What Was Left

By riocat1

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From the rubble of the Red Keep, Jaime is left alive with nothing but his love for Brienne and his regrets ov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 & Epilogue

Chapter 20

449 8 1
By riocat1

Brienne and Jaime bid farewell to the old witch, Maggie, at day break the next morning. They made straight for the coast, deciding that veering south to Storms End would take too much time from their final goal, Evenfall. Though they drove the horse to the edge of its endurance from dawn until dusk, they were still five days upon the road. Brienne saw to the cleaning and care of Jaime's wound, and he was quickly on his way to full health once more. For her, he brewed the nursing tea that Maggie had sent with them, and did his best to distract her from the longing for their babe which nearly overwhelmed her. Both desperate to reach their child, the only deliverance they found from their constant fear for him, was in each other. Each night was spent in adoring embraces and thrilling love making. The deep glorious passions they shared strengthened not only their love, but also their bond. Silently, privately, they prayed that no one would ever separate them ever again, and nothing would be allowed to shadow their happiness.

At last Jaime and Brienne reached the gently lapping waves of the Narrow Sea. They thought it odd that none of the enemy troops which had beset the Red Keep were encountered. However, both counted themselves lucky to still be stalwart upon their journey. As they strode upon the white sand beach that skimmed the coast of the continent, the sun shone over the surf as if it were lighting their path and wishing them well. Its bright rays shimmered off the water in a way that made them believe the day could end in nothing but joy. They were eager to cross the Straits of Tarth, and set upon their final distance to Brienne's ancestral home. While there was neither dock nor warf nearby, a little way down the shore they met a young fisherman willing to peddle his small boat for the few gold coins they held in their pockets, and the horse.

Before the sun had begun to move from its height at noon, Jaime and Brienne were rowing over the surf toward Tarth. They had barely put oar to water when Brienne grew silent. Jaime felt he knew the notion that had gripped her thought. He had tried to take comfort in the fact that meeting no enemy troops must surely have meant that the Tarly's, with Galladon in their care, had easily reached the Evenstar. With each passing mile, as he watched Brienne became more anxious, and ominously silent, Jaime was certain her fears of just the opposite were surely growing. He could not bear the pain in her solemn mood. He did his best to present a hopeful front to her. When at last the peeks of Tarth began to emerge over the horizon, Brienne broke her uncomfortable silence.

"How long do you think it takes for a babe to forget someone?" She asked Jaime mournfully.

His heart broke at her dreadful quandary. Jaime lifted his paddle from the brine, and rested it against his stumped arm. He reached across their tiny craft and took hold of her shoulders, trying to give her a settling presence in the midst of her hopeless. He turned her gently to meet his understanding gaze. "Brienne." Jaime spoke softly. "I am certain that you have never left Galladon's heart, nor his memory. Just as he has never left yours." There was not a hint of uncertainty within Jaime's tone. "You are his mother. Of course our son will remember you." He asserted. Brienne regarded him, tears in her eyes, wanting to believe him. The despair he saw tearing at her heart shattered Jaime's own. Jaime brought Brienne's fingers to his lips and kissed them softly.

Jaime smiled lovingly at Brienne. "You knew our child before he was born and he knew you. Galladon will remember you, and you will feel his relief." He promised.

Brienne held tight to his hand, raising his palm to her face and resting her cheeks to his warm skin. "Thank the Gods you are here with me." She smiled tenderly back at him. "What would I do without you now?" She asked, thinking of how close she had come to losing him only a few days before. Brienne's chin quivered, as the sobs threatened to burst from her throat.

A happy and encouragingly romantic grin found Jaime's face as he drew closer to her. "That, My Love, is a fate you will never know." He swore. He and Brienne shared a sweet and loving kiss as Tarth came fully into view, Evenfall shining high above the sapphire waters.
The peaceful isle of Tarth spread before them. Jaime watched mesmerized by its soaring green peeks. He remembered the time he had viewed the island from the deck of a ship heading to Dorne, and had felt himself strengthen just to be so near to Brienne's home. Even now, Jaime smiled to himself imagining how strange he must have seemed staring at the little piece of land smiling like a fool, as if everything he wished for in the entire world had been there. Yet, she was not, Brienne had been so far from Tarth then and from him, he had known not where. Simply the thought of her had brought those astonishing eyes to his mind, his body almost reacting to the memory of her glorious body as it had at Harrenhal. His heart had thrilled to think that she was alive somewhere in the same world as he. It was all he had of her then, all he could give to her. Jaime had been far too dominated by Cersei to admit that Brienne was the one he loved. How wonderful it was that his sister no longer stood between them. Brienne was his, and she was beside him, not just an image but flesh and blood. Her heart now beat in time with his, all their hopes focused on the same thing, reuniting with their infant son.

For a moment, Jaime regarded the monumental structure in which Brienne had grown. It was ancient, like his own home of Casterly Rock, yet it did not appear to have forced its way out of the bedrock below as did the Lannister stronghold. Although it's walls were thick and massive, Evenfall Hall seemed to have an almost otherworldly quality. It appeared as if some celestial being had set it from the Heavens upon the slopes of Tarth. The family's Sigil flew high above the castle, displaying the sun and moons of some mystical realm. Jaime turned to regard Brienne as she seemed to calm in the presence of her home. He thought how much the place suited her. It was by rights part of Westeros, yet seemed somehow set apart from it, untouched by the bloody conniving of the mainland. It was like her, unmoving, pure, rising above all of it.

