YU-GI-OH ARC-V : The Puppetee...

De Ama_kin

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Thomas is a 16-year normal high school student that loves playing Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game. One day while h... Mais

Prologue : Into the new world
Chapter 1 : a tutorial fight? monarch vs gimmick puppet

Chapter 2 : Action Duel! Thomas vs Yuya

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De Ama_kin

I caught up to them and went to you show. While walking Yuya decided to start a conversation.

"That duel is so cool! and also your Xyz monster is also strong though I admit they look so intimidating."

"Indeed it is, it's unfortunate though that guy can't give me enough challenge. So then I can provide more fan service."

I smile slightly and think about that last duel, sadly the amount of fan service isn't good enough but welp guess I can't be so picky about it.

Some of old Thomas personality has been merged with me, or is me that been completely merged with him though? Anyway, this is just a small price to pay since I'm a kinda boring person in my previous life.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, what's with this 'fan service' thing that you keep talking about?"

Yuzu questions and decided to join our conversation.

"Now that you say it, you look so passionate when you talk about fan service and stuff."

Yuya says and looking at me tilting his head.

"Well that Yuya is my passion as a duelist, I want to give everyone that I duel a good and possibly hard fight as much as I can. The stronger they are the more I can give the fan service they deserve."

They just nod there and as if they understand what I'm saying, though I bet they don't get what I'm saying at all, well it's ok because even I don't understand what I'm saying sometimes.

"Well then Yuya, now that you see me duel, do you think it's passable enough to be entertainer duelist? With my deck and all."

"Well I have to admit that some of your monster cards are scary, but we can always manage! After all, no matter what kind of deck you use you can always be an entertainer!"

Yuya said excitedly and I can't help but chuckled and shake my head, well at least he had spirit.

"Well whatever you say, let's just go to your duel school. Maybe it will help me make a decision."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Yuya grabs Yuzu's hand and drags her to where you show duel school is.

"Ah wait! Yuya!"

I can't help but chuckled and ran after them.

'well, this should be fun.'

After an hour of running, we have finally arrived at the building called You Show Duel School.

I looked at Yuya who pant and Yuzu who clutches her chest and taking a breath.

"Yuya...next time...don't run so fast..."

Yuzu panted while kneeling on the ground, Yuya looks at her and laugh embarrassed, and look at me.

"Ahaha...sorry Yuzu, but anyway what do you think about our school?"

I looked at the building in front of me. It's hard to describe in a proper way. The structure-building looked like super-advanced kindergarten or primary school, but it's a school about having fun to be entertaining in a duel so I don't see a problem with it.

"Well, it's a nice place and unique to say at least."

Yuya seems to be pleased with my answer.

"Great! Now let's go inside! I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you!"

Yuya opens the door and we entered in. Though the inside is not that big, it didn't look bad at all, there's a table, chair, couches, desk, and computer.

When we tour around, we got swarmed by three kids. A red-headed girl with a short cream t-shirt with a striped pink and red long t-shirt, a blue hair with a white short-sleeved shirt and brown vest, along with a watch and short khaki pants, and a chubby boy with oversized orange shorts and a yellow-green top with a hood. The shorts are held in place by straps over his shoulders. His blue and yellow shoes have three protrusions each, making them resemble reptilian feet.

The chubby boy and the blue hair boy are talking with Yuya and Yuzu while the red-headed girl walks to me, she looks a little bit scared. I looked at her and crouched matching her height.

"Well don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy."

I say smiling while pat her head gently. She looks at me for a moment and smiles back.

"Well then little girl, do you want to see what it looks like up there?"

She nodded her head and I picked her up and put her on my shoulder then stood up. She looks around and her smile widens.

"Wow, it's so high from here! You're tall mister!"

"Hahaha, I'm glad you like my little service."

"Oh, and my name is Ayu! I hope we can be friends Onii chan! Are you friends with Yuya onii chan and Yuzu onee chan?"

"I'm Thomas nice to meet you Ayu chan, and I only met Yuya and Yuzu a few hours ago but yeah you can consider us as friends."

As we were talking, the other walks to me while the other kid swarmed at me.

"Is it true you defeat Sawatari!?"

"Yeah without losing life point too!?"

"Of course, I beat Sawatari and his goon."

The three kids look at me with admiration.

"Wow, that's so cool!"

"Yeah, you're like a hot-blooded hero!"

Yuya and Yuzu laugh at me getting swarmed by the kid and their antics.

"Yuya, Yuzu! Is that you guys!"

