Back In Time

By AuthorSvH

854K 29.7K 3.5K

Harry James Potter had a long life with endless struggle, betrayal and heartache, he figured out that Dumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 31

11.4K 471 32
By AuthorSvH


To say that I was surprised by how many Black's were around me right now would be an understatement. Turns out the mostly all the Black's are in Slytherin, I just haven't noticed... though that's not surprising since I've been..... occupied. I was listening to the bickering between Dorea and Walpurga Black, both of them were extremely intelligent and quick witted. I watched Walpurga with slight curiosity, the girl in front of me resembled nothing of the women in the portrait that would scream at Grimmauld Place. I turned my gaze to Dorea then, this women would give birth to my father, it was strange to say the least to see these people as teenagers.

Then I noticed somebody missing, I looked around for Orion who dragged me into the mass of his family. I tried to look around the whole room for him and finally found him speaking to Tom and Abraxas, I sighed before tuning back into the conversation the girls were having.


I watched as Hadrian spoke with the Black family and the rest of my Knights, although I have the full Black family support not all of them wanted to be part of the Knights showing their support by helping me gain political allies. "Are sure it was smart to do that Tom? He is part of the Ministry," Orion asked with concern, "Hardly. He was in the maintenance department," I said with a sneer, "Let us rejoin the other's," I continue. They nodded and followed behind me as I made my way back to Hadrian.

I wrapped my arm around his waist as I pulled him against me, I was still annoyed from what that scoundrel said, thinking about what he said caused me to slightly tighten my grip, Hadrian looked up at me curiously before turning his attention back to the group. I leaned down to brush a kiss to Hadrian's head, he looked back up at me with a sweet smile, "Dance with me," I said, causing him to raise a brow, I sighed and leaned down to his ear, *Please?* I hissed causing him to shiver which in turn made me smirk, "Fine," he sighed. I held out my hand for him to take, he huffed in exasperation before taking my hand.

Time Skip

I was reading as I listened to the nights bicker around me, school had been quiet for the last month or so as March began to approach and I was determined to bond myself to Hadrian, which is what I was reading right now. I was looking for a perfect bond for the both of us, I didn't just want to be married I wanted to be able to feel him and sense him no matter where we are. I sighed as I turned the page so far I was still unable to find a perfect ritual.

Suddenly a young Gryffindor burst into the library, "Help!" he screamed as he then collapsed to the ground, the library descended into chaos as people ran to the boy's side, I stood and made my way to find Hadrian, outside in the corridor was just as chaotic as in the library. I growled as I stepped into the shadows and peered through the shadows throughout the castle so that I could find Hadrian more easily, I soon found him being dragged to the infirmary by Charlus Potter, I shadow stepped to the next corridor over and ran towards them, "What's happened?"


I was sitting with Charlus out on the quidditch field looking out at nothing and just enjoying the sun, "How is it that you can get Riddle to be so nice to you? Sure he's 'nice' to everyone but it's not the same for you," he asked, I chuckled but before I could respond something came sprinting towards us, I squinted my eyes at the creature as it grew closer, "What in the bloody hell is that?" Charlus asked as he stood up, I jumped to my feet too as we watched the thing get closer, "My thoughts exactly," I said as I drew my wand. The creature continued to advance snarling I sent a cutting hex to the creature, it hit but the creature continued to advance, I sent another spell only for the creature to be undeterred, "Hadrian..."
"Not now Charlus."
"Not now."
I whipped around to see another four creatures sprinting towards us as well. "Run!" Charlus said as he grabbed me by the arm but it was too late, the first creature jumped onto my back and bit me... hard. I cried out in pain as I sent a blast of magic flinging the creature off of me and sending the others back as well, and unfortunately Charlus. I cursed as I summoned him back towards me, he cursed as he crashed into me. I grabbed him by the arm and sprinted to the school, both of us sending curses and stunning spells to try and slow the beasts, once we got closer Charlus began to yell at the students to get inside, they seemed to laugh until they saw the pack of beasts behind us.

I could feel the blood loss finally getting to me, I could see black spots dancing around in my vision. I put more wait on Charlus as he tried to drag me through the corridors, "Dammit Peverell you better not die or else Riddle will have my head," Charlus grunted as he continued to drag me, I laughed at that before coughing being slightly disgruntled at the fact that blood came flying from my mouth, "Hadrian!" I looked up as Tom came running around the corner, I gave him a weak smile, "Tom," my voice was weak as I said his name as he approached us, "I'll take it from here Potter," Tom said as he carefully lifted me in his arms, Charlus looked like he was about to protest but Tom beat him to it, "Go get a professor and get the rest of the students inside, I'll take care of Hadrian," Tom left no room for argument as he turned and left, heading towards the Chamber.

I coughed again as Tom set me down on the hard floor of the Chamber of Secrets, I huffed a laugh, "Why couldn't you have put me on the couch or the bed?" I asked, Tom gave me a deadpan look before responding, "I don't want you to get blood on the furniture," I gave him my best annoyed look. Tom then carefully held his hand over my wound as he began whispering a spell "Vulnera Sanentur," I listened to his soft baritone and watched as he concentrated. He sighed as he withdrew his hand after chanting the spell three times, he then summoned a blood replenishing potion from his stock before handing it to me, I smiled at him as I took it and drank from it, gagging at the taste.

"Why is it that you always get hurt?" Tom asked, I laughed at that, "Magic," I said with a smirk. "Bond with me," Tom said suddenly, I looked up at him in shock, "What?"

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