Deception • Woosang

By KangYeosnack

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Wooyoung moves out Yeosang moves in Wooyoung wants his house back Yeosang lets him share on one condition Fak... More

Trigger/content warnings
20- Epilogue


738 69 30
By KangYeosnack

I just realised I have no Jonggi pictures in this fic so enjoy my favourite topic: Jongho's wide smile when looking at Mingi.

Yeosang tightens the grip on Wooyoung's hand, pulling him behind him. "Kim Juwon". He says with clenched teeth. It was clear that the man isn't going to leave so Yeosang would make him.

"Long time no see Yeosang... what's with the face? I'm so happy to see you after ages" Juwon laughs when Yeosang's frown deepens. "Oh? Is that Wooyoung behind you, we met the other day didn't we"

Wooyoung doesn't respond, the man's smirk making him feel sick. Yeosang keeps him behind him so that he doesn't have to look at him.

"Did you like my little prank? You fell for it so easily" he laughs "but you found out my hiding place too quickly, I didn't even have any time to have fun with Wooyoung yet, how about a rematch?" He quirks his eyebrows mockingly.

"What do you want with him, why are you doing this? If it's me you want-"

Yeosang is cut off by a piercing laugh. "Oh Yeosangie you really are a smart one".

Yeosang furrows his eyebrows in confusion, he doesn't have time for this and they're in the middle of a grand party. He can't do anything to Juwon here which fortunately also means that he can't do anything to them.

He feels Wooyoung's hand tightening around his, indicating that he wants to leave and Yeosang is all to happy to fulfil his wish. However the other man seems to have another idea as he starts walking closer to them.

"Don't come any closer!" Yeosang threatens, raising his voice a little to show him that he's serious. If it gets to the point where he has to disturb the party and cause a scene, he'll do it.

Mockingly, Juwon raises his hands in the air. "Okay okay. I just don't get why you're being so hostile towards me, we're good friends, aren't we?"

It is true that they've known each other for a long time but Yeosang has never once thought of them as friends. Juwon's family own Crush, which is his company's go to makeup brand, it was inevitable that they knew each other. However, Yeosang never became friends with him, not liking his egotistic and immature personality. To be honest, he knows a lot of people but never liked anyone. He's learnt that most people in the fashion industry are selfish and fake, he's lucky to have found Seonghwa otherwise his life would have been so lonely.

"We're not even close to friends" Yeosang spits and Juwon frowns, not in a sad way but a malicious way, followed with a smirk.

"Ok, I see I'm not welcome here. See you later then." He says quickly and leaves just as fast.

His words make Yeosang frown, as if they had made plans after this which they have no intention to 'see him later'. Yeosang decides its just best to leave, staying as far away from Juwon is the safest option for now. Wooyoung looks up to him with curious eyes, visibly relaxed now that he was gone.

But Yeosang can tell he's still uncomfortable so he places a gentle kiss on his lips. "Should we go home now? My mother wont mind since we've already shown our faces".

Wooyoung holds Yeosang's waist, nodding. They had been here long enough and Yeosang doesn't really care about the rest of he, he just wants to get home, maybe manage to sneak Seonghwa and Hongjoong out too.

They only manage to turn around towards the door before a microphone is heard. Yeosang glances back to see his mother on the stage, about to say a speech. He knows that she'd want him there on the stage with her too so he quickly turns away, hoping she doesn't find them.

However, because of her entering the stage, people have crowded around, everyone in one place. Yeosang grabs Wooyoung's hand and tries pushing through the mass of people but its difficult.

"Welcome all! Before I start my speech as CEO, I'd like to have the rest of my family up here too".

Yeosang pauses, looking back at the stage, his mother is looking at him and gesturing for him to come back. He tries telling her that he wants to leave but she makes a face. And with everyone watching them, he sighs and they turn back, heading to the stage.

She allows both him and Wooyoung to stand together and along with the rest of his family, they smile and wave at the crowd. As his mother talks about the start of the company and all its hardships and successes, Yeosang zones out, having heard and lived through these situations.

Looking at Wooyoung, he smiles softly when he sees him immersed in the stories his mother is telling, stories of how the company became the top in the country, even making some reactions like the crowd.

Even through the hoard of people he can spot the bright face of his best friend. Once they make eye contact, Seonghwa waves at him, Yeosang waving back. Like how his and Wooyoung's hands are connected, he can see that Seonghwa's and Hongjoong's are too and it makes him happy to see that his friend has found someone that genuinely makes him feel loved. Yeosang does love Seonghwa, but not the way Hongjoong does, same with Seonghwa and Wooyoung.

Yeosang doesn't even realise her speech is finished until he hears an applause, bowing when he sees the rest of his family bowing too.

