at his feet. I landed away from him and on the sidelines of the fight while Josuke lay on the ground right in front of the tiny army and the man controlling them. My stand appeared in front of me with his shield lowered but ready to be raised to protect me at any time. 

   " Now, apache's launch your fire power and disable him! "

The missiles were released from the helicopters, and they were headed straight for Josuke. Crazy Diamond knocked some of them away, but there were still some coming towards him that his stand wouldn't be able to hit in time. You stood up, ready to intervene, but when you saw your position, you sent your stand to protect him. You stand, quickly got in front of Crazy Diamond, and put his shield up. The missiles hit the shield and exploded, leaving Josuke uninjured from them.

   " Hellfire is going to rain down on you with a rain of bullets! And your stand won't be able to protect him from all sides! All units! " The man shouted at me.

Your stand stayed in front of Josuke, but Josuke didn't do anything. Josuke pulled his stand away and sat on the floor, staring dead-on at the man in front of him. Not even saying a word.

   " And what exactly do you think you are doing? Have you given up already? Or do you want to beg for your life? Well, no can do. All units, take him out! "

Bad Company fired all of its weapons towards Josuke. Your stand stayed in front of him, ready to shift to any angle to protect him, but it didn't look like a good outcome. Josuke continued to sit on the floor as the bullets came towards him.

   " My plan has already been carried out. " He said.

   " What!? "

From your side, you started to see something moving. You, briefly, turned your attention towards the broken missiles on the floor that Crazy Diamond destroyed, and they started coming together. They were repaired and started launching themselves towards their original maker. He didn't have enough time to shield himself as they headed towards his head. You put your arms up to shield yourself from the dirt and dust that would come from the explosion. Your eyes closed, but you saw your stand disappear from Josuke's side and come to kneel in front of you with his shield standing between us and the explosion of debris before closing your eyes. After all of the dust had settled, and everything calmed down around the house, did your stand leave your side and disappear into its own world. Josuke was still sitting on the ground, completely calm.

   " Did you forget? My Crazy Diamond's special ability is to repair broken things. Really? You're that forgetful? You might wanna take some notes, make sure you're meticulous. "

You stood from the ground and walked towards Josuke, holding out your hand to him. He took it and stood up.

   " Thank you, Y/n. "

   " Yeah. "

Together you walked to the body, and Koichi met you there. The man wasn't moving, and he was bleeding profusely. 

   " Okuyasu's brother is a really impressive and dangerous man. Let's hurry up and leave this place, guys. "

   " What about the bow and arrow that shot Y/n and me? "

   " The arrow? Okuyasu's brother has probably hidden it. Should we go find it? "

   " I think we should. We have the opportunity to get the bow and arrow for Jotaro. We might as well go and get it so it doesn't fall into the wrong persons hands again. " You said, walking through the doorway to the room. 

   " Let's hold off on looking for it. Okuyasu said that his father bought this place, so he's somewhere around here. If his two sons have stands then he will to, and I'm getting low on energy to fight so I won't be so useful to you both. "

   " We can't just do nothing! " Koichi shouted.

   " I agree with him, Josuke. If that bow and arrow remains here then someone, or the father, will hurt more civilians with it. Most of them don't have the strength to have a  stand so they won't live to see another day. Koichi and I almost died because we got shot with that arrow, so what does that tell you about the people outside walking the streets? Didn't you say you wanted to protect this town? "

   " I did, but it's dangerous here with the position we're in. "

   " You've got me to protect your back. Since I have a stand and I can understand how to summon it a little, I can protect us. Now let's go and get it. "

   " Fine, let's go snap that bow and arrow in two. And get out of here. "

You smiled at Josuke's response and joined Koichi up the stairs. Together you walked slowly up the stairs until you reached the top. On the top floor, there was a door leading to the attic, and it was open. 

   " There's a room in the attic. The bow and arrow is probably in there. " Koichi said, slowly stepping on the top floor and walking to the wall; the door was on.

You slowly walked off the stairs and went to the other side of the door, looking into the room. When you peered into the room, it was dark, but some of the sunlight coming in from the border windows helped you see a little bit better. You were able to spot the bow and arrow hanging on the wall in the room. Josuke slowly joined your side, and you looked over at him, nodding. He nodded back in understanding, and that was when you noticed the blood dripping from the far side of his head. 

   ' He gotten hit really hard a couple of times. And his Crazy Diamond can't heal him. '

Strang noises started to come from the room that made you and Koichi flinch a little bit. The noise wasn't human, and it was loud, filling up the room and slipping into the hallway. Whoever was in the room was making scratching noises, against some type of metal, almost like an animal.

   " This doesn't feel right. Something must be in there. "

   " No shit Sherlock. Of course there's something in there. But at least it's chained up from what I can hear. "

   " Could it be a dog? " Koichi asked.

   " No, that's not even human, whatever it is. "

Koichi placed his hand on the door and started to push it open into the room. You could see the chain, but the thing it was attached to moved out of the way, taking the long chain with it.

   " This is scary. What should we do? " Koichi asked, looking back at Josuke and you.

   " Why are you asking me? I was the one who voted to leave this house of horrors. " Josuke complained.

   " I'll go in. Koichi open the door all the way, and I'll go in to see what's inside. " You replied with no fear in your voice.

   " Are you not afraid, Y/n. "

   " No, I'm not. Now let's get this over with so we can get out of here. "

You crouched in front of the door, and Koichi pushed it open a little further with his hand. You slipped one foot into the room, slowly going inside. It was dusty and dark, but you could manage to get through it and get to the bow. You continued to walk through the doorway, but as soon as your foot made it past the door in the room, a hand grabbed your ankle and started pulling you into the room. You fell to the floor and started sliding into the room.