We heard a man's voice called out, making us turn our heads to see the man rushed from a corner.

"Yes, it's us, dad!"

I can't help but widen my eye and look between Yuzu and the man.

'wait that's her father!?'

The man has dark blue eyes and brown/orange hair. He wears a red/orange jumpsuit with green trim and a red fire design. Underneath Skip wears a dark blue shirt with another fire design. He also wears a white whistle. He also seems to be burning with an indescribable amount of energy.

"And we brought a new friend with us."

Before I can speak, Yuzu's father suddenly got uncomfortably close to me.

"My name is Hiiragi Shuzo, the principal of YSDS and Yuzu's father!"

"It's pleasure to meet you Hiiragi san, my name is Thomas Arclight, nice to meet you."

I offered my hand for a handshake and he accepted it with a bit of force.

"Oh, don't tell me you're interested in joining our school!"

Shuzo looks so hopeful and probably a little desperate, well can't blame him when you look at the condition of this school. Fortunately, Yuzu smacks her father's head with a paper fan.

"Dad please, that's not the way to enroll a new student!"

"Who's this person? I the man Gongenzaka has never seen him before."

A bulky man questioned as he and a short boy with cyan hair followed behind.

"Hi Gongenzaka, when did you come here? I hope you aren't waiting for too long."

"No, I the man Gongenzaka was wondering if my rival is interested in another friendly match before maiami championship."

"Sorry Gongenzaka, maybe another time. For now, I want to introduce you to my new friend here."

Yuya said as the man know as Gongenzaka walks towards me and I have to say he's huge.

"The name is Thomas Arclight, nice to meet you."

"I am the man Gongenzaka, Yuya's childhood friend. It's a pleasure to meet you too Arclight-san."

"Oh you don't need to be polite Gongenzaka-san, you can just call me Thomas like the rest."

"Understood, then you can also call me Gongenzaka."

Lastly, the Cyan hair boy walks towards me.

"I'm Shiunin Sora! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too."

I looked at both of them and smile.

"Do you guys know? Thomas is a strong duelist!"

"Yeah, he can xyz summon and beat Sawatari in one turn!"

At hearing the name Sawatari, Gongenzaka is not pleased.

"Was that Sawatari bothering you again, Yuya?"

"Well yeah, something like that."

Yuya chuckled nervously while scratching his head.

With that Yuya start to explain to Gongenzaka what happened, how they met me, how Sawatari wanted to have revenge, and how I beat him effortlessly with my xyz Monster.

"Hmm, so you are an xyz user.... interesting."

Sora said and nod his head slowly, somehow I can feel a little bit of malice when he says 'xyz user'.

"I the man Gongenzaka, am grateful for protecting my friend. Thank you, Thomas!"

I just laughed a bit and wave my hand.

"Haha, you don't have to thank me, that guy is just so unpleasant to looked at."

"So Thomas, I haven't seen you around here, are you perhaps out of town."

"Yeah, for all you know I am a British who moved to Japan 7 years ago."

"But what brings you to maiami city?"

Shuzo suddenly asked and I looked at him with a smirk.

"Of course to participate in Maiami Championship. I'm planning to become a pro duelist and the first step is to win the first place and possibly fight a stronger opponent."

"But what about your parents? Do they mind you joining?"

I froze for a moment and decided to reply.

"Yeah...my Uncle and Aunt don't mind, they have been supporting for my career to be a pro duelist."

They all nodded in understanding while I'm just holding my expression. Shuzo decided to change the topic.

"So Thomas, you want to join You Show?"

He asked with hope in his eyes.

'Now what should I do, it will be a drag to join duel school, but he look so pitiful that it's hard to say no, well let's just go with the flow and who knows, maybe something interesting is going to happen if I stick with them.'

"Hmm... Maybe I'll join, but on condition that I got to duel someone."

"Alright then! The only thing remaining is who will duel Thomas."

Hearing this Sora seems eager to participated and so is Gongenzaka. But then Yuya beat them to it before they can raise their hand.

"I will be your opponent since we are the ones who find you it's my job to show you my entertainment dueling!"

Yuya said proudly while Yuzu just looked at him.


"Then it's settled, prepare for a hot-blooded duel!"

Shuzo said and rushed to what I believe is a control room. I put down Ayu from my shoulder then followed Yuya to what seems to be a large open room while Yuzu and the rest moved to the spectator area, I just looked around curiously.

"Are we dueling here?"

"Yes but first, I want to ask something. Have you been on an action duel Thomas?"

Action duel? If I'm not wrong it's a kind of duel with the help of solid vision complete with action card and all.