Through some connection that had grown long ago, Brienne felt Jaime watching her and smiled sweetly. She looked up to his loving eyes upon her. "What is it you are thinking?" She sighed.

Jaime breathed contentedly, drinking in the sight of her as they rowed. "How this place suits you." He admitted. His eyes drifted toward Evenfall and back to Brienne. "And how much I love you." He answered sincerely.

A bashful redness blazed across Brienne's cheeks, still unaccustomed to such open adoration, yet enjoying it immensely. The deep crystal blue depths of her eyes rivaled the water, as they trapped the emerald hue of his own in her gaze. "I love you, too." She vowed. It was the most earnest pledge that Jaime had ever heard. It would joyfully echo in ears forever.

They landed upon the beach just below Evenfall. Brienne hauled the little boat onto the sand and beyond the surf, unwilling to allow Jaime to aggravate his wound. Together they hurried up the sandy dunes and rocks to the gate of the great fortress of Brienne's ancestral home. The guards who stood at the portcullis recognized Lord Selwyn's daughter immediately, and tried to hide their judgemental eyeing of the Kingslayer. Snapping to attention,The Evenstar's men ushered Brienne and her companion quickly into the courtyard.

"Fetch my father." Brienne ordered them. The men rushed off, eager to comply with the wishes of the woman whom they understood would someday be the successor to Lord Selwyn's honored title.

She turned to Jaime urgently. "Help me with my armor." She beseeched him, beginning to pull at the leather and buckles that held the steel plates together around her body. "I want to hold our child close to me when I see him." She explained. "I do not want anything between us." She told Jaime, her eyes betraying her dread that Galladon might not be there.

Jaime hurried to grant her request, unfastening ties and laying the pieces of Brienne's armor on the ground at her feet. Neither noticed how the bannermen, squires, and servants had abandoned their duties in the courtyard and stood watching the Evenstar's long-absent daughter and the Kingslayer. It was not until the tall, white-haired Lord of Evenfall emerged from the castle's main doorway did the onlookers scurry to give him the privacy that was due his rank and station.

"Brienne!" Lord Selwyn's booming voice echoed off the stone walls surrounding them. He strode toward her with a commanding force, a sure step, and regal air that Jaime noted would have made Tywin Lannister envious.

Brienne looked up, a sweet smile bursting forth upon her face in greeting. Jaime watched her relax now in the reassuring protection of her father, while he felt himself grow nervous at what the Evenstar's reaction to him would be. Jaime's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach when he noticed that Galladon was nowhere to be seen. He was unsure if he had thought Lord Selwyn would have the babe in his arms, but he feared Brienne's reaction if their son was not there.

"My Darling Girl!" Lord Selwyn beamed as he at last reached Brienne and threw his arms around her, enveloping her in a endearing embrace.

Brienne crumbled against Lord Selwyn, tears beginning to fall from her weary eye. "Father!" She exclaimed, the years of missing him and longing for his comforting unconditional affection seeping from her with a long slow sigh.

"You are home at last." The Evenstar celebrated, holding his daughter close.

Jaime felt Lord Selwyn's glance wash heavily over him. He could not tell if the scrutiny he received from the Lord of Tarth was the gratitude of returning the man's child to him, or the scorn of knowing what he had done to Brienne. He stood back quietly, allowing them their moment, almost wanting to shrink from view. Brienne appeared a little girl in her father's arms. It was clear Lord Selwyn adored his only living child. Jaime thought of all the times he had longed for his own father's embrace, and how few occurrences which it had been given. He was glad that Brienne had been raised with such love, and vowed that Galladon would never be denied his affection. Jaime swore that his son would always know how much he was loved. The vision of Brienne, for a moment so happy, and the thought of their son brought the apprehension for his boy's safety again to the forefront of Jaime's thoughts.

It was as if Brienne were reading his thoughts. She pulled from her father and searched the old man's face pleadingly. "Father. Our son." She asked, more pain in her tone than either Jaime or a Lord Selwyn could bear. "We sent him to you when the Essosi attacked." She paused, almost afraid to complete her questioning. "Is he here?" She begged.

Jaime at last stepped forward, urgently. "Did the Tarly's arrive?" He asked, his heart refusing to beat in his chest.

For a moment, Lord Selwyn looked again to his daughter, his expression unreadable. Then he smiled proudly at her, reaching to touch her cheek. "At last you are here, My Child." He said to her, his eyes twinkling. "We were beginning to fear the worst." He admitted.

Brienne's brow furrowed questioningly as she stared at her father. "We?" She ask, bewildered.

