Himiko's Love Spell (Saioma :...

By famousketchup

3.7K 52 204

Description: Shuichi goes out to the store for his uncle and encounters Himiko at the front of the store with... More

Not a chapter but its something Ig.
Test Subject
A nerve racking first day of school.
Kokichi's card! :0
"Way to ruin the moment, ass hole!"
movie day!
Welcome back Shuichi!
The coincidence.

Kokichi and Shuichi's school incedent.

452 7 57
By famousketchup

I drifted off to sleep and then I immediately woke up next to sleeping Kokichi.

"Huh?" I said in my mind. "What am I doing here?"

Kokichi then woke up and kissed my neck, making me get butterflies in my stomach.

"K-Kokichi?!" I yelled as I pushed him back.

"Good morning Shuichi!" He said as he messed up my hair even more than it already was.

"Good... morning." I replied, confused as to what exactly was going on.

All I knew is that Kokichi and I slept together, and he kissed me and said good morning.

"This is rather... strange." I said in my mind.

Kokichi then got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

"Where is he going?" I asked myself under my breath.

After a few minutes, Kokichi came back with a tray of food.

"I made breakfast for youuu!!!!" Kokichi cheered as he set it on my lap.

"But why?..." I asked. I was flattered that he made me breakfast but..it's random.

"Oh shit... I think you lost your memory from the fall. Well, you fell down the stairs and hit your head really really hard! And then...wam! You also broke your leg." He replied, full of enthusiasm.

"Oh... that explains why my head hurts. Well uhm... why were we sleeping together and why did you kiss me?" I asked him, with a puzzled face.

"Cuz we're married you idiot!" He yelled.

"Oh... I didn't know."

This is so weird... why?... and how did I forget years worth of memories?...

"Anyways, it's time to wake up Shuichi! You're gonna be late!" Kokichi yelled.

"Wait- what?!" I yelled.

I then woke up with my uncle next to me, shaking me awake.

"Ah! Uncle? What are you-" I got interrupted.

"You're gonna be late, hurry! You over slept." He replied.

"Okay!" I yelled as I jumped up and got changed, brushed my hair and teeth, and skipped breakfast.

I then ran to the school bus. Thankfully, I was just on time. It was about to leave.

I boarded the bus and guess who was there...

You probably guessed it.


Kokichi was sitting there. As if... he was waiting for me.

"Hey Shuichi! Right on time!" He yelled enthusiastically as he motioned me to sit next to him.

I sat next to him and just stayed silent.

I started thinking to myself again.

"This is like one of Hifumi's old weird fan fictions... this is weird."

I then was taken out of my thoughts by Kokichi leaning on my shoulder.

He then hugged my arm.

My old friend Fin was on the bus.

"What the hell? What is *he* doing here?!" I thought to myself as I looked at Fin from a distance.

He then gave me full eye contact and smiled. He waved hello to me and I waved back.

I then looked down at the half asleep Kokichi hugging my arm.

I didn't have the heart to wake him up, so I waited till we got to school.

"He seems way more... affectionate than usual." I thought to myself.

This realization made 100 more questions pop up in my head. It was insane.

I wish I didn't over think stuff and form so many possibilities in my head and questions in my head. It was annoying. My mind just wouldn't shut up.

All I could think about was the thousands of possibilities, Kokichi sleeping on me, and my childhood friend, Fin.

Since Kokichi is sleeping on me, he may have grown more comfortable around me. Or maybe... he might have read right through me. I hope he hasn't figured it out, that would be awful.

I then looked at Kokichi.

What am I supposed to tell him when the time comes? How would I confess?... Well maybe I don't have to. maybe it will.. wear off in a couple days.

And what will I tell Fin? What if he doesn't support me? What if things get messed up? Wait- why am I thinking such horrible things?... maybe these negative thoughts are why I'm feeling stressed and worried all the time. Well maybe if I try and talk to Fin, that will take my mind off of everything.

So, I looked over at Fin and semi-shouted his name.

"Fin!" I yelled.

Fin jumped and looked at me.

"Ah, yeah?"

"Wanna talk? Since Kokichi is asleep?" I asked him.

"Oh uh... sure thing dude." He replied as he scooted closer to my seat. He was on the right side and, he wasn't but 3 seats behind me so it wasn't too much trouble.

"So uh.. since I don't have much to talk about, there is one thing that came to mind." Fin stated with a soft tone.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Well I've been wanting to tell you for years but I could never gather the courage to.." he hesitated to speak but he then gathered the courage to speak. He smiled and started to talk again.

"I'm gay. If you don't accept that, we might as well not be fr-" he was cut off by me saying one of my secrets.

"Oh! Me too." I giggles "I'm in love with one of my friends."

Fin then looked shocked.

"OOO who?" He asked.

"Well uh you're looking at him." I replied.

"You're in love with... you?" He asked with a puzzled face.

"No you idiot," I joked "the other person." I finished.

"Ohhhh! Yeah. That should've been obvious." He laughed at his dumb moment.

I then laughed with him.

After that short conversation, the bus came to a full stop and the doors swung open.

I looked at Kokichi.

"He looks so peaceful when he sleeps..." I said under my breath.

I then woke him up, feeling bad for interrupting his well needed rest.

He then groaned awake.