"I've only heard it before but I never participated in one."

I put on my duel disk and insert my deck then activated with Yuya doing the same.

"Well since this is Thomas First time then I will pick this! Action field : GearTown! On!"

I looked around as the whole room change into what it looks like field spell gear town.

"Is this field spell?"

"It's action field, it doesn't boost monster power nor it has the effect to support monster, this is solid vision and everything turns real as reality."

I looked around and start to touch some of the gear, it felt so real. So it's not just a hologram.

"Hoo, how interesting."

"Now let's get started then! Since this is your first time we will forego the chant and we will just say action duel."

I nodded and stand straight as we both shouts in unison.

Action Duel

Thomas : 4000 LP/H : 5x
Yuya : 4000 LP/H : 5x

"You can take your first turn, Thomas."

"Then I'll gladly take your offer. My turn!"

Turn : 1

I analyzed my hand and smile.

"First I activated spell card foolish burial to send my Gimmick Puppet Necro Doll from my deck to graveyard, then I normal summon Gimmick Puppet Des Troy."

On the field, a puppet that resembles a Trojan Horse, with a body composed of dolls of Greek soldiers appeared.

Gimmick Puppet Des Troy : Dark : Lv 4 : Machine (1200 Atk/ 2000 Def)

"Gimmick Puppet...I never heard of that archetype before."

Sora commented while eating some candy.

"And then I activated another spell card treasure card of puppet to destroy Des Troy to draw one card."

Des Troy explodes and tons of dolls are scattered on the ground while I draw a card. Yuya seems confused about my play.

"Eh? But why summon it just to destroy it for 1 draw?"

"For this, I activated Des Troy monster effect, when it's destroyed by a card effect I can special Gimmick Puppet monster with 1000 or less Atk from my hand. I'll special summon Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer and Nightmare."

Gear Changer and Nightmare appeared on the field. Gear Changer has the appearance of a blue doll with a machine attached to it while Nightmare, fitting for its name is a combination of 2 red-colored puppets with a limb of a little puppet.

Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer : Earth : Lv 1 : Machine (100 Atk/100 Def)

Gimmick Puppet Nightmare : dark : Lv 8 : Machine (1000 Atk/2000 Def)

Seeing the monster make everyone mostly the kid shiver(especially Futoshi)

"Thomas nii-chan monster is scary..."

"Yeah, it gives me a bad shiver."

I just chuckled at their reaction, not my fault they look like they came out horror movie.

"And then I activated Gear Changer effect, once per turn, I can target 1 gimmick puppet monster I control, except this card; and this card level becomes the current level of that monster until the end phase."

"Does that mean..."

"I choose Nightmare and change the level of Gear Changer to 8."

With that gear changer spin the lever on the machine 7 times to change its level from 1 to 8.

"Wait, does that mean."

"Is it coming?"

"Almost, lastly I special summon Necro Doll from the graveyard, I can special summon it by removing 1 gimmick puppet monster from the graveyard."

Necro Doll appeared again with a creepy giggle.

Gimmick Puppet Necro Doll : Dark : Lv 8 : Machine (0 Atk/0 Def)

"3 levels 8 monster, is it time..."

"Now then Sakaki Yuya, for our first duel I present to you my greatest fan service! I overlay my gear changer, nightmare, and necro doll! With these 3 monsters, I build an overlay network!"

The three monsters become orb of purple light and fly to a portal, the portal then explode.

"This is my true Trump card! now face your limitations in the hands of King! Xyz summon! Appear! The King who holds Destiny! Gimmick Puppet Destiny Leo!"

A throne emerges slowly revealing a figure of a lion puppet sitting majestically while holding a sword with 3 gems embedded in it in its hand with a 3 orb of light orbiting around him.

Gimmick Puppet Destiny Leo : Dark : Rank 8 : Machine (3200 Atk/ 2300 Def)

In LDS Room

A stocky, fair-skinned man with black hair that has four grey bangs at the front, and blue-lensed hexagonal glasses. He wears a grey business suit with a blue tie was looking at the monitor. The monitor suddenly beeping and show a warning sign.

"Sir, we detected strong summoning energy! And it's stronger than before!"

"Do we get the visual?"

"It's from You Show Duel School."

The monitor shows an action duel between Yuya and Thomas. Behind him is destiny leo.

"It's Thomas Arclight, and it seems he duels against Sakaki Yuya!"

"Let's watch the duel while we collect some data of Sakaki Yuya pendulum summoning."