They walk down the stage, his mother thanking him for staying, then giving him permission to leave. They were handing out food now but they still decided to leave, not wanting to stay after what happened a few minutes ago.

They say goodbye to Seonghwa and Hongjoong too before leaving, then finally after so many attempts they head to the door.

All of a sudden, its pitch black in the hall.

Murmurs of confusion echo around the room but the first thing Yeosang does is pull Wooyoung close to him. If this is what he's thinking, that this has something to do with Juwon, he's not letting Wooyoung out of his sight, or touch in this situation.

It seems like Wooyoung is thinking the same as his hands immediately reach out to Yeosang's waist, holding him tightly.

"Yeosang?" He says, voice shaking.

"I'm here, don't worry. Lets go. Now." Yeosang places a kiss on his forehead then hurriedly grabs his hand, blindly leading them to the exit.

One second they're out the door, hand in hand. The next, there's nothing.


When Yeosang comes to, he immediately remembers what happened before he blacked out. His senses come back fairly quickly too, blurred vision only lasting a few seconds.

He's in a brightly lit room and can only look around since he's tied to the chair he's sitting on, hands secured with rope behind him too.

All that is the least of his worries when he recognises the figure behind him on a chair, still unconscious. He cranes his neck as far as he can but it's not enough, he can't fully see Wooyoung. At least he gets to breathe the sigh of relief that Wooyoung is actually here with him.

"Wooyoung... wake up!" His voice is a little raspy but it's not that bad. He figures they haven't been out for that long since his senses came back quickly and he remembered what happened before.

Well, all he actually remembers is leaving the dark hall with Wooyoung, he can't recall anyone attacking them.

As if on cue, the door of the small room opens, revealing Juwon. Of course. Yeosang glares at him as he takes a seat opposite his chair.

"Why are you doing this" Yeosang says, not beating around the bush. He just wants to get it off here as soon as possible.

Juwon chuckles. "What, no hello? I thought you were a gentleman Yeosang".

"We already said hello an hour ago at the party"

The man raises his eyebrows. "You really are smart aren't you Yeosangie? How did you know it's only been an hour?"

Yeosang clenched his fists at the nickname, refusing to slack only when necessary. He knows Juwon likes to eliminate things but Yeosang wants to go now. And also somehow get this guy arrested.

"I asked you a question" Yeosang grits his teeth, trying to remain unfazed.

The man raises his eyebrows. "Don't forget you're the one tied up not me. Oh and your little boyfriend too."

He gestures to Wooyoung still unconscious behind him and Yeosang tries looking at him too but he's too tied down.

Juwon pretends to think, placing a finger on his chin. "If you're going to ask why Wooyoung hasn't woken up yet, I don't know either. Both of you were given the same thing. Although Wooyoung did get another dose of it last time I took him. Huh. He must have not fully recovered from last time. Shame."

Yeosang scowls at him, trying to free his hands that are tied behind him. Wooyoung doesn't deserve all this trouble, when what Juwon really wants is him. That man is just a psycho that loves to hurt the people precious to him.

"It's come to my attention that you've figured out what I've been doing for the past couple of years. I mean, it did take a long time for someone to figure it out, I'm so smart aren't I Yeosang". He laughs loudly making Yeosang flinch.

Walking around the room, he carries on. "You know why I've been doing this Yeosang. My father is doing a shitty job running the company and we almost went bankrupt. There's too much competition everywhere, so I decided to be a good son and ruin models careers".

Yeosang almost gags at his happy expression, as if he's telling a story about how he found a cure for cancer.

"My dad found out and was so proud, he even helped me which is why I was able to take so many models, threaten them into a scandal and rinse their money. You were my end goal Yeosangie".

He comes closer to him, grabbing his hair to make Yeosang look up to him.

"But I somehow managed to slip up with one of them, stupid bitch came crying to a news agency and got someone to write an article about it. It was no deal though, but do you know what shocked me though?"

The smile he gives makes Yeosang's skin crawl, their faces being too close to each other. He only sits there, unresponsive.

"That journalist ended up being the guy who stole you from me" he laughs again, not moving his face, still being too close to Yeosang.

"I had that bitch Wooyoung followed by reporters I hired just to see if was true. Our mothers were supposed to set us up together. You were supposed to be mine! I even got that useless bastard Changho to use that Hongjoon guy to get to you but he failed"

He shouts at Yeosang, who doesn't even flinch this time, not wanting to give a reaction until he was done with his little monologue. Inside though, his heart aches for all the people who suffered because of him, his tears threaten to spill but he refuses to give Juwon the satisfaction of seeing him cry. He wont let him get away with every thing he's done.

"So I thought, why not speed up my little plan then? Since that Mingi bitch decided to tattle on me and had all of you guys plotting on me, I didn't even finish my plan with Wooyoung before you came!"

