Blue Flower [GakuenBabysitter...

By beatrixwenner

505 40 11

[Ongoing] "She's just one girl" "She's a one man army!" A new life and highschool for the Handa sibblings, Ru... More

Chapter 1 - Heroine
Chapter 2 - Rough Girl
Chapter 3 - Thankyou
Chapter 5 - Pain pain
Chapter 6 - The old

Chapter 4 - Sweet

54 5 0
By beatrixwenner

"Oya? Ruka-chan is surprisingly early today anything special happening?" The all lazy Usaida remarks in the morning, to his own amusement Ruka nodded "It's valentine's day Usaida-san! i've got something for you!"

"Oooh~ i bet i'll like this" the adult clapped his hands and held his hand out to Ruka who was digging around in her backpack and soon she pulled up something that no one had expected, and she made sure Hachi wasn't watching too.

In her opinion it was a well deserved gift for the deared school caretaker and yess.. It was her middle finger "Here's to sleeping on the job Usaida-san, flip you!" she dug into her bag again 'Am i going to get a fist after this?' He thought.. afraid of getting a jab to the face for sleeping on his job.

"Here, not the best but i hope you like it" she shoved a single chocolate chipped cupcake to the adult that was nicely placed inside a decorated box that had a pink bunny on them. "Not exactly the valentine themed treats but since Inomata is a bit of a party pooper, yapping about the rules i just complied for once."

She sighed and got the kids to line up "Kids! line up onee-chan's got cupcakes" the kids eyes sparkled "Uwahh~ cupycakie" Kirin cheered and held out her hands while The twins did the same. Ruka handed the potbellies their share and they started to down them then and there. each had a special little chocolate animal for each of their favorite creatures.

Kirin having a little giraffe, Kazuma and Takuma having a little chocolate horse and Zebra..

"I din't know you can bake Ruka-chan" the adult chortles as he ate the tasty and sweet chocolate chipped cupcake. "Well I don't do it often, and this a perfect chance to bake something for you guys and the kids." she looked below to see Hachi with glee in his eyes.

"Nee-chan can I have another one?" she asked with pleading glee full eyes earing one big and long sigh from her elder sister "Hachi, this is your last alright? you've ate 7 already and this is your 8th and last" Usaida almost dropped his little treat "8th?" Ruka nodded "she's a sucker for cupcakes and she'll try to budge me to make cupcakes but im not stupid Hachi"

she giggled and completely demolished it under 10 seconds! Crazy.. right? "what the-" Usaida sweats at this new information AND proof of the little adorable Hachimitsu is a complete simp, sucker for something as simple as cupcakes.

"And here's something for you Midori" she sat down in front of the infant and got something in her backpack "I heard from Sawatari-sensei that Midori favors strawberry so i decided to make a little strawberry cupcake for her"

"Abbu~" the little one cheers and held her tiny hands out "I made the frosting strawberry flavoured too so she can eat as she please" she handed the treat and giggled at the cuteness. "This is actually clever Ruka-chan, no one'll shove the rule book on your face"

"I know right, if they did i'll give them a germal suplex and shove a cupcake up their privates!" 'Excuse me? how will it work on boys?... Gah! terrifying' He looked mortified to say the least.


"Ruka-chan, Who are you going to give them too besides the kids? anyone special in mind?" Usaida wiggled his eyebrows at the thought of one of the two staff of the daycare besides himself ofcourse being the special one of the new and cute transfer student. 'How will it go?'


"Stop imagining me dating those two boys Usaida-san, your thought bubbles are visible and annoying" she hits his head making him rub it from the force. Ruka huffs a breath "We're just friends, besides I don't think im either of their type"

"Nii-chan you poopie head!" was the scream of the little Kamitani as the elder slammed the door open. "Oh boy what is all this hullabaloo about now?" the little one squirmed from Hayato's hold and managed to get down and pouted at him.

"Sorry the brat's already making a fuss in the morning" Hayato said and closed the door behind him "Used to it by now, what's he mad about now?" Ruka hands the sewn apron to the taller male. "Don't know, don't care"

"Almost forgot, here gave a cupcake" she handed him the sweet treat to which he just looked at it blankly "I don't like sweets, no thankyou" he said it right to her face earning an angry smile.

