Lunar: End of Magic (IMPORTAN...

By LemonMilkJUICY

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By LemonMilkJUICY

Sirius and Tsuchikuro had made a plan to discuss about the chase. But Tsuchikuro already told the twins and Yuki. Now he was gone.

'That Emiko was a Ceres this whole time. Her magic sparkles brightly, that's the first sign of their disguise.' Hiroshi explained to Yuki and Sirius, they were both still in training. 'Ceres tend to have one thing missing from the original one. But this one is very professional and we don't know how she really looks.' Hiroshi said while tracing something on the paper he had with a finger. Hiro had came back with a calligraphy pen and ink. Sirius hasn't actually seen anyone with one. They're expensive like heck, they're old school, and they were very nice to watch being written. Hiroshi was feverishly writing on the paper.

'Sparkles are something that may be common, but these sparkles reflect their true form. Ceres don't know this though. We need to find the real identity of this girl. From what we know, Emiko Xiotoly, very short, Asian,' Going down a list of how she looked like, her hair consisting of black roots and browned ends, being fairly petite, she was a typical person I guess.

'Do your friends know how she really looks like without revealing this information? I don't want to ruin her friendship with them it seems. She seemed like she keeps a very strong one too.' Yuki turned his head towards Sirius. Sirius thought for a moment. He was in training to resist using magic for basic everyday life to grow his magic core capacity. But he just didn't know. She looked so convincing.

'A clone, Emiko is the perfect person to impersonate yet the most difficult.' Hiro finally spoke out loud and participated in the conversation. 'Not even her friends or family knows much about her. This Ceres must've relied on memories. If she is still keeping this form, she must be somewhere alive.' Hiro spoke fully. He had watched his brother write down until he reached the bottom of the page.

'Try making a tracking spell with the collected blood.' Hiroshi nodded to Hiro's request. He stood up and took out the vial of the supposedly Emiko's blood. He was about to open it until the door opened and revealed a tired looking Emiko.

Except it wasn't Emiko, it was like she had aged another thirty years. This woman must've been her mother. 'Have you seen Emiko? I was told that the boy with blue hair knows her.' She had this unpredictable accent. She could ace a few words and speak them perfectly, but the rest had that accent. At least it wasn't a south accent like the way Edeni impersonates.

'Miss, we haven't seen her, why?' Yuki replied. She only nodded wearily and left the room by pushing herself off the frame. They could hear her footsteps fading. 'She looks unhealthily tired. Distressed.' Hiro said while looking at Yuki, he nodded back. 'We can't tell anyone about what happened at all. It will only cause chaos and Ceres and Elites will hear about it. Remember, you never know when something is there.' Hiroshi reminded.

Sirius was walking towards Edeni's house because he lives there now. He just stole his mail and went straight inside to the bedroom. Edeni was fine with supporting Sirius until he fixes his problems. Sirius had a huge urge to tell his best friend everything that happened because they were there for each other ever since their mothers befriended. Just wanting to spill all of the weight he had to carry ever since Man I want to kill existed.

Edeni came into the room and saw Sirius laying down on the sleeping bag t-posing. Edeni didn't question and went to his desk to finished his class work. Sirius pretty went far ahead of the class, he didn't have to worry about work until he fell behind from forgetting. 'Bro? You've been staring at my ceiling. Wanna date em?' Edeni sarcastically swooned. Sirius stopped daydreaming his contemplation, he looked at Sirius like he woke up from his funeral.

Edeni had this disgusted, worried, terrified look painted on his face. Edeni just turned back around and went back to working on his assignments. Sirius took out his phone, he looked at the text messages that were sent a few minutes ago. Sirius had no time for this though, in summary, the mans wants him back home and same thing. Sirius was burnt out. So tired from stress, healing, drama. The training was like sports practice but everything else seemed to weigh him down. Sirius just went into the bathroom and took out the small dagger he retrieved from when purple threw it outside. He just began cutting deeply into his skin. Sirius slightly grunted but kept it down so Edeni couldn't hear.

