Book 4 PDS: The Batman's Evil...

By LadyNoir303

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Book 4 of the Phantom Dimensional Series PDS= Phantom Dimensional Series After having enough of moving betwee... More

Author's Note


109 6 0
By LadyNoir303

Danny's POV
I got up from my bed and saw it was almost night time. I heard a new voice though. I went over to the railing to see Adrien was talking to a girl that wore nothing but black. I looked down at my hand and stared at the tattoo of Sam.

I jumped down, startling both of them."YOU SHOULD BE RESTING!" Adrien shouted as he got pale."Adrien, not even a bullet is going to stop me. Besides, I'm fine." I said.

I turned towards the girl."Now who are you and how'd you find this place?"

"I actually found her." Adrien said. I looked at him and then at her."My parents wanted me to marry the the son of the family they owed money to to pay off their debt. So I ran away and after being a month on the street, Adrien found me."

"Now why were you on the streets?" I asked Adrien."Looking for you actually. Last I saw you was before we went to bed. The next morning you were gone. You were gone for a whole week by the way!" Adrien said.

"A week?" I immediately went and took the bolts and nuts and stood behind the line."Wait, didn't Phantom already kill someone."

"That bastard practically asked to get killed by kidnapping the two of us. That's different." I threw a bolt and managed to knock one over."So you choose who dies and Phantom go kills them?"

"What's your name?" I asked."Alex." She said and crossed her arms."Well, Alex. That's exactly that. I'm the only one who chooses. I won't ask someone to do it."

"Life is short you know. You want to spend it by throwing bolts and nuts at figurines?"

"I'm immortal. Just like Phantom. I'm not wasting any time." I said. Alex looked shocked as I went upstairs to pick up the figurine. It was Bane.

"Well, who is it?"

"Bane! This is going to interesting."

"I see why you said not to piss him off." Alex said."Relax, Alex. Adrien is right. You don't want to see me pissed but that won't happen easily. I'll have patience when I know it isn't the bad guy that's pissing me off."

"Now that's handled, what's next for the warehouse?" Adrien asked. I looked around."I see you've been busy. Well done. The place looks amazing." I said.

I jumped off again and looked underneath the platform to see the makeshift pantry was now stacked with food and the fridge was halfway full.

The doors were reinforced with thin slabs of steel along with the wall that went along that area."How'd you do that though?" I asked. Adrien looked at Alex. Alex let up her hand where bright blue sparks formed."I'm a meta." She said.

"I'm also excellent with welding and such."

She's valuable to us."Well then, you have an important role here. Until you show me that I could trust you, then I'll give you that said role."

To the opposite of my own platform, I noticed that there was a gas burner and and oven."You are looking at my masterpieces." Alex said proudly.

"Well done." I said with a smile. So far she hasn't given me much reason not to start trusting her. She's been here for less than a week so far and the warehouse is already looking like an actual safe house.

"So what's the plan?" Adrien asked with a satisfied smile."We stock up on that fridge and get our hands on another one like that. Today we are going to go and look for people in need. We'll start with kids and elderly people. They're more vulnerable than middel aged people." I said.

"But we'll still help them?" Alex asked."Yes, si, of course, ja. I'm just saying, we put kids and elders first. We'll help them as well and everything. You get what I'm saying?" I said."Yeah, totally." Alex said.

"Let's go then."

"Uh, Dan! We need to pick pocket first. I used most of the money to buy food and such." Adrien said."How much do you have?" I asked."Around two hundred dollars."

"Alright, the fridge can wait for now. Alex, can you pickpocket?" I asked."No. I never needed to so I never tried." She said."That's fine. Why don't you go ahead and find people in need? Start with the Narrows." I said.

"That I can do." Alex said and she ran out of the warehouse."Let's go pick pocket the rich idiots." I said.

"Why don't you ask your brother for money? He's one rich guy that's not snobby."

"I asked him to stay away from me. I don't want him to be near me. I am working with a killer and I killed Scarecrow."

"That was you!" He said shocked."It was unintentional. But yeah." I said."That guy gave me the creeps." Adrien said.

After that we didn't talk much. I asked him about his designs and he definitely shared good ones. Ones I intend to make use off.

We eventually arrived at a busy corner."Meet me at the warehouse in half an hour. We can work from there then." He nodded and disappeared in the crowd. I went towards my left to see Bruce was walking into a store.

I'm not going to steal from him but since he is here, I have to be careful. As I headed down the street, I pocketed some loose change and a couple of jewelry pieces.

I walked passed the store where Bruce walked in to see he was heading out and he saw me. I stopped dead in my tracks as I stopped about a metre away from me.

"Dan?" He said. Alfred stepped out from the limo that was parked in front of the store."Master Bruce..." He went quiet when he saw me."You must be Alfred Pennyworth." I said.

