Too Weak To Say No [Villain...

By Charlie_toaster05

16.5K 417 692

After meeting a hooded stranger in the park, Midoriya can't shake the feeling of being watched. Soon enough h... More

Chapter 1 - Don't talk to strangers
Chapter 2 - Eyes in the back
Chapter 3 - Deep breaths
Chapter 4 - Vacant
Chapter 5 - Not enough
Chapter 6 - Regrets
Chapter 7 - Disregarded
Chapter 8 - Consequences

Chapter 9 - Surrender

1.4K 50 84
By Charlie_toaster05

The police had been fast to react once the emergency call had been made, even more so when the caller seemed to be in trouble. But despite their best efforts, they still didn't make it in time.

Once the flashing cars pulled up at the location where the cops and pros had traced the phone call to, they had piled out on the street; ready to take on whoever had caused the disturbance. But as they approached the gaping alley, they were only met with another broken phone and a pile of dust.

Heros and officers searched the whole block, police cars, accompanied by pros drove further out in search of anything related, but, just as the investigators searching the crime scene- they came out empty handed.

They never even noticed the black car speeding off into the night, going far away from the city.

- - -

Midoriya's Pov.

Guilt. So much guilt was stirring up inside Izuku that it felt like a thick blanket had been wrapped around him with the sole purpose of suffocating him. Then there was the undeniable shock, just adding to the metaphorical cover shielding his brain from absorbing any more information.

He almost didn't remember how he ended up in the dark trunk of the moving car, his brain being too busy replaying the spark of hope he'd felt before it literally crumbled before his eyes.

But it wasn't hard to guess how they had gotten away from the cops. Shigaraki had made the boy go through the portal before anyone could spot them, then, as they returned to the bar, he instantly yelled at the two remaining thugs to bind the boy's legs and throw him into the vehicle.

Izuku didn't struggle. The only drop of attention left in his body was directed at the dark wooden floor, where another three piles of dust lay scattered around them.

Another three lives taken by him.

A sharp pain shot through Izuku's head as the car made a quick turn, his body slamming into the side as it sped along. The greenette blinked underneath the damp fabric tied around his head, the blindfold having absorbed enough tears to serve as a round of shots if wrung out.

Several hours had passed since Izuku had tried to escape, but it might as well have been days as the ride never seemed to end. Every time the driver killed the engine Izuku seemed to be moved to a new car, possibly to new people as well as different voices seemed to appear. Though with the fabric covering his puffy eyes there was no real way of being sure.

Another bump in the road made the traumatized kid fly up in the air and land harshly on his aching shoulder, a grunt leaking out of his gritted teeth.

His mind was starting to become clearer, though, as the haze lightened, an uncomfortable numbness was starting to spread alongside the churning in his stomach. The fire in his veins was extinguished by time as it ticked by, only leaving a small itch of what dread he'd felt before.

The ride continued on for probably another hour, the only noteworthy information being that the amounts of bumps and headaches had reduced by a lot. They had even begun to lose speed, something that Izuku's body was grateful for but his mind quite alarmed about.

If they were slowing down, who knew how close they were to their final destination?

Even though he wanted the anxiety filled car ride to be over, there was no telling what would happen to him when he arrived. They seemed to need a body, but for what? Somewhere in his clouded mind, a foggy memory of Tomura's voice talking about a blank canvas appeared.

But why would a quirkless body be of use for them? And when they said body, did that mean an alive or..

As the shock had withdrawn a few spaces back another load of questions swirled back into place once more. He wanted answers, despite knowing he'd regret them later. No one had really hurt him under the time he spent in the basement. But that wouldn't guarantee his safety now would it? If anything, there was a higher probability that he'd be handed off to some psycho who was eager to cut him open with a rusty old-

His reeling thoughts screeched to a halt along with the vehicle, the sound of its doors opening and slamming shut feeling all too familiar at this point.

Izuku braised himself as the crunching of shoes on gravel came closer to the trunk, his heart hammering as he anticipated the cold gush of air slapping him across the face before getting manhandled by the criminal sent to retrieve him.

There was a pause.

Then a loud click that made Midoriya's breath hitch. The door opened, welcoming the fresh air only night could bring you.

A grunt was heard before a pair of strong arms wrapped around the boy, whose small body flinched at the contact. Izuku stayed silent as he was lifted up, only letting out a huff as he was thrown over a broad shoulder.

No one said anything as the car emptied its passengers, the doors echoing slams fading into the sounds of crickets chirping proudly.