Selwyn smiled widely, and nodded over Brienne's shoulder. Their thoughts swirling in confusion, both she and Jaime turned their heads along the path The Evenstar had directed. Together their cautious breaths caught as gasps in their throats. Smiling widely behind them, stood Samwell Tarly, his youngest child perched on his hip, his oldest clinging to his long Maester's rode. Brienne felt as though she were melting upon seeing Gilly standing beside her husband, a joyful beaming grin spread over her face. Held gently in her arms, healthy and well, laughing and cooing, reaching out his little arms for his own mother, was Galladon.

Brienne nearly screamed with happy delight, as she covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief. A sob of joy left her throat as she rushed to scoop her babe into her arms. Jaime's smile radiated as brightly as Brienne's as he followed close upon her heels. Gilly held the babe out eagerly to his overcome parents. Excitedly, Brienne wrapped her child in arms as her legs gave out beneath her. Lavishing kisses over her babe's head, she nestled the boy to the ground, Jaime stumbling to his place beside her. Unable to hold back the relieved tears that fell from her eyes, Brienne clasped Galladon close to her and rocked her squealing infant next to her heart. Oblivious to Lord Selwyn's fatherly eye cast over them, Jaime took Brienne and Galladon in his arms and held them tightly. His own relief and joy shining upon his face.

It was as if the long days that had separated mother and father from their child had not occured. Galladon touched Brienne's face and clutched at Jaime's beard, almost singing with adoring laughter. Brienne came to herself long enough to regard Jaime with a smile of amazement. His eyes sparkled back at her, and his lips brushed her temple. He cradled Galladon's head with his hand, and moved to add his kisses to Brienne's upon their child's cheek.

Gratefully, Brienne looked up into the faces of Gilly and Sam, who were beaming proudly at those they had helped reunite. "Thank you. Thank you." Brienne wept. "Thank you." She sighed, turning her happily tear-filled eyes to her father. Lord Selwyn uncharacteristically wiped the wetness from his own lashes as he watched his daughter's reunion with her child.

After a long moment lost in themselves and their son, Jaime rose from where he had knelt beside Brienne. He helped her up and steadied her upon shaking legs. Lord Selwyn noted the way his arm slid from Brienne's shoulders, softly down her back, and lingered possessively at her waist. It was clear that any anger or bitterness she may have held against The Kingslayer for having been left alone to bear and raise his child had been replaced by a secure familiarity. The Evenstar watched the way Jaime Lannister looked at Brienne, as if no one else existed in all the world save for their child. He most certainly did not appear to be someone who would have left Brienne for love of another. Lord Selwyn had been prepared to order Ser Jaime from Evenfall upon threat of his life. He would abide no one hurting his daughter anymore than had already been done. Now, however, it was clear that the father of her child seemed to have no intention of ever leaving Brienne's side. The three seemed, a family.

As Lord Selwyn's pondered Jaime's position in Brienne's life, the younger father turned to Samwell Tarly and presented his outstretched palm. "Grand Maester." Jaime began. "I cannot begin to convey my gratitude." He asserted. "You saved my son." He bowed his head, conceding a debt he could never repay.

Sam shook his head, not accepting Jaime's obligation. "As you did my family, Ser." He acknowledged with a grateful smile. The two regarded each other, each understanding the depth of the other's paternal duty. Sam then let his gaze drift to young Galladon. A thoughtful smile found his face. "That is a brave little Knight you have there." He nodded.

Jaime stole a moment to lose himself in the vision of Brienne with Galladon before his expression turned serious. He addressed both Lord Selwyn and Samwell Tarly. "Has there been any news of the Keep, the Capital?" He asked with worry in his tone. "Any word of The King?" He paused, fearfully. He had not even seen Tyrion during the battle. Jaime prayed that meant he had escaped to safety. "Any word of my..." Suddenly his inquiry was interrupted by a loud familiar voice entering the courtyard from an arched doorway a few paces from them.

"Brother!" Tyrion shouted overjoyed as he bounded toward Jaime. Ser Davos was second to emerge from Evenfall's interior, a pleased look on his face that the Lord Commander and the Master of War had at last been accounted for. Ser Bronn sauntered a short distance behind them, in no particular hurry. It was difficult to dicipher his expression. However, all gathered in the courtyard were certain the distant flower upon the face of the Master of Coin was annoyance, most probably at having been interrupted in his purveying of the house maids.

Jaime dropped to his knee as Tyrion approached, and embraced his brother warmly. "It is good to see you." He gushed. Hearing a muffled snort emanate from his brother's throat Jaime leaned back and studied Tyrion with great curiosity. "I dare say, you are quite choked up." He teased, relying on humor lest he too dissolve into tears of joy at seeing his brother alive and unharmed. Brienne gave him a sympathetic look as Galladon wiggled in her arms. She knew Jaime had been worried about Tyrion's fate, even if he had not voiced his concern.

Tyrion glared back at him. "We thought you were both dead. Killed in the battle." Tyrion shoved Jaime away as he had when they had teased each other as children, thoughts of finding him near death in the rubble of the dragon siege plaguing his mind. "You really must stop doing this to me." He chuckled, composing himself.

His expression grew soft as Tyrion looked to Brienne, her babe at last restored to her. "I am relieved to see you well, My Lady." He said kindly, his gaze fell upon Galladon. "He has missed you." Tyrion relayed with a warm smile.