'but not even my strongest xyz monster can produce such energy and he's clearly from standard dimension, is it about his card or...'

Back to You Show Duel School

"xyz summon in the first turn, Thomas is strong..."

All of those who watching stare at the lion in awe of how righteous and benevolent it looks.

"So cool!"

"It looks completely different than other scary dolls from before!"

"It gives me shivers!"

"Is this Thomas ace monster?"

Sora narrowed his eyes staring at the xyz monster while Yuya seems to be shocked.

"3200 Atk!?"

"I set 1 card and before I end my turn I activated destiny leo effect, by detaching 1 overlay unit I can give itself destiny counter."

One of the overlay units got absorbed in the gem of its sword, which shines golden light.

"With that, I end my turn. And a little bit of advice Yuya, you better defeat me before I can collect 3 counter."

Yuya seems tense but collects himself and nods.

"Alright, then it's my turn! Draw!"

Turn 2

Thomas : 4000 LP/H : 0x
Yuya : 4000 LP/H : 6x

"First I activated my spell card pot of greed! It allows me to draw 2 cards!"

Yuya looks at his card and smiles widely.

"It's here!"

He adds the card to his and spread his arms wide.

"Ladies and gentleman! Behold the newest style of dueling!"

I just started him completely confused but then remembered something and steel myself.

'is it coming...'

With my scale 1 Magician of Astromancy and scale 8 Magician of Chronomancy! I set the pendulum scale!"

Yuya said as he placed his magician in its respective pendulum zones and watch as his pendulum monster was surrounded by pillars of light as they rise and an enlarged version of Yuya Pendulum appeared between them.

Magician of Astromancy : Dark : Lv 5 : Spellcaster : Pendulum : Scale 1

Magician of Chronomancy : Dark : Lv 3 : Spellcaster : Pendulum : Scale 8

"It's here! His pendulum summon!"

"Pendulum! Pendulum!"

"With this, I can summon monsters between levels 2 and 7 simultaneously!"

Yuya grabs his pendant and starts to chant.

"Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear now! My monsters!"

A portal appeared overhead the pendulum and 3 lights burst through.

"Now on stage! We have Entermate Sword Fish! Entermate Whip Viper and Dragon with Wondrous and beautiful dichromatic eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

The first that that came out is a purple snake with performer attire, followed by a fish that almost resembles a sword and finally, a dual-eyed colored red bipedal dragon appeared.

Entermate Whip Viper : Earth : Lv 4 : Reptile (1700 Atk/900 Def)

Entermate Swordfish : Water : Lv 2 : Fish (600 Atk/600 Def)

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon : Dark : Lv 7 : Dragon (2500 Atk/2000 Def) : PS 4

'so this is pendulum summon, have to say it's amazing when you see it up close...'

Suddenly Odd-eyes Stared at destiny leo and release a mighty roar while destiny emits a golden aura to In response. Everyone looks at the two monsters confused.

"What are You and Thomas monster doing?"

I just started at odd-eyes and back to my destiny leo. It looks like odd-eyes is telling something, and if anything it looks like it's in...pain. I shake my head at the taught and focus my duel.

"So what do you think about my Pendulum summon, Thomas."

"I'll have to say it's far better than I expected rather than seeing it on television."

I smirk but then look at Yuya with a serious expression.

"But don't think that pendulum summons gonna be yours forever."

Sooner or later, the pendulum summon will be spread all over the world and I wonder how will he react.

Yuya seems confused and pondering about my word, but decided to drop it for now.

"I activated whip viper's effect! Once per turn, I can target one face-up monster and switch its Atk and Def until the end of the turn! I choose your destiny leo!"

Whip Viper tried its best to hypnotized the lion puppet, making its aura diminished a little.

Gimmick Puppet Destiny Leo - 3200 > 2300

"Then I activated my Swordfish effect! It can reduce your monster Atk point by 600!"

Gimmick Puppet Destiny Leo - 2300 > 1700

I looked at Yuya's field and start to formulate a plan.

'I can use my scrap-iron scarecrow to negate its attack, but that magician of Chronomancy...or should I say timegazer has some nasty effect so I better be careful, let's just pass the damage for now.'

I dashed from my spot to find an action card and Yuya does the same, 1 card is enough to stop timegazer in case Yuya use an action card.

"Battle! Odd-eyes attack Destiny Leo! Strike Burst of Spirals!"

Odd-eyes fires its powerful spiral energy at destiny leo. Yuya

"Action card! High Dive! With its effect, odd-eyes gain 1000 Atk point!"

