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As Renjun walked down the hallway from recently just leaving his locker after getting everything he needed, he suddenly heard his name being called.

"RENJUN HYUNG!" He stopped walking and turned around seeing Chenle running towards him, after a few seconds of running he made it to him, clearly out of breath.

"Did you need something Chenle." Renjun asked the younger.

Eventually Chenle caught his breath and spoke. "Could you tell Jisung to meet me at the library during lunch whenever you see him?"

"But don't you share classes with him." Renjun asked clearly confused.

"Yes I know but after I get done talking with you I have to go somewhere the whole morning so could you tell him for me hyung? Plseaseee." He pleaded.

Renjun sighed, "Fine but-" Chenle didn't let him finish and cut him off.

"Thanks hyung, now I gotta go bye!" He said then ran off down the hallway

Renjun stared down the hallway completely confused as to what just happened, he got snapped out of his trance when someone poked him on his shoulder, as he turned around he seen Donghyuck and Jisung staring back at him.

"Why were you staring down that hallway." Donghyuck asked.

"Chenle came up to me and told me to tell Jisung to meet him in the library during lunch because he said he wasn't going to be in any of his classes this morning because he needs to do something, then he just ran off down the hall." Renjun explained.

"Oooo Jisungieee is gonna be alone in the library with Chenleee~" Donghyuck teased the younger.

Jisung blushed a dark red as Donghyuck teased him, "Hyung it's not even like that." He said as he looked away from Donghyuck.

"You don't know that." Donghyuck said smirking at him.

"Neither do you." Renjun said.

Donghyuck huffed, "It's always you." He muttered.

Renjun sighed and grabbed a fist full of Donghyuck's jacket sleeve then looked at Jisung, "We'll see you later Jisung." He said then walked away dragging Donghyuck with him.

"Junnie you know I can walk by myself right." Donghyuck said as Renjun continued to drag him.

"Do you ever hear me saying that whenever you drag me around?" Renjun stated, Donghyuck didn't say anything because he knew it was true.

They made it to class and Renjun let go of Donghyuck's sleeve then walked in class with the younger following. They then went over to their seats and sat down.

"I wonder what Chenle wanted with Jisung." Donghyuck said curiously.

"Seriously if you were popular I'm pretty sure you would know everything about everyone here at this hell hole." Renjun said as he looked at his best friend.

"If I was in mean girls I'd be Regina George." Donghyuck said smugly.

"Please for one, I didn't even mention the mean girls and two, you won't be Regina George instead you'd be Karen Smith." Renjun said.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up and I would be Regina, your just mad because you'd be Cady." He said.

"At least I get to push your ass in front of a bus." Renjun said smirking while Donghyuck looked back at him offended.

"Hey you two!" Both boys turned to see who just spoke to them and seen two girls.

Renjun sighed already having an idea about why they were there, "Yes." He asked monotonously.

"We seen you two walking out of the school with Jeno, Jaemin and Mark yesterday." The girl on the right said.

'God dammit, fuck them for being so damn popular.' Renjun thought.

"Look whatever you want we can't help you with." Donghyuck said.

"Oh come on don't be so rude, just suggest us to them." The girl on the left side said in a baby-ish tone while pouting. Renjun and Donghyuck looked at her with disgust.

"Umm like he said before we can't help you with that, just do it yourselves if you want a date with them so bad." Renjun said.

"Ugh you two are so useless no wonder no one likes you two and no wonder you two are freaks and weirdos, that's probably why you two don't have anymore friends because they'll just run away." She said then rolled her eyes.

Renjun rolled his eyes, "Why don't you just shut the hell up and leave us alone." He spat.

"Did you just tell me to shut up?" She said glaring at Renjun and just as he stood up Jaemin, Mark and Jeno walked inside the room.

"Yes I did and I'll say it again, shut the hell up and leave us alone." He snarled, the three boys walked over to the seats behind Renjun's and Donghyuck's and seen the two glaring at each other.

"You think your so tuff, no wonder you have no friends and why nobody likes you." She said.

"And you wonder why they don't want to get with you, nobody wants to be with a bitch who tries to make others feel bad about themselves." He seethed, clearly pissed off.

"For your information I don't make others feel bad, they already do that themselves by being nerds, freaks and weirdos." She said.

"Your a fucking idiot that's exactly what you are." He spat.

"Oh please, if anything I deserve to be close with Jeno and Jaemin because one, I look better than you and two I'm not a freak like you." She spat then flipped her hair as she smirked at him.

"Ok then tell them that and get with them." Donghyuck said and pointed behind him, Renjun and the girl looked behind him seeing Jaemin and Jeno standing there watching along with Mark.

She smiled and pushed Renjun in order to get a clear view of them, "Oh Jaemin and Jeno I was wonder-" Before she was able to finish Donghyuck stood up and grabbed her wrist with a tight grip and started twisting it.

"Oww!" She hissed out in pain, she looked over at Donghyuck and saw that he was glaring at her.

