By jiiddaahh

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As the end came out beautifully, My start was beautiful, Indeed my name AMAANI is a whole meaning My life,exp... More



467 59 1
By jiiddaahh

   Halima's POV.

"All the girls gave me the why the fuck is she angry look"

"Don't worry it's not a new thing,I know what I got myself into by giving him her number"

"Come on girls let's go check up on Amaani"Yusrah said.

"There's no need she's not gonna say anything,she needs space right now"I said making each word clear.

"Okay"they all said.

"Without thinking twice I dialed farouq's number and he picked on the second ring"

"Hel...."I cut him off before he could complete his word.

"Uhnmm did You know Aymaan was coming over today?"I asked kinda furious.

"No babe,I know nothing about that"

"Why the fuck  will he just come over?like I didn't even get the chance to tell her I gave him her number,what's wrong with that guy?"i was so annoyed thou not that I was planning on telling her anytime soon.

"Babe sorry okay?like the fuck I didn't even know"he sound confused.

"I only know he was having a meeting tomorrow in abuja and he left today because he has to drop he's sister Laila at school"

"So that means he's sister was the one who called Amaani earlier"

"Yeah,I think"

"Is she mad at you babe?"

"Yeah bae,she's very angry,she isn't gonna talk now,maybe tomorrow"

"I'm so sorry babe,this is all my fault,I didn't know what that asshole was up to earlier"

"It's okay babe"

"Okay have some rest I know you must be tired now,lemme call that asshole"


"Goodnight babe,I love you so much"

"I love you too"with that I ended the call"

"Hey Girls I'm really worried about Amaani,can We please go check up on her"Maryam asked.

"Let's try" zeenat said.

"We headed to the other room,we knocked,knocked and knocked but she didn't even say a word,Abeeda opened the door with her key"and their Amaani was standing on the window side her diary on her hand,she looked long lost in her thought.

"Assalamualaikum Amaani"Yusrah said.

"She answered without looking at us"

"Amaani we understand your angry but only if you wanna talk about it we can agile everything"Abeeda said.

"No I'm good girls,thank you"

"But Amaa....."Fatiti was about to talk when I stopped her"

"I made the mess,so pls let me fix it ya all"

"Okay,they said and left the room"

"Look I know your angry Amaani and yes your bond to be"

"But let me ask you what if I asked for your consent too will you have approved?"

"You know well I won't"she said facing me now.

"So that's why I though their was no point in asking you Cx your answer will forever be NO,and again I didn't know he was coming today neither did farouq,you always call me your sister right?but what happened today ? your angry without even listening to a word I say,i knew what I was getting myself into earlier,but it's high time you stop with your nonsense you get that"


Amaani's POV

Tears burned my eyes,but I refuse to cry,I didn't know what has gotten into me,I didn't know why I was so angry that I had to shout at them,I felt so bad,I walked  stiff out of the room,I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a gentle knock on the door,I didn't want to talk to anyone so I just stood by the window side and kept  staring at the stars,when I heard the door been opened,they salamed and I answered without even looking at them,I just wanted  to be alone,but then halima showed up and this time she's not given up and so am I.

"Even after knowing what my answer will be,she was still asking me and so I answered her"

"Now tell me MRS.Farouq just Cx you found your own perfect love life and a very good partner doesn't mean everyone is lucky enough like you, For those who lost a mother's love and affection right from a very young age have trust issues,it's so hard to see love clearly after not receiving the first unconditional love given by a mother ,tell me how will you even know the feeling of that love and undying affection which you've only received for a little time and not for the full time you supposed to ...a mother's warmth embrace alone is a definition of pure love ,but when you've never experienced it from your own mother then it's not worth calling love Cx you were only borrowed the love for a little time,instead of loving people you hurt those people  not because you are  heartless but because you don't know what or how others feel ,they are bond to keep hurting people and hurt themselves more ...and that's the one thing holding them back from falling in love ...they are scared ,they are not so easily to trust people ,they are hurt and they don't know if they are ready for a heartbreak or not,although the pain one has experienced is more than that of a heartbreak but you refuse to understand Halima,why don't you get it?"I said my voice a little vociferous.

"I know I haven't experienced any of that,but that doesn't mean we shouldn't give others a chance,we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair"she said.

"Experience is the best teacher"I said and even after saying all those stuffs she's still not giving up,so I'm gonna play along too"

"Let  me remind you on this once's again"she said and I know it's gonna be a long boring ass lecture Cx she won't stop until I give in.

If this describes the majority of your  life experience,I want you to open up your mind a little and start looking at things a little differently from now on.

First, consider this: everyone wants to be with the perfect partner, but few people want to be the perfect partner.

