Destiny of Demons

By newbiegac2015

3.4K 293 41

Married life is never easy. Parental responsibility is never easy. But add in the paranormal and a pandemic... More

Horses and Home-Schooling.
What am I?
What lingers..
Getting away.
We want Answers
Fire and energy
A loss in a family echoes deep.
Stone tape?
The Steeles
Our Souls.
The Fear.
Turmoil of the past.

How far?

124 14 2
By newbiegac2015

My head is trapped in a daze after leaving the library. My mind is constantly churning over what happened to MaryAnn and what became of the family after such an awful and sudden loss.

"What are you thinking?" Zak asks, as we head back to the cottage.

I sigh quietly. "I can't get MaryAnn out of my mind. Not just what happened whilst she was alive but what happened in her death. Just filled with pain and torment, right to the end.."

"Awful story, isn't it?"

"It is. As tragic as it is.. Is it enough to go in?" I ask him.

There's a moment of silence between us as he weighs it all up. Whilst I think there probably is, I have to look at it from his angle too. Time is money and if they don't get anything from this investigation, then it could be a bad call on his part.

"The thing is..." He begins.

"Can I just add something?" I ask making him nod. "I don't know if I am thinking about this from your angle or whether I feel the need to prove that MaryAnn was brutally murdered at the fault of George. There is a huge part of me that wants the world to know that she didn't kill Olive."

"What would it gain though?"

"I don't know. I feel like I owe it to her?"

"Sweetie, there is two well educated and documented historians on this, if there was any kind of proof, don't you think they would have uncovered it?" He asks.

I look away from the road and to him. "I know, which is exactly why I am having a hard time sorting through it. In my head, I mean."

"So from my angle, the baby cries could be cats, you know how similar they sound.."

I nod.

"The scratching in the walls?"

"Mice, old house and by the sea is bound to have some vermin issues." I tell him.

"Exactly. Which could contribute to the faulty electricity. Put all together, it's a case. But when it is so easily explainable..."

"It's not."

"No. Without physically having the house checked for mice or rats, we won't know if it is paranormal or an infestation."

With a nod, I feel the disappointment sink in. "MaryAnn will always have a tarnished name, huh?"

"Unfortunately. Some people know, obviously, for Charlie to be able to tell us, but hearsay doesn't account as evidence."

I rub my hand over my face to get some life back into me. "So are we ruling my dream, a coincidence?"

Zak's frown says different and it's enough for me to pause for thought. "That, I do not know.." He says.

"Maybe it is a case of worlds colliding? Mine and Marie's?" I suggest.

I'm met with silence again. But as I try to work it out more, Zak speaks. "Your face, the scar.." He says.

Before I can touch it, I feel the tip of his finger run over it. "What if it never happened. Would we really be questioning it?"

"How do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, seeing the photo of a woman looking exactly like you, didn't scare me. It was the scar that ran down the cheek, in the exact same position as yours. It is as if someone has copied and pasted my wife.."

Sliding the photo out of the pile that Charlie gave us, I look at Marie. "Do you think Charlie is right? I'm poking a bear with a stick?"

Zak shrugs. "A part of me wonders if George was responsible for her scar, like I was for yours..."

I take his hand away from my face. "We were both responsible for that." I tell him. "If I remember right, I had quiet the attitude back then. Said some horrible things.."

"And we were locked in a container." He adds.

"Right." I agree.

Zak nods. "Still makes you wonder.."

"That it does."


Once we are back at the cottage, investigating is put to the back of my mind, as I smile at Theo who is furiously colouring in a sea themed colouring book, a present from Luna.

"How has he been?" I ask Luna, as Zak heads off into the garden with Aaron.

"An absolute dream. We have been to the beach, found some crabs, took some photos and when I came back from town, I picked up the colouring book. Been there ever since." Luna says, glancing at Theo who is using the coffee table as his work station.

Leaving Theo to his colouring, we sit at the kitchen island and I give Luna all the information. She too is stunned into silence about MaryAnn and Olive, however she agrees, like Zak, with no proof, it's simply a rumour and anyone can start one of those..

"I can sense that you are not happy though." She says twirling a piece of hair between her finger.

"I'm not.." I admit. "There is a nagging feeling in me. Deep down anyway. I've never been one for coincidences, but now I have to accept that this is one? A huge one. The dream, the fire, the photo?"

"Have you considered that it could be a past life?" She asks.

I nod. "I have, but even that spurrs me to want to dive further into it. Like Zak has, he always dreamt of a boat at sea, he has always had a calling to the ocean. He has investigated and poked at it. I feel like I should too."

"So you want to investigate?"

I throw my hands up. "I don't know. There isn't enough credible evidence, it can all be debunked."

"What will it take?" Luna asks. "What will it take for you to let it lie? How far do you want to go with all this?"

Chewing the inside of my bottom lip, I mull it over. What is the furtherest I would go? How far can I delve into this before I have to admit that I am chasing nothing? But what if I get something?

"You know you don't owe anyone any explanation, but before you go on a one woman cruisade, because I can see the look in your eyes and I want to know what I can do to help."

I smile at Luna. "Thank God you don't think I'm losing my marbles."

"Well I didn't say that." She adds making me laugh. "I know how important it is for you to be doing something and I have an idea on that.."

"Oh yeah?"

She nods. "You are amazing at finding information, am I right?"

I nod. "Kinda."

"Then why haven't you built a website? In support of Ghost Adventures too? For Example, I can provide the photos, obviously. But you can built a database on the locations? Using all the information you have, as well as all the information Zak and the crew collect whilst investigating?"

I tilt my head. "That isn't a bad idea.."

"I know. Your first project could be this one. You know a fair amount about the house, you have old photos and I can get new ones. I'm sure Brian the homeowner,  would agree to it, it's free publicity. Plus it means you can tell MaryAnn's story as well as Marie's. Whilst also keeping yourself out of the darker side of things."

I sit forward thinking about it. "You think it could work?"

She nods. "The fans will love to learn about it all. Once in a while you can have a Q & A with Zak, about what he thinks of the locations, etc. Most of the places they investigate are already doing ghost tours and will appreciate the publicity and money that will eventually roll their way."

My eyes lock with Luna's. "You're amazing, you know that?"

She grins. "Not bad is it? The crew, my photos, your research, we could smash this idea out the park."

There is a ebb of excitement in me at the thought of what I could do. But it's not exactly paying the bills.. I'd have to work out where to get money from as well as separate work from home. Maybe I could team it with the museum? Sell the merchandise through the website too?

"What idea?" Zak says suddenly making me jump.  He sees the excitement in my eyes and smiles.

"I've given her a breadcrumb." Luna says. "Now it's Maria's to follow."

Before I can tell Zak anything. Theo chirps in.  "Mommy, Uncle Aaron said he would buy me a horse.."

That is when I turn around and give Aaron the look and for once, Zak too is also sharing the same look.

"What can I say?" Aaron says with a guilty smile and awkward laugh. "Best Uncle in the world, huh?"

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