   " Y/n! "

Josuke grabbed your hand, and you were being pulled between Josuke and the green bumpy hand inside the room.

   " What the hell!? "

   " Y/n, no! " Koichi yelled, grabbing onto Josuke's arm to try and pull you out of the room.

   " That's not a Stand's arm. It's a real arm. "

Your stand wasn't appearing, but Josuke's Crazy Diamond did. Crazy Diamond punched the wrist of the arm, and the hand was still attached to your leg as Josuke pulled you between his legs and out of the room. There was green slime everywhere, and it got on both of your clothes. 

   " Gross. "

   " I wasn't trying to sever it!" 

As you took in a deep breath to calm yourself down, you took notice of the position you were in. Josuke was still holding your left hand, and his right arm was wrapped around your midsection, pulling you between your legs. Your shoulders were leaned back and pressed against him. SLowly you felt a blush come onto your cheeks, but you shook your head.

   " This is not the time to think like that. " You told yourself.

   " Think like what? " Josuke asked.

The body behind the door ran away and distracted you and Josuke from what you were saying. The body ran towards the other side of the room, and you could see it fully. The body was short and pudgy with green skins that had huge spots that stuck out of the skin. There were small patches of hair on his head, and he wore human clothes. They wore tan shorts with a belt and a red shirt with stars and bottles on it. They sat in the corner with the chain around their neck and green ooze spewing from them. One of his arms didn't have a hand, but it started to grow back quickly. The creature turned towards us and grabbed his old hand quickly before turning around and eating it.

   " What the hell is that thing? I can't believe such a creature lives near my house. 

   " So, you've found him. . .That was never supposed to happen."

You turned to look at the doorway, and there stood Okuyasu's brother, leaning against the doorway with blood still dripping from his head. His breathing was ragged, and his stare was focused on Josuke. He slowly started walking along the wall, getting closer and closer to the bow and arrow.

   " You again? "

   " It's a long story but he's our father if you can believe it. And right now he needs these more than you. " He said, putting his hand in between the wood of the bow and the string. 

He looked lost for a moment before grabbing them off the wall and getting ready to aim the arrow.

   "It's imperative that I find more stand users for my father. So, no one is getting these. Come at me with all your might if you must. I'll protect em' until the bitter end. "

   " So, did a disease do this to your dad? " Josuke asked.

   " A disease? You're joking. Dad is in excellent health minus the warts. He even has a hardy appetite. But all he does is moan and it's safe to say he has no idea that I'm his son. "

   " So, you've been looking for someone who would have a stand that can heal your father. " you said, making eye contact with the man.

   " To cure him? What? Are you offering? Because you're not needed. "

The wounded man in front of us started to laugh and chuckle, but behind his eyes, you could see a growing sadness. One that has been bottled up and was going to explode. As he laughed, teardrops left his eyes and hit his palms and the floor underneath him. Slowly his chuckles were becoming whimpers as he cried.

   " On the contrary, I'm looking for a stand user who can kill my father. But at this point, I doubt it will ever happen. No matter what I do, dad won't die. It doesn't matter if you smash his skull, crush his body, or cut him into pieces. He won't die. I want to end his suffering. I've sworn to accomplish this task ever since I was young. So, I need this bow and arrow to make good on my promise to him. If I hand these over to you my father will live like this forever. Suffering all because some bastard named Dio decided to implant his cells into my fathers skull and make my father a monster! "

   " That's the guy from Jotaro's story! " You said, realizing the connection.

   " My father has already become one with Dio's immortal cells. ANd now he spends his days doing nothing but this. " 

His father had now knocked over a trunk and started searching through it, throwing contents out of it, not carrying about who or what was in the room.

   " It's infuriating to watch. I'm sick of dealing with this. I hate the fact that he's still alive. "

The man moved from the wall and grabbed the chain that his father was being held on, pulling him out of the trunk.

   " I told you many times to stop making a mess! " He punched his father, and you flinched a little seeing him let go of the chain and let his father fall to the ground.

   " He will behave if you teach him a lesson. And he keeps rummaging in his own filth! This is why he can't help it! " He continued saying while also kicking his father repeatedly.  

   " Hey, you're the one who should stop! He's still your father, isn't he? " Josuke spoke up.

   " That's right. He's my biological father. Although we're related by blood, he's only my father by name. He sold his soul to Dio and is living the life he created. But I'm not totally without a heart, seeing my one and only father like this is unbearable. You don't know how it feels. All I want to do is end his life and free him from this suffering. By putting him out of his misery I can truly live my life again. "

The green man on the ground walked back to the trunk, and you walked a little closer to see what he was putting together. As you got closer Okuysasu's brother started standing straighter. He raised his foot and kicked your stomach, launching you across the room. You hit the wall and slid down, landing on the floor. You could taste blood in your mouth, and you leaned to the side to spit out the metallic substance.

   " Y/n! "

   " Josuke use Crazy Diamond on the picture in the box! "

Josuke looked at you once more, unsure, but he turned and did what you asked. What formed was a picture of the family before the mother had died and before the father had sold his soul to Dio. The green father started to wail and cry over the photo, and his son let go of the chain that was around his father's neck, feeling his own tears start to form once more. It was clear that he still had his memories, and for the last ten years, he was trying to find the pieces to that family he had lost.

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