"Ofcourse you don't, just pour salt on it so it'll become salty just like yourself take it or leave it Kamitani im not offering twice"

"Fine, thanks Handa" Taka came up to the blue head and had sparkles in his eyes but being the shy boy he is he couldn't bring himself to ask rather he fiddled in his place "U-uhh"

Ruka giggled in her place and patted his head "What is it Taka? is there anything you want?" he stayed silent and twiddled his little fingers "Nee-chan, c-can I have a cupcake?" he felt left out because either everyone had either a cupcake in hand or frosting all over their faces.

She handed her a cupcake with a little chocolate Hawk on top of the frosting instead of a cherry "Ofcourse the brave knight gets a cupcake, all his hard work has to pay off in some form" the little knight smiled brightly and showed off his treat to the others.

But a little girl with malicious intent was in presence, she sneaked around the corner getting near to the backpack that had the sweet scent of chocolate cupcakes! "yeet!"

"oh no you don't, a max of 7 each week Hachi. choose you eat 9 today and no more for the rest of the month or you don't eat anymore and you'll get your normal share" 'That is a horrible deal..' Hayato and Usaida thought and yet the cupcake simp can still think hard about it!

"Fine, i'll hold my horses" she said and pouted. "Sorry everyone we had something to do back then so- what is that smell?" a wild red head and small greenette appeared out of the blue! "Right on time Kashima, have a cupcake.." she handed him one that had a small dragon on it while his little brother got on that has a tiger.

"E-eh? why so sudden?" she arched an eyebrow at the boy "It's valentines" a hint of red showed on his cheeks upon looking at the small dragon on top of the chocolate flavoured frosting. "O-oh, it seems so thankyou so much Handa-san"

Ruka nodded with a smile as she saw the little green haired toddler's eyes sparkle holding the chocolate fairy cake in his chubby little hands. "Nii-cha! tiger!" he pointed out to his elder brother. "It seems so there is a tiger, i din't know Handa-san can bake and shape these little figurines so well" he priased getting a chortle.

"I don't do it often, and valentines is where girls bake sweets for guys right? oh! i'll be waiitng on white day where the opposite IS done.." she said eating one for herself "Dang, i am good" she praised, Hayato scoffed "how come you reply to him so politely?" he remembers when she replied to her rudely a few days back 'Oh... was she on her period?'. "Well he isn't the one who grabbed my boob isn't he?" 'Yeah, must be her period'

Ryuuichi blushes a hard red "Please don't bring that up again" the taller rolled his eyes "one to hold a grudge i see Ruka-chan" Usaida remarks earning a headshake "It's no grudge, im just a little bit salty he din't let me in on his english homework even though he knows how bad i am at it" she snarled at the taller boy.

"Huh? how am i supposed to know you don't know the difference between week and weak?"



"NOT for discussion, come on lets go to class chop chop pronto boys!"


The sight of the new transfer student, holding or rather dragging the two most attractive boys in their year broke not only many of the boys hearts but also the girls hearts as well. The three arrived at their class and soon Ruka excused herself to go to the rest room. "Kashima! have you gotten any chocolate yet today?! and did you get it from Ushimaru-chan or Handa-chan?!"

a girl named Yuki Ushimaru was in class 3-C, she had blushed a hard red about the thought of giving her crush Ryuuichi Kashima a box of chocolates. "Uh no actually, but i did get this chocolate cupcake from Handa-san" he said holding it up to the boy named Usokawa.

'Hah! how can i compete with Handa-chan?!' Ushimaru went into a frenzy upon realizing she has a love war with Ruka Handa, the beautiful new student! 'My Handa-chan..' Usokawa looked dejected but brightened remembering there is still hope with Ushimaru.

"But i bet Kamitani has already gotten lots of chocolat-"

"Ha? chocolates? no thanks im not into that stuff" he bluntly said to a girl who was offering him a box of home made chocolates making her cry and run back to her friend. "You freak!" Usokawa yelled with a follow up from one of his friends "You could have given that to us!"