"You're all grown up now..." He managed to say. I ignored him and looked at Bruce."Dan, please...come with us. You have a home with us. I want to get to know you. Please." He said.

I looked at him neutrally."Let me make this excruciating clear. I don't want to go back to the mansion. You can't make me. Even if you tried asking Batman." I said. He frowned at me for a moment."And you know damn good well why I asked you to stay away from me."

"There he is!" I looked behind Bruce to see a cop running up to me."He stole my watch!" Another man shouted behind the cop. The people gave space as the cop ran towards me. Bruce looked at me shocked. The cop tried to pin me to the suit store's glass wall but I swiftly avoided him and kicked him making him fall over clutching his stomach.

"You're pick pocketing to survive!" Bruce said."Who said I'm using the cash?" I said and turned around making a run for it. Bruce started to chase me. I rolled my eyes. He knows how it'll end.

"Master Bruce!" Alfred shouted and started to run after Bruce. He soon caught up with Bruce. I ran into an alleyway.

"Shit!" I shouted. There were no fire escapes. What type of building doesn't have a fire escape!

"Dan! Just come with me! I will help you. I don't care what you did in the past. You're still my brother!" He said.

I turned and faced him."Once you know the true me, you won't be saying that." I said. Alfred stood behind him shocked. I looked around. Bruce must've figured out what my plan was because when I started to jump between the walls to get to the rooftops, Bruce followed in pursuit.

I didn't stop. I kept running and jumping on the rooftops. I didn't count on Bruce to throw a small empty flower pot at my feet.

I rolled into a bunch of crates I aimed to use as steps to get me over the wall and to the next rooftop.

I groaned as I looked up at Bruce."Just come with me. You know I'll just keep on chasing you." He said extending out is hand. I took it and glared at him as I switched the roles.

He was quick to pin me to the door that would take me to the stairs. I kicked his feet from underneath his making him let go of my wrists. As he twisted his body, he skidded away from me as he stayed on his feet.

A bit of my loot fell out of my pocket. I was quick to pick it up as Bruce stared at me."Why are you stooping so low?"

"Like I said, I'm not doing this for myself."

"Let me at least give you money. I'm only trying to help." He said."Well stop. The last rich guy that seemed al kind and nice practically destroyed my life. I know you make an honest living but I'm not going to be dependent on anyone ever again." I said.

I opened the door behind me and slammed it closed as I entered. I turned invisible and watched how Bruce ran downstairs.

I went back to the rooftop and waited for him to exit. When he did, he almost ran into someone but stopped himself before he could. He looked all over to try and find a trace of me.

"Master Bruce..." Alfred said as he stopped the limo across the street. Bruce took a deep breath and went over to his butler."I lost him." Bruce said.

"Give it time, Master Bruce. He'll open up eventually."

Bruce's POV
I got in the limo and stared out the window as Alfred started up the car again. I looked at the rooftop to see Dan was there. How'd he? He left through the door! Now he's on the rooftop again!

The car moved forward. As it did, Dan started to run along with the car. Keeping up with the speed. I stared wide eyed at him. Eventually a corner appeared and there was no more rooftops. Dan didn't show signs of stopping. Instead he reached out his hand and a green portal appeared and he jumped through it disappearing.

Did that just happened? What type of meta is he and how powerful is he?

Danny's POV
I jumped through the portal and found myself near the warehouse. Adrien was there waiting for me and counted his loot.

"There you are. You're ten minutes late. Are you okay?" He asked."Yeah, why you're asking?" I asked."You have a bruise on your cheek."

"Cop, but don't worry. What'd you snatch?" I asked. He showed me the bracelets, rings, necklaces, change and watches he had. It was easily worth sic hundred dollars.

"I got lucky. I even got this." He said pulling out a smartphone."

"Don't worry, I took out the sim card and did a factory reset. By the look of it, it was second hand bought." I took it and turned it off. " It'll be harder to sell this but this could get us a hundred bucks at least."

"A hundred? For a phone of this quality?"

"A used phone. No one is going to pay for the original price for a used one." I reminded him."Oh... yeah, you're right."

I looked at my loot and estimated that I got at least four hundred dollars worth."

"Any word from Alex?" I asked."No, nothing." Adrien said. I nodded."We can go pawn these tomorrow. Let's go to the Narrows and see if we can get more people here."

Adrien nodded with a smile. We went inside and then to my platform."Hmm." I said."Something wrong?" Adrien asked."We need a safe  or something to keep these safe." I said. I quickly created one from ice with a opening at the top.

The both of us threw everything inside."I'm confused. Shouldn't the top part be closed or something?" I smirked and let the ice close the gap.

"This way, it'll be safe and sound. Only I will have access to it."


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