blondie - joonas porko

By nikosfacetat

4.8K 380 1.1K

she's into classic rock he's into the 2000s rock she's into blondie he's into linkin park they shouldn't get... More

1. one way or another
3. fed up
4. remedy
5. zombie
6. heartbreaker
7. right here waiting
8. caravel
ed sheeran on my locker
9. in pieces
10. cut the cord
11. the show must go on
12. carmen
13. hypnotic
west coast

2. heart of glass

406 34 135
By nikosfacetat

I stumbled into my flat and made it to the couch. All I could do was lay on it and think about the night I just had. The blonde man with the untamed curls and his lopsided grin. I'm probably never going to see him again but I don't care as long as I have the memories. After the night's events I decided it was time to go to sleep. I didn't have the energy to move so I just fell asleep there and didn't change. I slept beautifully because of the image burned into my head of his lopsided grin.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing nonstop on my coffee table. I ignore it for a second assuming it's just an old group chat texting. I go to the bathroom to freshen up and notice my hair going every direction possible and my makeup smudged all over my face. Thankfully I didn't drink too much to give me a nasty hangover but I still had a second heartbeat in my head.

After my shower I decided to finally check my phone. When I went to pick up my phone I noticed it was still buzzing on the table. Out of curiosity I turned it over and saw that Instagram was buzzing every second and I had over 1000 new messages. I opened Instagram and saw that I had 10k new followers. I was beyond confused. I called my mom and when she picked up the phone she screamed. "Mom?" I interrupted her screaming. "Why are you screaming?" I asked. "The better question Morticia is why are you NOT screaming?" my mom asked me back. "I'm confused. I just woke up and my phone has been buzzing ever since. Care to explain?" I responded rubbing my hand on my forehead. "Tish, darling, you went viral." my mom told me. I could picture her smile through the phone. "What? I went viral? How? Doing what?" I said back not understanding what was happening. "Tish, someone recorded you singing last night and posted it. The post went viral and people quickly found your socials." she replied giddy with excitement.

After getting off the phone with my mom I went through my Instagram dm requests. Scrolling down I saw one that stood out to me.

@joonasbc : hey mort. i told you i would find you one way or another 😉

I went to his profile and saw that he had 36.7k followers and was a part of a band called 'blind channel'. Now I understand why he thought I wanted an autograph. His band played in Eurovision this year and represented Finland. I wasn't able to watch it this year due to some personal issues but I have heard the winning song from Italia, ZITTI E BUONI. That's also why he looked like a professional playing when he was doing the air guitar. Because he's in a band, god how fucking clueless am I. I decided to reply to him.

@morticiaantilla : heyy. i thought i told you not to call me mort? also how'd you find my instagram so fast. and who the fuck recorded me? 

Almost instantly he replied.

@joonasbc : oh easy. niko told tommi to record you singing about half way through. then after you left we could tell you belonged up there on the bar counter so we decided to post it. and it wasn't hard to find your socials because there aren't too many morticia's that live around here.

@morticiaantilla : oh. my. god. i feel like i'm in an episode story rn.

@joonasbc : what's episode?

@morticiaantilla : dw about it. what do i do now? people are in my dms asking me to do another cover but idk what i should do.

@joonasbc : sing another cover. I HAVE AN IDEA MORT

@morticiaantilla : stop. calling. me. mort. also what's your idea?

@joonasbc : you should give them another cover. sing another blondie song. we can record it at my band's studio.

@morticiaantilla : what? should i actually do another blondie song?

@joonasbc : yes yes yes you have to. i'll send you the address of our studio and i'll get the other boys to help record.

@morticiaantilla : wtf um ok ig. see you soon then.

Joonas sent me the address to the studio and I decided I was going to go. I mean why the fuck not. I can still focus on school but have some fun before I pour my entire soul into studying.

I pulled into the parking lot and sat in my car for a minute. After texting Joonas I was here I grabbed my purse and started walking towards the building. As I was walking up I heard a bird like sound coming from above me. I noticed the sound wasn't stopping. It sounded like whatever was making that noise was in pain. I looked up expecting to see a bird or at least some feathers. Instead I looked up and saw blonde messy curls poking out of the window. Then I saw the blonde's entire head with that smirk. The stupid lopsided smirk.