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon - 2500>3500

I managed to grab an action card and decided to not activate it. The energy suddenly gets stronger and hits destiny leo creating an explosion and covered by a cloud of dust.

Thomas : 4000 LP > 2200 LP

"Why would Thomas allowed the attack to go through? He even managed to grab an action card."

The question seems to be solved when the dust cleared revealing destiny leo sitting on its throne.

"Eh!? Why isn't destiny leo destroyed!?"

"I'm sorry to say but destiny leo can't be destroyed by battle."

Everyone seems too shocked when they hear my answer.

"No wonder he allowed the attack to pass."

"The monster seems to have a powerful effect."

"Well in that case I end my turn and Whip Viper and swordfish effect end."

Gimmick puppet Destiny Leo - 1700 > 3200

"Well, I have to say it's a good move, as expected from someone who beat Strong Ishijima."

Yuya just smiles sheepishly and scratches his head.

"Well, then it's my turn! Draw!"

Turn : 3

Thomas : 2200 LP/H : 1x
Yuya : 4000 LP/H : 2x

"I activated Destiny Leo effect once again!"

The second overlay unit flew toward the gem in the middle of the sword.

"Then I activated spell card, Card of Demise! This card allowed me to draw till I have 5 cards in my hand from my deck! But in the 5th standby phase, I have to discard my whole hand to the graveyard!"

I looked at the card that I draw and smirk.

"Well lets up the difficulty, shall we. First I activated the spell card twin twister! I discard one card in my hand to destroy 2 of your pendulum card! And if I'm not wrong your pendulum cards are treated as spell cards!"

A twister appeared and destroy both pendulum scale.

"What! Chronomancy! Astromancy!"

"I special summon Necro doll again by banishing Des Troy from the graveyard."

Gimmick Puppet Necro Doll : Dark : Lv 8 : Machine (0 Atk/0 Def)

"And now I normal summon my second gear changer and targeted Necro Doll for its effect!"

Gimmick Puppet Gear Changer : Earth : Lv 8 : Machine (100 Atk/100 Def)

"Then I overlay my now level 8 Gear Changer and Necro Doll! With these 2 monsters, I build an overlay network!"

Everyone seems surprised while Yuzu looks concerned.

"Is he going to summon what I think it is..."

"What are you talking about Yuzu?"

I grabbed the card from my extra deck and placed it on my duel disk.

"Come forth! The true mechanism of death and ground those who stand in your way! Xyz Summon! Manifest yourself. Gimmick Puppet Giant Killer!"

Gimmick Puppet Giant Killer : Dark : Rank 8 : machine (1500 Atk/2500 Def)

The massive giant puppet appeared beside Destiny Leo.

"Ah crap, gotta find action card fast!"

Yuya makes a mad dash when he saw my giant killer searching for an action card.

"Let's delay the inevitable and move on to some fan service! I activated equip spell attack gimmick! I equipped this card to Giant Killer and increase his Atk point by 500!"

Gimmick Puppet Giant Killer - 1500 > 2000 Atk

"Now, are you ready for some fan service? I activated Giant Killer effect! By detaching 1 overlay unit I can destroy all monsters in my opponent monster zone!"

it lifts its arms and then shoots numerous puppet strings from its two palms at an opponent's monster.

Yuya hastily grabs an action card and seems so relieved.

"This is it! I activated the action card! Invisibility! In this turn, one of my monsters cannot be destroyed by a card effect. I choose Odd-eyes!"

Odd-eyes become transparent and Dodge the dozen of strings.

"But the same cannot be said to your other monster!"

Giant Killer then dragged both Whip Snake and Swordfish to its chest, which opens up and places them into a grinder and ground them slowly.

Gogenzaka and Yuzu quickly cover the trio's eyes from such a disturbing scene.

"And you take 200 damage per level or rank combined of monster that was destroyed! The total level from destroyed monsters is 6, which means you'll receive 1200 damage!"

a cannon-like object protrudes from its chest to fire a red-colored energy blast at Yuya, pushed him back.


"""Yuya nii-chan!"""

Yuya : 4000 LP > 2800 LP

"Don't forget I still have my battle phase! Destiny Leo attack your Odd-eyes!"

Destiny lifts its sword and sends an energy blade toward Odd-eyes.

Yuya tried to stabilize himself and grab an action card nearby.

"Action card! Evasion! Destiny Leo's attack is negate!"

Odd-eyes manage to dodge the energy blade before it can hit him.

"Then how about this! Giant Killer attack your Odd eyes! I also activated the action card Attack Force! Giant Killer gain 600 Atk!"

