Painkillers - {Fred Weasley}

By dolefully

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*Sequel to Antidepressant* More



265 16 7
By dolefully

The Burrow is comforting. The warmth pulls me in like it has so many times before. Before I realize it, before I can second guess what I'm doing, I knock weakly on the door. There's commotion inside, like someone is bustling down the hundreds of stairs inside. This was a stupid idea. I just left them, and now I expect to be welcomed back? I start to turn around when the door flies open.

"Lainey? Oh goodness! Delaney!" I'm pulled into an all too familiar embrace.

In an instant, I sob into Mrs. Weasley's shoulder. We stand there for what feels like hours while she clutches onto me so tightly, that I feel guilty. I wonder if she thinks I'm going to fade away again.

I manage to get it together enough for her to usher me inside. The comfort of the home engulfs me, starkly contrasting the bleak facility I spent so much time in. I fall into an armchair. Mrs. Weasley scurries towards the kitchen. She glances back at me once, as if to say, "please don't leave" before disappearing around the corner.

Before I know it, there is a chipped mug in my hand filled with tea, a little bit of sugar, and a splash of milk- just how I like it. I haven't had good tea in a very long time. I tell her everything. And I mean everything- the drugs and abuse and Him. Mrs. Wesley was crying the entire time, hand over her mouth in horror. I can't tell if she's disgusted with me or the things I've done. I hope it's the latter.

I tell her about how I saw Fred and George in the crowd that day- How they saved me. How Fred saved me.


A bewildered expression crosses her face. "Honey, Fred never went to America."

"Oh..." God, was I that fucked up?

She rests a hand on my knee and smiles softly. "But, Lainey, he's awake."

A whole new wave of emotions comes crashing down on me, and I'm not sure which is the right way to feel. I'm elated, of course, but also... Guilty? Have I been cheating on him? Are we still together? Is he angry? I would be angry. Does he even remember me? How long has he been awake?

I start picking at the skin around my nails. Regardless of everything, I smile.

Mrs. Weasley pulls me out of my own head. "Would you like to shower, darling?"

I nod slowly, and she guides me up the stairs to the nearest bathroom. "I'll bring you something to change into."

I look down at my plain, just-left-the-hospital clothes and nod again.

I make the water as hot as possible, hoping to burn away my other life. The room steams up quickly. I scrub my skin, ignoring the pink patches that form. When I'm finished, I take time to stare at myself in the mirror.

I still don't recognize myself. My platinum hair is growing out, revealing the blonde roots. My face still looks like shit. I'm thin. Too thin. I run a finger down my ribs like a xylophone. I laugh so I don't cry again. God, I'm tired of crying. T

here's a light knock on the door. I quickly wrap the towel around myself. "Come in."

Mrs. Weasley pops her head in She's holding a very comfortable-looking sweater and corduroy pants. "The pants are an old pair of Ginny's- I hope they fit. And the sweater is Fred's. I- I hope that's alright. They all took most of their stuff, so these are the leftovers"

A small smile curls my lips. I recognize the sweater. The sleaves were always a bit too short for him.

"Thank you."

She gives me my privacy so I can dress. They both fit me loosely and cover the few scars and bruises left on my body. I take one more fleeting look at my reflection before joining Mrs. Weasley downstairs.

"Will you shave my hair off?" I blurt out.

She doesn't question it. She uses her wand, dragging the tip across my scalp. The hair falls around me in thin wisps. With a wave of her want, she vanishes the hair.

"All new again," she says softly. "Now, let's get you something to eat."

Hi. I have not written in a very long time so I apologize if this is garbage :-)

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