"It's one thing for you to talk shit to him but what your not gonna do is put your hands on him and if you do it again your wrist won't be in place anymore. try me." He snarled.

"I-is that a threat?!" The girl said.

"Nope it's a promise." He said then pushed her backwards causing her to slam into her friend and watched as they both fell onto the ground.

"Wow your pathetic, needing your little friend to help you in an argument." A girl said as she came up to Renjun.

"Actually she's lucky I'm the one dealing with her instead of him." Donghyuck said glaring at her.

"Oh yea? Is it because the little bitch has baby anger issues and doesn't know how to stick up for himself." She said then began laughing.

Renjun got ticked off so he grabbed a random textbook that was about 200 pages thick and threw it at the girl hitting her in her stomach, she groaned in pain as she held her stomach. She looked up at him and seen him glaring at her and she immediately got scared.

"I don't need people to stick up for me but it's better if they do because if I really wanted to I would've beaten your ass here and now without giving a fuck if your a girl. So if I were you I'd leave and go back to my seat before the next textbook I throw is at your fucking head." He snapped at the girl.

She nodded vigorously before leaving and going back to her seat along with the other two girls who were on the floor and sat down in they're seats. Renjun calmed down and sat back down in his seat along with Donghyuck.

"Heh. And this is why I like your angry side better." Donghyuck said smirking at him.

Renjun rolled his eyes and scoffed as a smile tugged at the side of his mouth, "Shut up." He said.

"And the scary part is, that wasn't even when you were fully mad just a bit ticked off." Donghyuck said and Renjun only shrugged.

Mark, Jeno and Jaemin were so shocked after watching all of that commotion that they almost forgot to sit down in their seats.

'Heh. Damn that was hot.' Jeno and Jaemin thought while smirking to themselves.

Ms.Lee came into the classroom with some papers in her arms, "Sorry I'm a bit late children I was doing copies of the math worksheet you all will be working on." She said then began passing out the papers to all of the students.

It was now lunch time and Renjun and Donghyuck made their way out of the classroom and headed the cafeteria.

"I think now that you've gotten angry people will start coming up to you just to tick you off." Donghyuck said.

"Whatever." Renjun said not really bothered by the idea of it.

"Hey Huang!" Renjun rolled his eyes as he recognized the voice that just called him. He and Donghyuck stopped walking turning around and was greeted with the sight of an angry Hayoung.

"What do you want Choi." Renjun said monotonously.

"Who do you think you are calling me that." He said glaring at Renjun.

"It's your last name isn't it? Or do you prefer me to call you idiot instead. Look I'm not in the mood for your bullshit." Renjun said.

"Do you think I give a fuck if your in the mood or not, you threw a book at my sister." Hayoung seethed.

"Do you think I give a fuck about your sister? I don't and I don't give a fuck about you neither." He spat.

"Well you should because now I'm gonna beat your ass for it." Hayoung said smirking then started cracked his knuckles.

Renjun just stared at him and said, "Whatever."

Hayoung tried to throw a punch at him but Renjun grabbed his wrist stopping him then he kneed him hard in his stomach knocking the air out of him. Other students began to gather around them to see what was going on. Renjun kneed him in his thigh making him fall onto the floor then he twisted his arm behind his back and kneed him hard in his back making him slouch over in pain, then he went in front of him and grabbed his face making him look at him.

"You aren't so tuff now without your little bodyguards." Renjun mocked.

"Fuck you." He spat.

"Oh I bet you'd love to." Renjun said then punched him in his face giving him a bloody nose, he let go of his face and stood up turning around to go over to Donghyuck who was smirking at him.

"That's my best friend." He said proudly with his hand raised, Renjun smirked and gave him a high-five, Donghyuck turned to Hayoung and flipped him off before turning and leaving with Renjun.

"And it was only a matter of time until he got what he deserved and hell that wasn't even all of what he deserves." Donghyuck stated.

"I should've thrown a book at him just like I did his sister." Renjun said making Donghyuck chuckle at him. They made it to the cafeteria and sat down at a table near the back where no one could really notice them.

"And people always try to call you the weak one out of the both of us, but they just haven't seen you fully angered like I have." Donghyuck said.

"That's why I don't really care when they do because it's only a matter of time until I finally go off and nearly get expelled." Renjun replied and shrugged.

"Hey guys." They both looked up and seen Jeno, Mark and Jaemin.

"Hey." They both said, Renjun and Donghyuck couldn't believe that they were actually talking to them without stuttering or being flustered.

"Could we sit right here." Jaemin asked.

Donghyuck shrugged and said, "Sure." The three of them then sat down in the seats across from them.

"I seen Jaeyun taking Hayoung to the infirmary, what happened to him?" Jeno said.

"Renjun finally beat his ass." Donghyuck bluntly said.

"Really." Mark asked surprised.

"Mhm." Renjun hummed out.

"Wow that's a shocker because you don't look like the type to fight, no offense." Jeno said.

"None taken." He said.

"Question, why did you three decide to sit with us when there were open seats and not only that but their are others who also wanted you guys to sit with them." Donghyuck asked, the three boys shrugged in response.