Yeosang knows Juwon likes talking about himself, he can go on and on. He rolls his eyes at his speech just to rile him up. He isn't scared of this big spoilt brat. All he needs to do is get out of here and make him pay for his crimes.

"So now that I've got both of you with me, no one will think you're missing. It's only been a hour and everyone will thing you've just gone home. I will not let anyone else ruin it this time. This time I'm going to ruin you, your hands will never touch money again".

Juwon must have noticed Yeosang's indifference to what he's saying because he starts to frown.

"And since I'm not a psycho, I'll forget about us being together- I'm more attracted to your wealth anyway".

Yeosang has no idea what he's about to do, but when he starts to walk towards Wooyoung he startles. "You said you wanted me why can you just leave Wooyoung alone!"

The man chuckles as he pokes Wooyoung's limp head side to side. "Because the downfall of my plans started with your precious boyfriend. And I'm going to make him pay, while you watch".

Yeosang's heart stops and his ears muffle all sound. His surroundings blur as he shouts "NO!" But not hearing it for some reason.

At the exact same time Yeosang shouts out, the door swings open, hitting the wall with a loud bang due to the force it was opened at.

They both turn to the door to find Yunho, along with other police officers. "Don't move! Kim Juwon you are being arrested for kidnapping, assault, fraud and other crimes".

Yeosang can only watch in shock as Yunho handcuffs a bewildered Juwon, pushing him off to another officer who drags him out of the room.

"Yeosang! Are you hurt anywhere?" he rushes to untie and cut off all the ropes around his body.

As soon as he's freed, Yeosang embraces Yunho tightly. "I'm ok, you came just in time. Thank you... but how did you know where we are?"

Yunho gives him a knowing smile which makes him confused.

"I called him"

Yeosang widens his eyes, snapping back to see Wooyoung very much conscious and smiling at him. "Well, technically I called Jongho who heard everything from the start and he's the one who called Yunho and sent out location to him. I just faked being unconscious because it would be easier to hide it".

Yeosang just stands there staring at him open mouthed while Yunho unties him.

"How are you so amazing?" He breathes out, Wooyoung was so smart for doing that, he can't believe he saved them.

He pulls him in for a hug, it's a bit rough but neither mind. Yeosang runs his hands through his hair, kissing all over his face and whispering praises to him.

Wooyoung beams, rubbing Yeosang's back comfortingly. "Are you okay?"

He nods, "you saved us all Wooyoung, even Ming and the other models, they'll finally get justice. Your phone call caught everything he confessed to".

Yunho nods. "Well done Wooyoung, you two just have to come to the station to give in your statements through, then we can head home". He pats his back, proud of his best friend.

At the station they're met with literally everyone. Jongho and Mingi are there, having been anxious after the phone call, Hongjoong and Seonghwa there worried after not finding them after the blackout. San who had seen Yunho off, wishing him luck that he gets to them on time.

After they told the detectives everything and Wooyoung handed in his phone for investigation they all are met with the news that Juwon has been arrested and that his court trial was unanimous, getting a life sentence and putting Crush out of business, as he was about to become the next CEO.

Upon hearing the news, they all almost faint in relief, Mingi letting out some tears, all a mix of happiness, relief and stress.

"Thank you Wooyoung for helping me and sorry for putting you into this whole mess. I genuinely thought I wouldn't be able to get justice and it's all thanks to you and Yeosang that not just me, but all the other models that have been wronged were able to".

Mingi's embrace comforts Wooyoung and Yeosang, but it seemed distant. "This isn't a goodbye is it? Why are you so sad?" Wooyoung nudges Mingi who laughs.

"We've built a special friendship over the past few months, and I plan in keeping it forever. You and Jongho have helped us too, in so many ways, you both are too precious for me to let you go" Wooyoung says, earning a shy smile from the pair.

They all head home together, Yunho offering to buy dinner so they head home and order food. The eight of them eat and chat happily, forgetting about what happened because its thankfully all over. There's no need to think about it anymore, they're safe with each other.

Yeosang holds Wooyoung's hand and squeezes it, the other checking if he's okay after the random skinship, not that it was unwelcome. When his boyfriend goes back to chatting with the others, Yeosang stays looking at him, thinking back to when they first met.

Thinking about how the touches they shared and the sweet words they said was all just for show. Yeosang knows deep inside he's liked Wooyoung from the beginning, he was just not ready to let someone into his life so quickly after just being close to only Seonghwa all his life.

But when Wooyoung came into his life, so did Hongjoong, and four more people he cherishes now.

Wooyoung made his life better in all ways, it makes him wonder. Maybe it wasn't fake even from the start.

Double update!!! As a thank you for being amazing ❤️

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