Gimmick Puppet Giant Killer - 2000 > 2600 Atk

Giant Killer stretches its left hand and before it elongates and slaps Odd-eyes.


Yuya : 2800 LP > 2700 LP

"Now I activated Another effect of Attack Gimmick! When the equipped monster destroys a monster this turn, I can inflict damage equal to the ATK of your Odd-eyes!"


Yuya was blasted again by a powerful shockwave.

Yuya : 2700 LP > 200 LP

"I set 1 card and end my turn. So how do you like my service Yuya?"

Yuya didn't respond as he slowly got back on his feet, he was looking at the ground as he put his goggles over his eye. I can't believe this, is he looking down just because I destroyed his ace monster?

I scowled at his expression and cannot help but let out a loud sigh.

"In the end is this the best thing you can do."

I murmured out loud and it seems to get his attention as he looks at me still sad, ok I can't stand this shit.

"If you start to act like this just because your ace monster is no more than all I can say I'm disappointed at you, Sakaki Yuya!"

He perked up and look at me angrily, but I wasn't done.

"A true duelist never gives up no matter the odds! The game is not over yet as long you have your life point, As long you have your deck! 1 card can change the game so long you believe in your deck! Don't you say you want to show me your entertainment dueling?"

Yuya gasped for a moment before his frown turned into a smile as he places his goggles on his head and forming a determined expression.

"You're right, Thomas! I can't just throw the game just because I lose Odd-eyes! As long as I have life point and my deck, I can still fight! And I'll show you my, Sakaki Yuya Entertainment dueling!"

Everyone seems to be relieved when they saw Yuya in high spirited, while Shuzo and Gogenzaka Shed their manly tears.

My Turn! Draw!"

Turn : 4

Thomas : 2200 LP/H : 0x

Yuya : 200 LP/H : 3x

Yuya looks at the card he draws and smiles widely and spreads his arms, suddenly Yuya is under the spotlight.

"Ladies and gentleman! As you can see now I'm in a pinch! But do not worry for you will see entertainment in Sakaki Yuya style! With scale 2 Entermate drumming kong and scale 8 odd eyes unicorn, I set the pendulum scale!"

A gorilla with a drum on his chest and a green unicorn with dichromatic eyes surrounded by pillars of light as they rise and a large version of Yuya appear between them.

Entermate Drumming Kong : Earth : Lv 5 : Beast : Pendulum : 2

Entermate Odd-eyes Unicorn : Light : Lv 1 : Beast : Pendulum : 8

"With this I can summon monsters with levels between 3 and 7 at the same time! But before that, I activated the spell card! Card of sanctity! Which allowed both of us to draw a card until we have 6 cards in hand!"

We both draw 6 cards and he looks at his hand with a smile.

'looks like he has a good hand.'

"Now don't blink because the fun starts now! With scale 2 Entermate drumming kong and scale 8 odd eyes unicorn, I'll pendulum summon! Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear once again! My monsters!"

Yuya chant as 3 lights burst out.

"From my hand, Entermate Silver Claw, and Partnaga!"

A silver wolf with a sharp claw and a mix of a yellow and red snake with a green star on its right eye appear on the field.

Entermate Silver Claw : Dark : Lv 4 : Beast ( 1800Atk/ 700 Def) : PS 5

Entermate Partnaga : Earth : Lv 5 : Reptile (500 Atk/ 2000 Def) : PS 3

"And return from extra deck! Dragon with beautiful dichromatic eyes! Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Odd-eyes appeared again on the field.

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon : Dark : Lv 7 : Dragon (2500 Atk/2000 Def) : PS 4

I can't help but smile. It's not good to defeat someone who's not in his best, so seeing Yuya back to himself is a good thing.

"Looks like you got it, now show me your entertainment dueling! Sakaki Yuya!"

"You can count on me! I activated Partnaga effect! When Partnaga is summoned, I can target 1 monster on my field and that monster gain 300 Atk point for each "Entermate" monster I control! And since I have 2 "entermate" monster Odd-eyes gains 600 Atk point!"

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon - 2500 Atk > 3100 Ark

"That's good and all but don't forget that Destiny Leo can't be destroyed by battle."

"Don't worry, I got this under control. I activated the equip spell card rainbow veil! I equip it to Odd-eyes, and thanks to its effect, the effect of all monsters you control will be negated during my battle phase only."

Yuya jumped on his dragon back that has almost covered by a rainbow light, as he and his dragon flies around the field to searching an action card.

