Stubborn Love -Klaus

By GiBbErZz

118K 2.8K 296

"It's always been you, Niklaus!" I cried at his retreating back, tears streaming down my pale cheeks. "It was... More

Chapter One - The Unfamiliar
Chapter Two- Recognition
Chapter Three -Dance With Me
Chapter Four -Remind Me
Chapter Five - Unraveling
Chapter Six -Will You Scream?
Chapter Eight -The truth.
Chapter Nine -Her Dying Compromise.
Chapter Ten - A turn for the worst.
Chapter Eleven - Monstrous.
Chapter Twelve -Manic.
Chapter Thirteen -Nightmare.
Chapter Fourteen -Sadistic.
Chapter Fifteen - Revelations.
Chapter Sixteen - Wake up.
Chapter seventeen- Awaken

Chapter Seven

5.1K 140 20
By GiBbErZz

"What would you two like?" The blonde waiter asked. The cold hostility in his voice made Alice feel uneasy, as if it was directed at her. Although she didn't recognise him. Not that that was surprising. She knew no one. Klaus and Kol didn't really count considering Klaus seems to be bipolar and Kol... Well that should be pretty self explanatory. He's cocky and selfish, but he did save her life, so she was willing to look past that she actually found her self liking him.
She looked up at the mention of her name and found both Klaus and the waiter watching her expectantly. "Yes?" She asked. 
"What do you want to eat?" Klaus asked slowly. 
Alice looked at what Klaus was doing and notice the large creased paper in his hands. He noticed and extended it to her. "Pick anything." 
She took it and opened it up. It was covered in words and small little pictures of meals. But Alice had no idea what any of it really was. 
"What are you having?" She asked. 
Klaus smirked and his eyes glinted with something Alice couldn't identify. "Something you won't like." And his eyes darted away from her to something on the other side of the room. 
That didn't help Alice at all. She was hoping Klaus would be helpful and -well, help her. But he seemed to be doing the opposite. He seemed to be liking the way she was squirming in her chair.
"I might." Alice said hopefully, but Klaus shook his head with a laugh.
"Trust me. You won't." 
Alice's face fell and she let out  a breath. "Okay." She said quietly and handed the paper back over. "Can you order for me? Please."
Klaus nodded once and mumbled some words to the waiter -who's name tag read Matt.
Alice watched  Matt and his eyes were narrowed sharply at Klaus, with his grip on his pen tight. Skin turning white. “Anything else?” He asked strained.
Klaus seemed to be revelling at Matt’s behaviour and grinned. “Actuall you could-“
“No.” Matt interrupted dryly before walking away.
Alice’s eyes followed Matt until he disappeared into the kitchen. “What was wrong with you?”
“Excuse me?” Klaus said slowly.
“You were doing it on purpose.” Alice said simply.
“Doing what, Love?”
Alice went to reply but quickly closed her mouth when she couldn’t really think of anything Klaus had done that was overly obvious.
Klaus raised an eyebrow. “You were saying?”
Alice pursed her lips and shook her head. “Never mind.”
Klaus leant back into side of the booth, smirking. “I have a question for you?”
The smirk slid from his face and was replaced with a seriousness that Alice hadn’t seen since the night before at the mention of Aleysia.
“Last night,” He started. “What do you remember?”
A flash of red eyes and blood flickered through her mind but as soon as it appeared it was gone.
The question troubled Alice; as her goings last night were blurred. And she didn't like the random question being thrown at her. “Why?” She asked, defensively.
What if the only reason he had asked her to accompany him to diner was to find something out. Alice did have to admit that he had a face she just wanted to spill everything to. And she didn’t like that feeling at all. It made her feel exposed and almost naked like. That around this one man –one whom she had only known less than a day- was about to make her admit to anything.