"They just want to hang out with us to become popular." Jeno stated.

"And they just only like us for our looks." Jaemin commented.

"And plus you guys are just better to hang out with." Mark said, then Jeno and Jaemin agreed with him. Renjun and Donghyuck tried not smile like idiots but they ended up doing it anyways.

"By the way have either of you seen Chenle anywhere." Jeno asked.

"Oh if I'm not mistaken he should be in the library with Jisung." Renjun answered his question.

"Do you know why." Mark asked.

"No, he just came up to me this morning and asked if I could tell Jisung to meet him in the library at lunch." He explained.

"But he has classes with him, why didn't he just say it himself?" Jaemin said confused.

"That's what I said but he told me he was going to be busy all morning so in the end I agreed." Renjun said.

"Oh alright." Jaemin said.

Classes had finally ended for the day. Donghyuck and Renjun walked out of their class and started heading out the school along with all of the other students.

"I just realized today is Friday," Donghyuck said. "Mmm that's probably why everyone is so happy."

"I mean who wouldn't be it is Friday after all." Jeno suddenly said from behind them, they both jumped and turned around.

"What the hell!?!" Donghyuck yelled while holding his chest.

"You guys do know there is such a thing as making a noise or at least calling our names to inform us that you were walking with us instead of scaring us shitless right?" Renjun said to the three boys.

"Yea we know." Jaemin said.

"But none of you did either of those and just insisted on scaring us?" Donghyuck questioned.

"Pretty much." Mark replied, the two boys sighed and continued to walk out of the school along with the three boys.

"Oh look there is Jisung and Chenle." Donghyuck said pointing to the two boys who were sitting on a bench talking to each other. They went over to the two and stood in front of them.

"Hey Jisungie." Donghyuck said as he began pinching Jisung's cheeks.

"Hyunggg." Jisung whined as he pushed his hand away from his face.

"Why is it always you hyuck." Renjun said then sighed at him.

"What? He's just so cute." He said as he made pinching motions with his fingers.

"Whatever but we should go now." Renjun said.

"Wait before you guys leave," Jaemin said making the two boys turn around and look at him confused. "Friends?"

Renjun and Donghyuck looked at each other before turning back to him smiling and said at the same time. "Friends." Making Jaemin smile back.

"Wait your friends with me too right hyungs?" Chenle said, they both turned around and faced him.

"Of course we are." Donghyuck said as he began pinched his cheeks

"Hyung stoppp." Chenle whined and pushed his hand away.

"You might wanna get used to that because he isn't gonna stop." Renjun stated.

"Welp I won't be the only one going through that now." Jisung said with a goofy smile.

"We should start leaving now, see you guys on Monday." Renjun said and waved at the four boys and they all waved back. Jisung, Donghyuck and Renjun left off campus and started walking home.

"This week was a huge rollercoaster for all three of us." Donghyuck suddenly said.

"You can say that again." Renjun agreed with him.

"We all hung out with our crushes and now we're friends with them, now that's something you don't see everyday." Jisung said making Renjun and Donghyuck chuckle at him.

"So Jisung what did Chenle want with you in the library today." Renjun asked.

"He asked for help on our homework assignment saying he didn't understand it, but when I helped him it's like he completely understood everything or either he's just a fast learner, oh and he asked for my number and now we're friends." He said explaining everything.

"Ok so wait you got his number?!" Donghyuck said in disbelief.

"Yup." He said proudly.

"Damn Jisung got more balls than us." Renjun commented.

"Actually I also do but we'll let it slide this time." Donghyuck said, both Renjun and Jisung rolled their eyes at him.

"Anyways i'll see you later hyungs." Jisung said smiling at them and they both smiled back at him.

"See you Jisungie." They both said and waved at him, he gave them one last smile before turning down a sidewalk.

"Honestly I still can't believe you beat Hayoung's ass and it was on a Friday. best. day. ever." Donghyuck said.

Renjun giggled at him and shook his head, "Yea me neither."

Donghyuck hugged Renjun, "See you later bestie." He said.

Renjun hugged him back and said, "See you bestie." They both let go of each other and Donghyuck turned down a sidewalk.

Renjun continued walking for awhile before coming to the opening of the forest, he continued on his way by following the dirt path before coming to the familiar field of dandelions he'd wish on. He went over and sat under the same tree he'd usually sit under and took off his backpack setting it down beside him; he took a deep breath and looked over the beautiful scenery of dandelions.

He reached over and grabbed a dandelion, "I know I'm already friends with them but I still wish they'd be mine." He wished and blew on it causing the pappuses to fly away.

He put down the stem and grabbed another one, "I just wish nothing happens that will mess up our friendship that somehow started within a week." He wished again then blew on it causing the pappuses to fly away.

He put down the stem and looked at the field full of dandelions, smiling as the whole week replayed in his mind. He got up and dusted himself off and grabbed his backpack throwing it on his shoulder and left out of the field of dandelions following the dirt path once again until he got to the entrance of the forest and started walking home.

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