Sassy Tommo - Larry Stylinson...

By hisoopsforhishi

324K 9.6K 6.6K

"The Sassy Tommo just got sassed!" . . . Ageplay - DDLB (If you don't know what this is, google it before you... More

1. Ugly Frog
2. The Feisty One
3. Little Did They Know
4. Not Lasting Relief
5. Princess Louis
6. Match Together
7. Maybe
8. A Day with Him
9. Lights Off
10. The Daddy Incident
11. Cozy & Simple
12. Autumn Leaves
13. Secrets
14. Little Princess
15. "Cuddles!"
16. The Prettiest
17. Accidents
18. For Your Eyes Only
19. Bloom & Boom
20. Polaroid
21. Surprises
22. An angel in white
24. Dinner at the Tomlinson's
Cherry Cola

23. To Give You the Moon

2.6K 80 41
By hisoopsforhishi

Surprise!! Okay, enjoy the chappyyy!


Harry stared at the screen of Louis' phone that he handed over before letting out a sigh. These gossiping sites are annoying sometimes, well, all the time.

"So what if I'm gay? What if I date a 'twink'?" Harry asked. 

"I know right." Louis let out a sarcastic laugh. "Just ignore it, babe. It's not like we were hiding our relationship." Louis commented. 

"Yeah, anyway, shall we move downstairs for breakfast?" Harry asked while locking Louis' phone and handing it over to him. Louis nodded and followed the taller lad to the elevator. The elevator stopped two stories down and Anne greeted two boys as she got in. 

"How are you boys doing?"

"We are good!" Louis responded with a smile after waiting for Harry to respond but he didn't. Harry just hummed after Louis responded while nodding at his mom. He was kind of okay with his mother, but he was afraid that she would leave again and not return for another 2 years if he showed her that he forgives her this soon. 

They all walked into the dining room to find the table already set. They sat around the big table and started filling their plates with food. Anne was in middle of filling her plate when her phone rang. She excused herself from the table and went out of the room to answer the call. 

"Hello, Des, what is it?" She asked her husband.

"Are you still at Harry's?" He asked from the other side. 

"Yeah, yeah, I told you I'll be here for some days" She responded. 

"Oh okay. It's about some news I got today. Is he gay?" Desmond asked. 

"Uh- he didn't tell you that?" Anne asked, kind of knowing Desmond's opinions. 

"Well, yeah, we didn't call or anything anytime soon." Desmond replied. 

"Well, um, yes, he is. I even met his boyfriend. He is a nice lad." Anne responded. 

"Yeah, yeah, I saw him on social media. I just didn't know this until pictures of you and them were all over my social media." 

"Oh, yes. We got papped yesterday when we went shopping. Is there something you wanna talk about that?" Anne asked because she could sense something is wrong. 

"I don't like the fact that my only son is gay. I mean after me, Harry can take over the business but after him who's gonna take over our business? Some random foster kid?" Desmond asked without any variation in his voice. That's how he is. He always talks so calmly, no matter what the feeling is. He just talks like he doesn't care. 

"Uh- Well, if you put it that way it sounds bad but still whoever that takes over the business after Harry would be raised by him, so it'd be no problem." Anne replied, trying to stop this before it escalades into a fight between son and father. 

"That's not our blood, Anne. Just let him know that I don't like it and it needs to stop immediately." He just said those words before hanging up without leaving Anne any space to talk. 

The elder woman let out sigh. She knew that Harry was happy with Louis and she saw how his eyes twinkle when he look at the smaller boy. She could practically feel their love just by looking at them. She didn't want to say these to his son and watch his heart shatter because she knew that the relationship between Louis and Harry was not just another fling. 

She walked back to the dining room to find the teenagers feeding each other while laughing. She decided to keep the bad news for later and let the two boys enjoy their moment. 


"So, you're leaving tomorrow?" Harry asked as he sat on the other end of the couch Anne was sat on. Anne was kind of surprised when Harry walked into her room and started to talk first. Because for the past few days Anne stayed, Harry only talked with her when she asked him a question.

"Yes, baby. Dad cannot handle everything alone. He needs my help there." Anne said sadly. She really wished she could stay more days with Harry. 

"Yeah, I get it. Mom?" Harry looked at his mother and Anne hummed in response. 

"Doesn't dad ever want to see me, I mean, like never?" It was a question he had for so long in his mind. 

"Oh, baby. I'm sure he wants to but he is so busy with the business, love. He barely has time for anything else." Anne said softly knowing that it hurts Harry so much. Harry just shrugged before humming. 

"Well, baby, there's something I wanted to talk with you. I was waiting until you were alone, so I can talk with you alone." Anne decided to finally say Desmond's opinion about Harry being gay. 

"Yeah, what is it?" Harry asked curiously. 

"Do you remember how I got a call when we were having breakfast the other day?" Anne asked, and continued when Harry nodded. "It was your dad. He has seen the pictures those paps took of you, me and Louis. Well, to put it simply, he doesn't like that you are gay beca-"

"I don't care what he likes or doesn't like, mom." Harry said as he rolled his eyes. 

"Well, let me finish, baby. Because, he doesn't like the fact that some foster kid is gonna take over our family business after you." Anne said and Harry couldn't help but laugh because seriously? 

"Seriously, mom? I mean, I don't care. It's not like I want your business. It's you who built the business and you have decided to give it to me, not my decisions. But when it comes to my life, these are my choices and my likings. He has no right to decide on my sexuality just because he was afraid that the business will not be handed over to his blood after me. The business is all he thinks about anyway." Harry rolled his eyes. 