"Ugh... what did I tell you about waking up your leader without permission?...." He groaned.

"Kokichi." I said, letting him know it was me and not one of his troublesome dice members.

"Shuichi?... ah! Shuichi! We need to go now!" He yelled as he ran towards the doors. The doors were about to shut.

I almost fell because he had me in his grasp.

"Wah! Kokichi! Slow down!" I hollered as he had my arm in his grip.

He ran in the speed of light to his locker.

He then dropped me to the ground, causing me to fall on my arm and break it.

"Ngh.. ow!" I groaned in pain.
It hurt pretty bad... I think I broke a bone.

Kokichi then regretted dropping me to the ground and helped me up.

"I know it's not like me to say this but...I'm so sorry." Kokichi abnormally apologized.

I blushed for some reason.

"It's... it's okay. I don't mind." I smiled while visibly in pain.

And then without thinking, I grasped his hand gently and walked to first period.

Kokichi stopped while I tried to walk there.

"Wrong way dumbass!" He yelled as he pulled me toward the nurses office.

I just accepted my fait and followed him.

When we got there, the nurse looked genuinely concerned for the condition of my arm.

"Ah, dear are you alright?" She asked as she got up and started examining my arm.

"I'm fine. It just feels numb." I replied.

"Oh... it appears that you have broken your arm."

I then looked a little shocked.
What was I supposed to do with a broken arm?... I was right. This is getting worse.

"Anyways, here's an ice pack. Now go back to class and walk it off." The nurse laughed and pointed to the door.

I'm just kidding! Here's how it actually went.

"Ill dial your uncle and you come and talk to him alright?" The nurse stated as she started dialing my uncle Saihara's phone number.

When she finished, she handed me the phone with a warm smile on her face.

I held the phone to my ear and waited till Uncle Saihara picked up the phone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey... its me uncle." I replied into the phone.

"Oh? What are you calling for? Are you okay? Did you get in a fight?" He started spitting out questions into my face.

"Oh uh I didn't get in a fight but yes I got hurt." I replied, answering his questions honestly.

"Oh okay. What happened little man?" He asked, genuinely concerned of what happened to me.

"Well uh I fell and broke my arm. Nothing too out of the ordinary." I replied to his question.

"I'm coming to pick you up and take you to the ER." He stated as I heard him grab his car keys.

"Oh, alright." I replied.

After that, he hung up.

"What did he say?" The nurse questioned me.

"Oh uhm.. he's taking me to the ER." I replied.

"Oh okay. I'll give you an ice pack in the mean time." She answered me as she grabbed an ice pack from a mini fridge like thing and handed it to me.

I then sat at a nearby chair, and Kokichi sat next to me.

"Oh, and are you hurt too?" The nurse asked as she examined him with her eyes.

"I'm fine I just came with Shuichi cause I'm the reason he got hur-" he then stopped himself and giggled nervously.

"What did you do?" She asked him, staring into his soul.

"Oh he really meant no harm. Please don't punish him." I said, trying to stop Kokichi from getting in trouble.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry for assuming. He just has a bad school record so.. yeah. I'm sorry Kokichi. Well then, if you aren't hurt, then you can stay until Shuichi leaves." She replied.

"It's fine." He said, angrily.

He then sat next to me and leaned on my shoulder just like earlier on the bus.

"Kokichi, you're old enough to know to keep your hands to yourself." The nurse scolded Kokichi.

"No it's fine, I give him permission." I said as I looked at him smiling.

I could see him blush slightly at my sentence.

Who knew Kokichi could blush at something like that..

"Quit looking at me you dumb detective." I said angrily.

I then looked away and just patiently waited for my uncle to come back.

After a few minutes a voice in the intercom came on.

"Shuichi Saihara, please report to the front office."

I then tried to get up but remembered the half asleep Kokichi on my shoulder.

"Crap." I said in my mind.

I then tapped Kokichi gently on the shoulder but he didn't wake up so I shook him and he jolted awake.

"Neeheehee! sorry Shumai" I giggled

He then got up and waved goodbye as I walked to the office.

When I walked away, Kokichi slightly  frowned. He didn't want to admit it but.. he missed me.

I arrived at the front office and saw my uncle standing in there waiting patiently.

I gave him a one armed hug and he hugged me back.

"Okay, let's go Shu." Uncle Saihara said as he held my hand and walked to the car.

He got in and he started driving to the ER.

*time skip to where he got back home because this chapter is getting super long*

As I got out of the car, I was somehow exhausted.

I walked to my room and sat on my bed and started thinking to myself.

I wonder why I haven't been thinking of Kokichi much... that's strange. It's almost as if..... my body got used to the potion?
I don't know but.. this is confusing. I'll ask Himiko about the "potion" when I get back to school. Hopefully I'll be back soon.
Well anyways, I wonder why I keep having random dreams about Kokichi and I being in a romantic relationship. I kinda uhm...
like it but, it's kinda hard getting used to stuff like that. I mean, I see my uncle getting lovey dovey with my auntie, so I should be used to it but I'm not.
Anyways, I should probably go take a nap. I'm so tired.

So then, as I said, I lay on my back, covered myself with a blanket and fell asleep.

That concludes this long af chapter! I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry if you didn't like it, I really tried tho :(

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