Brienne nodded, unable to contain her delight, as she nestled Galladon close to her cheek. "It is our fears that are assuaged, My Lord." She imparted as Jaime returned to her, and pulled her near. She regarded him with a sweet glance, that made Tyrion flash a raised brow to his brother. Jaime grinned back at him like a lovesick youth. "We feared you all massacred by the Essosi." Brienne converged, turning toward the members of the Small Council.

Ser Davos chuckled. "They will need to send more than those sorry dogs to take us down, Lord Commander." He assured her.

Brienne nodded. "I am afraid Ser Jaime took the worst of that day." She lamented, holding Jaime in her sights with an empathetic and sad look.

"You were injured?" Tyrion asked Jaime, concerned.

"King Bran assured us you would soon arrive, but he said nothing about you being wounded." He studied Jaime with brotherly care, looking for any sign of weekness.

Jaime shook off his brother's worry, as Brienne nodded emphatically to Tyrion. "Just another scar to add to my collection." Jaime laughed as if he had not almost died. Brienne shuddered, and rolled her eyes sternly at him.

"Well." Bronn snorted. "While you two were galavanting about the countryside, we were seeing to the safety of The King." Bronn spoke up resentfully, as if his concern had been more than saving his own skin.

Brienne ignored Bronn's insulting arrogance. "We have seen no Essosi troops on our journey." She informed the group. "Not even a scout." Her confusion was evident even over the joy of holding her babe.

Davos nodded in Selwyn's direction. "You can thank your father for that, My Lady." He complimented. Brienne turned a quizzical brow to The Evenstar.

Lord Selwyn held up his hand as if he deserved very little credit. "And Lord Gendry." He assured them, refusing accolades.

"Please, My Lord." Jaime addressed Selwyn respectfully. "How did you turn the tide if the battle?" He asked, grateful that whatever course The Evenstar had taken was to ensure the safety of Brienne and Galladon.

It was Davos who answered, nodding toward The Evenstar. "Lord Selwyn and Lord Gendry sent the Navies of Tarth and Storms End to surprise the enemy in the Bay." He laughed, his eyes flashing in elation. "They boxed them in The Blackwater, and cut off any escape." Davos detailed. "The Essosi we're soundly defeated. Their fleet destroyed." He reported proudly.

"The fookers never knew what hit 'em." Bronn howled in bawdy laughter. The other men eyed him contemptuously for using such language in the presence of ladies. Bronn pretended not to notice.

"I readied my fleet and sent word to Lord Gendry the moment I received the Raven's message that you were sending the babe to me." He said with certainty. "My daughter and grandson were in peril." Selwyn said to Davos. "There was no other choice to be made." He smiled softly at his only child. Selwyn stepped to Brienne, and placed his arm at her waist, nudging Jaime out of the way, and pulling his daughter to him.

The protective gesture was not lost upon Jaime and seemed to elicit it's desired effect. The Lion of Lannister stepped back, and lowered his head in deference. A nervous knot formed in Jaime's stomach. It was clear that Brienne's father was not going to let him off easily. Jaime understood that he had much for which to atone.

"Thanks to your bravery, Jaime." Tyrion acknowledged. "And yours, Ser Brienne." He nodded. "We were able to evade the enemy, and leave The Red Keep, unharmed." He lauded.

Jaime bowed his head, accepting the tribute silently. However, his worries were still not completely alleviated. "What of The King?" He asked nervously.

"And Ser Podrick?" Brienne added, concern for her young friend lining her face with worry.

"We are both quite well, I assure you, Ser Brienne. A calm warm voice called from a few paces away. It was a relief to Brienne's ears.

Brienne, Jaime, and those assembled turned to see King Bran being escorted into the courtyard by a jubilant Podrick, his eyes shining with joy upon seeing both of his mentors returned to them.

"You have arrived at last." The King stated as if he had never feared any other outcomes. "I trust you found help along with way, from some kind ally." He nodded, knowingly.

"We did, Your Grace." Jaime bowed, accepting Bran's salutation gladly, yet wondering if the King had known all along about their visit with Maggie. "Our benefactor was most helpful." He smiled.

"I see that. Good." Bran answered slyly.

Before another word could be spoken, Brienne kissed Galladon's head and slid him into Lord Sewyn's arms. She rushed to kneel before King Bran, shame shadowing her face. "Your Grace." She began. "I throw myself upon your mercy, and beg your forgiveness." She said, casting her eyes to the ground, unable to look at the young monarch.

Bran stared at her, his expression unreadable. "What offense have you committed, Lord Commander?" He asked her, almost amused. Behind him, Podrick's face fell in fear for Brienne.

Jaime stood, looking on in confusion for a moment, before the gravity of Brienne's gesture hit him. He hurried to her side, and joined her in genuflect. He would not let her face retribution alone. "Your Grace, My Lady's actions were most honorable, and meant only to aid my recovery from the damage inflicted by an Essosi blade." He explained. "Any transgression that could possibly be laid upon her, is mine as well." He offered.