I stood and looked up at him disapprovingly. "You look like a mom. It's hot." Joonas yelled down to me. "Careful Joonas. Your mommy kink is showing." I yelled back at him. He laughed and his head left the window. I stood there for a minute until the door opened and there was the blonde boy. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt that had a little smiley face on the front with the devil coming out. He was also wearing black jeans and a black beanie. God I haven't even known him for two days but he makes me blush. I also lowkey feel like I've known him my entire life. I know, another cliche phrase but it's true.

He walked up to me and motioned for me to come in. "So Morticia," he started, actually saying my full name. "Your name really matches you style huh". By his tone I could tell he was being sarcastic. I wore my dad's old white button down that was like 5 sizes too big for me with a black corset I found in my moms closet back when I was like 17. All I did was roll my eyes and focus on getting to the studio. We eventually made it and he let me in.

For the second time in the past 24 hours 6 pairs of eyes were on me. This time for different reasons. "Hey Tish! Is it alright if I call you that?" Aleksi was the first to greet me. "Hey Aleksi. Yeah my mom calls me Tish that's fine." I smiled back at him. "Did you guys hear that bird sound Joonas made a few minutes ago? Does he do that all the time" I asked the boys in the room. They all looked at each other and laughed. Obviously there was something they knew that I didn't. "Yes, he does it all the time. But be careful Morticia. Joel is afraid of birds so it's best not to mention it around him." the drummer, Tommi said leaning into me for the last part. He said it loud enough that everyone could hear and we all started laughing. Joel just shrugged and took a sip of his beer with a smile. We talked for a bit and then decided to get to work.

"All right. So let's record this Mort." Joonas said handing me a pair of headphones. "Hold on, I don't even know what I'm doing. I should be focused on getting ready for school not recording a Blondie song." I tried to stop him. "Two words Mort. Debby. Harry." He said shoving the headphones in my hands. All I could do was sigh and place them on my head. After thirty minutes of searching we decided on 'Heart of Glass', another classic.

"Alright Tish get ready, three, two, one, and go." Aleksi counted me off.

Once I had love and it was a gas. Soon turned out had a heart of glass. Seemed like the real thing only to find. Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.

I looked up and locked eyes with Joonas as I sang and we both smiled. His blue eyes look like the ocean. They're absolutely gorgeous. Someone better have been a lifeguard because I'm going to drown in them.

In between, what I find is so pleasing and I'm feeling fine. Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind. If I fear i'm losing you, it's just no good. You teasing like you do.

Niko and Joel were smiling and having a side conversation as I was singing. They noticed me looking and Niko gave me a thumbs up. Joel just nodded and I smiled his way.

Once I had love and it was a gas. Soon turned out, it was a pain in the ass. Seemed like the real thing only to find. Mucho mistrust love's gone behind.

I finished the song and all the boys clapped and cheered for me. Like last night, I did a little bow but this time made sure not to fall. Joonas walked over to me to give me a high five but I was in the middle of taking off my headphones. The headphones got tangled in my hair and as I was trying to get them out they fell onto the ground. Joonas and I bent down for them at the same time and I hit his head on mine. I stood up and stumbled back towards a table. I turned my body to brace myself for the imminent fall but instead the corner of the table hit just above my brow.

I raised a hand to my forehead and felt a sticky liquid. Bringing my hand down to eye level I saw the sticky liquid was crimson and easily recognised it as blood. All the boys scrambled over to me and helped me stand up. I stared at them looking like a deer in the headlights for a second. Then I started laughing. Joel looked at me like I was crazy. Aleksi looked like I gave him trauma. But Niko, Olli, Joonas, and Tommi started laughing with me. "Holy shit Mort what the fuck just happened." Joonas asked me after a second. "Please I have no idea I just know that my head is bleeding and I don't know where the bathroom is." I replied hoping my white shirt didn't get stained by the blood. "I'll take you." Joel offered and just when I was about to accept his offer I was interrupted. "No no Joel it's fine I'll take her." Joonas said with pink cheeks. Tommi and Olli looked at each other and then back at him as if they knew something.