I think the vast majority of problems around "finding someone" are caused by uneven expectations like this.

But when you flip this on its head and you start taking a little more responsibility in this area of your life—when you start focusing on what kind of life you want to live and what kind of partner you want to be—you'll start to see all the flakes and narcissists and liars fade into the background. You'll start making genuine connections with people and make each other's lives more enjoyable.

For years, I was probably obsessed a little too much over this part of my life. But after stumbling through one unhealthy relationship after another, I learned a very important lesson: the best way to find an amazing person is to become an amazing person.

So, if you're willing to have an open mind—and take a painful look at yourself  then listen carefully,I'm telling you this now because you haven't experienced it,as you said earlier "experience is the best teacher"I also went through a lot before finding the person I'm with right now,I know he's not perfect but to me he's perfect and I love him for who he appears to be,for the true person he is, on our first date the first thing I made a note on was that this time I'm in for a serious relationship,a long term relationship and he was also wishing for the same and that's why we're  here today and forever we will be together inshallah, my point  here is if you tell someone on a first date that you're looking for a long-term relationship and it scares them off, then you just did your future self a huge favor. If simply stating your general intentions freaks somebody out, then the reality is that they don't want the same thing as you and/or they have their own issues to work out they just want to use you as an entertainer for their boredom,they will pretend as if they love you,you will fall with them you will fall for their words  and later  on they will break your heart and knowing the truth will make you go back to square  one because you need time to heal ,so Learn to see it as a blessing when someone eliminates themselves for you.You'll attract people into your life who connect with you on your level and, just as importantly, you'll weed out all the people who don't. And so, if you take nothing else away from this, just know that the way to find true love is to be the best version of yourself and do it unapologetically and without shame.

The point isn't that you won't have any apprehensions if you're "the one" for each other. The point is that you find yourselves saying "we can do this"together for each step in the relationship despite the apprehensions you might have. From the first date to the second date to the 100th date, to doing the naked horizontal electric slide together, to making it "official," to fighting with each other, to moving in together, to getting married, to buying insurance together,to inspire the world and many more.

"And that's the whole point, isn't it?"yeah I answered.

"Well then I think we're done with  this phase okay?"

"Wait wait,you still haven't told  me a good reason why I should give into this?"

"Ooh really,so after everything I said you mean you still need a good reason?"well yeah Amaani for you babe.i winked.

"Well Dating involves learning about intimacy and it serves as an opportunity to establish a unique, meaningful relationship with a person of the opposite sex"you okay with this right?"Okay I've given up.i said.

"Now your given Aymaan a chance"she said in a serious note.

" no that's not happening"I said making each  word clear.

"Of course ,yes Amaani,do you wanna marry someone you don't know?maybe something like an arrange marriage?"she asked.

"God forbid,imma marry a Prince Charming one day"she laughed wholeheartedly leaving me confused.

"Why the hell are you laughing?"

"Someone who doesn't even wanna be friends with all the niggas out their is here dreaming of a Prince Charming,your really funny and stupid too"

"I'm gonna kill you I said running towards where she is,and we kept chasing each other until we got tired and gave up"

"I'm serious Amaani,Aymaan wants to be your friend right?"yeah I answered.

"Now let's negotiate the issue"

"Well then I think you should give him a chance okay?"she said in a casually calm and relaxed manner.

"You don't get it,I don't like him"

"I know" she said.

"He's not a bad guy trust me pls okay?"

"Okay Then since you asked nicely"I winked"

"Now come here,she said and gave me a cosy hug"I'm sorry for snapping at you back there.i myself could here the sincerity in my voice.

"Shhh,it's okay...don't ruin the moment"she said in her sweet melodious voice.

"Your doomed Aymaan,I swear you will regret this"came my inner conscious,ooh how I love my inner conscious too.i said and giggled softly.

She break the hug saying "Now come on the girls have been waiting for  us for ages"Okay I said and tailed behind her.

"Yooo my Nigga's"

"Ooh we've been waiting for you girls,we thought you were engaged in a wrestling fight"and that was Maryam,we all laughed.

"I'm sorry about what happened babes"

"Shhh now c'mon it's okay"they said in unison.

"Come let's eat dinner"Yusrah said

"What's for dinner?"I asked.

"Habib yoghurt and zucchini bread oatmeal"

"Ooh how i missed having habib yoghurt for free"I said and we all laughed.

"What do you expect when our dad is the owner of the industry  we have the whole industry to ourselves"zeenat said and we all laughed digging our foods in.

"Yusrah ,Abeeda if it was my dad that owns the Habib industries ba I swear it will be my daily meal"zeenatu said and we all laughed.

"We gisted about everything and nothing and so we decided to call it a night"

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