Brienne threw Jaime a sideways look, fearful that he may receive the same punishment leveled at her. She would not accept his selfless admission. One of them needed to be left to look after Galladon. "I abandoned my post." She confessed, bravely. "I left the Keep and my men, while under attack." She continued, her face a portrait of regret. "I have forsaken my vow to protect you." She admitted, yet knowing she would have done no different. Jaime's life would have been the cost of her vow. It was a price she was not willing to pay.

"Ser Brienne." Bran addressed her, his tone unchanged. "As you can see, I am quite well." He assured her. "The Keep had fallen. Myself and the other members of the Small Council had already fled." Bran conceded. "There was nothing more you could have done." He told her. "As my Lord Commander, and a member of the Small Council it was your duty to see that you were not captured by the enemy. You are far too valuable to the Realm." He asserted. "You cared to the health and safety of our Master of War, and kept him from being captured as well, when he could not do so himself." Bran nodded at Jaime. "You did exactly what I would have expected you to." He declared prophetically.

Brienne raised her eyes to The King, her face still shadowed with pain. "But men died, good men." She argued, thinking about the guards and soldiers who had fought so bravely to defend The Red Keep.

Bran lowered his chin in thought, his usual untouched stare distant. "Men always die in war, Lord Commander." He answered. "It is up to us to see to it that they did not die in vain." He charged. Brienne and Jaime looked thoughtfully at each other, relief settling over them.

"Rise, Ser Brienne, Ser Jaime." Bran bid them. "And tend to your child." The boy King almost smiled. "He has missed you." He said, seeming to know even a Galladon's needs.

Jaime stood first, and held out his hand to help Brienne to her her feet. "Thank you, Your Grace." He spoke, his heart filled with gratitude. Brienne nodded at King Bran in agreement. "There is just one question." Jaime peered up at Pod. "Why did you choose to bring the king here?" He asked, smiling. Aware of how his quandary might have sounded and not wishing to insult his host, Jaime pivoted quickly to face The Evenstar. "No offense, My Lord." He stammered. "It is just that there were other fortresses along the way, and Tarth was quite a distance to travel." Jaime explained. Tyrion smirked in amusement at his brother's groveling.

"It was the distance that made this island the perfect sanctuary." Ser Davos answered. "Evenfall Hall is a strong and proven fortress, defensible on all sides, and far from the invasion force." He described. Jaime nodded at the logic of the solution. "It was Ser Podrick's idea." Davos motioned toward the young knight.

Pod blushed, at the attentions of the others. "Well. Ser Brienne always made Tarth sound so peaceful and safe. I could not think of anyplace that could be more perfect to shepherd our King." He grinned.

Brienne smiled beamed brighter than the rays of sunlight that glistened through her hair and made Jaime's heart skip a beat, as she lifted Galladon once more into her arms. She wrapped her loving grasp around her babe and nodded at Pod in agreement. "That it is, Ser Podrick. That it is." She concurred.
Later that afternoon, as the bright Sun of Tarth spread it's warmth over Evenfall Hall, Brienne and Jaime lounged in the comfort of her chambers. A soft refreshing breeze drifted in through the large open doors that led to a balcony overlooking the sapphire waves. It wrapped itself around them as they lavished all of their attention upon their son, attempting to make up for the time they had lost. For his part, the babe cooed, and played, and drew close to them as if they had never been parted. Brienne lay stretched upon the pillows of her comfortable cloud-like bed, wrapped in a pale blue robe, at last nursing Galladon at her breast. Jaime reclined beside them, his head propped upon his palm, his stump draped over Brienne's hip. A wide sublime smile seemed to be permanently fixed over his features watching mother and child revel in their reunion.

"You see, My Love." He sighed. "I told you he would not forget the woman who gave him life." Jaime remarked to Brienne, bending to lay a sweet kiss at his son's temple.

Brienne acquiesced bashfully. "You did." She agreed. "And you were right. It is as if he was with us all along." She looked with loving awe at their babe as she moved him to her other side.

"He was." Jaime assured her. "Our child never left our hears, or our thoughts." He lifted himself to sit against the pillows and slid Brienne into his arms. "He had to sense that somehow." Jaime's lips grazed against her cheek.

Brienne nestled into Jaime's embrace, and exhaled contentedly. At the feel of her soft form against him, Jaime's arousal for her began to grow. He was not the only one who noticed. "Can't you even wait, until I'm finished here?" Brienne giggled.

Jaime gave her a guilty look. "I cannot help it." He defended himself. "It has been nearly an entire day since I have enoyed your magnificent body." He pouted. "Now, you lay here so close to me." He tried to justify his body's response,

Brienne turned and caressed his jaw. "Oh, My Dearest." She exclaimed, biting her lip. "I didn't realize how difficult it would be for you." She tried to conceal the grin forming on her face. "Here, let me make it easier." She offered. Gathering Galladon, Brienne began to inch toward the edge of the bed, preparing to rise and leave Jaime to calm himself.

"Oh no you don't!" Jaime protested, pulling her back to him, and holding her tightly close, Galladon perched between them oblivious to his parents' banter. "You are not going anywhere." Jaime decided, turning his attentions and his mouth to Brienne's neck. She laughed aloud with glee.