If Izuku had to guess, there were probably about three or four people walking alongside him from the car now, that is, if you didn't count the guy carrying him around like a meat sack.

Despite trying not to press his face against the villain's back a strong stench of cologne still managed to push its way through his clogged nose, the smell leaving a terrible itch down his nostrils.

Before he knew it, the lot of them came to a halt right in front of what Midoriya presumed to be a locked door. If the sounds were anything to go by, it seemed to be padlocked by a ridiculous amount of locks, each one giving a click before the rustle of keys moved on to the next one.

Izuku expected the ear pitching creak that followed the last click, 'Just like the movies...' He thought bitterly as his head swayed with the motion of his captive taking a few steps through the door. But just as the previous entrance slammed shut, a pattern of 'beeps' rang out in the stuffy air.

'Wait.. is that a pad code..?'

Izuku flinched as a sudden hiss took over, the noise followed suit by something mechanical moving inside the walls. What sounded like a thick metal door slowly parted into a big opening, then going completely silent.

A light tremble had spread throughout the green haired boy's body, goosebumps covering every inch of his skin as every hair stood on its ends.

This was it, the moment all his darkest thoughts would come true. He will never get to hear that soothing melody of his mother's voice again, never see her worrisome face he's become so accustomed to. Never even feel the warmth of her arms around him as she cried softly into his hair. He had barely even looked at her the day he disappeared..

Even if that article about disregarding his case was fake or simply a mistake, there was no way anyone would find him now, let alone a pro.

'I wont make it.. Will I?'

Izuku's face scrunched up into the look of someone on the brink of breaking down, but nothing came. No tears, no sobs, no heavy breathing. Just a look of anguish as his emerald eyes pricked and itched uncomfortably behind the drying blindfold.

All he could do as the group of people moved further into the unknown building was grit his teeth while his muscles shook uncontrollably, he did not dare resist. He had learned his lesson.

Their footsteps echoed as the flooring turned from wood to tiles, giving a large impression on what must be a corridor. Behind them Izuku could hear the mechanical noise move once more, a distant thud following as the entrance closed shut.

"So.." A young and smooth male voice broke the silence. "What's the deal with the kid?"

The greenette subconsciously curled in on himself.

"I mean," the man continued. "So much fuss to get him here, it's almost ridiculous."

A deep sigh. "All I know is that doc wants him. He'll probably wash him out like the others, turn him into one of those... things."

Izuku stiffened.

"Yeah... But why specifically a quirkless one?" Asked the smooth voice, his tone taking on the role of a curious kid. "Wouldn't it be easier to snatch someone with a promising quirk from the closest town?"

Another deep sigh. "I don't know man, master seems to be just as involved in this so it's best not to fuck it up like the others did."

"What do you mean?" The first shot back to the other.

"Didn't you hear?" Izuku jumped, alarmed by the sudden outburst from the man carrying him over his shoulder. "The brat almost escaped because of those idiots who transported him from Shigaraki. Ran a few blocks before getting captured, the punk even managed to get help and everything. They were lucky to escape before the cops came."

"Damn, so the kid's got spirit, eh?"

The young man only received a grunt, though that didn't discourage him from keep talking.

"So was that why they had to move him from car to car? To avoid the cops?"

"Aren't you talkative."

"Oh, c'mon! I've been dying of boredom all day and I was only just called in last minute, the least you can do is fill me in."

"Alright, alright. No the moving from car to car was already a part of the plan, just had to do it a bit longer thanks to the brat."

Izuku practically felt the glare coming his way. How could he not after so many years of sitting in the same class as Kacchan.

"Well, however much trouble he cost, he's rather quiet now.. And pale." The younger stated, probably watching Izuku's tense form dangling over his companion's shoulder. "You mentioned not to harm him, but to be honest, he looks pretty run down as it is."

The man holding the green headed subject of conversation snorted. "He should be glad he hasn't lost a leg by now, Shigaraki certainly had the chance. Heard he was the one who found the little shit after running for help. Had to kill the guy who called the cops."

A wave of nausea washed over Izuku at the thought of the poor man who Shigaraki-
No, who Izuku had gotten killed.

His stomach seemed to turn and twist, a funny noise erupting from the boy's throat as acid burned the back of it.

They all seemed to momentarily stop, eyeing him with expressions Izuku was blissfully unaware of.

"Let's just get this over with."

And off they went.

After what felt like a hundred stairs and corridors in silence, a firm fist knocked on what must be the final door in the building.