“Just curious.” He replied.
“About?” She pressed.
“What happened?”
Alice frowned. “Nothing happened.” Although she knew that was a lie. Her confrontation with Ester was hard to forget, she couldn’t seem to get the words out of her head. She was working her hardest to understand just what Ester meant behind everything she said. ‘You shouldn’t be here.’
“Just a word of warning, Alice, I don’t enjoy being lied to when I’m being perfectly polite.”
“I-I’m not lying.”
“Stand up.” He said blankly.
“What? No.”
Klaus tilted his head. “I suppose I’ll have to come to you then.”
Alice swallowed and moved to get out of the booth. She wasn’t sure what was going on. Why Klaus was getting so worked up over this, befuddled Alice. Is she supposed to know something?
But Klaus was seated beside her before she even managed to uncross her legs.
“Look at me.”
Slowly she did.
His eyes locked onto hers and his pupils Dilated.
"What is the last thing you remember from last night?" He asked slowly and purposely.
Alice's mind took her back. "Talking to your mother."
"What about?"
"Not belonging here and Aleysia."
"Do you remember anything else?"
Klaus relaxed after than and looked away from her, but he didn't move back to his previous seat instead leant back and made himself confortable.
It was then that Matt came back with a single plate in his hands and carefully put it down in front of Alice,and then just walked away.
Alice looked questioningly at Klaus as he had nothing..
When he noticed her look, he reached across and stole something off of her plate.
That drew in her attention again. He popped it in his mouth and and chewed slowly.
"You should try it." He said.
Alice looked down at her meal and slowly reached out and picked up a something yellow, long and thin.
"They're fries." Klaus informed.
"Fries." Alice repeated, testing out the word. And then just like Klaus had, she popped it into her mouth. It was like nothing she could remember consuming before. It was soft and she chewed it and she couldn't quite pin-point the flavour but she loved it.
She grinned and quickly ate another one. "They're good."
A hand appeared out of nowhere and reached between Klaus and Alice, plucking up a fry. "They are, aren't they, Darling?"
"Kol." Klaus said blankly.
"Hello, brother." Kol greeted with a smirk. He moved to sit is Klaus' previous seat opposite and stole another of Alice's fries.
"Evening, Kol." Alice greeted politly with a wide smile.
"What are you doing here, Kol?" Klaus asked sharply.
Kol shrugged. "I thought i'd come and get a drink."
"Drink elsewhere, brother."
"I'm sure Alice won't mind my company, isn't that right?"
Alice blushed as both men turned to face her. She didn't like the attention. But she really didn't mind Kol's companys so she nodded.
Kol grinned triumphantly. "It seems she still doesn't know how to listen to you."
"Kol..." Klaus growled warningly.
"What? I'm just saying."
So Kol knew too. Alice was growing more and more uneasy with the idea of everyone knowing this giant secret and not her. But she knew better than to ask Klaus about it considering the way her reacted on the dance floor just last night.
"Blonde alert." Kol muttered, picking up another fry.
Klaus' head snapped up and over to the door where a beautiful blonde had just wanted in. Alice continued picking away at her fries but she couldn't keep her eyes off of Klaus. Just as he couldn't drag his eyes off of the blonde.
The blonde locked eyes with Klaus and with a loud sigh made her way over.
"Caroline." Klaus greeted. "What can I do you for?"
Kol's foot nudged Alice and when she looked at him he twisted his face up unattractively making her giggle.
Both Klaus and Caroline turned to face her and she flushed, looking away down at her plate.
"I need to talk to you." Caroline said.
"What about?"
"Can we go somewhere private?"
Klaus nodded.
And as he got up, Alice's heart sank. She barely knew this man, all she could tell anyone was his name, yet deep down he was familar and seeing him walking off with Caroline stirred something inside her. Something she didn't like nor understand. 
"Chin up, darling.  Now you get me all to your self." Kol said confidently.
Alice nodded and gave him a small smile but out of the corner of her eye she watched Klaus and Caroline leave.
"Who was she?" Alice asked curiously.
Kol shrugged. "Some blonde that my brothers been bidding his time obsessing over."
"He doesn't seem the type to obsess." She observed.
A sly smile slid onto Kols face. "You don't realise how wrong you are."

Klaus had been gone about twenty minutes and Alice was growing antsy over it but Kol was doing a good job at distracting her. Telling her stories and pointing out people in the grill that he didn't like...And that just happened to be everyone.
After giving Klaus enough time and him still not returning Alice grew tried and just wanted to go back to her Apartment.
"Allow me to acompany you home." Kol gave a mocking bow and held out his elbow.
Alice giggled, but shook her head. "Stay. You came for a drink and I haven't see you have one."
It didn't take much arguing. "If you insist."
"Good night, Kol."
"Good night."
Alice gave him a smile and watched as he wondered away. She shook her head as he approached a woman who was so clearly not interested.

When Alice was greeted by the biting cold fresh air she took a deep breath and sighed before following down the path so had began to memorize.
She didn't get very far before a voice called after her. "Excuse me!?
She turned around a polite smile on her face. She found a tall older man standing before. He had short brown hair that had been blown by the wind and brown eyes that reminded her of Kol. "Can I help you?" She asked politely.
"Alice, right?"
Warning bells rangs wildly in her head. How does he know me? She thought. She eyed him carefully but nodded. "Yes."
"Forgive me." And then he lunged at her. He moved impossibly fast that Alice couldn't see him until he had his arms around her. A strangled cry managed to claw it's way up her throat before the world around her went blank.

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