When he had sufficiently tasted Brienne's sweet skin, Jaime loosened his grip upon her, but could not help but notice she continued to chuckle. "What?" He prodded with feigned annoyance.

Brienne attempted to gain control of herself, but a soft laugh slipped from her mouth before she could stop it. "I wonder what my father would say if he saw us like this." She dissolved into full laughter, as Jaime's expression fell.

"Really, Brienne." He studied her drolly. "Bringing up your father at a time like this?" He felt his impending hardness deflate at the mention of Lord Selwyn.

"I simply mean that I have never entertained a gentleman in my quarters." She batted her eyes at him. "Not here at Evenfall anyway." She was every bit the innocent, recalling all the nights he had spent in her quarters at Winterfell. It had been so many that they considered the room, not hers, but theirs. "I imagine the poor man would be shocked at his daughter's behavior." She shook her head in mocked sadness.

Jaime looked at Brienne indignantly, joining her farce. "My Darling." He began sweetly. "We share a child together." Jaime smiled at Galladon affectionately, tweeking the babe's soft cheek. "I'm sure he knows." Jaime informed Brienne. Together, they melted against each other in merriment. The closeness that had been returned to them felt good and right.

Almost as if on cue, a few moments later while Galladon finished from Brienne and she tied her dressing gown around her, a soft low knock sounded upon the door. "Daughter." Lord Selwyn's deep voice called from the passageway. "Might I have a word?" He asked simply, his tone hopeful.

Jaime's eyes shot wide, and he bolted upright. He stared at Brienne with a guilty grimace. He seemed a boy caught in a dalliance. His eyes pleaded with her for somewhere to hide. "What do we do?" He mouthed to her pleadingly, fearful the Evenstar might find him there.

Brienne rolled her eyes sweetly and swatted Jaime's arm. "What's the matter?" She teased. "I'm sure he knows." She repeated as she rose and headed for the door. As he jumped from the matress, Jaime saw any chance he may have had at winning over Lord Selwyn crumbling before his eyes. He took a few hesitant steps away from Brienne's bed. For a moment he thought to join her, but feared that far too familiar a stance from which face the father of the woman he loved. So, Jaime stood awkwardly in the middle of Brienne's bedchamber squirming like a mischievous child.

Brienne gave Jaime an empathetic glance toward the door. She slowly took hold of the latch and opened the heavy oak panel to greet her father. It was an action that seemed, to Jaime, to last an eternity. Lord Selwyn stood tall and proud on the other side of the door. The old man's stoic expression melted upon seeing Brienne's happy smile. Galladon's giggle at the sight of his grandfather brought a cascade laughter from both of them.

The Evenstar, opened his arms wide, and ushered his daughter and her child into his loving embrace. "Ah, you look happy and rested, My Dear." He determined as he let them loose and entered the room. Lord Selwyn had not taken two steps when his eyes fell upon Jaime, who was doing his best to disappear.

"Ser Jaime." Lord Selwyn announced. The Lion of Lannister could not tell if the man's voice meant to threaten or calm.

"My Lord." Jaime bowed his head to his host, and snapped to attention. His face turning bright red, imagining the thoughts which must have certainly been occurring to Brienne's father.

Brienne quickly closed the door, and hurried to her lover's defense. "Ser Jaime was just attending to our comfort." She said urgently, not necessarily telling a falsehood. "He came to see if we needed anything." She added, before trailing off. She stared at Lord Selwyn, hoping he would not jump to the obvious conclusion.

Lord Selwyn, scoffed lightly and held up his hand. "It is alright daughter." He told her, amusement in his voice. "I am well aware that Ser Jaime has spent the entire afternoon with you, here in your chambers." He eyed her dressing gown.

Brienne blushed, drawing the neckline of her garment closer around her throat. She opened her mouth to justify their intimacy, and then thought better of the notion. Like a little girl about to be punished, she clamped her lips shut. This time, Brienne looked beseechingly at Jaime for help.

Jaime cleared his throat and spoke up, eager to defend Brienne's honor. "Lord Sel..." He began, but was stopped by Selwyn's authoritative glare.

"The both of you seem to be under the impression that I think your relationship chaste." There was a tinge of a smile in Selwyn's eyes as he spoke. "Yet, that precious babe in my daughter's arms would attest otherwise." He asserted. Jaime and Brienne both lowered their eyes.

A loud rift of laughter rose from the Evenstar's throat. "Not to worry." He assured them. "Brienne is not a silly girl. It has been been many years since she lived under this roof." He looked at his daughter, a touch of sadnes in his eyes. "She is more than capable of making her own choices, and deciding with whom she..." He cleared his throat in a knowing manner. "...spends her time." Lord Selwyn finished, his remarks cutting at least some of the tension in the room.

"Besides." The Evenstar added. "I would not keep another father from his child." The old man knew all too well the pain of being separated from his own offspring. "Especially when that child is my own grandson, and the man in question obviously adores the babe, and his mother." He glanced at Brienne affectionately, and then brought softer eyes to Jaime.

"I would however ask if I might interrupt your family's time together this afternoon, Ser." Lord Selwyn spoke to Jaime almost reverently. "I would like a few moments to speak privately with my daughter, if I may?" He asked kindly.

