Hand Over Hand (Hermione Gran...


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"When I saw her smile, I didn't know what I was feeling. Because I want to be her tomorrow, I lived through t... More

Year 2: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter One: The Boy
Chapter Two: New Friends
Chapter Three: Quidditch
Chapter Four: Chambers
Chapter Five: A look into the past
Chapter Six: Unknown Origins
Year 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter One: New Classes
Chapter Two: Confessions
Chapter Three: Betrayals
Chapter Four: The Time-Turner
Year 4: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter One: A Chaotic Start
Chapter Two: Five Champions
Chapter Three: The First Task
Bloopers #1
Chapter Four: The Yule Ball
Chapter Five: The Second Task
Bloopers #2
Chapter Six: He's Back
Year 5: Order of the Phoenix
Chapter One: Back to Hogwarts
Bloopers & Behind #3
Chapter Two: Secret Lessons
Chapter Three: Secret in the Forest
Year 6: The Half Blood Prince
Chapter One: Draco and Mum
Bloopers & Behind #4
Chapter Two: Memories and Nightmares
Chapter Three: Hand Over Hand
Chapter Four: Christmas
Chapter Five: Jealousy
Chapter Six: Horcruxes
Year 7: The Deathly Hallows (Part 1)
Chapter One: The Wedding
Chapter Two: Effects of the Horcrux
A/N: Question
Chapter Three: Merry Christmas
Chapter Four: Snatchers
Final: The Deathly Hallows (Part 2)
Chapter One: Gringotts Break-In
Chapter Two: The Battle Begins
A/N: New Book!

Chapter Four: The Prophecy

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Hermione lead Y/N, Harry and Umbridge through the Forbidden Forest. Why is Y/N with them you ask? Because Y/N caused too much of a scene inside Umbridge's room to be left alone in there. Umbridge knew that if he left Y/N to the Slytherin students, she'd return to a mess.

"How much further?" Umbridge asked, pushing Y/N and Harry forward.

She had Y/N's hands tied with a rope behind his back while she pointed her wand at Harry.

"Not far." Hermione responded.

"It had to be somewhere students wouldn't find it accidentally."

Umbridge gasped as a fly flew into her, startling her. Y/N and Harry both nodded at each other and walked close to Hermione.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered.

"Improvising." She whispered back earning a confused look on the two boy's faces.

They were now walking towards where they met Grawp only to see the rope around him had been chopped off.

"'Mione. Grawp." Y/N whispered causing her to see the rope.

They all slowed down before stopping.

"Well?" Umbridge questioned.

They all turned, looking at each other while standing in a circle.

"Where is this weapon?"

The trio stood still, not knowing what to answer next.

"There isn't one, is there?" Umbridge caught on.

Y/N walked in front of Hermione when Umbridge pointed her wand at her, standing protectively in front of her and Harry.

"You were trying to trick me." Umbridge whispered.

The trio exchanged glances, keeping silent.

"You know... I really hate children."

Suddenly, a twig snapping caught their attention. Umbridge was startled and hid behind the trio when a group of centaurs emerged from the woods.

Hermione stood close to Y/N. They all didn't have their wands and Y/N didn't have his sword due to Umbridge confiscating them.

"You have no business here, centaur. This is a Ministry matter." Umbridge yelled.

Harry started to untie the ropes on Y/N's hands while Umbridge was busy. The centaurs growled, drawing their bows and aiming at them.

"Lower your weapons."

Harry finished untying the ropes on Y/N's hands. Y/N quickly stood protectively in front of Hermione and Harry.

"I warn you, under the law, as creatures of near-human intelligence-" Umbridge was cut off by a centaur firing their arrow towards the group.

Y/N pulled Hermione out of the way as Umbridge destroyed the arrow with a spell.

"How dare you? Filthy half-breed." She shouted.

"Incarcerous." She casted at the centaurs, making a thick rope wrap around one of their necks.

The trio looked in shock at the suffering centaur in front of them. Y/N clenched his teeth, feeling remorse for it. He and Hermione quickly ran towards the creature, kneeling down and desperately trying to take the ropes off of it.

"Please. Please stop it. Please!" Hermione pleaded.

"Now, enough! I will have order!" Umbridge screeched.

Suddenly, Grawp came out of nowhere and lifted Umbridge causing the centaurs to charge and attack. Y/N finally managed to loosen the rope enabling the centaur to leave.

"You filthy animal!" Umbridge screamed.

Harry pulled Y/N and Hermione away as the centaurs crowded around Grawp.

"Leave him alone! It's not his fault!" Hermione yelled towards the centaurs who started attacking Grawp too.

"No, he doesn't understand!"