"Battle! Silver Claw attack Giant Killer! And when silver claw's attack, all "Entermate" monster gain 300 Atk until the end of the turn!"

Entermate Silver Claw - 1800 Atk > 2100 Atk

Entermate Partnaga - 500 Atk > 800 Atk

Silver Claw strikes Giant Killer and destroys it.

Thomas : 2200 LP > 2100 LP

"Now Odd-eyes attack your Destiny Leo! And I activated Drumming Kong pendulum effect! Once per turn when a monster I control battle a monster; I can target the battling monster and it gains 600 Atk until the end of battle phase!"

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon - 3100 Atk > 3700 Atk

"I'm not done yet! I also activated odd-eyes unicorn pendulum effect! Once per turn when an "odd-eyes" monster attacks, I can target that monster, and until the end of turn that target gains ATK equal to the ATK of 1 face-up Attack Position "entermate" monster I control! I target odd-eyes pendulum dragon and it gains silver claw Atk point!"

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon - 3700 Atk > 5700 Atk

"5700 Atk point!"

"If the attack connects then Yuya will win."

Everyone starts to get hopefully while I can't help but to feel sorry about what I'm about to do next.

"Let's finish this, Odd-eyes! With those dual-colored eyes of yours, lay waste to all you see! Strike Burst of Spirals!"

Odd-eyes charge up and shot a stream of energy that's far stronger than before.

"I won't let you!  Trap card Scrap-Iron Scarecrow activated! It negated your attack!"

A scarecrow appear and stop Odd-eyes attack while protecting both destiny leo and Thomas.

"And after it's activated I can set the card. Looks like you cannot finish me this turn, Yuya."

"I'm not done yet! Action card! Wonder chance! I target Odd-eyes and he can make another attack!"

Odd-eyes charged up and fire another burst of energy at destiny leo.

"I activated my last trap card draining shield! I negated your attack once again! And then I gain life point by the attacking monster Atk point."

Thomas : 2100 LP > 7800 LP

"What will you do now, Yuya?"

"I set 2 cards and end my turn. And odd-eyes attack return to normal."

Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon - 5100 Atk > 3400 Atk

"My turn, draw!"

Turn : 5

Thomas : 7800 LP/H : 7x

Yuya : 200 LP/H : 1x

"And I activated Destiny Leo effect and use its final overlay unit to give him a destiny counter."

The last overlay unit flew toward the last gem in the sword.

All the three gems now shine bright golden color and Destiny Leo eyes that are dull suddenly lit up.

"W-what's happening."

"This is a finale, Yuya. I have to admit you have the best and interesting entertainment dueling but it's time to end this. In this turn, when Destiny Leo doesn't have any overlay unit its effect will activate depends on the number of destiny counter it has. Since I have exact 3 destiny counter, I win the duel."

The revelation of the destiny leo effect seems to shock everyone that was watching the duel.

"An alternative win condition...?"

"No way!"

"Now the warning makes sense."

Destiny Leo stood up from the throne and held it with both hands reverse grip.

"Now prepare for the great fan service, Yuya! Do it, Destiny Leo! Final Countdown!"

Destiny Leo slams his sword, creating a torrent of light shockwave that moved faster toward Yuya and blast him off.


Yuya screams in pain and falls to the ground.

Thomas : 7800 LP/H : 7x

Yuya : 200 LP/H : 1x

Thomas - WIN

The action field faded as I deactivated my duel disk and I deactivated my duel disk and out my deck back to the holster. I looked at Yuya who is surrounded by his friends.

"Yuya, are you ok?"

Yuzu looks at Yuya concerned and helps him to get up.

"Yeah, don't worry Yuzu, I'm fine. Just a little bit shook."

Yuya stood up and smile at her and she smiles back at him. I looked at Yuya and Yuzu then turn to Sora who is standing next to me.

"They look so close, are they dating or something?"

I asked him genuinely confuse at their antics.

"I know right? It's also what I thought the first time I saw them."

Sora replied and nodded his head while looking at the couple with a smirk. Hearing our conversation, Yuya and Yuzu step back as their face become red.

"W-what are you saying, Thomas!? Yuya and I are just a friend!"

"Yeah, that's right! And why would I date with a rude strong girl like her!?"

Yuzu replied shyly and Yuya added, which seems to tick her off as she grabs her paper fan from out of nowhere and smack Yuya's head and send him to the floor.

"Yuya. That's not a good thing to talk to a young lady like that."

I deadpanned at Yuya on the ground, smoke seems to come out from the area that Yuzu hit.


"S-sorry Yuzu..."

