Team Gigantica & Scooby-Doo...

By SDFan12435

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Scooby and the gang pay a visit to a magic school where Velma's sister, Madelyn Dinkley, is at after Velma re... More

Chapter 1: The Creepy Case of The Chemical Creep
Chapter 2: Going to visit Madelyn
Chapter 3: Clues, Dinners, and the Gryphon, Oh My!
Chapter 4: Calvin Curdles and the Cone Castle Theory and some Magic classes
Chapter 5: Some clues and locating the O'Flannery magic staff
Chapter 7: The Gryphon Strikes
Chapter 8: Off to the Gryphon's Roost
Chapter 9: Operation Saving Madelyn Dinkley
Chapter 10: The Gryphon culprit revealed
Chapter 11: Epilogue

Chapter 6: The Banshee of Shadow Lake

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By SDFan12435

That same night, Madelyn, Mystery Inc., and Team Gigantica were in the Mystery Machine on their way to Shadow Lake.

"Shadow Lake is a quarter of a mile ahead." The G.P.S informed. "Spoooky."

When getting to Shadow Lake, they headed for the docks.

"We better stick together, gang." says Fred. "That banshee could be anywhere around here."

"Man, no matter how hard I try, I can't forget something like that." Shaggy comments

Tyler pulled out a map to look over it. Then, they got in a boat that was nearby, Fred and Shaggy rowing. Tyler put the map back in his pocket to prevent it from getting wet. When reaching the central island where the tomb was, Scooby poked his head up.

"RAll ashore who's going to shore!" Scooby stated

Tyler pulls the map back out. When they all headed further into the land, they failed to notice the banshee following behind them.

"We should be getting close, gang." Fred comments, looking at Tyler's map. "A quick left and we should find it."

However, when taking that left, Velma shines her flashlight, showing the path was blocked by a bush.

"How about we go over?" Daphne comments

Daphne got a running start and jumped over the bush, flipping on a branch before landing on the other side of the bush, perfectly.

"How did you even-?" Fred starts, navigating through the bush before falling through a hole. "Whoop!"

Everyone winced with each thud that was heard. Soon enough, Diana moved the bushes to the side and Velma shines her flashlight down the hall that Daphne had luckily hopped over.

"Fred, are you okay?" Velma asks

"Yeah!" Fred calls out in response as he stood up, cracking his back a bit with a small pop sound. "I guess we all have our danger prone days."

Daphne snickered.

"Anyways, you guys might wanna come down here." Fred calls out. "There's something you should check out."

When walking down the stairs, there was several monoliths around the room and an odd pattern on the floor. Scooby's nose led to a wall.

"I think Scooby found something." Velma comments. "These monoliths all have the same markings as on this part of the wall Scooby found."

"And there's matching ones on the floor." Fred comments, pushing down the X-like symbol that matched one on a monolith

"This whole section on the floor has spots with each marking that the monoliths have." Tyler comments

One by one, a couple other got pushed, Scooby sitting on the center one.and there was a loud rumbling noise.

"Uh oh......" Fred and Daphne comment

However, nothing seemed to happen.

"Oh, well, I guess we'll never get into that kooky crypt." Shaggy shrugged, leaning on one of the monoliths. "Let's head back to the castle and make enchiladas."

However, the monolith moved when he leaned on it.

"It moved!" Shaggy comments. "Oh man....."

"Shaggy, you're a genius!" Madelyn comments, running over and putting her hands on the monolith. "Come on, I bet if we push them-"

They began slowly pushing each monolith which slowly, very slowly, made the stone wall Scooby's nose led to open up, revealing a secret passage filled with cobwebs and dust.

"A secret door!" comments Fred. "Let's go!"

They all ran through the door. Before Scooby could move, the monoliths began moving in the reverse direction, getting faster by the second as the door slowly shuts.

"SCOOBY, RUN FOR IT!!!!!" Braedey shouts

The door was getting closer and closer to getting closed.

"HURRY, SCOOB!!!" Shaggy calls out

Scooby timed his running and bolted for it, sliding under the door and into Shaggy's arms in just the nick of time as the door shut behind him.

"RPhew." Scooby sighed with relief

While exploring the tunnel, they soon enough found the main area of the crypt. Velma looked around with her flashlight, finding on the mains tone coffin.....

"It's the O'Flannery crest!" Velma comments

Fred walked over to the stone coffin and says, "Come on! Help me get the lid off!"

Fred, Tyler, Braedey, Diana, and Shaggy pushed the lid as hard as they could, soon shoving it off entirely. And in it, was a skeleton dressed in a neat suit, holding the staff.

"That must be O'Flannery's staff!" Madelyn exclaimed

"And that boney creep holding it must be O'Flannery!" Shaggy yelped, gulping a little

Knowing very well that Scooby and Shaggy wouldn't try to grab it and Scooby couldn't even reach, Tyler tries to pull it out of the skeleton's hand.

"A little help here??" Tyler asks

Scooby grabbed Tyler's shoulders after getting onto his back legs and pulled as hard as he could. Soon enough, they shot backwards, landing on the floor.

"Scooby, please get off me...." Tyler groaned

Scooby got off and shook off excess dust. When getting up, Shaggy went over to make sure his canine pal was okay and behind him, Jaune, and Scooby appeared the banshee, except it didn't really look hideous.

"Uh, guys........I think we have a visitor." Fred stated

"Then, like, why is nobody saying hello?" Shaggy asks

When the two turned around, Jaune stepped back but Scooby and Shaggy bolted over, hiding behind Velma and Daphne.

"So...that's the banshee?" Daphne questions. "She doesn't look that scary."

"No, she really doesn't." Pyrrha comments

That's when the banshee completely changed it's face. screeching loudly.

A/N: This Banshee art is by CyberEman2099 over on DeviantArt.

"RUN!!!!!!" Fred shouted

They didn't waste any time taking off running as the banshee shrieked and screams, chasing after, Tyler not noticing he dropped the staff as they ran.

"Out here!!!!" Fred called out as they left the crypt from a skull shaped stone structure

They all ran as fast as they could, the banshee still giving chase. On the island, the banshee flew past a couple of trees as if it was searching for someone or something. Scooby, Shaggy, and Madelyn poked their heads out from behind the tree.

"We gotta get back to the boat!" Shaggy comments

"But we can't leave the staff!" Madelyn responds, going back for the staff. "Come on!"

Back at the boat, Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Team Gigantica got in the boat, but the other three still weren't there.

"Where are the other three??" Diana asks, concerned

"They'll be here." Fred says. "Let's at least get the boat turned around."

Not long after the boat was turned around, Madelyn, Shaggy, and Scooby's screams were heard further in on the island.

"Madelyn?!??!?!????" Velma calls out

The three came running out of the woods, Scooby having the staff in his mouth.

"LIKE, COMING THROUGH!!!!!" Shaggy cried out

Madelyn and Scooby hopped not the boat and Shaggy looked back.

"Push us off, Shaggy!" Madelyn says

Shaggy got to pushing but with no luck. When the banshee was heard screeching and seen approaching, Shaggy jumped, his hair spiking out.

"ZOINKS!!!!!!" Shaggy yelped

Shaggy then, out of pure fear, has his legs completely speed up and got the boat moving, running across the lake as he pushes the boat, the banshee still chasing after.

"Didn't know Shaggy could run on water!" Diana comments

"Well, he's full of fear and when he's scared, he can use his speed in many unlikely ways!" Tyler responded

The boat then hit a rock sticking out of the water, launching all of them onto land, the banshee stopping before descending into the water.

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