An arrow struck Grawp in the arm, making him drop Umbridge on top of the centaurs. 

"Potter, L/N, do something! Tell them I mean no harm!" Umbridge pleaded as the centaurs surrounded her.

"I'm sorry, professor." Harry whispered.

"We must not tell lies." Y/N added.

The trio watched as the centaurs lifted Umbridge away into the woods. Y/N winced in pain, remembering that he had a small hole in his neck from the Slytherin student's wand.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked her boyfriend.

Y/N hummed out a reply before pulling out his handkerchief and putting pressure on his wound. Hermione gave his a soft kiss on the head before they turned their attention to Grawp who was now pulling the arrow out of his arm.

"Thank you, Grawp." She said gently.

Grawp's eyes softened at the sight of her.

"Hermione. Y/N, Sirius." Harry reminded them.


"How'd you get away?" Hermione yelled through pants.

They were now on the bridge to Hogwarts and met Ginny, Ron, Luna and Neville who were making their way to the trio.

"Puking Pastilles. It wasn't pretty." Ginny explained, handing Y/N his sword.

"Told them I was hungry, wanted some sweets." Ron added before handing the trio their wands.

"They told me to bugger off and ate the lot themselves."

"That was clever, Ron." Hermione said, shocked.

"Wayyy out of character." Y/N giggled.

"Has been known to happen." Ron replied smugly.

"It was brilliant." Neville exclaimed.

"So, how are we getting to London?"

They all turned towards Harry.

"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you..." Harry started.

Harry pushed through them.

"But I've got you into enough trouble as it is."

"Harry you stubborn little-" Y/N was cut off by Neville.

"Dumbledore's Army's supposed to be about doing something real. Or was that all just words to you?"

Harry stopped and turned back towards them.

"Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate." Ron said.

"I told you, you're not alone, remember?" Y/N added.

Harry thought about it for a little while before smiling.

"So how are we going to get to London?" Harry asked.

They all shared glances.

"We fly, of course." Luna spoke up for the first time with her soft tone.


They all flew through the air on Thestrals. Hermione and Y/N shared one of the beasts because Hermione was too scared to fly on one on her own. Y/N, Harry, Luna and Neville had to help Ginny, Hermione and Ron onto the beasts since they couldn't see them. They flew through harsh weathers, starting their journey in the morning and arriving at London at night.


Dumbledore's Army panted while they ran through the halls of the Department of Mysteries. 

"This is it." Harry said as he took cautious steps into the room he had seen in his visions.

The group followed him in blindly as they entered a weird room full of weird spheres. The door behind them closed as they casted Lumos onto their wands. Y/N decided it was not best for him to try and cast a spell and instead held Hermione's hand while placing his free hand onto the hilt of his sword.

"Ninety-two. Ninety-three." Harry counted as they walked through the shelves filled to the top with weird spheres.

Harry stopped at ninety-five and stared at the ground for a while before turning towards his friends who were a few rows behind.

"He should be here!" Harry yelled, his voice echoing in the quiet room.

"Harry, Y/N." Neville said, looking at one of the spheres.

"It's got your names on it." 

Harry quickly ran over to Neville and looked at the sphere, studying it. Hermione let go of Y/N's hand as he walked towards Harry who then grabbed the crystal ball into his hands, looking into it's cloudy exterior.

"The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches." The crystal ball whispered with a raspy voice.

"And the Dark Lord shall mark them as his equal but they shall have power the Dark Lord knows not."

Everyone shared confused yet scared glances.

"For neither can live while the other survives."

Y/N and Harry stared into the crystal ball for a minute, pondering on what it meant.

"Harry! Y/N!" Hermione called out, snapping them out of their thoughts.

The two boys quickly walked in front of the group to see a figure in the dark.

The figure wore a mask, concealing it's face as it walked down the rows of spheres towards the teenagers.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked the figure.

Y/N felt Hermione grab his arm as he placed a hand on his sword.

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams..." The figure started.

He then brought out his wand, removing his mask to reveal Lucius Malfoy.

"...and reality." He finished.

The group backed up slightly at the sight of him.

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy."

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it." Harry threatened.

A high pitched laugh was heard behind Lucius.

"He knows how to play." The voice giggled as she walked out of the shadows.

"Itty, bitty baby. Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange."  Neville identified.

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad?" She teased.

"Better, now they're about to be avenged." Neville spat before drawing his wand and pointing it at her.

Bellatrix also drew her wand, pointing it at Neville.

"Now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we?" Lucius coaxed.

Y/N grabbed Neville's arm, lowering it as Bellatrix did the same.

"All we want is that prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry hissed.

