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By taeki_2017

5.3K 196 151

Lee Kimberly passes through pain from losing her best friend to suicide, blaming herself for missing her call... More

Dear Jiwon,
Dear Jiwon, II
Dear Jiwon, III
Dear Jiwon, IV
Dear Jiwon, V
Dear Jiwon, VI
Dear Jiwon, VII
Dear Jiwon, VIII
Coming Soon
Sequel is out!!


95 3 3
By taeki_2017

September 16, 2020
2:43 pm, Creepy Building

"Who the fuck are you?"

Everyone would have panicked and grown nervous by the stern voice and gaze the man gave however, Jay stays calm and begins to speak, "Hello, I am Lee Jungmin, I am a new employee here. My shift starts at 3." He explains with a straight face showing the man his ID. The stern man eyes him up and down and when he is convinced he nods, walking away. 

After curtly nodding to the other guards he heads up to the fourth floor. 

This one is where all the girls stayed. 12. Jay counted 12 girls. It infuriated him at the thoughts of what they had been through. Their tear-stained cheeks and broken eyes told a lot that he could see right through. 

The clock soon hit 3 and Jay followed the guards clocking out to the staff room. He pretends to clock in in the room while waiting for them to all leave and make sure their replacements get there. Once he made sure of it he headed to the third floor first, positioning himself after he saw all the guards of both levels get to their places. 

He walks to the guard closest to him reaching out for a water bottle, he puts on a face small smile. He extends his hand towards the man offering the water to him. The guard raises an eyebrow in confusion while taking the bottle, Jay slightly bows down before beginning to speak, "I am a new employee. My name is Lee Jungmin. I hope we get along."

"How old are you kid?" The man suspiciously asks.

"I just turned 21 sir."

The man nods, opening the water bottle with suspiciousness still in his eyes but while drinking the water he just walks off, continuing to inspect the victims. Jay repeats the same process 2 more times. Around 15 minutes later the older people begin to yawn and soon fall on the ground. 

Jay smirks while the guys there start to look around in confusion. Jay signals for the guys to stay quiet, putting his finger on his lips as he walks towards the guard closest to him checking if he was really asleep, and repeats the steps with the others. 

Once he is done, he calls Kimberly, "The third-floor guards are out. I'm heading to the fourth floor now." He simply states and after receiving a hum from the girl he hangs up.

"Who is the oldest here?" He asks quietly. A boy who is a couple of people away from him nervously raises his hand. "Name?"

"Ch- Choi Hyun- Hyunsuk." 

He walks over to the boy, "Choi Hyunsuk you know Yang Jungwon right?" The boy's eyes widen, nodding his head. "He will come soon and help you guys get out of here. Make sure that everyone is quiet while I go get the girls on the fourth floor." Hyunsuk nods his head rapidly with teary eyes, standing up as adrenaline suddenly rushed to him.

As he said, he went to the fourth floor, heading to the guard closest to him. He smiles, bowing, "Hello I am Lee Jungmin I will be taking over the 3 pm shift on the third floor from now on. I hope that we get along well as colleagues." He explains handing the water bottle over to the guy who seemed to be over his 30s. The guy simply nods taking the water and chugging all the water down. He smirks, 'Damn someone must be thirsty.' The younger thinks as he walks away, repeating the process rapidly. When everyone was knocked out he told the girls he was there to save them with the help of a familiar person to them, Yang Jungwon. 

He calls Kimberly once again and informs her of the situation her responding with a quick, "We're going up."  

With that said, Jay asks the girls to make their way out, the older girls naturally putting the younger girls and those that seem like they are about to pass out to priority, as he helps the weak ones out. As he walks down, with one of the girl's arm weakly draped around his shoulder he spots Jungwon hugging the guys their at the third floor and Kimberly helping the others get out safely and quickly with her guidance as well as Hyunsuk's. They help everyone run down as they only have 14 minutes left before the boss came and they knew they had to be long gone by that time. 

Once they were all out Jay asks, "Everyone look around and make sure none of your friends are missing," he instructs which they all do. Some girls were on the guys' backs or the guys and girls were supporting each other to not fall. 

Kimberly makes her way to Jay who was leading everyone, "Jay, we didn't think this through. Where are we going?" She asks anxiously.

"I know we didn't, but I think I know where we could go." He says as he takes his phone out, "Hi Mrs. Bae, as the head maid please inform everyone that they have today, tomorrow, and the day after off. My moms aren't back yet right?" After everything was settled he turns to Kimberly, "My house is 20 minutes away walking and it's big enough to fit everyone for now. Tomorrow we can head to Seoul's police station they will file reports on what happened in that building. The ones that live far from here can stay there for a while but I'm sure once their parents find out they'll want them home right away." Kimberly nods, stunned by how fast he solved things for them. 

They continue to walk and walk until they safely reach the older's mansion. The ones that were still conscious and not asleep were all in awe as they had never seen such a huge house. All of them made their way in and now the unconscious ones were awaken as Jay wanted to say something to all of them.

"You guys don't know me but I am Park Jongseong but call me Jay, this is Lee Kimberly," he says pointing to the girl, "And as you all know that's Yang Jungwon." He explains. "A couple of days ago Kimberly and I went to investigate that building where we unexpectedly found Jungwon in, Kimberly recognizing him as her best friend. We took him with us and he convinced us to go back for you guys. Today you all have time to become stable, eat properly and take the rest you need. Tomorrow, we would like for some of you guys to go to the police station and file a report against the bastards that kidnapped you guys. Also, everyone can call their parents, relatives, guardians, loved ones either today or tomorrow. For some of those that don't have those... we'll find a solution." He explains calmly all of the victims nodding with teary eyes. They just couldn't believe that they were finally out of that hell hole.

"This is my phone, it doesn't have a passcode for those that need to call someone, just take it." He says, placing the device on the table in the center of the living room. "Just please be organized. Take any room that you want, of course, there is not enough for everyone so many of you will have to share. I'll be leaving now." He states before walking away to his own room making Kimberly roll her eyes.

Everyone walks their own ways, some to the kitchen, some to the rooms, some to the bathrooms, some to the phone, etc but one male approaches Kimberly who was just looking at Jungwon who was smiling with his hyungs and dongsaengs. "Kimberly, right?" The male asks, the girl nodding in response with a raised eyebrow. "I'm Lee Heeseung."

"Oh, I remember Wonie mentioning you." She says with a small smile.

"Actually... I've heard your name before."

"From... Jungwon?" She asks as it's the only thing that makes sense.

He nervously shakes his head, "I've heard a conversation the boss was having and it included you and someone named Jiwon."

A/N: I was able to finish the chapter today yayyy. Honestly, yesterday I really felt like shit but thank god I'm so much better today! 

Also, there are 21 boys as victims 4 of them are ENHYPEN members but can you guess who are the rest? I will put the answer in the next chapter!!

As for the girls, 5 girls are ITZY, and 3 are AESPA since NingNing was already included and the other 4 are just random hehe.

Who is watching Girls Planet 999?? Honestly, I don't trust Mnet but I really wanna support Bahiyyih so I decided to watch it. For those watching, who are your picks???

Like always, stay safe, healthy, and happy.

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