so far so close

By someone_is_happy

76.1K 1.6K 315

"Please don't leave us alone " "Y/n promise us you will come back " What happened when a childhood friends se... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
idk /chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
special chapter
special chapter 2
special chapter 2.1
special chapter 3
special chapter 3.1
11k/ special chapter 4
14k/special chapter 4.1
new year
valentines (couples)
valentines ( single)
thank you 1.1
20k 1.0
Suicide y/n
last chapter?

chapter 8

3.3K 101 10
By someone_is_happy

Y/n pov

What I can say the president really want me I see I am her golden fish but what I can't say I was her angel I prepare everything for today my plan is going to work cause no one can win against me in the game of life anyway as I tell kirari I am going to join so here I am playing different kind of gamble have fun seeing my opponent lose their life one by one in every turn a different game until here I am playing against yumeko jabami it was the most funniest one and the most interesting if I can say since she the only one that can play . Chip after chip is been add until it's the final turn
-"all in" we say together
What I can say she is different but she lose then it's come the moment I am waiting for
-" now I announce f/n ff/n a new member in the student council and the new writer of the life plan " sayaka say
Then everyone start to clap when the show finally end I go to the student council where all of them is their that's good and before I enter I wait for aki yumeko and yumi to come with the things I ask for when they finally arrive I knock on the door and enter everyone look at us and have a question look about what the girls is doing here and what are they  holding
- " good evening everyone I assume you want to know why the girls are here and what are they holding will you see I decide to get some gift as a thank you for  accepting me here know let's start with runa "
Then a guy come with a big machine that continue different kind of lollipops then yumeko come near her to give her the new Nintendo switch that's there is only one of it in the world she look at me like I am her angle  then it's Yuriko turn I get her a new kimono
When yuriko see it she open her eyes what I can say she has a beautiful one

Yumemi gift was one of my studio that is famous in Japan and I know it will help her in her carrier

Knowing midari and her Obsession with guns and  yumeko so I give her a new one that's good to play her game with it and a card to  gamble one time with yumeko which make her very happy and yumeko very mad

Now the moment I was waiting for the president and vic president turn I get a box from a my pocket and give it to aki that open it but before she get what in it I say
- " now it the president and the vic president turn and since I now that you really want to know who I am I should make your wish true but before it yumeko can you please play the video " then yumeko get her laptop and play it

Break news a plain that carry the famous Ms l/n and Mr l/n get crushed at the airport and they are find dead and for their child

Then she stop it and aki start to walk toward  kirair and ririka and give them the box then come and stand beside me
- " now please open it "
When they open there eyes widen and they froze in their places you can see some tears in their eyes
- " where" kirari say
Then everyone look at her  ririka remove her mask and both of them look at me
-" where . Did . You . Find . It " they both say dammit they are so scary
- " why do you ask "
-" just answer or else "
-" what are you going to do but you now both of you , you break my small heart specifying you kirari I mean you hear my voice but let's gamble if you win I will tell you from where I get that necklace and if I win you should answer some questions "
-" deal what is the game "
-" simple coin  toss now head or tail "
-" head "
I throw the coin and then I catch it and it's head wow I lose

- " now since you win I will answer your question "
Then I point my finger on them
-" you give it to me "
-" what do you mean we give it to you we never meet you "
-"  ouch now that hurt oh and that unprofessional of me I should introduce myself to the others  " then I remove my mask " my name is y/n l/n or as you know me as n/n  rari and riri " I said  this words while blowing down


-" um is their something on my face "
Then ririka start to cry and run to me very quickly and hug me tight while kirari follow her
- "we thought you where dead why didn't you come back to us me miss you so much "
-" shush everything is OK I am here and will never go away again I promise " and huge them back after some minutes they leave me and suddenly I feel pain in my stomach and I fill in to the ground when I look up I see kirari smirking
-" and that what you get for leaving us so many years and when you decide to come back with a mask on "
-" I - I am S-sorry it will not happen again "
-" now the meeting is over if u want to go "
-" oh and kirari can u let aki come with me she is my secretary "
-" fine "
When everyone out she hit me again and kneel down then she
Kiss me !!!!
When she let go I was about to say something until I feel another lips on mine it's ririka since when this little angel has a corsage to do that (´・_・')(⊙_⊙)
-" so do you want to come to my house and spend the night "
-" sure their is alot of things you should clear " and there eyes start to shine light blue

-" yes sir "(⊙_⊙)

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