"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix whispered.

"You filthy half-blood!" She screamed.

"It's alright. He's just a curious lad, aren't you?" Lucius calmed her down.

"Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Seeing as L/N there can't be contacted by the Dark Lord, it had to be you. Potter. Which is lucky for you, really."

More figures came out from the shadow, causing everyone to stand back to back from each other, pointing their wands at every figure.

"Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord?" Lucius asked, raising his hands before walking towards the group.

"Why he was unable to kill you... when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do... is give it to me. Then I can show you everything."

The figures started closing in on them. Y/N knew he couldn't take all of them on, not even with the help of his friends. They were only teenagers and those were adults.

"I've waited 14 years." Harry answered.

"I know." Lucius said.

"I guess I can wait a little longer. Now!" Harry spat.

"Stupefy!" They all casted at the masked figures, sending them flying backwards.

Y/N dashed through one of the rows on his own, unsheathing his sword before closing his eyes as sped through behind them, making sure to slice them all down while they were distracted by the lights from his friends' wands. He then sheathed his sword as they fell to the ground, opening his eyes.

"Y/N, let's go!" Hermione yelled, pulling Y/N back towards their friends as they ran away.

They turned a corner to see Lucius come out of thin air. They all ran in different directions but Luna fell to the ground. 

"Levicorpus!" She casted, sending the figure which towered above her away.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Neville yelled, helping Luna to her feet.

"Well done, Neville." She cheered him on.

Hermione pulled Y/N along the rows, dragging him the hands as they regrouped with Harry and Ron. Figures surrounded them, blocking their every exit. 

Y/N let go of Hermione's hand before closing his eyes and disappearing from the other three's eyes, leaving red butterflies where he stood.

The loud slash was heard followed by two loud thuds. 

"Gloria Chorus..." Y/N whispered before slashing his swords in an x pattern in the air, getting rid of any blood on it before sheathing his sword once more.

Y/N believed that it was alright to kill Death Eaters since it's a kill or be killed situation. The Death Eaters are trying to kill them for their own satisfaction and he was not about to let them hurt his friends.

"Let's go!" Y/N yelled, gaining the trio's attention before running through the row he had just cleared out.

"Stupefy!" Hermione, Ron and Harry casted the spell a few times at the figures that followed them.

Hermione squealed as they ran into the other group with Neville, Ginny and Luna. 

"Reducto!" Ginny casted at the last figure that flew towards them, casting a bright light and destroying it.

"Women scare me..." Y/N whispered earning a light smack from Hermione.

All the spheres started falling down as they started running towards the door. They all panted as they jumped out of the door while the last rows of crystal balls fell. They fell through the sky, falling towards the floor, fearing for their lives as they suddenly stopped inches away from the ground.

"Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?" Ron said as they all stood up.

Y/N helped Hermione up before giving her a big hug. The two didn't need to share any words to know how happy they were that they survived that.

"The voices." Harry said, walking up to a weird structure.

"Can you tell what they're saying?"

Y/N and Hermione separated and followed after Harry along with everyone else.

"There aren't any voices, Harry." Hermione replied, slightly concerned.

"Let's get out of here."

"I hear them too." Luna and Y/N said in unison, looking up at the structure.

"It's just an empty archway." Hermione explained.

"Please, Harry."

"Get behind me!" Harry yelled, pointing his wand towards a different direction.

Suddenly, shadowy figures started attacking them, pushing them to the ground, grabbing their wands.

Harry stood up when they disappeared and took a look around to see his friends behind held by the Death Eaters with wands pointed a their heads.

The man holding Hermione, pulled her by the hair. Y/N saw it and tried to escape the Death Eater's hold but was punched in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

"Did you actually believe... or were you truly naïve enough to think... that children stood a chance against us?" Lucius asked while walking towards Harry.

Harry glared at him but stayed silent.

"I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends die."

Harry looked around, staring at all his friends.

"Don't give it to him, Harry." Neville yelled.

"Since you are so hesitant, perhaps I should show you just how serious I am..." Lucius spat.

"Bring L/N here now!" 

Y/N was brought to his feet by the Death Eater before he pointing a wand at his back.

"Walk boy!" The Death Eater screamed, forcing Y/N to walk towards Lucius.

"Since you've killed many of my men, it's only fitting that I return the favor..." Lucius whispered before grabbing Y/N by the hair and forcing him to kneel down.

"Y/N!" Hermione yelled causing the Death Eater holding her to pull her hair once more.

Lucius pulled out a knife and put it towards Y/N's cheek, grazing it slightly causing his cheek to bleed before placing it at his neck. Y/N clenched his teeth at the pain it gave him.