"But baby, you know very well that after us, you gonna have to take over the business. So, there's no saying no to that. Well, if you couldn't already tell, I'm on your side at this because I know that there's no way we can 'turn' you straight." Anne said, putting on air quotes. 

"Thanks" Harry couldn't help but smile at his mother, because she was a sweet lady under that businesswoman and he knew that. 

"By the way, if he wants his blood to continue, we can go for surrogacy. I mean, dammit, I haven't even thought about kids yet, mom. I haven't even graduated yet." Harry chuckled sarcastically. 

"I will try to talk with him again about this once I'm there. Don't worry, we will try to fix the issue." Anne said reassuringly.

"Okay and just so you know, I love Louis a lot and there's no way I'm leaving him because of dad." Harry stated firmly and Anne nodded with a little smile. 


"Bye, baby, I will be calling you at least thrice a week, unlike before." Anne said with a sad smile. Harry nodded. 

"Bye, mom." He leaned in and gave his mother a hug. He felt at peace knowing that she care. He kissed her cheek before pulling out. Anne placed a kiss on Harry's forehead before turning to the smaller boy standing next to Harry. 

"See you, Louis. It was really nice meeting you." Anne said sincerely before hugging him too. 

Soon she was driving away in her car and Louis turned to Harry to find him staring at Anne's car with tear filled eyes. 

"Let's get inside, babe." Louis took Harry's hand in his and walked into the house, well mansion. 

They went into Harry's room and sat on the bed next to each other. Harry scooted a little away from the smaller boy before placing his head on Louis' lap. Blue eyed boy carefully ran his fingers through the messy curls on Harry's head. 

"Thank you, Lou." Harry said. 

"For what, love?" Louis was confused.

"For bringing her here. At least, now I know that she cares." Harry replied making Louis smile. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Harry's nose before wiping tear glistening by the corner of his eye.

"I'm glad you are happy." Louis kissed the elder boy's forehead before continuing to stroke his hair. 

"You know, me and mom had a conversation yesterday when you went back to your place." Harry decided to tell Louis about their conversation.

"Yeah? That's nice." Louis, who was clueless to what's gonna be told next, said happily.

"No, it's not about that. Dad has seen our picture that the paps took the other day. You know how those gossips kept on emphasizing that me being gay." 

"Woah, mean." Louis said unbelievably. "A-are you gonna leave me?" Louis asked hesitantly. 

"No baby, of course not. He can fuck off for all I care." Harry said as he sat up from where he was lying on Louis' lap. He removed his and Louis' shoes before getting onto bed and cuddling the smaller one close to his chest. 

He then said all the things he said to Anne about the problem and how she responded making Louis let out a sigh of relief. He was glad that Harry was not giving up on him. If it was for another person, they would be dumping Louis and getting a girlfriend to act straight just to get the business. 


"Little one, just tell me what you want, baby." Harry asked desperately when Louis kept on crying pointing at the window in Harry's room. Seems to be he is in a deeper headspace because he hasn't said a word since he went into headspace. 

"Do you want this?" Harry asked, pointing at the small cactus pot on his windowsill. Louis shook his head and kept on crying and pointing at the window. 

Harry sighed and sat next to the boy on the bed and that's when he saw it. Louis is pointing at the moon. Harry couldn't help but coo.

"Do you want the moon, princess?" Harry asked chuckling. Louis just kept on pointing at the shining moon in the sky. 

"Baby, daddy can't bring you the moon, love." Harry said as he picked up still crying little one. 

He walked over to the window and swayed from side to side and after a while the little one stopped crying. He popped to fingers into his mouth and kept on staring at the moon with big eyes. Harry couldn't help but swoon over the little one's twinkling blue eyes. 

Suddenly, Louis started crying again, pointing at the moon. Apparently, a cloud has covered the moon and Louis was not happy about that at all. He kept on crying until the moon was finally visible. Harry chuckled and sat Louis on the ground next to the window. 

He walked away and grabbed his desk chair and a pacifier for Louis and brought them to the window. He sat on the chair and got Louis onto his lap. He placed the dummy in his mouth before placing a soft kiss here and there. 

Just like that Harry sat there with Louis until he was tired of looking at the moon and got out of the chair when the boy started whining, pointing at the bed. He called the kitchen and asked for a milk just like Louis likes and waited until it came. 

"How's my little sunshine? All happy?" Harry asked tickling the little one's tummy, making him giggle like mad while throwing his limbs around. Harry walked out of the room to grab the milk one of his maids brought and filled Louis' baby bottle with the milk once inside. 

"Do you want baba, little one?" He asked as he shook the bottle a little. Louis made cute sounds as he made grabby hands towards the bottle. Harry chuckled and sat on the bed before placing the false nipple on Louis' lip. Smaller lad immediately latched onto it and started drinking, making Harry remind him to slow down. 

Soon enough, the little one was falling into a peaceful sleep. Harry carefully removed the bottle from his baby's mouth before going into the bathroom to clean it. He cleaned some of Louis' toys that was around the room and took his shirt off before lying next to the little one on the bed. 


A/N - Heyyyyyy another update! 

How are y'all today? I hope y'all are doing well. 

Today I got a boo boo by hitting my hand on the staircase. Ik it sounds awkward but that's what happened. XD

Anygayyyyy drama started in this chapter. Hope y'all like it!!

Love y'all to death! Byeee!!!! xxx


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