Yuya apologized, rubbing his head.

"So does that mean Thomas nii-chan won't join our school?"

Ayu said and look down. The other kid also looks down with a sad look.

"Who said anything about me not joining?"

I asked and tilted my head and they look at me surprised.

"But why? Didn't Yuya lose to you?"

"Well I did say I want to duel someone. Nobody says the condition is to beat me, and beside even if that's the case I still gonna join."

I say with a smile and everyone seems confused.

"The way you duel is enough to convinced me about your entertainment dueling, it reminded me of when the first time I start dueling, it was the most enjoyable experience in my whole life. And beside joining you guys seems fun."

At my declaration, the kids cheers and Shuzo crying waterfalls.

"That's truly a hot-blooded answer, Thomas!"

"I, the man Gongenzaka, am really touched by your words. You have my deepest respect."

"Well, let me be the first one who congratulate you to You Show Duel School, Thomas!"

Yuya said and extending his hand which I accepted.

"The pleasure is mine, Yuya."

LDS Control Room

Reiji hummed while reclining into his chair.

"He seems pretty tame compared to his other duel, is he."

"Indeed he is."

Reiji nod and look at Thomas information once again. Thomas Archlight are well known for his sadistic tendency where he either stall his enemy with a burn deck or punish anyone who's abusing graveyard effect, saying it's his form of fan service. Now in his fight against Yuya,  he doesn't going overboard with his fan service.

"Anyway, the energy coming from his xyz summoning is very powerful, though I can't really say about xyz dimensions since I haven't encountered any of them, and I don't feel any hatred nor evil in his duel."

Reiji stood up and look at Thomas picture.

"Nakajima, I want you to investigate the deck that Thomas Archlight currently use and while you're at it I want you to bring every data about professor Byron Archlight and his research report. If I'm not mistaken he was researching about another summoning method that focused on xyz summon."

"Yes, president!"

Nakajima bow his head and do his job, while reiji look at the screen one more time.

'without a doubt Thomas is a perfect candidate for Lancer, but to be sure I'll have to duel him myself. I got a feeling that he's not using his full strength at all.'

Back to you show duel school

Once the duel is over, I sign the paper Shuzo gave me. After that, I and the other are discussing about random thing until Sora asked me something.

"So Thomas, any reason why you play xyz summon?"

I looked at him and cup my chin.

"Honestly, I don't know. After all I only get to xyz summon like 2 duels ago."

Everyone seems surprised hearing my answer. Which is not far from the truth, after all Thomas Arclight has been using typical burn deck and gravekeeper deck before he arrives at maiami city.

"No way! You look like you've been xyz summon for age!"

"Well can't help it. I mean I can Probably fusion summon or synchro summon if I get my hands on the card. Call it "natural talent" if you like."

I replied and shrug with a cheeky smile. Everyone eyebrows twitched hearing me boasting.

"So yeah that's about it. Does that answer satisfied you Sora?"

He just looked at me and nod his head in understatement. I just started at him for a while.

'I don't know why but somehow he's like giving me a bad feeling. And somehow I got this weird feeling when I xyz summon...it feels like he despise it or something.'

I made a mental note to be careful around him and look at the time.

"Well it was fun, but I should return to my apartment. It's getting late."

I turned to them and smile.

"It's been a pleasure to meet you guys, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, you're leaving already?"

"Well, see you tomorrow then!"

Everyone said their goodbye and I wave my hand and walks out You Show.


At my apartment, after eating my dinner, I clean myself and walks to my bed after I changed to my pajama.

I put my deck on the table and look over it again.

"Gimmick Puppet is good and all, but it's to bad I don't get any xyz summon aside the former number card. Maybe I should hit the shop tomorrow."

With that I lay down my bed and close my eyes.

'Hmm...maybe I should buy a kiting tool, don't want to get rusty just because this is a Yu-Gi-Oh! World.'

With that though I fall asleep, unaware that my deck is glowing.


Card Corner

Gimmick Puppet Destiny Leo

Attribute : Dark/Rank : 8/xyz material : 3 level 8 dark monster

(3200 Atk/ 2300 Def)

Machine/xyz/effect :

Cannot be destroyed by battle. Once per turn You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, and if you do, place 1 Destiny Counter on this card. If you have no overlay unit while you have Destiny Counter; you can activated one of these effects depending on your Destiny Counter :

1 : Destroy other card on the field.

2 : Deal 2000 damage.

3 : you win the duel.

And this is chapter 2. Let me know if there's a problem and I'll see you guys next month.

Continue lendo

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