"Now, Potter. I suggest you make your decision quickly..." Lucius pressed the knife onto Y/N's neck harder each second that passed by, drawing blood.

Harry looked at the crystal ball and back at Y/N who now had his eyes closed. 

"Harry, don't!" Y/N yelled making Lucius press the knife deeper causing him to bleed more.

Harry slowly lifted his arm with the prophecy. Lucius withdrew the knife and kicked Y/N to the side, accepting the ball from Harry. 

"Y/N!" Harry yelled before dropping down on his knees next to Y/N.

Suddenly a bright light caught all of their attentions.

"Get away from my godson." Sirius threatened before throwing a punch onto Lucius.

Lucius fell to the ground and dropped the ball, causing it to shatter and break. A bright light then danced around the room, causing the Death Eaters to retreat leaving Dumbledore's army alone.

The bright lights revealed themselves to be the Order of the Phoenix. 

"Sirius! Y/N's hurt!" Harry cried as the Order of the Phoenix fought the Death Eaters.

Lights flashed around the room as spells were thrown against each other. The Order's members protected the teenagers as best as they can from the spells that were thrown, leading them towards each other.

"Listen to me. Take Y/N and the others and get out of here." Sirius told Harry.

"What about you?" Harry asked.

"You've done beautifully. Now let the adults take it from here." Sirius answered before leaving to fight Lucius.

"Y/N! Let's get you away from this fight!" Tonks helped Y/N down to where the others where.

"Y/N!" Hermione yelled before throwing her arms around him.

"'Mione. 'Mione I love you." Y/N stuttered out, clenching the wound on his neck.

"Y/N, you'll be fine! You're okay! I love you too!" Hermione whispered before placing her lips gently onto his.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry casted, helping Sirius.

"Nice one, James!" Sirius yelled before defeating Lucius.

"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix casted, hitting Sirius.

Harry looked towards Sirius with a pained expression as he disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Harry felt tears on his face as Lupin pulled him away. He screamed out while chasing Bellatrix down.

"I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix sung before giggling madly.

"You coming to get me?" She teased.

"Crucio!" Harry casted, making her fall onto the ground.

Harry pointed his wand at her as she crawled backwards away from him. She whimpered and pouted at Harry.

"You've got to mean it, Harry. She killed him. She deserves it." A voice in Harry's head whispered as he hesitated to finish Bellatrix off.

"You know the spell, Harry. Do it!"

Voldemort appeared behind Harry, causing Bellatrix to chuckle. Harry quickly whipped his head around but Voldemort was too fast, disarming Harry.

"So weak." Voldemort teased.

Suddenly Dumbledore appeared out of green flames.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom." Dumbledore whispered while walking towards Voldemort.

"The Aurors are on their way."

"By which time I shall be gone, and you... shall be dead." Voldemort hissed.

Voldemort drew his wand as Dumbledore pushed Harry out of the way. Dumbledore and Voldemort clashed spells, a green light vs a red light as Bellatrix escaped through the same green flames that Dumbledore entered with.

Harry watched in fear as Voldemort and Dumbledore fought for dominance. Suddenly, Voldemort blew out a big flame which turned into a giant snake, flying towards Dumbledore and Harry. The wind grew harsh as Dumbledore fought with the snake, managing to push it back before he sent the water from a fountain towards Voldemort, placing him in a ball of water before dropping him onto the ground. The two clashed once more with a spell but this time, Voldemort quickly overpowered Dumbledore, sending a harsh wind, breaking all the glass around them and Dumbledore onto the ground.

He then sent the shards of glass over to Dumbledore and Harry but was blocked by Dumbledore's shield. Voldemort scowled as he disappeared from their sight, leaving Dumbledore and Harry alone.

Harry suddenly fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"You've lost, old man." Voldemort's voice came through Harry.


"I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me." Harry said to his three friends.

It was now the time again to go back home from Hogwarts. Since Y/N had no family to return to, the Granger's had invited him over for the holidays again and he accepted.

Y/N and Hermione locked hands as they walked beside Harry and Ron. Neville and Ginny were walking behind them. Y/N had a bandage on his neck and cheek which he thought was very uncomfortable. 

"What's that?" Hermione asked.

Though Harry was talking too, Y/N's eyes were locked onto Hermione. She looked absolutely stunning. She had a little clip on her hair and a green collared jacket matched with a light blue shirt.

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us... we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have." Harry continued.

"Oh, please don't say that one cheesy line I've been hearing from Hermione's muggle movies." Y/N pleaded, turning his attention to Harry.

Hermione playfully smacked Y/N on the arm, making them all chuckle.

"Something worth fighting for." Harry said.

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