"Hello-hou? what's about them?" Ruka had just came back from the restroom, and the sight she saw first thing from entering class was... Usokawa rolling on the floor with the others chanting that they wanted chocolate. Ryuuichi sighed "I-it's nothing Handa-san, I was about to try the cupcake you gave me"

Ruka's eyes sparkled "Come on give me your honest opinion about them, oi! you too Kamitani!" they looked behind and saw that... there's only the cup left and the little chocolate falcon figure "phwety delmmhpichus not gownah wie" Ruka went up to him "I would choke you if you din't say that, thanks Kamitani" she joked and sat down.

"You understood what he said?" Ryuuichi asks as he ate his own cupcake "Wow! this is delmmhichus Hmda-san!" He said with his mouth full making the girl giggle "Im glad you both like it, and please don't talk with your mouth full"

"Thankyou for getting through the trouble of making us these cupcakes" he said leaving more of the boys dejected that they din't get the scrumptious looking treats. she sat down on her seat beside Hayato and got her books, but at the corner of the falcon's eye he saw one last cupcake.

the cupcake had a small puppy figure on the top of the frosting "Still got someone else you want to give a cupcake?" he asked in curiosity getting a nod from the girl "It's for Inui-senpai" she said making the boys let out another sigh 'I want to be Inui-senpai' they except for Ryuuichi and Hayato thought in sync.


"Wow Hebihara-sensei's class is brutal but lucky for me chemistry is my thing, well I can't write perfect reports but atleast i put my effort into it" she said proud of herself. "Well judging by how Hebihara-sensei praises you, Handa-san might be his favorite female student the male one being Kamitani ofcourse"

"ha? the old man doesn't even acknowledge me" he bluntly replied as they reached the exit of the Junior high school building. "Ofcourse he does Kamitani!-oh its already the exit we'll be going to the daycare" the three went their separate ways and Ruka was on he way to the senior high school building again.

"Look at that girl! she's holding on her chocolates so openly what an idiot!" people were giving her weird looks as she came in the building "i'll hurl this at you if you keep talking, this isn't breaking the rules idiot! I am doing something completely different" she said and speeded off to Inui's class.

"Hello senpai, Is Inui-senpai in class?" she asked one of the boys earning a headshake but a male scream could be heard from the class, It was Jiro! Ruka sighed considering that Jiro is bestfriends or well some sort of friends with whom she's looking for.

"G-get away from me! I don't want a-anything to do with you!" he exclaimed as Ruka rolled her eyes "Neither do I buster, tell me where Inui-senpai is and i'll spare your sausage the cupcake" his friend tried to stand up for him but as Ruka gave her a deadpanned look he bolted out of the scene.

"B-back of the school!" he shouted and backed up to the wall.



"Heh, easy"


"Oh Yukari-san" Inui the great sighed at the thought of the 'single mother' that belongs to the Sawatari family, yet again this second year is on it again, sulking about his crush that is the women in question. "Where the hell is that guy?!" a familiar voice ringed in his ear and he looked to the side and saw his junior Ruka Handa.

He stood up straight and went to her "Handa? What are you doing here?" he asks the girl earning a pout "I've been looking for you, here take this!" she shoved the cake to his chest as he took a good look at it "What's this for? Valentine?" she nodded "Not exactly, I just took the chance and baked something for you as a sign of thanks for standing up for me"

He looked at the small chocolate puppy on top of the frosting and his hand moved on its on to pat the girls head "Yeah, it was no problem" she took the hand of her head and smiled warmly at him, the wind was blowing her blue locks in the wind as she bowed and took her leave. 'She's actually pretty cute when she's not angry or in a bad mood' he thought as she walked away.

"Cupcakes done and dus- oh wait! I need to give one mor- ouch!" she had bumped into someone at her way to the daycare "Hey! watch where- woah why does he have a nose bleed?" she scrambled and handed the blonde a tissue. "Oh? It's Handa-chan!"

"Sorry about him Handa, this is Tomoya Yagi and im Chuukichi Nezu" an aloof looking male with violet eyes covered by long and messy bangs spoke, in his hand was the collar of the uniform that belonged to a tall and blonde boy a happy expression engraved on his face, despite the creepy nosebleed.