Jaime visibly relaxed at the thought that Lord Selwyn was not about to order him drawn and quartered. He had the look of a man stayed from execution. A shy sheepish smile spread over his face. "Of course, My Lord." He answered, bowing slightly. "I should confer with my brother regarding matters of the Crown." He elaborated, trying to seem as if he would be able to find more productive endeavors than sulking until he could rejoin Brienne.

Lord Selwyn's face brightened at the idea. "I believe you might find Lord Tyrion in the Library." He offered. "He has become quite fascinated with our collection of volumes." The Evenstar smiled.

"I imagine he has." Jaime laughed, thinking of Tyrion's voracious appetite for reading. He bowed once more and made his way to the door.

Brienne followed him, and opened the door slowly, attempting to secret herself somewhat from her father's eyes as she bid farewell to the man whose arms had held her only a few moments before. "Would you return later?" She whispered into his hear, anticipation in her voice.

Seeming now, unconcerned if Lord Selwyn noticed the intimacy between them he slid his hand around her waist, and brought his lips to her ear. "Try to stop me." He challenged low and seductive. Then he laid one last kiss upon her tender lips, smoothed the fuzz on Galladon's head, and left the room in search of Tyrion.

Brienne nudged the door shut and returned her attentions to her father. "Let me look at you." Lord Selwyn commanded sweetly, holding out his hands for her to join him. Brienne took his grasp and stood before her father with a bright wide smile.

Unable to contain his joy any longer, Selwyn wrapped his daughter in his arms and held her tightly, Galladon between them. "It does my heart good to behold you at last." He declared. "I am overjoyed you are finally home." He professed.

Brienne relaxed into his protective shielding embrace. "It is good to be home, Father." She answered joyfully, as Galladon joined with an affirmative mumble.

Selwyn stepped back a bit and looked down at the boy, nestled against Brienne's chest. "And what a fine grandson you have given me." He complimented fondly. " No man could ask for a greater gift." He puffed his chest proudly, boastfully.

Brienne regarded her babe with motherly pride. "I am glad you have gotten the chance to get to know him." She acknowledged. "He seems very happy to be at Evenfall as well." She shifted Galladon on her hip, and nuzzled his forehead.

Lord Selwyn, cupped his hand softly around Galladon's head, and studied the boy for a moment before speaking again. "Ser Jaime seems to have taken to the role of father with ease." He noted.

Brienne's eyes grew soft and tender, contemplating her son's father. "Jaime adores Galladon." She asserted.

"It would appear so." Selwyn nodded, his face growing pensive. "However, I need to remind you that your son will always have his rightful place here at Evenfall." He eyed her seriously. "Galladon has title, name, and birthright. Their is no reason for you to commit yourself to a man unworthy of you." His tone was serious and unflinching as he finished.

Brienne stared at her father, stricken. "Unworthy?" She echoed. "Ser Jaime has nearly sacrificed himself to death for me twice." She informed him indignantly.

Nodding his acceptance of that fact, Lord Selwyn's forehead creased in concern nonetheless. "He also took your maidenhead and left you to bare his child alone." He reminded Brienne.

"He did so to protect me." Brienne raised her voice in defiance. "Ser Jaime ensured the death of his own sister so that I would always be safe." She countered, her voice catching in her throat. Wondering just how long she would have survived if Cersei had lived, Brienne held Galladon even tighter.

Lord Selwyn easily saw the dread in his daughter's eyes, as she fought back tears. Suddenly, his need to comfort her overwhelmed his protectiveness. He took Brienne's hand and began to lead her toward the balcony. "It not my intention to trouble you." He smiled awkwardly. "Come, let us sit." He bid. Brienne returned his pleasantries with a weak smile of her own, and followed where he led. However, her heart raced wondering what the continuation of their conversation would bring.

The shadows of the lush foliage that lined the terrace were beginning to lengthen as Brienne and her father settled themselves upon the soft cushions of a settee beside the railing, overlooking the gently lapping currents that washed the beach below. Lord Selwyn regarded Brienne and her babe with loving awe. His mind traveled to the days when it was he who had nestled his own infant daughter in his arms within the shielding walls of Evenfall. He regretted the pain and the danger she had known during the years she had been away. Though Selwyn wished with all of his heart that he could have kept her safe from the injury and heartbreak that had tormented her, the pride he felt for the strong and independent woman she had become allowed him to trust the decisions she would make for her life. Although he had been well advised by Lord Tyrion during his stay of the ways in which Ser Jaime was indeed deserving of Brienne's affections, his fatherly pride was not about to let the man off so easily, yet.

Enlivened by the breezes which played around them, Galladon wriggled in his mother's grasp. Brienne turned him to lean against her, facing his grandfather. "May I?" Selwyn smiled and held out his arms.

Brienne brightened at the notion. "Of course." She answered with a sweet and proud grin. Eagerly, she held Galladon up to Lord Selwyn, who raised the boy in the air and laughed with glee at his playful joy. Brienne's heart melted watching two of the men her life delight in each other, while she desperately wished the third were beside her.