Izuku tensed, his leg giving a little jolt on it's own accord.

"Tch," the man holding him tightened his grip, the other hand sliding down from his lower back to his inner thigh before squeezing hard. "Quit squirming."

The greenette tried not to move or shake, but it was hard. Just as hard as trying to breath through that clogged and itchy nose of his. Now that he thought of it, he actually felt that slight burn in his nostrils, one that was all too familiar and all too inconvenient.

Another spike of dread shot through the boy's body at the group's sudden movement, having missed both the sound of the door opening and the muffled call of "come in" just before.

Despite every fiber of his being screaming at him to just disappear Izuku could do nothing as the group of criminals stepped into the horrid place, his greasy green locks swaying and bouncing with each step. A surprisingly warm air swept over him like another blanket, although it did nothing to lessen the bumps and standing hairs on his trembling limbs, no it somehow felt even colder.

More.. Wrong.

Yet again that burning sensation tingled and the greenette tried desperately to hold it back, but it was building up.

"We're here with the kid, doc. Just as promised!" The fourth, unrecognizable voice, spoke out, loud and clear from the back.

"Ah! Excellent." A ruff voice exclaimed from the other side of the room. "I assume the trip went nicely after that little.. Incident?"

"Of course, sir, we-"


Silenced and mildly surprised, all heads turned to the green headed boy, whose nose was dripping with snot. The man carrying Izuku cursed under his breath as he looked over his shoulder, his jacket stained with the evidence of Izuku's earlier breakdown.

Izuku sniffed, trying hard to get rid of the string, no doubt ascending further and further to the floor. Just as he heard the man grumble and felt those nails of his digg a bit deeper into his leg, the voice from within the room spoke up once more, this time in a tone so pleasant, it was chilling.

"Now, now, you haven't gotten him sick now have you?"

"I - no! No, of course not doc, just uh.."

If the panic in the criminal's voice wasn't enough to show their sudden intimidation, the man holding Izuku going rigid certainly was.

A beat. "Very well," said the man referred to as doc."I'll take your word for it."

Beyond the doctor's hearing, a collective exhale was let out between them, Izuku sinking lower with the man's shoulders.

"Now if you please, put the child down, I doubt he'll be running off anytime soon."

In a matter of seconds, Izuku felt his legs being untied and set free, likewise with the damp blindfold. The moment the cloth was removed, the greenette winced, almost hissing as light poured into his swollen orbs.

Before he knew it, Izuku was lifted off of the broad shoulder and planted, with his back against the villains, on the dark tiles beneath his feet.

The moment the man behind him dropped the tight grip on the boy, Izuku's knees gave out. Izuku sank to the floor, trembling with his hands still tightly bound behind his back.

Blinking rapidly with his head down, Izuku heard a chair creak from the other side of the room, the occupier slowly making his way towards them.

Damn it, Izuku thought, damn it all. Why ... Why did it ... What did I ever do to deserve this?

By the time his eyes had stopped burning, Izuku could see the doctor's shoes, standing only a meter or two in front of him.

The room was quite dark, yet there was plenty of light coming from all directions. Green tanks, filled with liquid, stood tall against the sides of the room, creating a form of pathway. Inside them was something Izuku's young brain could not quite comprehend. Monsters. Experiments.

"All I know is that doc wants him. He'll probably wash him out like the others, turn him into one of those... things."

If the boy's heart wasn't trying to break his rib cage before, it certainly was now.

Down the pathway was a wild set of computer screens, covering an entire wall with what looked like security footage from places all over.

But what terrified him the most, was the man standing in a white coat and funny green glasses, peering down at him with an expression of pure delighted surprise.

"Well, I'll be damned.. It has certainly been a while.."

"Izuku Midoriya."


Heey please don't kill me, have mercy on my soul people.

But I can't apologize enough for saying that this would be out much sooner than today. Life has been a bitch and my school is new territory so I've been quite busy.

Also, I was going to finish this last weekend but I got some last minute homework 'cause my teacher think I'm stupid, so I'll just never from this point on promise to post on a certain day ever again 😂

I hope next chapter wont take as long, I honestly just have 1 problem I have to think over that will have a larger meaning to the rest of the story.

I really tried to make this chapter less boring, it was hard and I doubt that I even succeeded, but if it wasn't too horrible, please leave a comment or leave a star, no pressure tho.

And thank you to all the knew people reading my story, means a lot ❤

As always, here's your cookie;


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