Sirius' blood was dripping in the sink. Sirius just started to cry for some reason. He didn't know why but, this faint memory appeared. It was a woman with pink lips and her hair tied into a bun. The dark blue hair was just like his, he couldn't see her eyes but she was crying too. It was like he'd forgotten for the longest time and felt nostalgic for some reason. The woman was mouthing something that he couldn't make out. She released her arms from around him, not on him. Sirius snapped back to memory when knocks were heard from the bathroom door.

'Boi Siri? You okay?' Edeni sounded concerned for real, a tone he only used around Sirius and Tyran. Sirius completely washed up the blood and cleaned up his dirty work. 'Genie! Hello?' Edeni continued. Sirius had noticed how he had the hiccups from crying suddenly. He must've been sniffling and whimpering too loudly. Sirius used magic softly to remove the scent of being upset. Something to use now since Ceres were probably after him for merely surviving.

Sirius unlocked the door and locked eyes with greened Edeni's. They held true worry. Sirius thought back to Emiko, she didn't look that emotional. 'Sorry man. Just remembered something bad.' Sirius said and walked past Edeni. He sat back down on his sleeping bag and scrolled through his phone to watch videos. He made sure to look at the date, a week after Valentines.

That Ceres had given themselves away when they had that chase, their rigid movements were too unfair and rigid. Like they had done something behind their backs. Sirius was tired of everything. Edeni sat down on his bed after packing away his supplies. 'Tell me about it.' Sirius really didn't want to but it was like a tradition. Ever since they were kids, Sirius would stick and comfort Edeni, and he would do the same to him.

'I just don't know how to properly explain it.' Sirius started off before going on about the strange reminiscing of this memory. Edeni seemed confused too because he had stupid short-term memory.

When they came down for dinner, they ate in silence. When they went to bed, they slept in silence, not even Edeni's loud snoring was activated, like he could breathe properly. Sirius snuck out and went to his other friend's house. He made sure to knock on the door this time. He waited a bit before knocking again. The door opened and revealed the darkened figure of his friend.

When the both settled down at the table creepily, he talked about the plans of how his friend may be that Ceres and be the one to mysteriously give them the generosity to help in the forest. His friend denied ever helping a mission, they said they didn't fit being a Ceres of suspicious activity. They weren't a Ceres themself. They asked Sirius how the wand was....yeah, that was gone and Sirius decided to truthfully answer.

They seemed to understand and considered how he couldn't use Golden Touch/Golden Glitz at all. Sirius did mention how the masked person was able to use the entire vial of the glitz normally like they trained with it. Sirius just kept spilling except for the stuff he was told not to spill tea about. His friend nodded interestedly, making sure that he listened.

'Have you slept?'

'No. I haven't had proper sleep.'

'Ok. Truth or dare?'


'Truth or dare?'


'Truth or dare?'


'Have you slept?'




'Why don't you want to sleep?'

Sirius already gave up trying to bluff a stupid game of t-or-d. He just went back to Edeni's house and sneakily tucked himself into his sleeping bag. He felt like if he didn't sleep, he would be forced to somehow. But when Sirius woke up for a short period of time, he saw a glow of eyes glaring through the window peering through the room. Sirius pretended to look asleep but kept his eyes cracked open to watch this thing back.

Just broke the window and the glass shattered so quietly. The rain pouring outside had started to wet the floor. Edeni was shuffling in his sleep and Sirius was ready to throw hands. When this person leaped onto the ground, Sirius shot magic at the figure. Sirius was sure that he heard them moan or groan.

Sirius kicked Edeni awake and he flinched up. Sirius already had his adrenaline running, his training should come into use by now. This person had black shiny fingernails that were a bit long. More like sharp, their yellow glow from their eyes, surely, they were a Sapien Ceres. Sirius had sent an electrifying spell at this Ceres and they were paralyzed. Sirius went up to them, weary of the glass on the floor, he punched their face and beat them up physically. Preserving magic, he stuck out his hand down and blasted another attack. It burnt the back of their hoodie, Sirius had taken of the hood and revealed blond hair with black roots.

They suddenly stood up and seemed fine. They stuck out their hand, the other covering their face. Blood started to seeping from under their nails. The blood glowed and exploded. Here came Edeni and Sirius flying out the house and bracing themselves for impact.

