Harry Potter is actually Harr...

By Music_is_Hope

65.5K 1.6K 323

What if the boy who lived wasn't really Harry Potter but Harry Malfoy? Mr. Malloy shows up to the Dursley's... More

Rescued by the Malfoys: Harry POV
Potter is my twin? Draco POV:
Life being a Ravenclaw Harry POV:
1 - Malfoy?
3 - Memories
4 - My Little Warbler
5 - Back To Hogwarts
6 - Revealment

2 - Hadar?

1.1K 54 13
By Music_is_Hope

Lucius POV;

"Honey, I'm going to have to leave today for business"

It was a weekend and I knew my wife would be suspicious of why I was "working" on a weekend

"Oh? What kind of business do you have on your day off? It's very unusual"

"I think we may have found Hadar"

Many years has passed by, we've watched Draco grow up without his twin brother and at some point during our search, we deemed our son dead until very recently!

So I don't think

I know we found Hadar!

"How so?"

"Well, do you remember how I sent our new house elves Dobby, Elred and Nyana to go to Hogwarts for training?"


"According to Dobby, he noticed one peculiar student radiate magic that supposedly not him. As in it didn't match who he is. So he investigated and got some blood from this student (I don't know how so don't ask and I don't want to know) and sent it off to our personal goblin.

The goblin preformed a birth certificate ritual and found that this student was stolen and placed under a new name....."

"So our baby Hadar is alive!?"

"Yes, goblin magic expels any wizards magic forcing it to be the truth so I'm going to pick up our son today!"

"Lucius! This is the best news I've heard since that fateful day! May I come with? Can Draco come? What about Bella and Severus? I need to go shopping! So much to do!"

I could not help but laugh at my wife's antics to go shopping and prepare everything

"My darling, I love you so much"

I rolled over to see her face for we were still in bed and just woken up

How can one be so beautiful in the mornings, I smiled at the thought of my wife and lightly grazed my hand over her cheek

"Lucius! Stop that, you know I get flustered when you do things like that"

"But I won't stop, you love it"

"Hands off mister! You got to pick up our son and you never answered my question"

This was the part I was dreading on telling everyone but I had to, especially to my wife so I tell her first

"Darling, don't you want to know who Hadar is?"

"I am curious but I can wait to know"

I cannot wait, I must tell you now

"I can wait to tell others but not you, once you hear who he is, you'll probably be angry or sad or something because when I first found out, I was angry"

"Love, now you're worrying me"

"Hadar is Harry James Potter"

I can see my love eyes widen as her mouth slightly parted, she was rendered in shock. I allowed her to process the information as tears started forming

"Darling, don't cry, you know I hate it when you cry"

"Lucius, our baby boy is the boy-who-lived, he survived the killing curse! I'm going to kill that damn Dumbledore!"

Me too, I'm going to kill him

"Imagine how Tom must've felt...."

I never thought about that. He shot the killing curse at Dumbledore but when the goat moved and hit our son....

I can't even begin to imagine...

"Tom, wherever he is, he must be drowned in guilt and anger for knowing that he..."

"But he also must be happy to hear that Hadar survived the killing curse?"

"That is a possibility, we've dwelled long enough in bed love. Time to get up and prepare for today!"

I sighed knowing it was going to be a long day and frankly, I did not want to leave our bed

"I think I shall go alone to pick up our son. I fear he might be overwhelmed if everyone came, especially Draco and Severus"

I paused mid-way of taking one of my nicer robes off of the hanger remembering what Severus said about Hadar as Harry

"That's right, they bullied him while he was Harry at Hogwarts"

Right, because they have an intense hatred for Harry James Potter, Merlin knows how they're going to react when they realized he was their brother and godson this entire time

"Then should I just go shopping with Bella to prepare for Hadars arrival?"

"Put the shopping on hold for we don't know what he would like and dislike. I'd say we wait for Hadar to settle in then do everything. He's going to need some time to process who he is and where he will be now"

"Right right, then do you want me to tell the others of what's happening today and who he is?"

"You can tell them we're having a new person live with us but not who exactly, I don't want to have to keep repeated the story again and again, I just want to say it once then get over with it"

"That sounds like a plan. Will you have breakfast with us or should we wait?"