"Wait how did you two know my name?" she asked as and handed him more tissues, probably preparing her phone too incase Tomoya loses too much blood. "Well we had a front row seat on you demolishing Inomata with your whip of a tounge" he remarked on the incident a while ago "We also knew you spilled an upperclassmen's ketchup on the floor"

"Talking about ketchup why is some coming out of his nose?" She asks as more started dripping out! "Tomoya here, the child loving deviant plans to join the baby sitting club, I wouldn't recommend it Handa" Chuukichi remarks making the girl gasp "He's a pedo?!" Tomoya now gasps! "I am not a ped-"

"If anything happens to my little sister, I will bury you six hundred feet in the ground!" Tomoya kept smiling even though he was scared for his life! "Don't kill him, i'll keep him away from the kids"

"Oh.. setting that aside you can keep the tissue pack, and have you seen Inomata?" she asked the boys to which Chuukichi pointed at the daycare "Thanks! see you guys" she ran off to the daycare where Maria was standing beside the sliding door. "I-if you all wait, tomorrow I promise to bring you all delicious chocolates" was the first thing Ruka heard.

she smiled and patted her shoulder and handed her the cupcake, the girl opened her mouth to say something but was cut off "Before you say anything, that's a cupcake so im not breaking the rules right?" Maria looked at the little boar on top and questioned her, why would she give something to someone as dull as her? not to mention that their first impression wasn't the best.

"Well, it is true that we got off on the wrong foot. But that's the past and i'd still like to be your friend Inomata" she said with a bright smile, the smile that refreshed the many students lucky enough to witness "W-well me too, I would also like to be your friend" Inomata stated.

Inomata known as the over studying student or the party pooper, had never actually received anything. this is a first for her.

"Handa-san don't step on the bloo-"

"Too late"

"What the cupcake!"


"Dad, i'll be out to the store for a bit I need some chocolate for the jackal cupcakes" it was back at their homey apartment of Sakusa Kiyoomi's "Stay safe, take Hachi with you and don't waste your breath on making one for Miya" Hachi who was watching Tv lightened up and went to her big sister.

"Nee-chan I want candy!" the little one requests as they finnaly arrived at "Alright but don- Closed?!" Ruka rubs her temple in annoyance "Had to be my fudging lucky day, first stepping on ketchup and now this." she grumbled and walked to the nearest convenient store on the map.

"I mean it's not like its un-wash able but it come on man! why nosebl- eh? uhh.. Mezu!" Ruka, our dear Ruka had just came in the store and greeted the aloof teenager.. using a wrong name, she said it so confident and sure it's stupid. "It's Nezu, Handa" the man states as he ringed a customer.

"Oh! sorry bout that" she scratches the back of her head as Hachimitsu greets with a small wave to which he too waved back, the two proceeded to explore the fairly big store but eventually Hachimitsu bumping into a familiar toddler.


"Kotarou~ onara! onara! buu buu buu!" Hachi and Kotarou sync wiggled their baby be-hinds cutely making their older siblings let out a chortle "Hey Kashima, I din't expect to see you here" she casually waves as she threw chocolate to her basket. "Neither did I expect to see you Handa-san"

the two teenagers conversed as they got what they needed from the store, but Ryuuichi stayed behind to get something else he had thought of "Handa-san wait up, I want to give you this!" the redhead handed her a box of chocolates "Im sorry that it's not self made, If I had expected to see you again today I would have made my own, Happy valentines"

She smiled warmly as a big thanks for the redhead "Hm? but this isn't your way home.. is it Kashima?" the redhead independently decided to walk the girl home "Well it isn't but I don't want Handa-san and Hachi-chan to walk alone in the middle of the night"

"Aww how sweet of you" she said making the redhead blush a bit but he couldn't hide it because he has his little brother in his arms "But I think you should worry more about my shoe, or more of who's throat it's going to end up in" a menacing aura hid behind her innocent smile. 'I- can't help but feel she's going to protect me not the other way around!'


"Hana, Hachi you're back.." Sakusa loomily looks to her daughter's side and saw a red head "You'll have to get through me if you want to be Hana's boyfriend" he said with his arms crossed. "What? No! I was just walking Handa-san home because I don't want her walking alone with Hachi-chan"

"Dad stop bullying him!" Ruka slaps Sakusa's back making him flinch "Fine, Thankyou?"

"Kashima Ryuuichi sir" the redhead bowed.

"Thankyou Kashima, you're still not having my daughter"

"Dad, i'll frickin.."

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