"I don't care who takes me just someone show me where the bathroom is so I don't stain my white shirt." I pleaded. Joonas grabbed my arm gently and led me to the bathroom. Once we got in there Joonas motioned for me to sit up on the counter. "I can clean myself up just fine." I told him. "Just sit please." he asked me gently. I couldn't say no so I jumped up onto the countertop and waited for him to come fix me up. He grabbed a paper towel and soaked it with water. After squeezing it to release the excess water, he walked over to me and started to clean off the blood. My hair fell into my face and in the way of his cleaning so he brushed it back like last night. Just as gently as last night too. He let the tips of his fingers run across my jaw line. They were rough and calloused but left my skin tingling.

After cleaning off the blood Joonas went to grab an antiseptic wipe to clean the actual cut. "Joonas. I can do this myself. I'm a big girl." I grabbed his arm saying. "Will you just shut up and let me clean your cut." He shot down my opportunity to clean my own cut. As he was about to clean it, I felt his hand come between my knees and slightly push them apart. I took that as sign to let him get easier access and spread them even wider so he was in between my knees. Then his hand travelled up from my knee to my upper thigh where my hand was. I felt him intertwine our fingers and gently squeeze my hand. "What's this for?" I asked him gently, motioning towards his hand in mine. "Because this part's gonna sting doll face. Sorry my hands are so rough. It's what happens when you play guitar for most of your life." he replied even softer. I liked this side of him, the nurturing side. He started dabbing at my forehead with the antiseptic wipe and I gasped and sucked on my lip. He gave my hand a small squeeze and I squeezed his hand longer and harder as he continued cleaning.

He finished cleaning and let go of my hand. I looked up at him and we made eye contact. We stayed there for a second until he broke it. "Um let me find you a bandaid." he said clearing his throat. "Oh yea, that sounds great." I replied very flustered. He started looking through the drawers with no luck. Suddenly he opened a drawer and said "oh no." "What is it?" I asked him curious. "Um there's a slight problem. The only bandaids we have are Cars themed." he said wringing his hands. "Like the vehicle?" I said laughing. "No like the movie. Lightning McQueen and Mater." he replied slightly laughing. I looked at him and started laughing too. "Why the fuck do you only have Cars themed bandaids?" I asked him in between laughs. "Mort I have no idea. It was probably something we did when we were drunk." He said laughing as well.

After we finished laughing we picked out one of them. I picked out a red one that said 'Lightning McQueen' on it and had a picture of the car. After putting it on we walked out. "Hey boys. Do you guys like my new accessory?" I asked the boys pretending to be a model and posing. "Oh my goodness Tish I'm afraid you're going to have to leave before we all fall in love with you." Aleksi said laughing. I laughed and plopped on the couch he was sitting on. The other boys agreed with him. "Mort. Aleksi can be your King Julian." Niko said referring to us sitting so close together. "Oh my. Aleksi would you do me the honor of being my King Julian." I asked him jokingly. "Of course I would love to Mort." he gasped. Next thing I knew Aleksi stood up and walked to his computer. He started playing 'I Like To Move It' from the Madagascar movies and danced along with it. Joonas quickly whipped out his phone and started recording him dancing. The next minute I got a notification saying "@joonasbc tagged you in their story".

I don't know what the fuck the universe did to lead me here. But I'm not complaining. These boys are so welcoming even though I met them yesterday and immediately thought of them as self centred obnoxious assholes. My first impression was severely off. Here I was, watching Aleksi dance to 'I Like To Move It' and Olli joining in. Niko, Tommi, and Joel singing along and Joonas videotaping.

I took a video of the boys and then flipped the camera on me to show off my 'Lightning McQueen' bandaid. I captioned the video "Kachow" and tagged the boys, adding it to my Instagram story. At that moment all of the boys looked at their phones and started laughing at the video. For the last verse of the song I decided to join the boys.

"You like to move it"

HEY GUYS AHAHAHA. sorry this took so long i've had it rough. i just wanna say stream balboa on friday or else i will die and haunt you. also #rossisupremacy because my cat is cooler than me 😐😼

also rn i'm thinking about how my old school got a fucking johnny sins cameo for the boys swim team.

anyways have a good day i guess 😐😐

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