"It depends how late it is. If I am not back by 10:30, then eat without me. But I should be able to join you guys for lunch"

I walked into the bathroom to do my hair and personal hygienic stuff when my wife came in with such a rare request that I always love

"Love, sit on the vanity chair, I wish to braid it today and talk to you about one more thing before your take off"

I did not hesitate and almost ran to sit on that damn fluffy chair

"What's on your mind darling?"

"How do you think Draco is going to react?"

Honestly, I truly do not know

"I feel like our son might be shock and angry with himself. Ever since we told him he had a twin and that we continue to search for him, I know he's held tremendous amount of love for his lost twin, especially since he's the older twin.

So hearing that the boy he bullies is his younger twin brother, I don't doubt that he'll be heartbroken over the fact that he hurt his brother the past year"

Draco would probably willingly haul himself over a rail and into a pile of peacock shit after knowing Harry is Hadar

"Should we place Hadar next to Draco? Like so their rooms are side by side or should we place him in the guest wing?"

"Let's give him the option. I do not exactly know how comfortable Hadar would be in the family wing with us"

"I'm done now love, time to go pick up our son"

I opened my eyes to see that my wife had braided my hair into a French braid, one of my few favourite braids

I leaned my head back only to see my wife laugh and roll her eyes then giving me a kiss, just what I wanted!

"Alright darling, I'm leaving to pick up our son, don't do anything I would do!"

"Of course not, now go! I'm anxious to meet him!"

And with that, I left our beautiful home to arrive to 4 Privet Drive

What an absolute dump

Our son had to live in this building!

Thank god we're not muggles!

Taking a deep breath in to control my distaste for things, I used my cane to knock on the door. I waited a few seconds for someone to open it and when they did, it was such a tiny boy

A little too tiny...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him meekly ask me what I was doing at this building

I answered I was looking for the boy-who-lived, my son

"I'm Harry Potter sir, may I ask who you are?"

This tiny timid boy is my son!? Do not tell me that these muggles hurt my boy!

Calm down, calm down

Perhaps he just hasn't had a growth spurt, yeah, that seems like the logical reason...

I continued our conversation until I heard a bark from his "uncle"

Just by the sound of his voice, I can already tell I'm going to wish I had kill him

After I introduced myself, my hand was firmly gripping my cane, just aching to release my wand from it and kill them. By the sounds of it, they were payed to hurt my son!

Damn you Dumbledore!

After they had a quick conversation about letting me take him, I left no room for discussion as I told Hadar to pack his things. I watched him move quickly to his bedroom

A cupboard underneath the stairs....

I shall come back to kill you Dursleys

He did not pack much, and everything he packed was able to fit into his overly large pants that most definitely did not fit him

My wife is going to be happy, she has an excuse to shop for new clothes now, even if it's for our son

As we were walking away from that disgusting building, I can see that my son was very hesitant in talking, no doubt about why I was taking him away from those awful muggles...

My guess was correct when he asked me why so I told him the truth bracing for his response and as expected, he did not believe me until he saw the proof right before his eyes so to the bank we go!

His first apparating wasn't bad either, the first short trial run we did, he did not throw up however when actually doing it, I was thankfully he got to the washroom on time before a mess was created

While Sir Drearx and I were waiting for Hadar to come out, I asked him about his appearance

"Sir Drearx, Hadar is my son but he does not take on the appearance of a Malfoy, is this a work of a potion or a glamour spell?"

"It is the work of both, glamours are great for short term, potions are best for long term. I could feel both magic radiating off of him. His glamours are to hide his injuries that he's gotten over the years and the potions is to prevent him from showing his true appearance"

"Is there a way to get rid of them?"

"The glamours will come off on its own for they have to be applied weekly but there is a potion to reverse what was implemented in him"

"How much are the potions?"

"Why ask us when you have a potions master who'll do it for free?"

Cheeky goblin...

"I suppose I could ask Severus, if he's willingly, If not then I am coming back!"