Selwyn lowered Galladon onto his lap, blowing a loud kiss over his cheek on the way. The babe giggled happiness as he nestled into The Evenstar's arms. Lord Selwyn sighed, and let his grandson tug on his beard. Brienne laughed and tried to delicately pull her son's hand from her father's face.

Selwyn waved her away with a chuckle. "It is quite alright Daughter." He assured her. "Certainly no worse that what you used to do to me." His eyes sparkled at the memory. "You nearly twisted my nose off." He laughed.

Brienne gasped. "I did not." She declared, disbelieving.

Selwyn nodded. "A sign of things to come." He said admiringly. Brienne lowered her gaze bashfully. She supposed her father was correct.

For a long moment, Lord Selwyn sat in silence staring out over the waves. He laid a kiss atop Galladon's head, and breathed in his sweet scent deeply. The old man let his cheek rest upon the boy's downy hair, and then spoke almost in a whisper to Brienne. "You love him." He stated matter-of-factly.

Her eyes widened and Brienne regarded her father in confusion. "My son?" She questioned. "Of course I love him." She declared.

Selwyn scoffed amusedly at the misunderstanding. "No." He replied. "Not Galladon." He corrected. "Ser Jaime." The Evenstar raised his eyes to view Brienne's expression.

Brienne's face gentled at the thought of Jaime. Lord Selwyn had never seen such adoration in her eyes before. It was as if the man who possessed his daughter's heart stood before them. She breathed deep and let the air float slowly from her lungs. "I do." She declared softly, wistfully, a sweet smile playing upon her lips.

"The man used you, and betrayed you to return to his own sister." Anger seethed in Lord Selwyn's tone.

Brienne lowered her eyes, ashamed for the faith she once could not find in Jaime's love for her. "I thought that too, for the longest time." She shook her head. "But, Ser Jaime has proven to me that is not so." She told him, proudly.

"He has confessed the reasons he left to you?" Selwyn inquired, his eyes studying every aspect of her reaction.

Brienne's gaze fell to her lap, the brutality of her next words too dreadful to contemplate. "You know how vicious the Queen was." Brienne asked rhetorically. "She would have killed me once she knew I had taken Jaime's heart from her. "Brienne's face became stricken. "Galladon would never have drawn his first breath." A shudder ran through her at the horrible prospect.

Selwyn gritted his teeth at the fate Brienne described. "She would have had to step over my dead body to do so." He vowed.

Brienne brought her hand to hold her father's jaw, unwilling to envision the outcome of such a challenge. "And she would have." Brienne lamented. "Jaime knew that. He was willing to give his life, so that I would live." She affirmed, her heart bursting at his self sacrifice.

"Yet, all he has done brought you pain and grief?" Selwyn protested

"All he has done, he did to keep me safe." She answered with clarity and conviction. "His actions kept your grandchild safe, and alive, as well." Brienne asserted.

"And broke your heart." Selwyn continued.

"It has mended." Brienne conceded, her smile growing bigger. "Perhaps even stronger than it was before." She declared, her eyes admiring the distant waves yet seeing only Jaime.

"Yes." Lord Selwyn nodded. "I have spoken at length with Lord Tyrion." He informed her. "He has described the intensity of Ser Jaime's efforts in winning back your heart." He eyed Brienne with concern. "From what I understand, he was quite persistent." He studied his daughter, and saw only a gaze of admiration.

"He loves me, Father." Brienne asserted. "And I love him." She sighed.

Lord Selwyn nodded plaintively. "Are you certain of this?" He asked, allowing Brienne a moment to consider. It was an unnecessary pause.

She looked deeply into her father's eyes and answered him with all the earnest truth of a heart eternally pledged to the one she loved. "I have never been more certain of anything in my life." She swore.

With her answer, Selwyn relaxed. "Lord Tyrion imparted to me all that Ser Jaime did after he left you at Winterfell, and how you were the sole focus of his deeds." He said, his tone mellowed. "Although, the result was causing you pain, I cannot fault his motives." Selwyn conceded. "I believe his actions were quite clearly meant to keep you from harm. No man could hold grudge against another so willing to give their very life for the safety of his child." Lord Selwyn relented, clutching Brienne 's fingers tightly. "I needed to know that you had no doubts." He explained.

Brienne shook her head. "None at all." She answered, regarding her father lovingly.

"Well." He inhaled sharply. "It is quite clear that Ser Jaime is dedicated only onto you." He praised. "You say that you stole his heart." Selwyn chuckled. "It appears to have been freely given." He described. "Any man who sees the true grandeur which my daughter possesses, I could never deny." He beamed.

Brienne's happiness shone like the beams of sunlight that danced upon the water below. "Oh thank you, Father." She leaned and kissed him softly upon the cheek.

The Evenstar held his daughter in a loving embrace. "Just remember." He noted as he released her and set back to revel in the presence of his family. "Your heart belonged to me, first." He proclaimed, memories filling his thoughts.

Loving tears came to Brienne's eyes, and she nodded her acknowledgement. "Oh Father." She replied, holding tightly to his hand as when she was but a child. "It always will." Brienne promised.

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