This person had another hoodie to put on and replace the other. They had already covered their identity. Sirius was about to get up and blast holming spells, but he was knocked out before he could take a step. He wasn't sure what happened after wards but it happened so fast.

Sirius looked around his dream land. He saw Emiko standing in a field of tall grass and mixed flowers. Dandelions, Sunflowers, Lilies, even Lotuses. Butterflies of different colors were fluttering around her and landing on her like crazy. Many butterflies covered her body. When Sirius went up to sneak behind the traitor, she turned around and all of the butterflies surrounded them like a surreal scene.

She had had blurred out earrings but they were shining and dangling. Nothing too big or long. Her hair was in the same ponytail. Her hair looked much more brown in the sunlight, like there were other colors in her hair, blonde, bronze, gold. Sirius looked to meet her eyes but was met with that blurred effect. Her eyes looked softened yet guilty. Did she finally learn her lesson as a (buh)?


That was all she had to say. Nothing else, just hey. Sirius was cautious. She had a very blurred butterfly on her finger. The butterflies colors were so blurred, it was just blacked out. She was wearing a light blue sweater and dark blue jeggings, her dirtied light pink shoes were laced neatly.

Sirius tried to blast a spell but nothing could muster out from his core. Emiko looked down at the butterfly before his hands. The butterfly then flew to the top of her head and she took Sirius' hands. He wanted to break free but couldn't, her hands were very tiny and soft. He could see how much more veiny they looked and the many recent small scars. Sirius could notice the small faint scar on the right side of her neck. It looked dry and in the process of healing.

'Mask, dance, subway, chains.' Duh, like Sirius knew what the codes words were supposed to mean. 'Mask already happened.' Yeah, that weird butterfly person could've been her, but she's the traitor. Why was he listening so intently?

'Be careful though.' Emiko was engulfed in butterflies again. The scenery changed to a rainy day. The rain weather was quite nice. But when the butterflies turned into raindrops, her mouth and eyes were pouring water from the black sockets. She looked in pain and very doll like.

'He manipulates.' She walked zombie like towards him, like strings were attached to his body and were controlling her. Each step she took, each step Sirius backed. She fell into a hole into a subway train with Sirius. He could see chains and cuffs blocking her from using magic. Even the magic blocking fabric was loosed around her body.

'But this guy doesn't hold back.' Emiko said like she was unsure, Sirius knew that none of this could be perfectly accurate but it seemed so real. Her eyes were back but she slowly morphed into the traitor he knew. The stars in her eyes were to fall for.

'Kill.' Yeah, that's what he really wants to do with this person right now. He wants to plunge her into a tree, cut it down and watch her drown. Let that noose break her airway.

It was like he zoomed into her eye, it was Tsuchikuro locked up with rope and chains onto a bed. Kin-

'Plan? Bedridden.'

Sirius was taking all of this in and trying to piece together this realistic theme. This person was trying to bedridden Tsuchikuro. But at what cost? For what reason? The scenery leafed into a Japanese looking house. The ones with the paper walls or something, the really aesthetic ones.

The two front doors opened and zooming inside, he could see blacked out silhouettes of many people. They looked like they were discussing something but very seriously.

'Meet them. Guide your path...' her words were becoming more and more straight forward and lessened. Like the way when she was introvertedly nervous.

Sirius woke up and gasped for air. He noticed how was somewhere with large curtains. But this was still a dream, reality didn't feel all cloud like. Not when you got hit.

When he actually woke up, he slowly opened his eyes and tried to adjust to the brightness. His arms were very sore. That's karma, he cut himself and they felt dead and limp. They felt bruised, but breathing air because the slits were fresh and probably infected. His grey sleeves were drenching red, his black over shirt was wet from the rain. He noticed how he was laying on his stomach but couldn't move his body.

It hurts too much. His head, arms, and he felt somewhat sick. Edeni was in front of him passed out. His arms were bound by ropes tightly behind his back. When he woke up, Edeni had thumped his face down and squinted his eyes. When they adjusted to the sun, he looked around, something Sirius should've done.

'Welcome to headquarters.'

Hiroshi's voice was heard firmly saying those three words. The adults had stopped discussing and arguing. When they turned their attention to the lads. Edeni looked a bit weary of these people.

'Oh don't worry we have your other friends too.'

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