"Of course"

Thankfully he did not comment anymore until, Sir Drearx mentioned that Hadar was puking more than the usual and now thinking on it, he did

It led me to think more deeply. Hadar was tiny, extremely shy, he even thanked and wished his abusers well! There is no doubt that he was being starved, overworked, exhausted and in pain.

According to Severus, even throughout the school year he was very off. He did not act like a normal young kid so what else happened behind the walls?

I zoned out for much of the test for I've already seen it and only zoned back in when Hadar asked me questions or made comments

By the end of it all, it was still before 10:30 meaning there was time for all of us to have breakfast!

I asked Hadar if he was nervous to meet his new family and after he said yes, especially to Draco and Severus, my heart clenched

Draco was a bully to Harry. Harry saw Draco as someone who hated him and tried to test him for everything

Severus was a bully to Harry. Because he was the supposed love child of his crush and his enemy, he tried to make his life as miserable as he possibly could

Draco and Severus are not those kind of people!

Draco is kind, smart and very loving towards his family and true friends. A bit cheeky and sassy but when needed, fiercely protective of his family. The one thing we love is how he interacts with my younger brother. The man whom I call my younger brother (for I'm technically an only child) Severus. When those two are together, all of us prepare for trouble

Severus is the same way. Having grown up with a drunk father who abused him, I remember meeting him and being completely scared of the world. Granted it took me a while to open up and become his friend after I found out he was a half-blood but once I did, I do not regret it. The amount of love he has for our family cannot be matched. We took him in when no one else would, even when his childhood best friend, Lily Evans, left him.

When alone with just the family, Severus is quite the prankster! He loves doing tiny little pranks that would just annoy us. One time he managed to put a colour changing potion in my hair but I could never see the colour, others could but I could not. I was informed it was Gryffindor red by my boss at work.... It took a week for the potion to come out and now I lock my shampoos and conditioners

Taking my son back home, I watched him making sure he would not puke or anything and while he did not, I could see him start to shake and was suddenly rooted to the spot he was standing in

Following his line of vision, I see what he was finally scared of and my heart clenched once again as he was directly looking at my son and brother

He was just terrified of Draco and Severus!

"Hadar, will you be okay or do you wish to be alone?"

He snapped his head to look at me, as if he suddenly realized where he was, he forcibly stopped shaking and was able to move as if he was not just terrified moments ago

"I'm alright, I was just in shock thats all"

I gave him a comforting smile and placed my hands on his shoulder to let him know that I was here

"Lucius, why is Harry Potter with you?"

How much do you hate Harry Potter Severus? I can hear the snarl in your voice very clearly!

"Because everyone, this is not Harry James Potter"

"That would literally be impossible father, he has the lighting bolt on his head, no one else in the world has that"

"Let me explain everyone. I brought a piece of paper from the bank that might change your perspective of things"

I walked over to my wife to give her then birth certificate to show I was not lying when i said I was picking up our son earlier this morning

Tears immediately welled up in her eyes as she passed over the paper to Bella. It was much the same reaction with everyone as they saw what was written on that paper. I watched Draco and Severus in particular for their reactions to who "Harry" was

After Draco comprehended the information, tears fell, and they wouldn't stop pouring. I could tell he regretted everything he did at Hogwarts for he unknowingly caused pain to his younger brother. He curled up on the couch into a little bowl and sobbed into his legs

Severus on the other hand, while he had tears in his eyes, he only shedded a few before getting up to run to leave to merlin knows where. He was angry at himself for the hatred he held in his heart. He held hate for his godson who had no reason to hurt him. Severus told me how he let out all his anger and pain at "Harry" knowing well he should not have done that and regretted it

Bella and Narcissa cried in each other's arms not only in sadness but also in happiness for they finally have their baby boy back

Seeing everyone cry led me to shedding a few tears. I looked back down at Hadar and saw that he was looking a bit lost and unsettled. I mean who wouldn't? You're in a room with crying people, what are you suppose to do!

My wife having already knowing this information meaning she was but more composed than others, left her sisters arm on the couch and walked over to Hadar and gently petted his head

"Hadar, my baby boy. Welcome home"

This phrase certainly caused a reaction for suddenly Hadar stumbled back a bit before launching himself into my wife's arms with tears streaming down his face

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